Guidance issued for recruiting transgender troops

| December 21, 2017

The U.S. Military Entrance Processing Command has issued guidance from the Pentagon to recruiters in regards to transgender recruits, according to the Washington Post;

Individuals who have undergone gender reassignment surgery will be allowed to join the military as long as doctors consider them to have been stable in their new gender for 18 months, with no complications or additional surgery needed.

During their entry screenings, transgender women who have not undergone gender reassignment surgery or hormone replacement “will wear undergarments consistent with their physical anatomy,” the memo adds. Transgender women, unlike other female applicants, will not be administered a pregnancy test. Everyone will receive a medical exam specific to their “anatomical characteristics.”

The guidance stresses the need for privacy, noting that some physical screening procedures for the military are not carried out in total seclusion.

“All applicants, including those who are transgender, may express concern about privacy in bathrooms, ortho-neuro rooms, applicant hotel rooms, or similar venues,” the memo says. “In these cases Commanders may employ reasonable alternate measures to provide greater privacy.”

Officials with both the Justice Department and Defense Department have argued in court filings that meeting a Jan. 1 deadline places an extraordinary burden on the services and the Pentagon, and requires training for thousands of recruiters and personnel responsible for providing medical screenings.

I guess that “stable in their new gender” means different things to different people.

I hope the recruiting command has purchased and issued butt-hurt cream to recruiting stations, because I suspect that both recruiters and recruits are going to have a lot of complaints about the process.

Category: Big Pentagon

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“…as long as doctors consider them to have been stable in their new gender…”

Too bad this doesn’t apply to the mental realm instead of only the stitches.

some guy

As I understand, that’s exactly what this applies to. Stability in a new gender doesn’t just mean healing up from the chopping block, but being comfortable and consistent with the new gender. No enlistments for those feeling manly one day, then more feminine the next, aka no “gender fluid” people.

The Other Whitey

I’m glad you found specifics in the vagaries. Why couldn’t they come out and say exactly that? Besides, how can you be “stable” when you require regular hormone replacement?


Thanks for the clarification.

Shucks for that matter why don’t they just make sure everyone’s mental feelings are good to go all the time. Damn snowflakes. Regardless of gender or gender fluidity, I don’t remember how “we” were feeling ever coming into consideration during training or deployment.


I’d imagine like any major pre-service condition, you’d have to get cleared by a military doc (psychologist and/or psychiatrist) and then apply for a waiver.

This might be their way implementing a defacto ban. The docs would have to follow higher command guidance, which would be fairly strict for what would qualify as stable.


Who in hell said these “doctors” are stable?


“Transgender woman”
“Transgender man”
I still don’t know which is which.
The terms are counterintuitive.
Mutually exclusive.
Why can’t people just look between their legs, compare what they see with a chart on the wall and go with that.

The Other Whitey

If you possess a Y-chromosome, you are not a female. If you don’t, you are not a male. Such a simple standard, why mess with it?


There you go bringing science and sense into the discussion, TOW. You’ll confuse them with the facts! Damit, do you want a libtards head to explode?

The Other Whitey



I can’t see my chromo zones.


I’m still confused which is which between Chicks with Dicks and Men with Tits.

Perry Gaskill

I’m confused on why we’re restricting it to just the same species. There have been times after a few Foster’s lagers when I’ve started to identify as a wombat…


Plus, we could prolly use some pack mules or pack goats in Shitholistan. Let’s start recruiting some of them, even if they are gender confused, or not.


Trans woman is a biological male that transitioned to female; trans man is the opposite


Well, you must be all up to date on your LGBTQWERTY training.


Yeh ‘NO SHYT’!!


So glad I did my time back when a man was , well , a man.


Transgenders are, ipso facto, unstable – both biologically and mentally.

Were I Emperor of the Universe, I would decree that the entire LBTQ-esk spectrum be recognized for what it is: mental disorders.

So let it be written, so let it be done.

Wilted Willy

Amen Graybeard! Why would we want these loons in our military? I can see it now going to the showers and someone screaming, OH LOOK OUT, He has a pee pee!


Yes, the female recruits are not going like looking at a schlong in the shower when the pre-op men with tits take a shower.


Yessir, they ship every one of the perverts to Iran!


Why. Are. We. Doing. This.

Service in the Armed Forces of the United States is not a right.

And can anyone explain how will this make the force more capable/lethal?



I am so sick of this monumental stupidity, I could puke.


The military is doing this because of progtard federal judges, mostly appointed by the corrupt 0bama and Clinton regimes.


Lot of those leftover appointed lunatics from the past eight years are still in the Pentagon running things too. That’s the main reason why this is still moving forward. These guys should’ve been some of the first to go since last January.

Combat Historian

I just had a large breakfast; I’m now going to the latrine to go throw up…


The boys or girls latrine? You can choose now. Congratulations.

Wilted Willy

I think I will go squeeze my wife’s tits just to make me feel like a man!!!


The knee to the groin will confirm it for you.




Concur with limabeans – the terminology is as confusing as the arguments for allowing them into the military. We just aren’t that desperate for people in the military to mess with accepting people with obvious metal disorders.

Another thought occurs to me. Libs are concerned about FAIRNESS, right? (Yes, I know – only fairness when it furthers their causes but I will have to continue with my theoretical postulation for the sake of arguement.) Will it be fair when a DUDE who has done the chopadickoffame surgery but still has a bigger frame and strength than your average female outperforms females in strength tests? That is still something that affects when one gets promoted. The people who would be getting cheated in scenario are in a SJW protected group (ACTUAL females) but apparently they don’t rate as much on the SJW hierarchy scale oppressed groups. I imagine it will look something like this:

But who cares?!! It’s not like there is a problem with believing that you are a woman when you actually were born with a F$%KING DICK is problematic in 2017!! It certainly shouldn’t be lumped in with all of the other mental issues that keep you out of the military!!


Like my granddad used to say: Oh, for the days when men were men, and women were glad of it.

Wilted Willy

And the sheep were nervous!


But mostly only in Wyoming, because in Arkansas they had slow running sisters and cousins.


Virgin wool comes from ugly sheep.

And for the record, I’m originally from WY.


“as long as doctors” – which doctors? (Pun intended). How do we know these doctors are not cherry-picked for pro-LGBTQ leanings who might have been shopped for ‘if they say today they are stable. I’ll buy that’ attitudes? Who watches the watchers?


Must be horridly naïve here, but if one is “stable in their new gender,” why would underwear be an issue?

Also, how can folks who are too shy to undergo the usual entry physical in the usual way be considered stable, or able to enlist at all? Seems like if you have difficulty simply getting your entry physical, your difficulties will only get worse if you actually enlist.

Makes no sense. None.


Give everyone 100mg of Sildenafil™ and a penile plethysmograph exam to cull the herd.


You could use postage stamps instead. Less costly.


If one’s underwear is properly fitted, it holds one’s gender in a very stable fashion.


This is going to confuse the hell out of those 90 y/o doctors at MEPS who watch you walk around in your underwear.


“stability” must be monitored…so plan that into your unit’s mission, because it is an Army of Accommodation.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

This is way beyond my understanding.

If I walk around in a red suit telling everyone I’m Santa Claus I can be held against my will for up to 60 days in a psych facility….

But if I cut my dick off, hop into a dress and tell everyone I’m a woman I can join the Army?

Did I miss a bunch of memos along the way somewhere?


For the next four days…..everyone would just think you are very festive!

Just wait….the DOD will start recruiting furries/plushies and adult babies next


I am betting there are some special snowflakes out there that are still breast feeding. But then one has to wonder why they would want to enlist in the Army.


I think the nonsense is reaching epidemic proportions.

Someone needs to trump these delusional idiots and sic a mad dog to chase them away.


The medical solution for these problems is lobotomies for certain proglodyte federal judges.


^^^^^ This^^^^^




Yes, it’s true. The inmates are running the asylum now.

A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder how soon President Trump and Company will be able to do away with this nonsensical horseshit? All I see in a transgender is “Non-Deployable”.


Ha Ha I see what you did there.


Maybe they can start recruiting a whole Transgender Division. Of course, you would have a whole non-deployable division. But think about all the SJW experiments you could conduct with it.


It’s not that bad of an idea. Why shouldn’t the burden of proof be on transgenders, to show that even with their horrid nature- and God-defying surgeries, they are able to fight well?


Likely because they don’t want to fight. After all, this is just an SJW experiment to show us they are just as good as we are, and “gosh darn it, people like” them (quoting Stewart Smally).


Remember when the mission of the armed forces was to kill people and break shit?


But that concept is so “old school” and unenlightened.


I’m so fucking glad i’m not recruiting anymore….


Just what we need, more state supported mental illnes.


Why do these Tranys want to join the military?


In order to stick it to people (like most here at this web site) who say they shouldn’t.

All of the extremely logical reasons for their exclusion from military service is completely irrelevant.


To be fair that was the argument used when women wanted to serve in peacetime (not as nurses), wanted to go to the service academies, and to the VMA.


But transgender ≠ women. One is a gender and 50%ish of the human race. The other is (or was until recently) considered a mental disorder that affects a tiny fraction of a percentage of the US.
There is a financial burden with TG folks that is an unnecessary burden. There are also mental health issues as well.
As there is no “right” to be in the military (despite what some would have you think), there is no reason to take on people that come with this type of baggage. We don’t take these folks:


I’m not equating the two, but that was the same argument used then. Women have come to serve well.

I’m sure at some future time, we’ll be honoring a transgender soldier/sailor/Marine/airman for exceptional service or valor.

Not all transgenders would be fit for service, but some will be. Not all will be good troops, but neither are a lot of men and women.

The type of transgenders that will actually get into the service will probably be the types that you wouldn’t think were trans. They’ll look and act like their medically corrected gender. I can remember having some of those of questionable gender that I saw in uniform.

This rule would weed out the fringe and the mentally unstable. If they’re actually evaluating true stability.


people with diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis should not join. Same argument?

Not fit to fight. Not deployable.

This crap is not meant to enhance warfighting. Quite the contrary.


You say you are not equating the two and then you suggest the outcome could be the same.

“the same argument used [with women]”
“Women have come to serve well”

In other words, the same result is possible, that is, they could serve well.

My point (that I keep making) is that there are issues (mental, physical) that people have that should be disqualifiers for military service. Thinking you ACTUALLY ARE a gender you weren’t born into SHOULD BE ONE OF THOSE. In that case there is mental AND physical baggage that would put a legit, unnecessary strain the military (hormone therapy, metal heath issues).

Women don’t do that. Oh, except when they are put in infantry units.

[Pin pulled, grenade thrown.]


You are not alone with those questions. It is more than a bit insulting to have one’s legitimate gender equated with those confused souls who live in some sort of self-imposed delusion.

(This might be a good time to once again make clear that none of my disdain applies to those few hermaphrodite babies born. Those parents must go through literal agony when faced with such a situation. Current DNA testing should ease their burden considerably, and those children should certainly not be ostracized.)

We pretty much all agree that there are a multitude of things which disqualify anyone from military service. Not all are from choices an individual made. They are just disqualifying whatever the original.


Because MEPS is gonna open up the floodgates.

Shit, they put one kid up for a Psych consult because he admitted to getting counseling from his family priest after his father died, and the LGBTWTFOMGBBQ community thinks they’ll sail through the med decks with no questions?

Bitch, please.


This is just so wrong.

HT3 '83-'87

First off…they aren’t recruiting trans. A couple are bound to show up at a recruiting office thinking Uncle Sam/You & I the taxpayers are paying the freight on their “transition”, and these are the hoops they have to jump through.

I can probably count on my fingers & toes the number that will actually qualify. It will soon become obvious what a waste of resources this social engineering experiment is to our military. These people need help with their condition, but they aren’t going to get in in military.


You watch, someone somewhere in Recruiting Command thinks they will get a nice OER/NCOER and a impact award for being the first to enlist and ship a trans. Don’t you remember the big deal the Army made about the first woman to enlist for Combat Eng? Pictures of her swearing in with the press release. Wonder how well that worked out? Oh yea, med leave and AWOL.
Funny, I didn’t get a DA press release when I enlisted.


Probably about the same as that woman that sued to get into the VMA. Wasn’t she DOR inside a year?


Looked it up, I was thinking of Shannon Faulkner, who sued The Citadel. Made it four hours into their summer camp, then went to the infirmary for a week before voluntarily leaving. Four hours!


I take a dim view of anything that involves hoopla and press releases ahead of the game. Sports writers do it all the time and make idiots of themselves by projecting who will play in/win the Superbowl or the World Series.
If this idiotic nonsense to accommodate everyone is so important, then they should let all those people who want to re-up and have real service-connected disabilities re-up first, and then take these twits. I think you know who’d come out on top.


I was always told that the fastest way to end your career in the Army was to go recruiting. Just another landmine to navigate while counting down the days on one of those assignments.


How are we scoring their APFT? Do they get a new category?

I was never much for running, and squeaked thru on a lot of PT tests, but could at my least fit (today realistically) been an ace on the female score sheet.


Did someone say, “show tunes”?



They have until January 1st to implement this, right?

Let’s see how many trannies rush to sign up after all this utter nonsense has finally been settled. If anyone is taking bets, I’d be willing to risk $1.00 by saying ZERO trannies rush to the recruiters’ doors, begging to enlist, on or after January 1, 2018.


You’ll have some that will show up just for the attention. A lot of these types seem to have a pathological need for the spotlight.

The number that actually jump through all the hoops, enlist, complete basic, and go on to serve a full enlistment? I wouldn’t wager against your zero. It’ll be a very small number, if any.

If transgenders are estimated as .06% of the population and 7.2% of Americans are veterans, then you’re looking at around 100k transgender vets. Under the old rules of enlistment, they all served as their birth gender. These new rules would allow people to serve post-op, so it’ll be a tiny number.


I have a lot of trouble believing that there around “100k transgender vets” who have served honorably in the present population. First, people confused about they gender and sexual orientation were and are unlikely to want to or have served in the military. So I think the number of transgenders who would even consider serving in the military is much smaller. It is about as likely as Hillary wanting to enlist in the Marine Corps.


And yet, there have been quite a few transgender people who have served honorably as their birth sex, with no hyperbole or pressing need to be in the spotlight, and who waited until they were done with their military lives to make any changes of any kind.

I have no issues at all with people like that. It’s the glory-hounding attention seekers that I object to. I don’t care if you sit, stand or use a garden hose. It’s none of my business. But when YOU make it my business, it pisses me off.


By far and away those are the type, like Senior Chief Beck, you’ll see in the service. I can’t imagine any rational doctor doing these reassignment surgeries on anyone who hasn’t lived as their preferred gender for years. So figure 25 would be the earliest to get such a surgery, since that’s when they say your brain is fully developed. To be considered “stable” post op, think at least 2 or 3 years. You’re now looking at people around 30 as new enlistees. Not that there aren’t some of those out there, but they’re the outlier when the average age is around 20 for new enlistments.

I just don’t see a lot of post operative transgenders actually being new enlistments. That’s a lot of hormones and surgeries and all that to then get into gear to go through initial entry training.

Under these new rules I think you’ll see more re-enlistments. Prior service who got out, had the operations, and now want to continue serving.


This will not end well.
Not for the military.
Not for the transgendered community.
There will be no winner.


I’m expecting med-drops at DLI to increase for the next couple of FY’s. We’re having enough trouble right now….


New rule for MEPS.
I am just here for the gang bang!


I’m waiting for an Appeals Court Judge or maybe Alito or Thomas to stay the district court judges stupid order.

Wording could be something like “The Dumbass in DC’s ruling is stayed pending appropriate review by the DoD of current personnel policy. AFTER the policy has been issued, THEN court cases can proceed. The courts however will give due deference to actual military policy, made by people with experience and NOT judges trying to impose their personal opinions. Merry Christmas dumbass.”