North Korea plans nuke dismantling event

| May 12, 2018

The Associated Press reports that North Korea plans to ceremoniously dismantle their nuclear weapons later this month;

Kim had revealed plans to shut down the country’s northeastern testing ground by the end of May during his summit with South Korean President Moon Jae-in last month. Analysts say the closure of the site is mostly symbolic and doesn’t represent a material step toward denuclearization.

In a statement carried by state media, North Korea’s Foreign Ministry said that all of the tunnels at the site will be destroyed by explosion, and that observation and research facilities and ground-based guard units also will be removed.

The North plans to invite journalists from the U.S., South Korea, China, Russia and Britain to inspect the process, the statement said.

More than two decades ago, Jimmy Carter went to Korea and enabled the hermit regime to continue their nuclear program in secret while we paid them. Just last year, Carter wrote in the Washington Post;

Until now, severe economic sanctions have not prevented North Korea from developing a formidable and dedicated military force, including long-range nuclear missiles, utilizing a surprising level of scientific and technological capability. There is no remaining chance that it will agree to a total denuclearization, as it has seen what happened in a denuclearized Libya and assessed the doubtful status of U.S. adherence to the Iran nuclear agreement.

Wrong again, Peanut Boy.

Just a few weeks ago the media and Democrats in congress were wringing their hands worried over a nuclear war with North Korea.

Fingers crossed for success this time around.

Category: Jimmy Carter, North Korea

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He’s actually right, just in the wrong way. Severe economic sanctions themselves didn’t work well, and likely would have led to the North attacking the South in an act of desperation. But when coupled with the threat of real military force, something no US President has seriously considered up to now, that seems to have turned the tide.

Fingers crossed indeed.


That slimey turd is not shutting down because of talks or pressure..he is shutting down because his test site (underground) is caving in!! He probably already has another site started on! imho


Wow. Barry abd Hillary made this happen. /sarc…of course.


IMO, this is just a side show, he ain’t giving up jack.. Reports of seismic event point to a mishap at his underground nuclear testing facility. It is believed that facility is no longer usable and would have had to be enclosed anyway – so putting on a show and trying to bank on it would be right in step with rocket man’s mentality. This is nothing more than buying time while their next secret facility can be built. Anyone watching shipments from china for digging equipment?

The Other Whitey

True, but Kim has been caving like never before lately. Why? Because, as batshit-psycho as NDtBF is, he recognizes that Trump is not a “business as usual” kind of guy who just wants to keep the status quo. Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc. made it clear that they didn’t want conflict in Korea, so the Kims took advantage and blackmailed all they could. Trump is a guy who responds to threats with, “You wanna go, motherfucker? Okay then, let’s go!”

The boy-king of Norkland has gotten used to playing chicken with opponents who don’t want to commit. Now that he’s run up against somebody who doesn’t blink, he’s scared.


They were testing nukes under a mountain. How feeling hard would it be to put another mineshaft under another mountain?

How many played-out mines do they already have to re-use.

-we- had all sorts of partial collapses in our Nevada site. Did that -ever- stop -us-?

The Other Whitey

Kim should never, ever be trusted, but it’s nice to see his punk ass running scared.


I suspect a large-ish carrot may be involved.


Good news indeed. Shows what can happen when a real negotiator is in charge.

Our Negotiator-In-Chief has made it clear that it’s not over, and that there will be plenty of opportunites to pull the plug all along the way.

Sure, it is likely that he is doing much of this for show, and it is more symbolic than substantive, but who cares? Let the little guy save a bit of face and feel like he is getting something over on us. He’s continuing to negotiate – something no one has managed to acccomplish before.

Yep, winning feels great, thank you very much.

Club Manager, USA ret.

According to something related to a source in China a few weeks ago, the reason NK is moving away from their nuc program is the mountain over it collapsed from all of the testing. A few months before that I read a concern expressed by a geologist that may happen. A mountain near the border with China. Having the mountain fall in on your labs would tend to deter progress.


The collapsed mountain is where they test-fired the nukes, not where they built them.

The Norks are -weird-, but not weird enough to fire a nuke in their lab complex.


I read about that too and according to some sources China has finally said “ENOUGH, ALREADY!!” due to the threat of radiation leaking from the Test Site and going over Chinese Soil.


What is Mandarin for “C’mon man!” ?


Yo’ dumbass…
SMACK !!!!!


The left is all over the place with this. Their newest anti trump meme regarding North Korea is they were going to do this all along and their unclear capabilities were destroyed by themselves. Basically President Trump is just the luckiest president and nothing he does matters or should be credited to him. From Obama’s shadow economy to Obama’s shadow foreign policy. All credit goes to Obama. 😂


This coming from the same people who seem to think that talking about a problem has greater importance than actually doing something to solve the problem. It would be terribly confusing for them to accept that this guy is capable of both talking and doing.

Ya gotta wonder what might happen if some of them ever realize that much of diplomacy is pure luck, with a whole lot of contingency planning.


Diplomacy is the art of saying “Nice doggy” while looking for a big stick.

America found the big stick in November of 2016.

E-6 type, 1 ea

It’s all George Bush’s fault and you’re a racist!

Ohh wait, is that still a thing? I’m confused now.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Let’s see, President Trump just announced the capture of five ISIS kingpins the same week he welcomed five American Citizens home after being freed from captivity in Norkieland, Fatty ‘lil Kim Cheese has caved on his quest for nukes, visited the Free World when he crossed into the ROK, and the left’s response? Hate Trump! I see President Trump winning a landslide victory in 2020.


I suspect that if there even begins to be a polling “here comes the Trump landslide”, we will see Donk cheating and outright hooliganism on a Soviet level.

Not if the house and/or senate are theirs, or just nearly balanced.

But if the “blue wave” turns out to be a “red tide”, with Republican -gains-? Panic time. That means the Judiciary swings solidly Republican in the long run, and even in the short run in many places. 2-3 Supreme court picks like Gorsuch by Trump, and the next 50 years goes in the books as the “Purge of Progressivism”.

Also panic time because any further tilt to the Republican side means a -likelihood- of prosecutions for misdeeds. The “Deep State” especially is then “fair game”. They might even forsee impeachments of past bad actors if things go far enough. (Bad precedent – would tend to make ny in-power bad-actors prone to ensuring no further elections.)

Working against the potential of such things, is the die-hard Republican Party habit of acting like their job is to protect and elect Democrats. (Dole. YGBFSM!) There is going to be a significant RINO effort to -prevent- a Trump second term.

Rino example: McCain saying he should have picked Lieberman over Palin. I still see the occasional McCain/Palin bumper sticker where “McCain” has been removed or covered. I have -never- seen the reverse. Not once. Ever.

Look for a Republican primary challenge as a “unity” ticket. RINO+DINO.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Funny you mention Bob Dole, I went to one of his campaign rallies when he ran against “Blowjob Willie” and it was about as exciting, energetic and animated as wet toilet paper.


If I remember correctly a few years back when little dick nork dork was rattling his cage someone asked an oblowme representative what he was going to do about his actions and chasing nuclear weapons.
The reply from the oclown was, “Well, what do you mean, oblowme gave a speech on that a month ago”.


If they dismantle their -nukes-, that is -epic- win for DJT.

There may even be a reduction in forces deal.

And -that- lets those forces move elsewhere, to good use.

Like maybe somewhere bordering Iran? Or the US southwest border?



I want to see the signed document ending the Korean War. Anything less is bullshit.


Bill O’Reilly had a great take on this. Trump leaned on the Chinese with trade sanctions in the offing if they didn’t reign in Rocket Boy. The Chi-Com’s know they can’t lose the US as a trading partner so got Fatty Mc’Dildo in a room and told him to either play ball or he and his family were going to sleep with the fishes. Fatty having already destroyed the mountain test facility caved. What we are witnessing is what happens when America doesn’t have a beta male president who apologizes and pays off the world because America sucks.


Yup. Trump threatened China and it worked. The Chinese summoned rocket man and he was told the gig was up. It’s that simple.


There is a carrot in there somewhere. He needs an economic patron or his society collapses, and he goes to the wall.

There -has- to be more to this than just “or else”. Trump understands that deals have to at least appear workable.

China or ROK “buy” DPRK coal and minerals.

USA “buys” the nukes and related stuff.

Long shot bet – KJU retires, skips, and lives in gold-plated exile for life at a Trump resort. Rodman facilitates / is temp “bunkie”.


Those muffled booms you hear across America is the sound of libidiot heads exploding across the “Fruited Plain” !!!

A Proud Infidel®™️

I love hearing that, it sounds like Victory.


Trumps 2020 reelection will generate a scene like the one in “Kingsman”, where the heroes triggered the in-head “safety” chips everywhere.