“Bill’s guilty” is really a Democrat Hillary ploy

| November 20, 2017

Those conservatives and Republicans reading the cautious confessions of Democrat players that they may have actually been wrong about Bill Clinton’s sexual crimes, could be forgiven if they wrongly believe the scales have fallen at last from the eyes of the left and they can now see how mistaken they once were. While it is tempting to read these mea culpas from liberal pundits and power players within the party, one would be well advised to not go getting all dewy eyed and sentimental over the turkey table with the mistaken belief that perhaps our Democratic brethren aren’t so morally misguided as we’ve long believed. Before lowering your guard and toasting your liberal family members on their belated awakening to the devil in their midst, you should remember that these are Democrats, both operatives and media flunkies writing at the behest of those operatives, and Democrat operatives always have an ulterior motive.

In this case, and in this current heated environment of feminine outrage against male sexual predators, it’s not hard to puzzle out why the Democrat Party would seize on this opportunity to divest themselves of this finally recognized as well as some now all-too-vocal political baggage: Hillary Clinton. Yep, that’s right folks, I didn’t say Bill; I said Hill and that is precisely who is the true target of this supposedly surprise divestiture of the only real living lion of the party. It’s not about Bill or his soulless sexual predations and any sudden awakening to the reality of Republican claims of long ago; it’s that a bunch of lightbulbs went on over a bunch of Democrat heads who all suddenly came to see that in this current political atmosphere, Bill’s past predatory practices were the perfect tool for leveraging the noisy, past-her-sell-date Hillary out of the way for future elections. Their hope is that if prominent Democrats are finally acknowledging the criminality of her husband’s past acts, even the hard headed Hillary has to know that she’s done.

It doesn’t even have to be the entire party turning against Hillary because of Bill’s bad behaviors, but simply enough key Democrats speaking up with their words being expanded upon in the media by their handpicked hand puppets to convince Hillary that it’s all over for the Clinton brand, likely even Chelsea. These Democrat operators must have seen this as pure political gold to be able to finally do the right thing after all these years and acknowledge that their long time party leader is a predatory rat, doing so in a public and political atmosphere that makes their doing it perfectly safe, even laudatory, while at the same time allowing them to rid their party of this hang-around, haranguing, old has-been who refuses to shut up and fade into what will surely be her dubious history.

You know, if I were a conspiracy buff like Hillary, I might think this was all a huge left-wing plot to get her that started with throwing Harvey Weinstein under the bus. Nah, it was just pure good luck.

Crossposted at American Thinker

Category: Politics

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Combat Historian

I wouldn’t believe a demonrat if xe says the sky is blue and water is wet…


I’m still wondering why, when Janice Dickinson told Howard Stern in 2006, on his radio talk show, what Cosby did to women, why no one raised a ruckus back then.

Simplest answer is that the cascade of stuff going on now (with Gloria Allred charging to the front with her banner) would have happened anyway, but the timing was simply wrong for it.


It is my humble opinion that Gloria Allred is a no talent, ambulance chasing, pathetic clown that should be disbarred!!!!

Combat Historian

On the other hand, Republicans pols these days are so stupid and incompetent I wouldn’t trust them to replace a single light bulb for fear they might black out the entire Eastern Seaboard…


Next time put up a spew alert…
You owe me now.


Hey Historian, you seem a tad cynical.

Combat Historian

Gosh, do I really sound that way…???///


Yep, but I like it.


There will be -just- enough statements of “naughty!” Directed at Bill Clinton to allow the MSM and Democrats (but I repeat myself) to turn the baleful gaze of “sexual predation” awareness on Trumps locker-talk, without allowing absolute clarity of charges of hypocracy.

So Slick Willy gets a finger wag for credible allegations of rape, and Trump is incapacitated and impeached for locker-room shit-talk. And the not-so gentle elbow-aside goes to Hillary as convinient happenstance collateral damage.

No hypocracy at all….

Just watch. Having “held Clinton accountable” they will turn on the true targets: non-proggie Republicans and Trump.


Cynic, you are.

The media already did that thing about ‘locker room talk’ and it didn’t work. Like, they’re the cleanest bunch of twits on the planet, right?

I’m sure there is more to come and we’ll see even more (GASP!) exposes (expozays) if heinous behavior from/by libertards and lefties, and it will take a long time for it to die away.

Let the wimmins howl!!!


They will demand he be taken to task for “grabbing”, and they will “find” people to accuse him.

Try hard enough, long enough,and they will find -someone- with a grudge or a regret, or who is simply nuts.

Manufactured outrage is the new normal. And some of the opposition will not accept anything les than an odd-locking scalp.

They -have- to scalp-hunt Trump as the cause of all wrongness. Otherwise, they have to admit that their -own- party stole the election by rigging the primary for Clinton. You know, like they rigged it for Obama 8 years before.


‘past her sell-by date’? Are you kidding me, Poe? Her ‘use-by-date’ expired the day she stole antiques from the White House. (Jes kidding.)

Nice article. It isn’t a rude awakening for the dumbocraps. It was a long time coming – a very, very long time. I’m hoping that some of this crap will rub off on the slime that has infested the state legislature of Illinois for 30 years, never mind Chicago. I don’t take anything for granted with this bunch of sleazy weasels, because they’re like rattlesnakes a bit past their prime: they still strike and still have a bit of venom in those venom glands.

Watch out. Don’t take ANYTHING for granted with them. They aren’t the chameleons they think they are, never were. Rats in the alleys have more honor.


When Slick Willy is required to register as a sex offender in all 50 states and stay at least 100 yards away from any female other than Canckles, I’ll believe they are serious.


Ditto. Don’t see it happening, though.

Perry Gaskill

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

My own view is that Hillary Clinton could turn out to be a female Democrat version of Darth Vader. Useful for the purpose of pushing antipathy towards the Russians, for example, but not so much now for pushing the feminist agenda.

The NYT editorial focused on Bill Clinton’s foibles also seems to miss a broader point. It wasn’t what Bill did or didn’t do during Lewinsky that matters all that much today. It was the way Hillary handled it. The most recent election might have been held last November, but it was lost 20 years ago when she decided to stick by a philandering husband instead of throwing him under the bus. The intervening years have just been a matter of chickens taking time to come home to roost.

There’s a subtle thing that goes on in politics, at least it seems to me, which is that the electorate is more willing to ignore minor moral transgressions than it is naked grabs for power. Hillary’s reluctance to dump Bill was never actually seen as a matter of forgiveness on her part. It was instead viewed as a ploy to hold political influence at any cost. What such a thing demonstrates to voters is that when the chips are down, the political figure is ultimately going to act in the best interest of herself, and not the country.


Bingo. Cannot agree more with your analysis.

What made the Clinton’s look particularly bad was not soo much the transgressions themselves but all the crap that followed. Hillary might have been forgiven had she simply remained silent as if in denial and/or embarrassed. Instead, she orchestrated the scorched Earth attacks upon the women her husband violated. That made her complicit and just as smarmy (maybe more) as Bill.


all the trail of dead bodies didn’t hurt!


Meanwhile, clintoon keeps his mouth shut on the Lolita Express trips with known child rapist and long time demonrat donor Jeffrey Epstein.
This piece of shit needs to spend the rest of his life in prison and die there to be buried in a numbered grave like manson…


Even more cynical – it is Hillary herself pushing a pre-vetting of her dirty laundry now so she can say “at this point, what difference does it make” when it’s brought up in the next primary – it will all be “old news” and “I already dealt with that”.


Say it ain’t so. Hitllery done for in politics because of straight white males throwing their oppression everywhere.?!?/sarc. You mean to tell me that they are going to use this opportunity to admonish the hildabeast. Then split every single little divisive tactic that they know to subcategorize people further dividing us. Having us play thier version of the lord of the flies. While the get rich, and fat. Perish the thought/sarc.


These two are like turds that just won’t flush.

A Proud Infidel®­™

So all this is a thinly veiled plot by the DNC to push Hitlery Cankles out to pasture? Meh, the RNC should have pushed McVain to pasture years ago.


Yes, they should have, And Corker too. Then, we wouldn’t be treated to Flake running his cock holster, trying to stab any and all R’s that he can get near, except McStain and Lindsey Grahamnesty.