All Democrats have left is hate

| October 21, 2007

Pete Stark claims the troops are dying soley for the entertainment of the President, the Left rejoices, Stark won’t back off from his rant – and Nancy Pelosi is forced to hang him out to dry.

Barack Obama declares he won’t wear an American flag on his lapel because he’s more patriotic than the rest of us – and ends up looking like a dorky schoolboy trying to impress his girlfriend. Then to prove how patriotic he is, Obama doesn’t bother to put his hand over his heart for the National Anthem.

 Half of America has already decided against voting for Hillary.

Joe Biden’s partition plan became the only thing behind which Iraqis could unify. 

Harry Reid climbs on board the Rush Limbaugh letter auction when he starts to look foolish – and compounds the foolish appearance after figuring his condemnation of Limbaugh’s statement was a slamdunk win for Democrats. Now he finds his popularity waning in his home State.

Nancy Pelosi starts blaming the Senate for her first hundred day failures. Then her plan to alienate our allies and dismantling our war efforts in Iraq, by declaring a 90-year-old event a genocide falls through and she begins backpedaling at light speed. She can’t hold her party together to override the President’s veto of their big lie they called the State Children’s Health Insurance Program. Code Pink has Pelosi’s DC office and house under siege. Even leftist icon Barney Frank is attacked for stripping transgendered people from his gay rights initiatives.

We wake up this morning to read that Republican Bobby Jindal has won the governor race – in traditionally Democrat Louisiana. Traditional – as in Reconstruction traditional. 

All in the first three weeks of October. To top it off, there was a whole day last week in which there were no attacks on anyone (except al Qaeda) – oh, how it must suck to be a Democrat these days.

You’d think all of these failures in the past few weeks would make Democrats think again about the people they’ve chosen to represent them. Luckily for Democrat politicians, Democrat voters aren’t focused on results – just so long as they feel good about their vote. That’s why the empty suits of Clinton and Obama will be their candidates next Fall – because they’re more concerned about what other people think about them than they are about moving the country forward.

Category: Politics

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But dammit, doncha dare question their patriotism….