Alvin Anthony Boone; phony SEAL
Our partners at Military Phonies send us their work on this Alvin “Double A” Boone fellow. He’s been claiming to be a Navy SEAL for decades;
From Military Phonies;
The records show that Boone did go to Coronado in 1986 to attend BUD/S training. With that information, we contacted past instructors that were there at the time. He is remembered for being there but did not make it through training. He would have classed up with class 140 which would have been a hell of a guess for the training announcement for the class he was teaching. On his resume, he stated he “attended BUD/S.” That’s not really a lie but at the end of the day, most people don’t list schools that they failed on a resume – since it is implied that they are accomplishments.
After all, if someone lists that they attended law school one would reasonably expect them to be a lawyer. If someone lists that they attended medical school we would, in turn, expect them to be a doctor. Stated another way – there is a reasonable expectation that they completed the training.
The SCRA is added to clarify for the FOIA.
Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures
Bet he never even got to shoot the Drager. 🙂
He heard the recoil was so extreme it would result in a frothy mouth.
Caustic Cocktails are…DELICIOUS!
How often does that occur Mr. Sharkman?
Suppressed or not suppressed Drager?
wtf with the dates of service on the FOIA?
Typo. Should read 1983 – 1987
Yes… here is confirmation from MP.
“Double A” ?
Is that anything like “Upgrayedd” ?
But in Alvin Anthony Boones case, the AA stands for a double dose of the Assholiness.
+1 for the movie reference!
I thought dive school is in Panama City with a prep in Great Lakes…?
yes. fucking *love* that movie. increasingly more relevant, daily.
NDSTC is in PC. But those aren’t the only Dive schools…dunno if MDSU1 and 2 still operate, but there are also MTTs and BUDS conducts its own dive training.
“Anal Avenger”? Maybe it’s his stage name at Brucies?
I thought Double A was his bra size….
No shame in saying Hey, I gave it my best shot didn’t make it in BUD/S he had more stones than I would have to even attempt it. Using a lawyers dodge to imply that you in fact graduated is just not cool. I failed two PT tests the first time I went to PLDC. The only two I ever failed in the Army. The released me but in all fairness they grades those sit-ups hard sometimes someone would ask me you been to PLDC. I’d tell them yes and no. Yes I went but no I failed the PT tests. It always hurt a bit to say it but the truth is the truth. I passed my second attempt in Korea. But that’s just NCOES. Nowhere near as hard as BUD/S. Where there is ahigh attrition rate. But if your intent is to deceive folks and pad that resume then that’s just wrong. How bad to you have to feel about yourself to do that ?
I had to google PLDC.
It is friggin WLC!
Easiest school I have ever been to.
PLDC in 2002. WLC in 2006. Called BLC now. I’m glad you passed it. I didn’t the first go round. Point is I got back in the saddle and did it. Btw it was just the PT test. The rest was good
“Just the PT test” is still a failure.
I have never failed a PT test. I don’t even know how to.
The crime would not to fail it. The crime would have been not to ever try again. If you think that life can be gotten through without faliure, heartbreak and setback. I don’t know what to tell you. You fall down you get back up. I have learned more from failing than anything else. The point is I learn. Wether it’s the Army, being parent or husband. I feel that in trying to do better I am stronger and better for it.
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” ~T. Roosevelt
That’s an awesome quote. Never heard it before , but I’m not gonna forget it. Thanks Brother!
YW 🙂
And yet, of the two of you, who gets the respect here?
Most Army NCO “leadership” courses are a waste of time and effort. BNCOC in 1992 and ANCOC in 2004. Students were far more knowledgeable and experienced than the cadre that had been hiding in the schoolhouse for years when they should have been deploying.
Totally agree SFC D, esp since I think in 04 the Army started the DA select for E5 meaning you just had to have TIS and TIG as an E4 with no adverse actions and you picked up E5 with no school requirement. Meaning guys got pinned , put in leadership positions and deployed with no formal training. They go to school later on with a vast amount of experience so that the school isn’t teaching them really anything new and it became a check the block thing
As for the Air Force courses, my favorite day was when E-7 promotion results were announced and none of the instructors were chosen and 20 or so students were.
ABSOLUTELY!!!! When I went to WLC at least eighty percent of the Students, myself included, had Combat Patches while at least ninety percent of the Instructors had smooth right sleeves.
It was pretty much the same when I went though. I can’t recall anyone in my platoon that didn’t have a combat patch. But plenty of cadre were slick sleeved
Speaking of hiding from deployment. We had the 8th Army CSM visit us at WLC and give a talk. He said that AIP which stood for assignment incentive program where you got paid extra if you elected to extend in Korea , for a lot of Soldiers on the peninsula AIP stood for the avoid Iraq program. I knew guys who were doing just that , extending to avoid deployment. To me it was sickening
Yeffy, PLDC used to be a six week affair referred to as “Parade rest Academy” in the early nineties.
?? Never heard of a 6 week PLDC. Maybe a local thing? It was 4 weeks at Fort Lewis in 1989 when I went through.
Those of you that own an RV know that there are two separate tanks of water for waste – gray water and black water.
Gray water is for shower run off and dirty sink water. Black water is for… well, let your imagination guide you.
Double-A was a blackwater diver. ‘Nuff said.
Thanks man, now I got that Doobie Brothers song stuck in my head lol
Sooo he was a scuba diver for Roto-Rooter !
“Attended” is a classic on puffed resumes. Also claiming “Alumni”. All that means is they were enrolled. If you read that someone “attended” medical school and you assume they are Doctors, you are an idiot.
Yup. I “attended” a nationally recognized engineering school, but didn’t graduate.
It appears nowhere on my resume.
If he is misleading about being a SEAL, has anyone checked his claims on being a Raleigh Police Officer for 17 years?
Indedd…his FB page says he’s a
Maybe he is lifeguard like the Hoff from Baywatch? Solving crimes, thwarting terrorists and such?
Thats what being a lifeguard is really about…..right? 😉
Why was it called Baywatch when they were watching the ocean? Someone should sue the producers for misleading the public. I know a lawyer in Fort Myers Florida that will take the case. Oh, never mind.
Remember back when that one lady sue the movie theaters (and won) based on the start time of the movies and all the ads? She said she expected the movie to start when they said and she did not want to pay for ads.
Well, I would like to sue the TV stations for those ads in the corner of the broadcast. It used to be small and stationary, now they are about a third of the screen size and are animated. Especially irritating on documentaries and you can’t see the name and title of the person speaking. I just have to figure out damages – perhaps the potential product I would have bought had I kept watching said show.
“blackwater diver”? He dives into sewage????
Okay. Well, I didn’t see any of that in the Discovery channel’s program about BUD/S, but it could have been edited out. I have seen a couple of wildlife cops go into a pit to help a bear get out, and they both had to get Hepatitis shots afterwards. Don’t know if the bear got them, too, but that was a different story.
If 81 candidates go to BUD/S and only 18 make it through, that’s a less than 20% success rate. It’s very difficult, obviously. So he tried and did not complete it. He at least gave it a shot, didn’t he?
He likely rang the bell after several weeks. Not that there is anything wrong with that. I might have rang the bell at Ranger school, but we didn’t have one; quitting was not an option, just repeated failure or a serious injury was the only way out.
Should be”…have rung,” damned incompetent editor reviewing my word-smithing.
The “attended” business is all dependent upon the purpose of listing what one attended. It is altogether appropriate to list schools attended, but the follow up to that is always, “Degree or Certificate Received? Yes__No__” or some similar question. Sometimes, just being admitted to a particular school is an accomplishment in itself. None of this actually matters in this fellow’s case because Military Phonies has an ad of Boone’s that states that he is a graduate if class 140. I just don’t know why, if all of the SWAT stuff is true, he found it necessary to include bullshit in his history. He doesn’t use the magic word (i.e., SEAL) and 99.99% of the world has no idea what BUD/S is about.
I attended a wedding once but remain single.
I attended a funeral but am not dead.
where is Sea Hunt”s Mike Nelson when we need him.
He had to go back to rehab for his glue sniffing addiction.
I picked a bad week to get exposed as a phony SEAL.
AA = Ack Ack…the sound he makes, when receiving, at the Truck Stop Gloryhole.
Tony the boned.
This loser is probably kicking it with Turd Bolling.
Ass muffin.