Trump withdraws from Iran agreement

| May 9, 2018

President Trump decided to withdraw from the 2015 agreement with Iran yesterday, meaning that US sanctions against Iran may be restored in 180 days. According to the Associated Press, members of the parliament burned a US flag in their chamber while declaring “Death to America”. I’m pretty sure that members of the Iranian parliament declared “Death to American” when the agreement was signed, too.

In comments before school teachers, Khamenei told Trump: “You cannot do a damn thing!” The exhortation from Khamenei, who has final say on all state matters, follows a pattern of Iranian leaders declaring their nation’s ability to resist foreign pressure or interference.

Khamenei described Trump’s speech as having “over 10 lies,” without elaborating on them. He also said Trump’s remarks threatened both Iran’s people and its theocratic government.

Yahoo News reports that former president Obama and losing presidential candidate John Kerry join the mullahs expressing disappointment with the Trump Administration;

Stressing that policy “debates in our country should be informed by facts,” Obama detailed six “facts,” noting that the agreement was reached after building an international coalition that included the United Kingdom, France, Germany, the European Union, Russia, China, and Iran; it has succeeded in “rolling back Iran’s nuclear program”; the deal is “strictly monitored” by international watchdogs; Iran is in compliance with the agreement; the agreement never expires; and the deal “was never intended to solve all of our problems with Iran.”

“We were clear-eyed that Iran engages in destabilizing behavior — including support for terrorism, and threats toward Israel and its neighbors,” Obama said. “But that’s precisely why it was so important that we prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.”

So, the deal with Iran wasn’t intended to solve all of our problems with them – including allowing Iran to keep our citizens locked up in their prisons while sending pallets of cash with which they can finance their proxy wars in Yemen and Lebanon.

And, lest we forget;

Category: Terror War

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About frikin time!


“According to the Associated Press, members of the parliament burned a US flag in their chamber while declaring “Death to America.””

So, it was just another Tuesday with the Mullahs in other words.


Exactly my first thought QMC. But according to the much more informed and intelligent left /sarc they don’t really “mean” it.


It is so freaking nice to have adults running DC again vice naive children.

BlueCord Dad

The former CinC and his Lurch lookin’ pal can go fuck a 🌵 We’ve been at war with these asshats since ‘79. Fuck them.




Please remember Valarie Jarrett is an Iranian and was in reality, the Power behind the girlie-boy. No one can identify one foreign affairs act of the USA from ’08 to ’17, that did not aid Iran. Traitors all.


A lib acquaintance posted on FB: “Knew he would do it but you voted for him anyway.” I don’t think he understands. I’ll get him some Prep H.








Thank you for your service J.R. In our veterans group Desert Veterans of Wisconsin I see first hand the sacrifices made by our young people for this country. Wish more people would appreciate them. God speed.


War comes with a detestable price. Peace needs to keep that in mind. No matter how you cut it this ‘deal’ was a smoldering peace that would have led to bright flashes of light over the legitimate state of Israel.
The Iranian government was then, and is now a terror organization. Period. Full stop.


I love it when lib friends condemn this action by Trump, then stammer and fail when I ask them to tell me ONE benefit the agreement had for the American people.

Heather Wahlquist

Hi Jay I’m a lib but only b/c I prefer our Government to stay away from everyones personal lives and also, to be knowledgeable and strong about the world, etc..I have no idea why people are upset about pulling out of the Iran deal, yet I think the majority of us feel that if a person who knows nothing about governments, decides anything at all, esp about psycho countries like Iran, fear sets in Will you explain why it was a good idea to pull out of Iran deal?

The Other Whitey

Hey, Heather, would you not agree that what kind of guns and how many I own (if I own any) is my business and not the government’s? How about what I choose to teach my children regarding gender and/or sexuality? How about what choices I make regarding my healthcare? How about whether or not my money is put towards thing I find morally objectionable? The liberal end of the spectrum seems to think the government should have its meathooks in all those things. I’m a conservative Christian, specifically Catholic. I really don’t care who or what you like to fuck, provided it/they are consenting adults. However, I do think that your failure to exercise personal responsibility and discipline doesn’t grant you the right to end a child’s life. I especially can’t wrap my head around how someone can be okay with killing a child for sake of convenience but have a moral objection to executing a murderer. But enough about that. I’m really getting tired of hearing how Hillary Clinton was “qualified” to be President. That bitch is obscenely corrupt and barely bothers trying to hide it. She flaunts felonies that would put the rest of us in (or under) federal prison. She has used every office she and her rapey creep of a husband have ever held solely to enrich herself. Her nomination by the DNC was an advertisement of that party’s corruption (Comrade Sanders is also a two-faced hypocritical disaster, but still). She is the very definition of “establishment politician,” and embodies everything that is wrong with DC. And all this came on the heels of eight years of Obama’s halfassed attempts at dictatorship via blatant lies and executive fiat, including the “Iran Deal,” which was a Chamberlainesque appeasement to kick the can down the road, was misrepresented by the Obama administration, and was never a legal congressionally-approved treaty anyway, and so wasn’t binding. How could anyone in their right mind want four more years of that? Like so many who picked the winner in 2016, I didn’t vote *for* Trump, I voted *against* Clinton. When are you… Read more »


Are we still sending money to those people? I thought that was over and done.

Well, I’m sure the ayatollahs are disappointed but we have other, more appropriate ways to spend our cash than blackmail, don’t we?


Whatever happened to rag head Ahmadinejad?
I wanna see him torn apart by an angry mob of students. Fitting end to the “revolution”

2/17 Air Cav

The ‘deal’ was not in the form of a treaty in order to bypass Congress, which would not have approved it. Recall, the drawer of imaginary red lines had a phone and a pen. Phuk him, that moron Biden, that POS Kerry, and not least of all Wide Load. Strike up the band!


Nicely done, 2/17. That about says it all. Covered everyone that needed a phuk you, except maybe Ben Rhodes, so let me add a Phuk You, Ben.


Don’t any of those idiots even vaguely realize that they’d be executed ahead of anyone else?

Perry Gaskill

Something interesting about this story is that the news media seems to be reporting on the rejection of the treaty as if it’s a bolt from the blue. More Trump craziness, goes the spin, and trot out some quotes from Obama and Kerry. In fact, President Trump is doing what he said he was going to do when he ran for office. The treaty was a bad deal from the jump.

The fact that the Iranian parliament sets a U.S. flag on fire and chants “Death to America” is also, at least it seems to me, a strong indicator that Trump made exactly the right decision.

The Other Whitey

It wasn’t a legal treaty in the first place, as Congress never ratified it. It was just another executive fiat from the former asshole-in-chief, thus there was never any obligation whatsoever to keep it going, especially considering the Iranians (to the surprise of absolutely nobody) weren’t holding up their end anyway.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

TOW, Exactly what was mentioned on my one and only WFTL 850AM Florida radio show yesterday and this morning. A liberal friend at the pool yesterday made a comment about the POTUS getting us in trouble with the Iranian nuke withdrawal. Again the Der obama Reichtstad Lame street media won’t tell their sheep peeps that it was an illegal deal Der obama pulled.

Heather Wahlquist

Instead of blue
and on a street,
You sit in a den,
and drool from a seat.
We know what you mean, but
you’re the same when you speak.
The Impotent words
of undeadly assassins
Your Dur or their Dump
To us yur’all a**es.



If the Iranian mullahs are for it, we should be against it.

Why do some people want to appease our enemies and give them what they want? It has never worked throughout history, what kind of arrogance thinks it’ll work for you?

The Other Whitey

That’s what happens when the regime in charge is openly anti-American and has been for decades, and I ain’t talking about the one in Tehran.


Arrogance, egomania and an imagined dynastic succession.


I totally disagree.
I truly believe, in my heart of hearts that Iran should have nukes.

I believe the US and Israel may have one or two they can have.

BlueCord Dad

Maybe Maj. Kong could deliver it😎


-MAJ Kong


I always thought that Jimmuh the Clueless missed out on a great nukes-for-hostages deal.

At the time, the Iranians held 51 hostages. We had about the same number of Titan-II missile systems we were about to retire.

Seems to me we should have sent one of those Titan-IIs to Iran – via ballistic express – with impact near the western edge of the Dasht-e Kavir (or some other unpopulated desert area in Iran) as a demo. Then we should have politely informed Khomeini and crew that we’d deliver the others, one daily, to major Iranian cities until all of our hostages had been returned.

Yeah, that would probably have been overkill – but given what’s happened since we let Iran get away with that crap, maybe not. But overkill was kinda the whole point of the Titan-II’s 9MT W53 warhead.

The Other Whitey

The ex-Glorious Leader Obama and John “I was only in Vietnam for 2 weeks so I made up a bunch of stuff” Kerry can fuck eachother for all I care.


Iran’s leaders are worried so they resort to their typical flag burning spectacles hoping to rally the troops against the Great Satan. More sanctions could bite really hard and rile up the populace again. Maybe enough to actually threaten the government. Look for them to start crap in the Persian Gulf or elsewhere to challenge Trump. Obama is pissed because another of his “accomplishments” has gone up in flames. And why in the hell is anyone even listening to Kerry? He should hop on his pink bicycle and ride off into the sunset for good.


But, think of the children!

A Proud Infidel®™

Another day of President Donald J. Trump in Office and another legion of liberal heads explode, life is good and to hell with President Trump’s predecessor as well as his minions!!!


Dear Iran,
Fuck you.
The Donald


Bomb! Bomb! Bomb!
Bomb! Bomb, Iran!

Bomb! Bomb! Bomb!
Bomb! Bomb, Iran!

Bomb I-ra-a-an!
Take a sta-a-and!
Bomb I-ra-a-an!

Our country has a feeling,
really hit the ceiling!
Bomb Iran!

I love classic music!


Former Golfer in Chief Urkel and his girlie bike riding Secretary of State Lurch can go eat a bag of dicks with what they think. You two ass clowns out and out LIED about this joke of a “deal”, then acted like Neville Chamberlain after Munich. Too bad those who came after you have had to spend so much time cleaning up your messes. Between Lurch and the former head of the Choom Gang there’s maybe a half a functioning brain, no damn wonder the goat fuckers pulled the wool over their eyes. The ragheads are pissed that the grown ups are starting to crack down on them again. Hope you had fun Ayatollah da Assaholah, because it’s coming to an end. AGAIN.


Fox Business News is reporting on the biggest potential losers when the sanctions on Iran go into effect. Boeing The Treasury Department said that after a 90-day wind-down period, which ends Aug. 6, it would revoke authorization to export commercial passenger aircraft and related parts and services to Iran. In April 2017, Boeing signed a $3 billion deal to sell 30 jetliners to Iran. That was in addition to a previous deal, valued at nearly $17 billion. In reaction to Trump’s announcement on Tuesday, Boeing said that it would work with the government regarding the future of its deal. “Following today’s announcement, we will consult with the U.S. government on next steps,” Gordon Johndroe, Boeing’s vice president of government operations communications, said in a statement. “As we have throughout this process, we’ll continue to follow the U.S. government’s lead.” Airbus European aerospace manufacturer Airbus makes 10% of its aircraft parts in the U.S. and is therefore subject to the U.S. policy changes. Airbus has a deal to sell 100 aircraft to IranAir. In a statement on Tuesday, Airbus said it would make future decisions in full compliance with the reinstated sanctions. “We’re carefully analyzing the announcement and will be evaluating next steps consistent with our internal policies and in full compliance with sanctions and export control regulations,” Airbus said. General Electric Non -U.S. affiliates of General Electric’s oil and gas business received orders from Iran in the first quarter of 2018 for valves and parts for machinery and equipment used in gas plants, according to regulatory filings. In a statement, GE said it would amend its plans if necessary to comply with U.S. government policy. “We are reviewing the President’s decision and will adapt our activities as necessary to conform with these changes in U.S. law,” the company said. “GE’s activities in Iran to date have been limited and in compliance with U.S. government rules, licenses and policies.” Volkswagen Last year, German automaker Volkswagen began exporting vehicles to Iran for the first time in nearly two decades. The company said it would monitor developments closely. “Volkswagen began exporting vehicles to… Read more »


And there in is the whole reason for this “deal”. Allow Iran to continue to oppress their people, finance terrorism, and covertly develop nukes for “peaceful purposes” so that some multinational companies can turn a profit. And so ineffective “leaders” can claim to have created a legacy of lasting peace.


And give them a huge cash windfall to buy their new toys with- mostly at taxpayer’s expense.

No sympathy for conducting business with the world’s purveyor of terrorism- lie down with the dogs and wake up with the fleas.


What you posted is the entire reason that deal was rushed thorugh and is defended so heavily by Europeans. Money, pure and simple and they don’t care how many innocent people are killed by the mad mullahs.


Hey Jonn can you post some of the pictures I have from over there
A few are bad ass too


I hate to point this out but that “deal” was just an agreement by Obama and his magic pen. Congress refused to go along with his capitulation and payoff to the mullahs so he waved his pen and did it anyways. The deal was never signed in Iran. In fact, the parliament or whatever you want to call those goatfuckers were told not to sign or approve anything so they were not legally binded on any agreement.
It’s not worth a thing. King Man Child is seeing what ruling by fiat ends up like. This is a Representative Republic not a Kingdom.
Just when is that Kerry shithead going to be charged with violating the Logan Act?