Scott Fitser; phony SEAL

| April 4, 2018

Our partners at Military Phonies share their work on this Scott Fitser fellow who claims that he is a Navy SEAL and a Chief Petty Officer (E-7). His claims dominate his wardrobe, apparently, which includes the big, ugly SEAL cap so popular among phonies;

The truth is that he was a Navy diver for about eight years, but he never attended BUD/S, and he was never a SEAL;

Scott’s summary sheet shows he was active duty Navy just shy of 8 years and was discharged as an IC1 (E-6) and not a Chief Petty Officer (E-7). He did complete 2nd class dive school and earned that NEC for 2nd class Diver and NOT SEAL. He never went to BUD/S, was never stationed at a SEAL Team nor did he earn the Trident or Chief anchors.

Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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He’s about to get a well deserved fisting…open up Fister, it’s about to get real!


Bradley Manning volunteers for the “doody”!


This guy went to dive school and made E6? Why lie?


I know. His career was already above-and-beyond, and then he had to sink it. I hear Davey Jones ejected it from his locker.


Yup, Navy diver is not an easy rate. Plenty to be proud of in that service. Until you dump on it like he did.


A bonafide Navy diver and E6 …. and as a result of his military training he can’t properly stand at the position of attention while saluting? That is a salute, right; he’s not shading his eyes?


Looks like SCOTT FISTER is gonna get FISTED in the SQUEAKHOLE over his PHONY SEAL and CPO claims.

BTW, SCOTT… you are not and never have been a GENUINE CPO… COCKSUCKER!


Maybe he is an honorary CPO? Does he have an airplane?

Combat Historian

MCPO Carl Brashear needs to come back and smack this douchebag for his lies and embellishments…


Failed to complete submarine school. Enough said.

2/17 Air Cav

Failed to complete hand-salute-at position-of-attention school, too.

Joseph Williams

Not to mention the crappy rolled up sleeves and black undershirt/turtleneck. JOE


And that’s quite a snazzy eight-point cammie cover that he’s wearing with that huge SEAL Trident stuck to the front of it.

Totally legit.


Yeah when I saw that picture, I thought surely he was a phony who never served. To find out he did serve, yet still salutes like that, blew my mind.


It looks better underwater.




I only learned salutin’ in the JrROTC, that looks ugly to me.

He’s in bad need of a smoking.

Marine 0331

Yeah, that salute is all farted up. Sorry all you squids, but that salute looks navy all the way. He’s looks like a 4 year old saluting for the first time. Just glad he ain’t claiming to be a Marine. Fucking thumb not at the trouser seam, Fucking forearm and wrist all fucked up. I just want to reach out of this phone and slap the fuck out of him, but then I had to laugh cause he is a real squid. Sorry guys. Someone taught him to salute that way.


OK, Bobo, help me out here.

Last page of his records seems to show completion of a 6-week “Basic Enlisted Sub School”. But you’re prior Navy and did sub duty, so I presume I’m missing something. What did I miss?


It looks like they blacked out everything on the BESS entry, so I’m guessing that there is something derogatory there. They also pulled his (SU) designator, which is awarded to BESS studenents and retained either until designated as submarine qualified (SS) or removed from the submarine pipeline for some reason. He also never had a follow on assignment to a submarine, which tells me that he failed to complete BESS. What’s interesting is that he was also discharged from Groton, so he was there for a while after he was removed from BESS. I’ll leave the speculation why for others.


I got plenty of ideas, none of them good.


How in the hell do you fail sub school, especially as a first class? I finished 3rd in my class straight out of boot camp, hung over 4 days out of 5. This boy has loser painted all over him.


Wow. LEGIT Navy Diver who couldn’t be happy with that. What an asshole. Enjoy your infamy FuckO


Not so sure he’s even a “legit Navy diver.”

To satisfy my aged memory, in that all Navy pers who’s job entailed diving of any sort, my memory told me all divers have a 5xxx NECC.

So I downloaded the most recent OPNAV on Navy Enlisted Classification Codes. And yep, right there in print, I was right. All diving STUDENTS are 5301 (SCUBA, 2nd Class, SEAL, EOD). You earn the final, example 5333 for a basic EOD Tech, upon GRADUATING from the course of instruction. I’m not so sure this slipknot successfully graduated.

His 4775 code is something (or was) within the IC (Interior Communications) rating. Prior to going EOD, I was in the IC field. I had a MK 19 Gyro code (4754) if my memory serves me correctly.


My goof. I re-read and saw the 5343 entry.

I’ve got an excuse — age. Slipknot fist has none.



A Proud Infidel®™








2/17 Air Cav

Yes, for less than $10, you too can be a Navy SEAL! Here’s how to order:

Daisy Cutter

I’m going to call and ask them if they have a larger SEAL logo on the ball cap.

Go big or go home.


Apparently the bigger the emblem, the more “real” you look. . . apparently.

2/17 Air Cav

I notice that he’s got a nice list of formers going. Prospective employers tend to look at social media in checking applicants. I wonder what his will find.


I wonder why the Navy sent him to Submarine School a year before his EAOS? Seems like they would have required an extension of some sort.

When my squadron transitioned to F/A-18’s, I had to extend for 18 months in order to get the FRAMP school.

Interior Communications Electrician 1st Class Petty Officer, wasn’t good enough for Scott Fitser.

Being a Navy Diver wasn’t good enough for Scott Fitser.

Scott Fitser had to go full Turnip, and jump right into the Stolen Valor game, and make himself a Chief Petty Officer AND a SEAL.

What a dick, hey dipshit next time you try faking it; try to make sure your profile matches your claim. (He’s an IC1 in his profile)

BTW, it appears he’s claiming Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist in his profile (the SW after his Rate). Wouldn’t that show up on his record?

Did you fake a Warfare Device too, Scott Fitser?


Nah, he went right past full turnip, and even passed rutabaga. He’s gone full parsnip on this one. If there’s a root vegetable that goes further down than parsnips or parsley roots, someone let me know.


If there’s a root vegetable that goes further down than parsnips or parsley roots, someone let me know.

Japanese gobo [burdock]??


Scott Fistula. Let the puss out.


Pus, not puss. But that works too.


Something doesn’t add up or I’m totally missing something. He graduated Dive school (NEC 5343) but never served as a diver unless that is what he was doing at Sub School from Jun 81 to Nov 83 (Which would make the 9502 Instructor NEC make sense). Then he was on a Destroyer for a year (They don’t have 2nd class divers on destroyers) so why was he sent there? Did he lose his dive quals? Then Oct 84 he is a student at Sub school. The same day he starts school (22 Oct 84) he gets the designation “SU” entered in his record. I don’t get it.


If it’s SW and not SU, that still doesn’t make sense having the SW designation entered in the day he starts sub school.


It looks like his rating IC1(DV).

DV…meaning diver.

SW…would mean Surface Warfare Specialist


Once you get a qualification like Diver, SEAL, Air warfare, Surface Warfare, Submarine Qualified, etc you but that qualification after your rating.

AE1 (AW) Ragman

HT1 (SW) Dickhead

MMC (SS) Munch

BMCS (SEAL) Shipley


I understand that. I was a 2nd class diver, SW, AW, FPJ, and EOD. I never had any warfare or designation entered into my record the first day I reported to a new command. He obviously graduated dive school, and probably served as a safety diver at sub school. Then something happened and he got sent to a destroyer. That’s the part I don’t get.


I wasn’t trying to patronize you; I didn’t realize you were Navy too.


That is kind of weird.

2 years 5 months as safety diver at Sub school

~11 Months onboard USS John King, with a PRD of 5/85

Sent back to Sub School as a student in 10/84…got out of the Navy 5/85.

What was the sea/shore rotation for a Diver? Would it be different than that of the source rating?

I don’t understand why they would send him to Sub School as a student 7 months before his EAOS without requiring him to at the very least extend his enlistment.


Makes sense if the system “hiccuped” and he wasn’t required to extend his current enlistment to cover post-school utilization. That’s not supposed to happen, but admin errors sometimes occur anyway. His discharge date is exactly 4 years after his previous enlistment.

My guess is that he was never asked to extend until he’d arrived at school, then refused to extend for some reason. I could be wrong.

Different question, relating to his diver days. In the Army, qual badges are permanent awards and are listed on the DD214 (and in one’s records) unless they’ve been revoked. This guy should have been qualified for the Second Class Diver insignia. Shouldn’t that be in his records, and listed above? Or are those types of insignia/badges handled differently (e.g., considered temporary) by the Navy and USMC?

If they’re permanent awards, revocation of his diver qual might explain the shortness of his assignment as a diver. In the Army, if someone voluntarily terminates jump status before completing 36mo on status, their jump wings get formally revoked (I’d have to double check to be sure, but I don’t think that’s the case if someone gets hurt and gets disqualified from future airborne duty for medical reasons). How does the Navy handle someone who voluntarily terminates diver status?


Back then it was a Qual. If you quit, your diver designation was pulled and you were made available to your rating detailer. Now days Its a rate. If you quit your are either facillitated to change rate or you are seperated from the service.


Yeah, the Sea/Shore rotations are not based on the rating for SEAL/EOD/Divers. I’m not sure what theirs was in the mid 80s. Ours was 3/3/3 (Sea/Shore/Training Command). Then switched to 5/3 early 90s.


Hmmm, maybe he lost his dive quals, then he was going to be a IC on a submarin but then something happened to make him unqualified for sub service so he just got out at his EAOS.


Ok, I finally saw the SU you were looking at.



(SU) is the unqualified submariner designator. It is awarded when reporting to submarine school and retained until qualified in submarines (SS) or removed from the submarine pipeline.


Possible he did complete Sub School but then when they stuck the extension/reenlistment papers under his nose, he got cold feet?

Peter the Bubblehead

Maybe things have changed, but I did not receive my (SU) designation until I graduated from BESS in April ’95. Until that point, I was simply SA (Seaman Apprentice).


I could ask my nephew, but I think he’s under water at the moment.


I graduated from BESS in 1985. They added the SU designator when I got to Groton. I had it until I qualified.


Jeebus Bobo you make me feel old. I graduated sub school in 72. :p

A Proud Infidel®™

All that and he looks like a red-headed buck-toothed version of Pee Wee Herman.


Back then for EOD we didn’t have to re-enlist or extend prior to attending school. Just had to sign a Page 13 promising to do so upon completion. That way we didn’t miss out on the Re-enlistment bonus for EOD.


That salute alone would have made me think he had never served

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

What can I say. As usual I agree on the comments.


Scott Fitser is Maggot jism.
Scott Fitser is a sperm burper
Scott Fitser is a lying shirt-lifter
Scott Fitser is an ass bandit
Scott Fitser is a semen receptacle.

Green Thumb

It is quite easier to say that this turd is a “Phildoesque dude”.


facebook profile says he lives in Rockaway reminds me of the movie Goodfellas right before he gets busted Henry says. “What are you kidding me what I really need right now is a trip to Rockaway for a f****** hat “


They moved to Fort Fairfield (on the Canadian border) two months ago according to his wife’s FB page.

Green Thumb

Nice salute.

I bet that lady in the picture is thrilled.
