Stolen Valour-Canada; Michel-Éric Castonguay

| December 14, 2017

Our friends at Stolen Valour-Canada get another notch in their pistol grip by busting Michel-Éric Castonguay who, with absolutely no military service, paraded about pretending to be a major of paratroopers. He was featured in the French-language La Presse.

Photos of Mr. Castonguay in uniform, wearing a rank of major and many insignia and medals, were released on December 9 on the Facebook page “Stolen Valor Canada”, an organization that has given itself the duty to unmask the people posing as soldiers, which earned him a shower of insults on the site in question …

According to Stolen Valor Canada, Castonguay admitted to being an absolute impostor, while claiming to have handed his fake medals and phony insignia to a military commander in the Quebec City area in the summer of 2014.

A version that seems credible this time since his employer at the time, the Liberal MP Montmorency, Raymond Bernier had received a letter from the Canadian Armed Forces informing him of the imposture of his political attaché in August 2014 .

In an official letter to the MP, a military official warned that if Mr. Castonguay made yet another public appearance in uniform, he would face legal action.

Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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TAH Name Scrabble (Home Version)®™ scoring:

Michel-Eric Castonguay – 35×2= 70.

Rates a multiplier of two (2) because of having a hyphenated first name, but mostly for being a Dumbass.

The Stranger

I think he should get another 2x multiplier for being French!


Oh, he’s not French. He’s a Canuck. He may only be francais “in name only” because ‘Michel’ and hyphen and ‘Eric’, but definitely not a Frog.


He looks like a major of fried corn dogs.

Combat Historian

This marshmellowy cockblower with his shit-eating grin looks ridiculous in that uniform…TOTAL FAIL!


Wow… worked for a Liberal MP and paraded around in his asshattery! Stupid fucking cocksucker… should rename himself as Major Allfuckedup.

Lurker Curt

A Canadian Ballduster McSoulpatch, eh? Just needs to grow a little sumpin-sumpin on that chin…



Beat me to it, LC.

I was thinking the exact same thing.

chooee lee

You mean like a California Chow Pass?


Michel-Éric Castonguay, 38, from Montmagny, saw his fabricated story collapse this morning when La Presse leaked some information about it. Indeed, in the La Presse edition of Tuesday, December 12, 2017, Michel-Éric Castonguay – a supposed Canadian Armed Forces major – allegedly took part in military events, dressed in a medal-dressed uniform, while the latter had never served in the latter. According to La Presse, Forces spokesman Daniel Lebouthillier was unable to confirm whether Castonguay had served in the Canadian Army. “We are unable to confirm that this individual served as a member of the Canadian Armed Forces. The military is very proud to wear the uniform, a right they have acquired through hard work and sacrifice in the service of our country. Any unauthorized use of the military uniform can be investigated by civil authorities, “he said. Photos of Mr. Castonguay in uniform, wearing a rank of major and many insignia and medals, were released on December 9 on the Facebook page “Stolen Valor Canada”, an organization that has given itself the duty to unmask the people posing as soldiers, which earned him a shower of insults on the site in question … According to Stolen Valor Canada, Castonguay admitted to being an absolute impostor, while claiming to have handed his fake medals and phony insignia to a military commander in the Quebec City area in the summer of 2014. A version that seems credible this time since his employer at the time, the Liberal MP Montmorency, Raymond Bernier had received a letter from the Canadian Armed Forces informing him of the imposture of his political attaché in August 2014 . In an official letter to the MP, a military official warned that if Mr. Castonguay made yet another public appearance in uniform, he would face legal action. The member would later have demanded that his employee return the uniform and his medals to national defense. “I even asked a political attaché to accompany him. I also forbade him to participate in any military activity, direct or indirect, “he told La Presse. The Liberal MP nevertheless decided to keep… Read more »


Once again, stolen valor may be only the visible tip of the frozen-sewage iceberg here.

Apparently he’s also been lying about being a veterinarian, too. What else has he been lying about?


Off topic but it does relate to a phony: do I remember right that tomorrow is when some jail birds find out their Christmas plans?


Why, yes, sj. Yes, that is correct.


Guy looks like that Jared fella of Subway™ fame.

Bill M

He does a bit, doesn’t he.

A Proud Infidel®™

He grins like a meat gazer in a Men’s Room at halftime!


Evidentially from one of those photos, he is proficient at bagpipes…he appears a fellow who would blow on the human version with great alacrity

E4 Mafia For Life.

He also plays in the Royal French-Canadian Skin Flute Philharmonica.
And as presented in the photograph, has great skills in squeezing sacks.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m sure he plays a mean nutsack boogie while he’s blowing winos behind bus stops!


He’s working those pipes like a BOSS. He may be able to practice on a human if he keeps up his crap.

Dave Hardin

Another Brigadier of the Buffet Battalion.

Order his ass to live on nothing but water and MRE’s for 6 months. These pig eyed pieces of shit don’t have the discipline to step away from the feeding trough…I doubt any of them will ever amount to much.

Fat and Stupid is no way to go through life.


I found this additional photo of him on the interweb:


Is that a US Army Pathfinder badge he’s rocking underneath his medals? If not the Canadians must have a similar badge.

Fat lying sack of shit.

Ernest Pothier

It’s a Canadian one & a very small group of people so they all know each other………

A Proud Infidel®™

Hey Michel ‘Eric Castonguay, TAKE OFF, HOSER!!!

RGR 4-78

Michel ‘Eric Castratedgay, now has his nuts in the fire.


Who’s the fat chick in the photo?


He looks like a sword swallower who takes a wide stance at the urinal while checking out the competition. Fuck ew eh!


Hey Michel-Eric, Rosie O’Donnell just called and she wants all the man bras she loaned you back NOW.