John Doe; US citizen captured fighting with ISIS

| February 2, 2018

AFP reports that a US citizen who also has Saudi Arabian dual-citizenship is being held in Iraq, known only as John Doe, is in legal limbo while the Trump Administration wrestles with his status. He surrendered to Syrian rebels last year, about five months ago. The ACLU is fighting the US government for access to Mr Doe;

The American Civil Liberties Union filed suit to get access to the prisoner. The government refused to provide any information about him — his name, age, or origins.

They termed him an enemy fighter and claimed he showed no desire for legal representation.

Hearings on his status between September and January were surreal: government lawyers argued he had never expressed the desire for legal representation, though they would not say if he had been asked; that the ACLU had no standing to represent him because they had not been requested; and that the ACLU could not represent the man because they did not know his identity.

In January the judge, Tanya Chutkan, rejected government arguments and ordered them to grant the ACLU access.

ACLU’s national political director, Faiz Shakir, also complained that Trump used the word “America” too many times in the State of the Union Address, so their claims for this un-American ring hollow.

Mr Doe gave up any chance he had for US Constitutional rights when he joined ISIS. In fact, when they execute him, he doesn’t even have a right to a US-made bullet or rope.

Category: Terror War

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I hear he has been identified as I-Zheet M’Drurz. When asked for more information a Homeland security rep said the following:

“We’re told that, when he was fleeing the scene of his last attack, he left skidmarks. He is extremely dangerous. Our sources say that he is planning on attacking the New York City sewer system with what we believe it is to be a dirty bomb.”

[Thank you SNL for that one]


As a dual citizen, he ought to be returned to the country of his citizenship: Saudi Arabia.


After his US citizenship is revoked.. and do it by HANO

Deplorable B Woodman

High Altitude No Opening.
Love it.

A Proud Infidel®™

Fuck the fucking fucker, send him to Gitmo.



John Doe can take a long walk off a short pier into shark-infested waters.


This is intetesting. Jow does dual citizenship, something im strongly opposed to, influence this? Who claims him us or the House of Saud? Since he was committing treason can we revoke his American half and hand him over? What if The Saudi’s request a piece of him?
Since when does the aclu get to demand access to prisoners captured and held overseas? Fuck them

RGR 4-78

I wonder what the Saudis would do with him if they got him back?

Jus Bill

Show trial followed by hanging to impress the US? Please?

2/17 Air Cav

“In January the judge, Tanya Chutkan, rejected government arguments and ordered them to grant the ACLU access.”

Tanya Chutkan is a helluva piece of work. Google her name to see what I’m talking about. Cripes. It fits perfectly that she allowed the ACLU to represent Mr. Doe. I’ll take tyranny by judicial fiat for $500, Alex.


Obama appointee, ’nuff said.


Send her ass over there, and tell her to tell the Iraqi government that she will be presiding over the case. See how that works out.

2/17 Air Cav

Faiz Shakir, or Fuzzy, worked for Harry “The Embalmed” Reid, H. “Wide Load” Clinton, John “Jungle Stroll w/ Cameraman” Kerry, and Nancy “Where Am I?” Pelosi at various times. As for Trump’s ‘objectionable’ use of our nation’s name in his SOTU address, I wonder if Fuzzy knows what the A stands for in ACLU.


The “C” in ACLU should stand for Communist, since the ACLU was founded to provide defense attorneys to communists charged with federal crimes back in the 1920’s or 1930’s. Roger Baldwin, its founder frequently told his followers, “remember, communism is our true goal.”

A Proud Infidel®™

I prefer either the “American Communist Litigation Union” or the “Anti-Christian Litigation Union”.


Both work for me. This dufus Berzerkeley grad I used to work with was quite proud of the fact he was a card carrying supporter of it and the Freedom from Religion Foundation. He hated all Christian religions but was quite apologetic for Islam. He like to bring up the Crusades as justification for the Slamonazi slaughter of Westerners. He was also a rabid anti-war protester when I was in the Viet of the Nam.


An enemy combatant captured by Syrian rebels in the act of fighting against the US and/or its allies, held overseas, and the “American” Civil Liberties Union – who hates the use of the word “American” by the duly elected President of the United States – wants to represent him and defend him in a criminal court.

The irony and hypocrisy of these Anti-American Blue Falcons in the ACLU is so blatantly obvious that Ray Charles can see it from the moon.


I believed the President clarified this on Tuesday night, he is not a criminal, but an unlawful enemy combatant.

So to paraphrase HMCS(FMF)ret – “dork him in his sqeakhole”


That is clear to me.
It is the leftist-extremist judge and the “ACLU” that need to get woke to reality.

2/17 Air Cav

I have previously applauded some of the work done by the ACLU. I just can’t remember what decade in the 1900s that was.

USMC Steve

I believe the correct term is illegal combatant as according to the Geneva Accords. And that gives him absolutely no rights at all under that convention.


So, Muhammad-Joe Doe can be waterboarded with impunity? Sweet.

Just An Old Dog

Its not water-boarding if you use Diesel

A Proud Infidel®™

OR motor oil, antifreeze, kerosene, lamp oil, JP4,…

Deplorable B Woodman

Just got this inspiration from another site, another cartoon:
For all the muzzies out there; “pork him in his squeakhole”,


If Bergdahl had a cousin

Heart of TEXAS (PSG, Ret.)

“In fact, when they execute him, he doesn’t even have a right to a US-made bullet or rope.”

I have some surplus to needs 7.62×39 made in Russia I will gladly donate.

A Proud Infidel®™

1. Rope.
2. Tree or Gallows.
3. Turncoat Terrorists.

Some assembly required.


Maybe the Saudi Arabian Civil Liberties Union will intervene and help him out since he is a Saudi… what, there’s no such thing? Maybe they’re onto something with that. WE damn sure could do without them 99.8% of the time, they just take up space on the judicial calendar, waste paper, steal oxygen, and contribute to the increase in greenhouse gasses by their oxygen theft and waste of paper. As for the dirtbag Mr. Doe – I say 9mm to the brain housing group by the Syrians as an unlawful combatant/war criminal, bill to the family for the bullet and last meal. Dispose of body in the desert, hey the carrion eaters gotta be fed, right?


If we can revoke the citizenship of former SS men and Death Camp Guards, then certainly this guy’s citizenship can be revoked.

ACLU, the same group of litigious dickheads that love to rally around Constitutional Rights as long as they don’t involve the 2nd Amendment, and as long as you don’t say America.


As VOV notes below, whether or not his US citizenship can be revoked depends on the precise circumstances of his dual citizenship.

Short version: if he is foreign-born and acquired US citizenship via naturalization, it can be revoked. If he was born in the US and is considered a citizen of Saudi Arabia under Saudi law due to his heritage, we’re stuck with the turncoat.

Federal courts have ruled that citizenship cannot be involuntarily revoked for natural-born US citizens – they can voluntarily renounce US citizenship, but it can’t be involuntarily stripped. However, Federal courts also have ruled that a naturalized citizen can, under certain circumstances, be stripped of US citizenship.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

A war without end means holding prisoners without end I guess…

It’s always amusing to see people hate on the ACLU until they need them…I used to laugh at Rush Limbaugh being aided in the courtroom after bashing the ACLU for years…they helped protect his privacy which was at risk thanks to government over reach in his drug case.

We are a nation of laws, not a nation of laws only when it’s convenient for us. That’s what makes us better than any other place I’ve visited on God’s green earth. There are a shit ton of laws I think are fucking stupid and useless but the way around them is legislative, not ignoring them.

If he’s a naturalized citizen he has a far different problem than if he was born here…as we’ve done with other war criminals if he’s naturalized he can lose his American citizenship. If he’s a US citizen by birth, then he retains his rights even if fighting for our enemies. We have laws to charge him appropriately and laws to protect him until such time as we convict him. After we convict him I do hope we execute that piece of shit.

Until then I’m glad the ACLU is watching out for the rights of all of us by protecting those of the worst of us.

Why even last year that damn ACLU made sure that a Catholic lady’s first amendment rights were protected so she could continue to offer fellowship and meals to those in need in her community…the audacity of helping a middle aged white christian woman….or do we only hate the ACLU when they help muslims?


Like I said above, 99.8% of the time we’d be better off WITHOUT the ACLU and the frivilous motions they use to clog up the courts; in some cases they do it uninvited because it fits into their agenda. How many times have they been shot down in flames for having no standing to intervene in a case only to appeal again and again, judge’s time is finite. Greenpeace should go after them for the number of trees they’ve killed to make the paper they waste with their BS motions they file knowing they’re going to lose.


I do not see where we (the USA) have jurisdiction in this case regardless of his citizenship. If the ACLU feels they want to get involved with this terrorist piece of shit, and his troubles in a foreign government, that is their problem. Do they get involved in every US citizen arrested outside of our border’s cases? How do they filter their caseload?

Jus Bill

By the amount of publicity (AND CONTRIBUTIONS) it potentially will generate.

USMC Steve

That isn’t what the ACLU does though. They support certain communist leaning agendas, and are anti-American in thought, word, and often, deed. Most any time they take a case it is to screw with conservatives, unless they can benefit from doing the opposite. Of course it was started by card carrying communists, so is simply another tool of the FSU.


VOV, I will concede that the ACLU has, from time to time, done things that are in keeping with the ideals that they espouse.

It is telling to me that a black lady lawyer who joined the ACLU to pursue those ideals – if I recall, in Atlanta – left them because their words and their actions conflicted. She saw, from the inside, that they were pursuing a definite left-leaning agenda.

The cynic in me wonders whether or not the case with Rush Limbaugh and the Catholic lady of whom you speak are either one-offs or deliberately done to deflect/short-circuit criticism for the rest of their actions. It could be that there are still some in the ACLU who follow the ideals upon which they were established. But the perception engendered by a lot of their actions is that they attack conservative concerns more often than liberal ones.

Q: is the ACLU involved in, or contemplating, action against members of the FBI & DOJ who may have violated the law to illegally spy on US citizens? I’m not holding my breath.


The primary reason for the selection of cases by the ACLU is not to defend the civil rights of an individual or group, it’s to preserve the existence and payroll of the ACLU.


He’s half US citizen? Send him home, half way.

Drop him off, say, 100NM South of the Azores.


Send the Saudi half back.

2/17 Air Cav

Nice one, rgr1480.


Then execute the American half?


Apply RULE 303. ASAP


A rule similar to that found in the law of Moses, Chapter 1911.


GITMO his ass…


I have a song for him … it is called:

“I Got the GITMO Blues”


I heard Steele is working on a dosia that states he is a nice boy, from a nice family and all of this is just a misunderstanding.

You can read about it over at Yahoo News soon.


..or Mother Earth News


He’s just a poor boy from a poor family, Spare him his life from this monstrosity

Just An Old Dog


E4 Mafia For Life.

Fair enough.
“Dual citizenship” bring us half from the T-9 vertebrae up.
T-10 and lower goes to the Saudi’s to fertilize the sand or bugger as they see fit.
If he can “stand” trial then he can wait it out at GITMO.
If not fit, then = chum bucket.
The Mafia has spoken.


What’s the difference between this dude and any American military member who has supported ISIS over the last 7 years or so?

Oh, because Obama and McCain said it was ok?


Just An Old Dog

Let the Syria Rebels take care of him…..


The Queen had only one way of settling all difficulties, great or small. ‘Off with his head!’ she said, without even looking round.
(Lewis Carroll, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland)


Bailiff, whack his peepee

RGR 4-78

Sister Mary Margaret said for him to settle down.