Navy’s Newest LPD to be Named in Honor of WWII Medal of Honor Recipient

| May 3, 2018

USS Mcool

The Navy News Service reports that SecNav Richard Spencer has announced the Navy’s newest San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock ship, LPD 29, will be named in honor of Navy veteran and Medal of Honor recipient, Capt. Richard M. McCool Jr.

He was born on 04 January 1922 in Oklahoma. He graduated from high school at the age of 15, and from the University of Oklahoma with a degree in political science.

After the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941, he was accepted into a new Navy ROTC program, and later then was appointed to the Naval Academy. He graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1944 (his class of 1945 graduated a year early).

By June 10, 1945, he was serving as a lieutenant, commanding USS LCS(L)(3)-122, a Landing Craft Support ship. On that day, off the coast of Okinawa Island, McCool helped rescue the survivors of sinking destroyer USS William D. Porter, (DD-579). The next day, his own ship was hit by a Japanese kamikaze. Although he suffered severe burns and shrapnel wounds in the initial explosion, McCool continued to lead his crew in the firefighting and rescue efforts until relief arrived.

He continued to serve in both the Korean and Vietnam Wars. He retired at the rank of Captain in 1974 after a 30-year career. McCool passed of natural causes on 05 March 2008, at the age of 86 in a hospital in Bremerton, Washington.

On 18 December 1945, President Harry S. Truman presented McCool with the Congressional Medal of Honor for his heroism.

Lieutenant McCool’s official Medal of Honor citation reads:

For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty as commanding officer of the USS LCS(L)(3)-122 during operations against enemy Japanese forces in the Ryukyu chain, 10 and 11 June 1945. Sharply vigilant during hostile air raids against Allied ships on radar picket duty off Okinawa on 10 June, Lt. McCool aided materially in evacuating all survivors from a sinking destroyer which had sustained mortal damage under the devastating attacks. When his own craft was attacked simultaneously by 2 of the enemy’s suicide squadron early in the evening of 11 June, he instantly hurled the full power of his gun batteries against the plunging aircraft, shooting down the first and damaging the second before it crashed his station in the conning tower and engulfed the immediate area in a mass of flames. Although suffering from shrapnel wounds and painful burns, he rallied his concussion-shocked crew and initiated vigorous firefighting measures and then proceeded to the rescue of several trapped in a blazing compartment, subsequently carrying 1 man to safety despite the excruciating pain of additional severe burns. Unmindful of all personal danger, he continued his efforts without respite until aid arrived from other ships and he was evacuated. By his staunch leadership, capable direction, and indomitable determination throughout the crisis, Lt. McCool saved the lives of many who otherwise might have perished and contributed materially to the saving of his ship for further combat service. His valiant spirit of self-sacrifice in the face of extreme peril sustains and enhances the highest traditions of the U.S. Naval Service.

The Navy returns to the tradition of naming warships after significant events, places, and most importantly, people. It’s a welcome change from the previous administration’s practices.

Category: Navy

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Nicely done! Good name for a ship. May the seas treat her kindly.

jim h

finally. a boat not named after a social justice warrior. are we getting back to the roots, hopefully?

Carlton G. Long

amen boss


Fuck Yeah!


About time we name ships after heroes again!


Too bad it wasn’t just named McCool.

Ding Ding

‘McCool Arriving’

Not that the following wouldn’t be a fantastic honor to hold as Commanding Officer:

Ding Ding

‘Richard McCool Arriving’

Anyone know if fallen Astronaut and former F-14 driver Willie McCool was related?


Oh, for some reason I thought he was a Fighter guy. But, proud as hell that was an Attack guy.


Dick McCool. Now THERE is a MANLY name!


At long last, we’re finally getting back to naming U.S. Navy warships after people who genuinely deserve it.



I’ve said it before, and I’ll repeat it:

It is nice to have adults in charge once again.

Roger in Republic

The last administration would have named it The Stonewall Inn or some such ridiculous thing.


Wonder if he is any relation to Tiger Man McCool… and if anyone here will catch the reference without Google cheating.


I guess that makes me the winner.



Kudos…. my wife HATES the stanza about his wife…. too, she hates Charlie Robison’s “Best That I Can Do” for some reason.


Rest in peace, Shel Silverstein – a true American Original. Gone nearly two decades now.

If the name doesn’t ring a bell . . . do yourself a favor and Google him, then read some of his work. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.


I wonder if they could rechristen the USS FAT BASTARD to someone who deserves it.


At least Medgar Evers served honorably during WWII. And Murfa did serve, although I can’t say how honorably. The rest? Pffffttt.

Pols should not have stuff named for them unless there are extremely unusual circumstances.

This current naming scheme is MUCH better. A great trend.


well at least Milk liked seamen,,,,,,,,,

The Other Whitey

It seems to me like McCool’s name should go on a destroyer, but what the hell. At least it honors somebody who deserves it!

As a side note, there’s a small exhibit about USS William D. Porter (AKA the unluckiest ship in history) in FDR’s stateroom aboard USS Iowa that’s pretty funny.


How come Richard McCool, a MOH recipient, only made it to Captain in 30 years of service? Did he get in trouble? I seen officers in the Army make Captain in 5 years.




Is Yef a veteran?

A Proud Infidel®™️

Yef, US Navy Officer Ranks are different:
O1 – Ensign
O2 – Lieutenant Junior Grade
O3 – Lieutenant
O4 – Lieutenant Commander
O5 – Commander
O6 – Captain

Do a little research on your own, mmmmmmmmmkay?

Non Cedo Ferio

I can’t tell you how many of my fellow Soldiers have come up to me when we did a joint exercise with the Navy , and told me they either came close to or in fact did. Salute enlisted sailors because they thought the collar rank ( I’m guessing because of the eagle) was officer rank. I’d just tell them nope their officer ranks are the same as ours. Just called by a different name


My squadron had similar occurrences on Nellis AFB, during Red Flag.

Payback for the life of luxury they live.


That sounds like the ranks from Star Trek.
The Navy could have been more original.


The one rank the British Royal Navy adopted from the US Navy was LCDR. The USN established the rank of LT Commander in 1862 & the Royal Navy followed in 1914.


Tell us again why your fellow Packleds exiled you to Earth.


The ranks from Star Trek came from the Navy, Yef. Gene Rodenberry spent some time on the USS Enterprise and was quite impressed with it and how it was run.

I thought everybody knew that.


YEF! Goddammit you’re not here to think, you’re here to work! 1SG needs coffee, the hallway looks like ass and you’re standing here looking something the cat dragged in and the dog refused to touch! Put the floor wax down and get that buffer spinning, most ricky-tick!


Ya know, I sometimes wonder if Yef isn’t pulling our . . . legs with some of his comments.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Here we go again on the right track with Warships being named after WARRIORS, not snot headed politicians! Aaahhh, the pleasure of having adults at the helm…


Bless this great ship and all who serve on her!

Hopefully now, no one will ever have to serve on a USS Woopi Goldberg or a USS Oprah Winfrey.


The USS Oprah Winfrey would be a new type of vessel that starts as a frigate, swells to a cruiser, and back to a frigate a year later.


Best to not fuck with a bunch of sexually frustrated 0311 Marines that have been penned up in a ship buffing decks, doing PT, and cleaning weapons.

Especially, if they had their cruise extended.