Gore gives expert advice to President

| December 7, 2006

Yesterday in an interview with ABC, Al Gore, that expert on deploying combat forces, called the war in Iraq “the worst strategic mistake in USA history”. So since he’s such an expert on warfighting, I decided to to post proof that he knows what he’s talking about;

Al Gore in Vietnam

Gore went on to say “I would urge the President to try to separate out the personal issues of being blamed in history for his mistake and instead recognizing that it is not about him. It’s about our country.” Ironically, it’s the same advice I would have given Al Gore after the 2000 election when he whined for weeks about Republicans stealing elections. (Did I say weeks? I meant years) 

The war in Iraq was only a logical extension of the war against terror. It makes more sense to kill jihadists in Iraq as opposed to Afghanistan. geographically, it’s ideal. Placed between Syria and Iran, the two biggest state-sponsors of terror, and wide open terrain with big fields of fire as opposed to Afghanistan’s relatively isolated location and mountainous terrain.

Strategically, the Bush Administration’s plan to use Iraq as the battlefield is brilliant – Iraq attracts large numbers of foreign jihadists while our expert troops pop their empty heads open with well-placed 5.56mm and 7.62mm fire.

Further on in the interview, Gore avoids the interviewer’s question about whether he’d immediately withdraw troops if he were president. That’s the Democrat plan - broad, blathering criticism about the current administration while deftly dodging opportunities to offer solutions.  I guess that’s the only way they can figure how to avoid lying – not saying anything.

Category: Politics

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