John Martinka; phony SEAL

Our partners at Military Phonies send us their work on John Paul Martinka III who claims to be a former Navy SEAL, that he was injured during Hell Week, so he was recycled three times;

After contacting the UDT/SEAL archives, the Naval Special Warfare Center and checking the UDT/SEAL database we found that John Paul Martinka III did attend BUD/S Training but he never completed training and he was never assigned to a SEAL Team.

In John’s DD-214 it shows he was active duty for approximately 7 years, 2 months and 3 days and got out of the Navy as an OS2 (E-5). John’s NEC, rate and DD-214 clearly shows that he was not a SEAL.
Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures
Yea, but the guy did have breakfast with Matt Axelson and Mike Murphy … so he’s got that going for him … which is nice.
Ollie North sat at our table one day in the chow hall at Ramadi. That’s why, now, I can call him Ollie.
With apologies to Lt Col North…
I once had breakfast with Ray Wise.
He carried a Cobra Assault Cannon in 1987.
What a shame. Honorable service, and an out-of-rate qualification too — as a fellow non-Firecontrolman Tomahawk Engagement Planner, I’d have given him a high-five…except for all of claims to have been a SEAL and the egregious name-dropping and attempts to skim a bit of fame from other people, especially ones who are dead. I get it that you didn’t make it through training and regret it, but dude, just stop.
Well apparently he wanted and craved attention. Now he’s got it, MP Page, TAH and Google and the internet.
There’s no Navy Good Conduct Medal listed on his DD-214 – should have at least one for his time in the Navy.
I’m guessing that Johnny-boi was shown the door because he was a naughty, naughty boy.
Two. Three year requirements kicked in effective 1996.
Barely made OS2 (as evidenced by June 16th DOR) and almost 5 years between that and getting out.
Dude was getting close to HYT, assuming he would have been allowed to reenlist in 2006.
I was a Operation Specialist, OS2 (SW/AW), during my enlisted time in the Navy. The billet/position that he trained for is one of the coveted positions within the Operation Specialist community.
His schooling, and the ship he was stationed on, were enough for him to be a “Bad Azz”.
Had I been up for orders, back then, and such a position came up that would have had me involved with harpoon or tomahawk operations, on an Aegis platform, I would’ve been on it in a heartbeat. So would countless of other operation specialists.
John Paul Martinka, phony Navy SEAL, did NOT need to embellish. If anything, he had a lot to be proud of. SMDH. 🙄
I had a few beers with a buddy of mine who is a retired SEAL a while back.
Looks like I need to run out and get me a Trident!
I saw one of the space shuttles mounted on top of a 747, in-flight, back in 1982. I was in Colorado Springs, CO. Does this mean that I can run out and get a Space Shuttle Door Gunner patch and badge?
Yes, yes you can.
I was first name basis with COL Bud Day. I called him Colonel and he called me Doc. I used to do stuff for people at the VA when they had ‘issues’ getting stuff done, which was pretty much constantly. So I would smooth the skids when possible. Got a warm fuzzy doing so.
Another OS. I’m not sure what it is with these guys.
They aren’t called “Scope Dopes” for nothing.
“[M]ost of those guys I made it through with are dead….”
What sort of despicable POS says that to shield himself? One named John Martinka. I really can’t believe he wrote that, the loathsome POS. Hey John Paul Martinka III. Go rot in hell, you POPS.
John Paul Martinka III is a lying scumbag.
Okay, this is my last cmt on this, at least for a while. I just cannot believe that the POS John Paul Martinka III wrote that.
I got injured at OCS and was unable to complete….maybe I should start wearing general’s stars.
I would have been a doctor had a few things not gotten in the way – organic chemistry, physics, chemistry, biology, algebra… list goes on.
I took College ROTC for a couple of years, does that mean I can now run around sporting a Bird Colonel’s or BG Rank?
I met Field Marshall Montgomery and had a brief conversation with him; so can I claim I was at Tobruk with him in WWII?
Did you really meet Monty? I was never privileged to meet any general officers that really inspired any sense of awe. In fact, the only GO that stands out in my mind was one who did an entire enlistment oath from memory with no preparation. Can’t remember his name, but I was impressed. Meeting one of the British greats would be a lifetime highlight for this history buff.
Screenshot no. 4: “I will never claim to be a SEAL but I earned Frogman and I will be one until the day I die.”
What the hell does that even mean? I thought “Frogmen” were UDT and didn’t UDT get absorbed into the SEAL mission in the 70’s?
That would be like saying “I will never claim to be Special Forces but I will be a green beret until the day I die.”
Also except for Kyle and Dietz (whose name I know because he was from the city I currently live in and there’s a road named after him) I don’t know any of the other names he dropped. I guess I don’t read enough SEAL PrOn.
I had one of those toy frogman that you put a tablet in and when you dunk him underwater little bubbles come out like for real. I’ll this guy had one.
I had a GI Joe frogman.
When you pulled his wetsuit off, he was smooth “down there.”
somebody could strip this John Martinka guy nekid, cram a case or two of Alka-Seltzer® tablets up his ass, toss him in a pond and then watch him scoot across the water.
Would be a helluva You-Tube video! 😉
How about those little submarines that you put baking soda into and then the sub would submerge and then surface.
Those were awesome. Now I gotta go see if they still make them so I can get some for my kids.
Yes they do! Bought one for my grandsons last year.
I’m partial to the sub monkey. He looks so…Navy.
I like the rescue boat with the copter.
Frogmen? I’ll bet he was with LLoyd Bridges on Sea Hunt’s Saturday night TV. What state does he hail from. Seals in the lead.
So, when I was stationed at K-bay, I went through the PADI SCUBA diver course. Can I now claim UDT/Frogman?
Name-dropping KIA Teamsguys to perpetuate his phony Teamguy persona.
Fuck this guy.
Did you notice the sly reference to a member of the Shipley family?
No, but name dropping guys who are KIA and thus not around to call him on his BS is as low as it gets for phonies, in my opinion.
And he was at BUD/S. He knows the deal more than most, or at least he should.
They are the worst kind of phonies because they have insider knowledge to a certain degree, so they can pull it off with 99% of the well-intentioned people they are lying to.
Idiot x 10. Self-enhancement by associating oneself with “other” – really, really bad idea.
I was in DC……I guess I am the President….
What a knob…..
He messaged me this: “I don’t know where this shit is coming from i have never ever claimed to be a navy seal I take stolen valor very fucking seriously I was either hacked or some. One was mis informed”
He walked away from his laptop at an internet cafe and someone sat down and typed away.
It happens all the time.
The “shit” (and that’s precisely what it is) is coming from Facebook 2015. Damn internet. Damn Facebook. I’m sure you’re peeking here Johnny. Hey, Johnny, try asking Zuckerberg how this shit happened. He probably doesn’t know, if his congressional testimony is any indication, but it’s worth a try.
You watched the hearings yesterday? Boy did that Zook dumb up on some of the questions.
Yeah, he looked like he shat himself more than a few times.
Robots don’t shit.
Did you see his booster seat? Classic. Nothing says cutthroat billionaire like needing a booster seat.
This “haXor X” fellow has been around. I first encountered him while following the spam fighters in the Usenet newsgroup, “”.
John Martinka is not getting enough love, so I’m back on him. He invoked the Fallen to perpetuate a lie. That anyone who served in any branch, in any capacity, for any length of time to do that is incomprehensible. That he did so after seven years of service in the Navy is particularly repugnant. What a POS.
Don Shipley is on Martinka’s Facebook friends list. Must be legit.
No Shit!!
I had to check out this guy’s friends list, and there is a picture of “The Hair” himself!!
Wonder if Don will give this guy some love after he finds out.
awwwww crap….that won’t end well.
It won’t end well but it’s gonna be fun to watch! We’re gonna need more beer.
On my way with 4 30-racks of beer
Martinka claimed to be DJ’s swim buddy in one of those screenshots.
Meat gazing shirt lifter.
In image 4, in 2015 he talked about diving at a water treatment plant and when he surfaced he had toilet paper hanging from his hat. Don’t turds go with toilet paper anyway?
I just checked with one of my buddies who was a BUDS instructor during his time frame (Class 239) and he’s never heard of him. Plus I sent him his mug shot and his friends list, because i know my buddie sent most of those guys thru buds. Well its a stupid way to ruin your perfectly good career by embellishing things you didn’t complete A-hole!
John Martinka is a dipstick
John Martinka enjoy your google fame
Damn Turd Burglar
I took shop class in junior high and made an outstanding gun rack. (Remember when making a gun rack in school was common and kids didn’t shoot one another?) Anyway, I did several wood projects. That HAS to qualify me to be a Seabee. I’ll be expecting my new rating patch from the Navy soon.
This guy shared a mean with every Navy SEAL since the creation of the rating. He is a particularly repulsive posin’ POS.
meal, not mean
I got this message from him. “I’m a commercial fucking diver I am in two books and there is a pic of me in the movie but the team shit I don’t know what that is about. If you look at my friends list on here and the ones that are the real deal know my deal and it would really retarded for me to to claim to be a frog I did complete he’ll week two times with 239 winter he’ll week and with 246 the class that the two books were made from and the pics they used in the beginning of the movie. I was dropped in second phase from 248 for a bullshit weird as fuck incident that happens out on town on a Saturday night and I will not even get into the deal with that.there were others involved and I refused to rat them out, thought it was just another test. Most of my friends from 239 went to team three. After the navy I went to commercial diving school and now am a welding inspector both underwater and on land on towers power plants and refineries. I don’t recall ever claiming to be a team guy. But the way the autocorrect keeps fucking me trying to write this message on this bullshit phone. I don’t know what happened. I go after phonies all the time like what your doing to me but I never claim that I got my bird ever. I was like the Van Wilde of buds. I even have my old instructors on here as friends so this whole situation. Makes no fucking sense at all. My story of not getting my bird is better than had I gotten it anyway. Any I got both my hellweek bibles here if you don’t be live and if you want we can go through the Only Easy Day Was Yesterday and The Severist School page by page and then I can show you the pics of me I. The movie. But I never claim to be a frog someone hacked my shit… Read more »
“autocorrect keeps fucking me”
Evidently there may be a drunk black out to blame. Me:Well if you think it’s explainable then go to Military Phony and tell them. Him:I will once I figure out what the fuck happend. I think it had something with the phantom calling me out of the blue. I ASSUME YOU Know about the phantom. It. Was weird she knew shit about the night out in town. It’s always been a mystery to me to this day. Basically we were all out in town and I got accidently ruffied. By one of my classmates. I drank the wrong beer. When I. I knew I was gonna be dropped and the instructors. Were pressuring. Me. To rat. Out. The other guilty parties I refused thinking well shit I’m not going to make it someone has too.. To fuck up these other guys getting there birds. Basically took one for the team. And still did not know the whole story about who was trying to do what that night and why. The timing of this bullshit is crazy. It’s like some one is still scared. That I might talk. Which I won’t. But yes I was in Buds for fucking ever!!!!! Completed he’ll week twice and first phase start to finish 3 times. They made me start hellweek with 248 but pulled me out and rolled me forward. You can check the log book at bull shirts for that. I’m no faggot ass bell ringer I had no. Problem with anything at buds. But being there that Long is how I’m friends with all of these guys including the ones that have died a. Lot of the guys that were killed were going through buds the same time as me. Shane Patton and Marc Lee were in 239 with me Marc quit during 239s hellweek and came back with another class years later and made it through. So somebody’s up to some shit. And I’m going to figure out who and why And when I went to my board all the Seals there vouched for me to stay. The CMC of Nab… Read more »
So is he a commercial Truck Driver or a Weld inspector
It sound like to me one of those “Lot Lizards” gave him
Something… Drip. Drip. Drip.
Goes his brains
Commercial Diver, not driver.