Rachel Dolezal faces felony charges

| May 25, 2018

Rachel Dolezal, the woman who pretended to be a Black woman is now looking at felony charges for welfare fraud, perjury and false verification for public assistance according to Fox News;

The charges against Dolezal, who changed her name to Nkechi Diallo in October 2016, were first reported by KHQ-TV.

According to court documents, investigators with Washington state’s Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) started looking into Dolezal’s finances in March 2017 after the publication of her autobiography, “In Full Color: Finding My Place in a Black and White World.”

DSHS investigator Kyle Bunge said Dolezal had claimed that “her only source of income was $300.00 per month in gifts from friends.” However, the department found that she had deposited nearly $84,000 in her bank account between August 2015 and September 2017 without reporting it.

She still claims to be black, despite the fact that both of her parents are of European extraction;

“People didn’t seem able to consider that maybe both were true,” she said at the time. “OK, I was born to white parents, but maybe I had an authentic black identity.”

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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A scammer trying to scam the system… how long until she plays the race card and tells the world that “DA MAN” is keeping her down?


Race card coming soon. Here’s her primer.



That is a REALLY cool video!!!!

Daisy Cutter

Was it a parody or were they serious?


I love it when a plan comes together. – Hannibal Lechter

I did wonder how long it would take. Wasn’t as long as I thought it would be. I do not believe she is delusional. It appears she still thinks she can get away with it.


Errr … Ltc. Hannibal Smith.

Hannibal Lecter was the cannibal in “Silence of the Lambs.”

Commissioner Wretched

True, but Dr. Lecter also loved it when a plan came together. He just had a different plan in mind.


And Lecter’s plans sometimes included fava beans and a nice chianti.


I thought Smith was a full bird, but I am getting older.


Me too … older. According to Prof. Wiki, we both are correct:

He fought in both the Korean and Vietnam Wars, serving in the 5th Special Forces Group in Vietnam, and is a Medal of Honor recipient. His rank is inconsistent: throughout the first four seasons, he is referred to as possessing the rank of lieutenant colonel, though in keeping with US Army tradition, he is most often referred to simply as “Colonel”. In the fifth-season episodes “Trial by Fire” and “Firing Line”, however, he is wearing the eagle insignia of a full colonel.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

The A Team-I love it when a plan comes together Hannibal.(George Peppard)


Lecter had a plan, too, y’know. It involved fava beans and a nice Chianti.

OK, I couldn’t remember which Hannibal was which so I went with the one that popped into my head.


You must have posted this comment just as I started drafting mine above. (smile)


And here I thought it came from an old cop show. Can’t remember the name, of course.


All she has to do to get out of this jam is apply some of her white privilege. Isn’t that how that works?


Only works if you are a “white, CIS gender, Christian Male”….or something like that


OK, so she gets a haircut, wipes off her tan, picks up a bible and a girlfriend, proclaims to the world “I am a white, CIS gender, Christian male”, and just as sure as God made little green apples, her white privilege kicks into overdrive and all her problems are solved.


That is one disturbed person.


Beyond disturbed, totally in denial of the reality of the situation she is now in.
She has spent her whole life hating herself, her family and everything that her family, America and all us white folks stand for.
This is what happens when you follow the libidiot line of thinking to it’s end.
Nothing short of jail for a couple of years will impose any kind of reality awakening to her.
Real blacks in prison probably won’t allow her into the clique, whites will also shun her so she will be left pretty much alone unless someone decides to treat her as a prison bitch…

Which would be a fitting punishment for her extended spasm of stupidity…

A Proud Infidel®™️

Not only is liberalism a mental disorder all by itself, it appears that it exacerbates other disorders.


She needs professional help, and soon.

Forest Green

Unless you mean getting tricked out in prison Sasquatch Sally, Dorita Dingle and Ho Mi Nau; she’s beyond it.


Color me shocked!

Hack Stone

I see what you did there. Well played, sir. Well played.


Stolen Valor get the torches and pitchforks!


And some White Russians


But but but collusion… Trump… stolen election…


Now she can get in touch with her ‘Roots’ while in Hotel Greybar.
I wonder if she will be well received by her ‘Bloods’


Welfare Fraud…..colour me shocked

Daisy Cutter

She’ll have to prove her worth on her first day by shanking someone in the shower. Then, she’ll fit right in.


If jail does not work out for her, there’s always a chance to become a teacher in Seattle or maybe a professor at Evergreen University.


I don’t think so… they are letting staff go because of declining enrollment:


A Proud Infidel®™️

She could make fake claims of American Indian Ancestry and become a Senator from the PRoMA!


“but maybe I had an authentic black identity.”

Oh for fucks sake! Get real and think right. How about “maybe you have an authentic identity as a loser, piece of shit, welfare bum”. Nothing says “Hey I’m Black” more than welfare fraud, so I’m sure all the blacks appreciate your furthering the stereotype.


IIRC, back in the golden olden days people who self-identified as Napoleon, or someone else they obviously were not, ended up in the loony bin. The mind readers (psychiatrists) call it delusional thinking.

Perry Gaskill

Nkechi done got nkaughti, dawg…

Commissioner Wretched

Dear Ms. Dolezal (or whatever made-up African-sounding name you’re calling yourself these days):

Get help. Now.

You are not – and never have been – a black woman. Nor is it within the realm of possibility for you to become a black woman.

There is no fact, extrapolation from fact, or theory that would make it possible. Therefore, it is impossible.

Grow the fuck up and get over yourself.


Commissioner Wretched


Her false race delusion is as valid as her claiming she is a large green frog.


So what if she is one of us? (ribbit, ribbit…)


It’s not easy…Being green…..


you men..? she is not a large green frog?


Quick, pull out the race card. That will get you off.


I dub thee

Snow X


Don’t they already call Shaun King that?


He is known derisively as “Talcum X.”


As well as Martin Luther Cream.


Haven’t heard that one….and now I need a new keyboard. Thanks.


She and Talcum X should get together and spawn a whole litter of fake “black” kids and give them goofy African sounding made up names.

2/17 Air Cav

Don’t start on the names, A-A-Ron, or I will send you to O-shag-hen-a-see’s office!


If they had identical twin daughters, they could call them Monique and Unique…

2/17 Air Cav

But pronounced Mon-A-Que and You-Na-Que.


What about her other son, Ma’le, and her other daughter, Fema’le?

A Proud Infidel®™️

Not to mention her brothers Lemonjello and Orangejello along with her sister Cherryjello. What’s next, will she change her name to say, Shameeka Tyreesh?


Shit was hilarious when I was on recruiting duty. Had one HS list that had a legit 10-12 girls named “Uniquea”. I laughed my ass off and no one saw the irony in it……

Hack Stone

This video never gets old.


Or Le-A and No-A. (Dat be’s Lee Dash-A and No Dash-A).

USMCMSgt (Ret)

How about the name pronounced Shith-eed?… except for the actual spelling of Shith’ead


I watched a documentary about her on Net flix. Pretty sad person all around. Left me feeling really amazed. Found myself shaking my head. A. Lot.

Green Thumb

I heard the only job offers she has had were Pron and reality TV.

2/17 Air Cav

The pron job was clean-up girl. Those sets can get messy.


So theoretically speaking… if she did a solo pr0n scene, would it be considered interracial?


Solo: a Star Whores Story


I heard that poor Rachel couldn’t even get a job as a fluffer.

Guard Bum

Butt ugly in two different races….gal has talent.


She’s a pathetic lost person who has an entire deck of self-identifying, feel-my-pain cards, able to play any one at the drop of a hat. Now she has destroyed herself with little chance of emerging whole from this fiasco. Know what? After her ridiculous antics from a few years ago in which she trashed her accusers, I don’t much care what happens to her. Well, bye, bitch. You brought this on yourself.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Shows what you get when white guilt propaganda gets pushed into kid’s heads in publik shcoolz!



If she see’s that, she may identify as a world class banjo player.

Hack Stone

Another appropriate video, though the audio sucks.

charles w

Bean pie my brotha…..
Love that the show in the background is the Brady Bunch.


I watched this flick at FLW 1989 while in processing. We had an EO class before hand and I almost died trying to hold in the laughter that I had learned was wrong.


Great movie.

Like Steve Martin’s character, she’s also a Jerk!


This “transracial” man, born Caucasian, say he feels he is a Filipino (he also is Transexual and plans to change his gender):



A P…thanks so much for this story link. It opens up my world in such a new logic. For years I have felt like I was a male Peruvian midget, and at the same time felt like I was a female Okinawan prostitute. Struggled so many years trying how to hump myself in the booty. Went to bed many nights trying to figure out a way to get both identities to meet in the middle. Think I’ll just finally get a job as a multi nationality drag queen in Tijuana. My stage name will be Half N Half.


“female Okinawan prostitute”…Gee, i might have met you….once…..
*Waves* “HI B.C. Street!!!


Chip….are you the one who gave me a bad check?


Okinawan prostitutes take checks? Shit, that’s news to me.

Don’t forget that B.C. Street didn’t really stand for “Business Center”, it really stood for “Bring. Cash.”


Sometimes I feel like a 21 year-old Tilted Kilt waitress but MRS D won’t let me have one.


I like this guy in the UK.


He is clearly trolling them, but they’re so far up their own asses they have to let him proceed or look like bigger idiots than they are.


She can use a cellmate. Wonder if Elizabeth Warren is available?


How about H. Wideload Clinton?


You mean, the HRC that was moments away from enlisting in the Corps? The same HRC who dodged sniper fire in Bosnia?


“The same HRC who dodged sniper fire in Bosnia?”..

A short video Classic (that never gets old) about HRC and sniper fire:😉


2/17 Air Cav

Bee a while since I last saw that. I forgot about her shooting the terrorist hiding under a tank. What a scream. What a gal!


She did claim to be married to the First Black President. There is probably room in the cell for three. Interesting how they all committed fraud.

But… who gets top bunk?

Hack Stone

Word on the street is that National Association of Naval Photographers made her an Honorary African American Woman.

A Proud Infidel®™

No shit? I heard she said Elaine Ricci was one of her role models as well.


charles w

You never get over Macho Grande.

Keepin' It Real

She’s a victim. She is suffering from dissociative identity disorder.

Old 1SG, US Army (retired)

She needs to read the book “Black Like Me” by John Howard Griffin. Might help her “pass.”

Actually it’s an interesting book (on the reading list at my high school back in the ’70s. Written in the early ’60s, it’s a true story about the author who is white and transforms his appearance to black. He uses medication and sunlamps to darken his skin and treks around the south for a couple of months.

BTW, this woman is a crook, nutjob, and needs some time in jail… she can identify as anything she wants to there… orange is the new black!

Black Like Me.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Maybe she was trying to emulate the movie “Soul Man”?


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Hack Stone

They gave Rachel Dolezal a $10 bill, but it turned out to be fake.
