Airmen charged with graffiti crime
3E9 sends us a link to a story from Sumter County, South Carolina where four airmen from Shaw Air Force Base were arrested for painting Satanic graffiti on a rural church;
According to sheriff’s office, the group members have been identified as Kayla Marie Eilerman, Clayre Marie Savage, Daveion Raaheim Green and Brandon Munoz.
It is not clear at this time if the service members will face any type of punishment from military officials.
A bond hearing is scheduled for the four Friday afternoon.
Nice. I guess they aren’t aware of closed circuit TV technology;
I blame Mikey Weinstein.
Category: Air Force
Yeah, I’m old
Look Mom, its the Devil….
I remember The Flip Wilson Show. Man, I’m old too.
That guy was funny as all get out.
Do you think we can get some scrabble scores here? I’m betting they could be some good ones..
TAH Name Scrabble (Home Version) points are:
Kayla Marie Eilerman = 29
Clayre Marie Savage = 28
Daveion Raaheim Green = 29
Brandon Munoz = 26
Actual overall scores are pretty close to each other, just like four little shitbird peas in a pod.
Thanks Claw! I do enjoy scrabble
You’re Welcome. I enjoy providing the scores.
Da Debbil made ’em do it!
ok ok…I shoulda watched the Flip Wilson clip …first.
Flip Wilson is the Devil!
Is it really that boring at Shaw AFB that Airmen are reduced to defacing churches? Hey fuckheads whatever happened to just getting a DUI? Jeezus, this new generation of servicemembers casses serious doubt in their abilities. (sarc off)
The air farce stopped all talk of Jesus and didn’t want any bible studies, so I guess they decided satanism was ok huh?
I have to ask; Is Clayre a guy or a girl? Or something in between?
Back in my day. I’d bet they’d get the standard 45 days restriction & extra duty, half months pay for 2 months, and a reduction in rate. Does its still work like that now?
Certainly can if their command wants to do that. Field-grade Article 15s do still exist. Ditto summary courts-martial.
But hey, your guess is as good as mine regarding whether their chain-of-command will or not.
This could even go general-grade…simply because of the total embarrassment of the Air Force these knuckleheads caused…just begging to be made examples of
“The four were arrested Thursday and charged with trespassing, malicious injury to a house of worship, and criminal conspiracy.”
Malicious Injury to a place of worship is a felony that carries a potential sentence of 6 months to 10 years in prison and up to $10,000 in fines. This means that you will serve at least 6 months if convicted of this crime.
Ref: SC Code §16-11-535
I expect they won’t be disgracing the Air Force for long.
Poopcicles. Meant to quote the second paragraph from here:
Methinks they are in serious hot water.
Now, in about 10 years we may be seeing them with Stolen Valor on the pages of TAH.
They’re just out for kicks on a Friday night, and now they’ll end up being shit canned.
“Here’s your sign”
Ironically, they will try to pass themselves off as Stealth pilots…
10 years? 😀
Assuming they get kicked to the curb by the USAF, my guess is they’ll all be Navy Seals by the time the Winter Equinox rolls around.
Might be a while then, considering there’s no such thing as a Winter Equinox.
Winter Solstice, yes.
But they all need to burn, regardless.
I saw FG Article 15s with max punishment doled out for far less than that when i was on AD, I say let their CoC’s have their pound of flesh and then let the local Civilian Authorities have at ’em!
I blame Bush.
Blame Trump now. It’s much more in vogue. Even heard some talking head say that Trump has created the atmosphere that has created people like Weinstein. HA!
Yep, even the Great Depression in the 1920s was Trump’s fault. So was the Civil War and he even caused that meteor to hit the earth that killed all the dinosaurs.
Some of my friends were dinosaurs (sigh)
If Yellowstone erupts it’ll be President Trump’s fault, just ask ANY moonbat liberal!
Trump is from Queens. The Gangs of New York are his fault
If this is all they can think of to do with their down time, the need to be sent down the road kicking rocks with a BCD.
But the church triggered them.
Anyone want to guess as to their political persuasion?
I thought that was obvious.
FWIW, that one female seems to have the “secretarial spread” from sitting in her chair too long.
Don’t they have to do PT?
In the Chair Force?
Aww, come on! It’s just a bunch of kids engaging in creative spray painting on an available public surface.
Aren’t they clever? No?
Yeah, these are the little turds that make it necessary to keep the cans of spray paint locked in a case at the hardware store. That means that if there’s no clerk handy to open it, you’ve wasted gas money on a trip to get something that is locked up.
I haven’t been in favor of spanking kids, but my attitude is changing. These brats need their butts pounded until they have to eat their meals standing up for about 10 days running. They also need to immediately be set to work cleaning up the mess they made.
Dammit! Leave other people’s things alone, you little bastards!!
I have always been in favor of spankings.
Part of what has made me and my siblings responsible adults, has made my kids responsible adults, and is making my grandkids responsible young men and women is knowing that doing wrong has painful consequences.
Some of the worst behaved kids/young adults I’ve ever known were raised by the “no spanking” policy.
Maybe the base CO can order some butts being busted with 1x4s.
I think you’re right, Graybeard. The very few spankings handed out in my family were prefaced by ‘Do you understand why I’m doing this and what you did to get it?’
Yep. It was a cardinal rule in my house that either the child had to know that it was forbidden beforehand, or the danger was so great that the action needed to be stopped immediately.
Like the time I put the metal grasshopper’s legs in the outlet in the hall.
I didn’t get too many beatings, but they were always punctuated with Scripture. The beating in perfect time with the words…
As / many / as / I / love / I / rebuke / and / chasten
Not cool at all. I’m willing to bet that liquid stupidity was a factor, though, as was a desire on the males’ part to find their way into the females’ panties.
Hope they enjoy their new world of shit.
Now the males will be the females in prison for, hopefully, a few years.
I don’t understand it, and I’m not even going to try.
What the fuck was their collective brain malfunction?
It’s pretty obvious these dim wits are anything but Satan worshipers. They were doing this just to scare people, and throw suspicion away from themselves.
But to target a church in the first place?? These children should never have been allowed in the Air Force, and now they’ll be getting some sort of discharge that still enables them to collect benefits in 20 years.
“What the fuck was your brain malfunction?”
You know, our 1SG asked us the same question after the great Wetzlar bon fire and riot at the 50/50 club….
Our answer was probably the same as well…”it seemed like the thing to do at the time”
The women I don’t know but the guys were trailing along hoping for a weekend piece of ass. Not much more complicated than that
The guys forgot one of the basic rules for men…
“Peace of mind before piece of ass”.
yeah, it is a stupid crime…but I think back on being a private in the ’80’s realize that some of the things we did in Frankfurt were that stupid.
Not illegal, but stupid.
looks like the girls doing the painting and the dudes just standing around.
Best to learn early about hanging about in groups when off duty.
A bad idea can be a learning opportunity; someone else’s bad idea can be tragic.
I’ve got nothing…. I mean I did some pretty stupid shit in the Navy; but I never in my wildest dreams or any state of drunkenness thought about defacing a place of Worship.
I wonder if it is a historically black church; and they were hoping to make headlines that racist satanists are defacing Black Churches in South Carolina.
Not funny…not funny at all.
I thought the Air Force recruited smarter people than this.
Unfortunately, this was right down the road from me at my old stomping grounds, Shaw AFB. Throw the book at the little bastards so hard their great-grands feel it.
Oh look a real hate crime. Not fake self committed crimes to feign victimization.
Burn’em, Air Force!
[…] Political Hat: The Greatest Confidence And Enthusiasm In Your End Of Life This Ain’t Hell: Airmen Charged With Graffiti Crime, also, Happy 242nd Birthday, U.S. Navy Weasel Zippers: Cuomo To Keep Over $60K In Donations From […]
i’ll look these chickenfuckers up in the global later today and see what units they are from.
So one belongs to the Maintenance Squadron, two to the Security Forces, and one is not listed for some reason.
Hope all four get a prompt kick in ass out the door.
What a bunch of dumbsh$&s. In my day we would decorate with squadron patch stickers. And it was usually on sister squadron airplanes or buildings
After 45 days restriction on base and 50% pay dock for 2 months here’s a plan. Whatever their current AFSC is, allow to be meritoriously allowed to do a “by pass specialist exam” to the rate of “Chaplain’s Assistant” or “Religious Programs Specialist” (RP in USN jargon). They can see the inside of a church in day light instead of the outside at night. Great therapy CAPT Bones USN (ret
What did the Chaplain Corps do to you that you think they deserve to be punished for the misdeeds of these clowns?
Actually the Civilian Courts have Jurisdiction over these morons. Anything the Air Force does will have to be administrative or if punitive fall under article 134.
Unless the people really push it the DA will likely look for Fine, Community Service and Probation.
The command may initiate admin sep proceedings.
If you are expecting any type of jail time, a court martial or bad discharge you are going to be sorely disappointed.