Jeffrey Grenier; stealing from the dead

In May, Sabrina Galusha was stabbed to death by Daswan Jette, 20, to whom she was selling a bag of weed in Concord, New Hampshire. Soon after, Jeffrey Grenier set up a GoFundMe page to rattle a tincup for Sabrina’s family to cover their funeral expenses. He was rather successful in that endeavor;

His problems began when he took the money from the donations and bought himself a car with the proceeds according to the Concord Monitor;
Police arrested Grenier on Wednesday and charged him with a felony count of theft by unauthorized taking. He is accused of stealing $5,877, which is the total amount of all the donations minus administrative fees from the website.
Grenier was released on $20,000 personal recognizance and is scheduled to be arraigned Dec. 14 in Merrimack County Superior Court.
An official with GoFundMe said Galusha’s family will receive the money raised on their behalf.
“In this case, GoFundMe has taken action and banned the individual and will make sure the families receives the funds raised on their behalf,” Bobby Whithorne, a spokesman for GoFundMe said in a statement.
I hate these GoFundMe donation pages because there’s a tendency for grifters to publish these things without doing much work taking advantage of well-meaning folks.
Thanks to AnotherPat for the tip.
I hope Bubba & Thor busted his cherry on his first night in jail.
Mr. “Tiny” gonna be tappin’ dat azzz soon!
Here’s one saying he’s a Black Belt trained by our buddy William Roy and wants to set up a DoJo in the Dallas area to help veterans…
William Roy was a Marine but a liar.
Hey, I could use a new car. Why didn’t I think of that?
I could start the “Feed Ex-PH2” Slush Fund.
NO, PH, you eat well. Every Friday you chow down on my sammich.
At least a thumb’s up for GoFundMe for making the family whole for the money he swiped. That’s the only good thing from this story.
I’m not for one minute stating that Miss Galusha “deserved” to die, but she was selling weed. It’s not like she was on her way home from ministering to the poor and needy.
A victim, yes…but it hardly a martyr, and it seems like this schmuck was trying to make a martyr out of her, and some well-meaning but probably not critically-thinking folks bought it.
He was making a martyr out of her, so he could get a car.
Its all about the marketing and branding.
That’s the one thing about weed. Personally, I think it should be made legal for recreational use and taxed like fuck.
Because it’s illegal now means that people who partake are willing to “cross the tracks to the bad part of town” to get it or sell it and dip their toe in the pool of lawlessness, so to speak.
When you cross that line, you can’t choose the “type” of criminal you deal with. It could just be someone who smokes to help relieve back pain or relax and works days as a car salesman. Or it could be a violent felon.
The problem with tax the he’ll out of it is that the illegal trade does not go away. Colorado still has a large illegal pot market, for the same reason there is a black market in cigarettes in New York. It is cheaper to buy from your old illegal dealer than the state approved dealers.
Please refer to comment #2 in the Opal Charles post.
Okay, first off she was in the process of committing a felony ( Distributing marijuana) when she was killed by another felon. Why on Earth would anybody give money to a go fund me funeral page for that. Hey please donate to my funeral expenses because my brother got killed while selling heroine to another person. I don’t get that I’m sorry that young lady died, that is quite tragic but she died in the middle of conducting a felonious transaction unless she had some type of license to sell that I don’t know about. I think he’s even lower than low by stealing the money of the felon.
That’s the question, isn’t it? No personal accountability.
“Why on Earth would anybody give money to a go fund me funeral page for that”
1) She was pretty.
2) Giving to those in need and suffering from a tragedy makes people feel good.
3) Her family, the “innocent by-standards” in this, were the ones being helped. She’d already paid for crime by getting murdered. (This is a version of the” think of the children” appeal).
Ok, still makes me sad. Her family were not the victims. Somebody knew she was slinging dope. My brother died of a heroine overdose not too long ago. I miss him, but I knew he was doing it. Tried to help him stop, couldn’t. I’m not a victim, he killed himself. Tragic. Even though I appreciate your input I also think the first thing listed is that she was pretty is sad as well.. that says alot about our society doesn’t it? I also don’t understand what makes an illegal drug dealers death tragic. Again, thanks for the discourse.
I agree with SSG Kane. The money was for her family. Unless they gave her the weed to sell and drove her to the drop off point they had nothing to do with it.
As for GoFundMe, be careful as to who and what you are giving to.
Weed is not the same as heroin. That’s like hitting someone in the face with your fist is the same as stabbing them in the heart with a knife. They’re both assault, but there’s a big difference in results.
More than a few people in this country of 330 million people think that weed should be legalized, or at least decriminalized. Comparing it to heroin is just silly. In fact it puts me in mind of a poster from the early 1970s referencing the concept of “gateway” drugs. It was a photo of a topless young woman with the caption “Mother’s milk leads to heroin.”
Daswan….but of course
I am thinking about setting up a Gofundme page as so I can get my mid life crisis car.
At least I am going to be honest about my reason for the page.
I so want to test this.
Start a go fund me/kickstarter/whatever highlight the challenges of my life, the sacrifices I’ve made, the indignities i’ve suffered, and tell a story of how I’ve always dreamed of “doing/owning x” but how in the waning years of my life, I realize I’ll never be able to achieve that alone…
I don’t know who did it, but shortly after Hack discovered and posted on TAH that a senior executive from the Reston VA office of All Points Logistics did not have a mailbox door, someone set up a page on one of the crowd sourcing sites to purchase that executive a mailbox door. Hack’s only regret is that he did not think of it.
I think I will set up a Gofundme page for my home for destitute prostitutes? I’m sure I would get a few bucks??
Not if you stick with that user name…..
Now that’s funny.
JOHN D – LMFAO !!!!!
I’ve followed this story as well as many others in my AO.
At the risk of sounding like a cruel heartless prick, I say this: Fuck em all.
We law-abiding citizens have put up with this shit for far too long. Courts here are letting them loose with less than a slap on the wrist. They terrorize honest people and then claim they’re “sick”.
I see the police and paramedics spending a disproportionate amount of time dealing with junkies than other issues. Oh, but we can’t arrest our way out of the crisis, so we’re told. But we’re expected to cower and hide while they are allowed to continue their ways.
Day of reckoning. Soon.
Here we go again repeating myths about pot users. Since when does smoking some weed make you a junkie? There’s a lot of people around here who can’t tell the difference between low-level narcotics and the hard stuff. That’s like comparing rotgut moonshine to lite beer. Yes, they’re both alcohol, but one is a lot more dangerous than the other.
What’s next, a replay of that old PSA “Reefer Madness?”
Well, Casey, it’s like this. I live in a part of NorCal where even lots of the long-time users/growers are tired of the changes we’re seein’ in this area. Most of the newcomers are payin’ no attention to what the actual rules are, they’re just comin’ in and screwin’ up the land, wreckin’ watershed, stealin’ water from even the churches and volunteer fire departments, cloggin’ up the roads with dirt trucks bringin’ in soil, etc. Some of the more starry-eyed are thinkin’ that if there’re taxes collected that the money’d go to the local little parks and stuff. Who in their right mind wants to give more taxes to the government, and who is so naive that they think that any money that goes to Sacramento will ever find its way back to the small towns? Users won’t police their own so they get tarred with the same brush as the troublemakers. Tell me that ain’t fair and I’ll ask you to show me where on your birth certificate or DD214 it says that life is fair. As for the deceased young lady, she’s only a victim of her own bad choices. She could’ve played on the playground where the swings and slides are but she chose to play tag on the freeway with the semi trucks roarin’ by. Splat. The guy who stole the money? He’ll be Bubba’s love interest. Good.
People like Jeffery Grenier really make me in favor of resurrecting the practice of tarring and feathering.