Stop Blaming Guns For What People Do
As always, hysterical articles about gun laws and gun violence have erupted, right on schedule, in regard to the episode of pure evil in Las Vegas on Sunday evening.
It’s always the fault of guns first, as if they have some unknown ability to animate themselves and just start shooting. I have yet to find any place on Earth that has robot guns in place. Even the Terminator had to go to a store to get his/its hands on ballistic weapons, and walked away disappointed that he/it couldn’t get a bolt-action laser bullet-firing rifle. “Just what you see on the shelf,” said the shopkeeper. And let’s remember that the Terminator used a vehicle to ram his/its way into the police station, then proceeded to use a pump-action shotgun to blast away at everything in sight while the heroine hid under a desk. Oh, yeah — that all took place in California. The irony is blatant.
Of course, politicians (especially DiFi) jumped right up out of the woodwork, brought their puppet Gabby Giffords front and center along with Shotgun Joe Biden, and wailed about ‘Stop gun violence’.
As I recall, when Nichols and McVeigh set off a truck bomb in Oklahoma City, no one hollered ‘ban medium-sized rental trucks!’ or started a campaign to stop truck bombings. No one wailed, jumped up and down and pointed, and thumped a podium proposing banning rental trucks or legislation to take multipassenger transport planes out of skies and go back to driving horses and buggies or using a passenger trains only mass transportation system.
Those were one-offs, right? No, they weren’t. We know better, because we can find plenty of plane hijackings if we try. How about the PanAM Lockerbie bombing?
Frankly, you couldn’t get me on a passenger flight now, for a good reason. The last time I flew any commercial flight anywhere was the fall of 2000. The guy next to me was an obnoxious gasbag who decided my reserved seat was his and wouldn’t give it up until I offered to get the flight attendant. The flight out was bad enough, but the return flight was worse. I used to like flying. You can’t get me near a commercial flight now. I’ll walk first. And it’s gotten worse since the events of 9/11/2001, because people seem to have become even more obnoxious and bad-mannered. Maybe it’s being in a captive environment that does it.
I looked around for the volume of laws on the books that relate to gun control. At the Federal level, there are already nine in place. The number at state level varies from state to state. Why is “more gun control laws, there aren’t enough!” the first thing uttered? Why? Pure, unadulterated, intentional ignorance. Ask those morons how many laws are already in place. Corner one of them about it.
What happened on Sunday in Las Vegas has absolutely nothing to do with guns, any more than parking a rented truck loaded with a homemade bomb near a federal building has anything to do with rented trucks or flying a plane full of passengers and fully-fueled into a skyscraper has anything to do with airplanes. Nor does it have anything to do with the crowbars and other things used by a beast like Ted Bundy to brutalize and kill women over a period of some 20 years.
We have to face who and what we are. WE are a violent species. We are predators, first and foremost, not herd animals, whether the politicos like that or not. And believe me, they don’t like it. They do not view any of us as individuals. I blame most of that on the media, which panders to the false narrative that we are, indeed, dumb herd animals. WE aren’t dumb. THEY are.
Nor are we, as Americans, likely to submit obediently to being told to go live in “special” places and wonder what’s going on while more and more of us are brought in by cattle car to join us. Read up on the revolt at Sobibor. Not everyone went quietly. Some of those rebellious souls used guns they had taken away from their Nazi guards. We’re more likely to be those guys at Sobibor than the sheep that Stalin, Hitler, Mao Tse-Tung, and Pol Pot slaughtered by the millions. I have no idea how many people Saddam Hussein killed off but he can rightfully be added to that list, along with his two offspring.
You can pass all the idiotic legislation you want to but until politicians stop using puppets like Giffords and Brady as poster-children for their need to be control freaks, and take a hard look at how dysfunctional they themselves really are, nothing will stop the violence.
You cannot legislate it out of existence. You can heavily punish the offenders. You cannot legislate the Paddocks and Bundys and despotic dictators out of existence.
In the meantime, the screeching and scrambling to pass more laws, the ignorance about current legislation which is more than adequate, and the lackadaisical attitude that pervades the HERDS of people who just don’t believe anyone could possibly want to hurt them (seriously, ask one of them) are the real problem.
We do NOT need more gun laws. There are plenty on the books. We do NOT need more legislation. We need more public awareness of what is already in place.
We do NOT need a news media environment that squawks and points about gun violence, pesters already-rattled victims for interviews like the carrion eaters they are, and gathers like groupies at a head-banger concert when these events take place. That needs to be stopped right now. The blood lust they display is appalling.
I blame the news media for what happened in Las Vegas – all of it.
We need to do whatever is necessary to get people to stop being careless slackers about their surroundings. Please tell me why some stupid young woman thinks it’s okay to be out jogging after midnight, wearing headphones, when personal violent crime is rising in Chicago, and she is assaulted, beaten and raped. And then she wants the city to pass laws against that. The sheer stupidity about this that I see in people between 18 and 45 is astounding. And their rebuttal is “Why shouldn’t I be able to go jogging at midnight in a bad neighborhood? Why would anyone hurt me? I’m so nice!”
Whether you own weapons or don’t, WE need to argue the opposite side of that coin that has political animals jumping right in front of TV cameras with their puppets, and make it clear that there is enough legislation in place already. It hasn’t stopped anything. The world is a harsh, violent place that wants to terminate your existence by any means.
If we are going stop this, we have to stop blaming inanimate objects for what WE do and take responsibility for it. And blame the news media for everything – all of it.
Category: "Teh Stoopid", Gun Grabbing Fascists
“Do something, anything!”
I couldn’t agree more. That’s why I contribute to the NRA-ILA. We all do what we can. 🙂
AMEN! (Renews NRA membership). 🙂
Just upgraded to Benefactor last year… Might have to go and get my son his Life Membership soon..
Have you received the invitation to be a Golden Eagle yet? If not…you will. I almost signed up for it, just to see what comes next. 🙂
There always seems to be another level if you just give more money.
I’m a tad cynical at the constant “surveys” that are just fund-raising gimmicks, and “levels” that mean you’ve paid more money.
And folks complain when the preacher asks for church-folks to just give their 10%…
Don’t mean to offend, but years of living below the poverty line and having folks dun me for contributions to Their Nobel Cause has left me a little bitter.
Can’t argue with you there GB, I’ve said no quite a few times, to the NRA, and others.
Totally agree with you as I also renew my NRA membership. They can keep the “surveys”. My simple class of membership is fine.
I don’t give to every charity that asks or every time one I contribute to asks for a donation.
That’s each individual’s choice.
…unlike where taxes go.
Not saying they are not good institutions doing good work – but they also need to know that we are not going to open our wallets every time they want to take a girl out for a soda.
And now they want to sell us out on this exact issue…..
I keep hearing, “do something”, well YOU do something, read the Bible, turn back to God accept Jesus…when this country was a God Fearing country, you didn’t hear this kind of stuff, and if you don’t want to turn back to God, then don’t be surprised when Jesus comes back and take his people home and you are left behind!!
Here’s hoping more people start deciding that it’s time to lift all the legislative restrictions that have been placed on our Bill of Rights and not just those regarding the second amendment. Once you start pushing the principle that an attack on any single amendment is an attack on all of them and start defending the Bill of Rights in totality it will make it far more difficult for the government to encroach through “reasonable restrictions”.
For me personally there are no “reasonable restrictions”….any restrictions are an affront to our personal liberties.
Stop being a statist and start being someone who values personal liberty over the state’s concerns. Then you will actually start to consider what living in a “free” society means…and you’ll probably end up pissed off.
I agree for the most part, but think that some restrictions are necessary. For example, if the second amendment’s purpose is to allow me to arm myself in deterrence and protection against government tyranny, then I should be able to legally possess weapons that are equal to those of the police, if not military. So should I be allowed to have fully automatic rifles? Arguably yes. How about a tank and rounds to go with it? If I have the money to buy them, why not? How about a fighter jet or some bombs? My Glock and AR-15 aren’t much of a deterrence to an M1A1 or A-10, after all.
And yet I would argue that these restrictions are good. True, we will never get rid of evil and/or crazy people, but at least we can limit the damage they do. Just imagine what the body count would have been if that fuckstick had had access to a couple of M204Bs, rocket launchers, or an attack helicopter (he had a pilot’s license and the money).
Not saying that all restrictions are good or make sense (AFAIK some states don’t allow you to have certain knives or tasers), but there is good enough reason for some.
Just out of curiosity, Some Guy, do you have any idea how microscopically obsessive-compulsive some state/county/city statues are in regard to guns?
Good laws are simple, don’t require long, convoluted language, and are not confusing.
Bad laws are not just meant to be restrictive. They are designed to invoke tiresome arguments over nothing.
And which do you think is more likely to pass legislatures?
Thanks Ex-PH2 for voicing what I can’t put into words. We are a species capable of great things-but have a potential for evil-doing. Let’s all try to remember our representatives are supposed to represent US. With the exception of a few salient examples, we’re not doing well. Semper Fidelis.
Agree 100% VOV, as it’s been said, rather dangerous freedom to quiet servitude.
“And their rebuttal is “Why shouldn’t I be able to go jogging at midnight in a bad neighborhood? Why would anyone hurt me? I’m so nice!” This isn’t a new phenomenon. I dealt with that same attitude during my time in LE, and I’ve been retired 20 years.
The naivete in the general population is astounding. Not to mention the ignorance. As you said, there are more than enough laws on the books to address the shooter problem, the rape problem, the murder problem, etc.
Yet, there are always cries of “Do something”, even if it’s wrong.
Trying to get it through my teenage granddaughter’s head that there are evil monsters “out there” that will harm her is a trick. She does not have the experience base to make the connection or comprehend just how evil these monsters can be.
I’ll feel better when she can get her LTC.
I wish they’d listen to the wisdom of the old quote:
“Don’t just do something, sit there!”
Hah! Good one!
Like in WarGames, sometimes the winning move is not to play.
I think the libs would sacrifice all their liberties for the sense of security. Not actual security mind you, just the feeling of security. Are any of the 20th century police states examples of very secure places to live? Has the TSA really made plane travel safer?
The reason our republic has survived as long as it has (look at how many types of governments have ruled major first-world countries like Germany and France in the same timeframe) is because the framers wanted to keep power in the hands of the people, the states, and then finally the central government. We have rights here that most of the world can only dream of.
You’re as close to the mark as anyone can be. I’ve read one opinion piece that within the next 20 years, corporations will be running everything, based on how they are growing now, and governments will be just a sidebar. Artificial intelligence has a hand in this, too. The reasoning behind this statement has to do with Thatcher’s dismantling the British economy in the 1970s, the current Brexit, Catalonia’s current secession effort from Spain, Macron’s tweezy, wheezy election on air-based promises which are now falling flat and his subsequent loss of popularity, and finally, Merkel’s failures with the Eurozone which also resulted in a resurgence of the far-right. He also said that Merkel would not win the next election, and missed that one, too. She won, remember? This particular forecaster calls this “globalization”, not in the economic sense, but in the political sense, with large corporations running things. “We feel powerless, and we want simple certainties and to be told what to think. This makes us feel secure. And the big corporations, and the governments they (effectively) run, are only too happy to provide that.”- quote He did make a good point with that paragraph, and also says taht corporations don’t care about individuals, that we’re either employed or unemployable. He also said Trump wouldn’t get elected, and then changed his mind at the last minute. Merkel would lose: no, she was re-elected. I’d have to agree with some parts of what he said. Corporations as entities are answerable to shareholders, and shareholders want results, but his assumption – that they’ll run the world – is based on the mistaken idea that big corporations last forever. They don’t. Too many have fallen by the wayside because the Board of Directors have made serious errors and they’re gone within a year or two. This restlessness and the repeated appearances of malcontents like Paddock and Hodgkinson (shot Scalise) is a symptom of something else. Not sure if it’s the sore loser syndrome at work, or just feeling lost in the crowd. But we, as a large group, must be wary of the… Read more »
As the great Ben Franklin said, “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”
The last time I remember truly thinking that we were going to be giving big government a free ride to be intrusive was after 9/11. Google Tim Allen’s (relatively) recent comments on Jimmy Kimmel. To paraphrase, if the government put a camera on a car and drove it around, people would cry “intrusion!”. Goolgle does it and puts some colorful emojis on the car and people run over each other to wave at it. We’re more than willing to give up our information, habits, and, dare I say it, freedoms to corporations for the sake of convinience.
Sure seems like what you’ve written the way the dems would like to take things. They’re huge on globalism the last twenty years. The problem is, globalism has never been a popular opinion. Isolationism is one thing we all (humanity) seem to share. The NIMBY philosophy from Carlin. Everyone feels bad for the Syrian refuges, but nobody actually wants to bring a bunch of them into their house.
Ex, that was an excellent rant. Would you share the name of the writer you quoted?
I hope it was not Ray Kurzweil or Peter Diamandis.
No, it wasn’t either of those two. It was a hippie turned astrologer in the UK.
Sometimes, he posts articles in which he forecasts something and is sometimes correct, but there are many other times when he’s been way off.
It’s when he makes general observations like the one I quoted that he is on the mark. If you really want his info, I’ll post a link to his website, but I think he’d be better off sticking to philosophy and stay out of political statements.
The globalization he refers to really began in the period when Elizabeth I took the throne of England and had enough sense to pick the best advisors and get out of their way. It just continued from there. I might find enough stuff to do an article on this, but every cycle has a beginning and an end, and globalization is one of those cycles.
Basic rule of prediction and prognostication: Avoid specifics and be as vague as possible, it’s hard to be proven wrong. Think that came from some guy named Noster Dumbass.
Agree with you and Jonn. Well written
Both of you hit the nail on the noggin.
Resonsibilty lies with the person who committs these atrocities and not the object/objects they use to inflict harm on others.
Wonder if those who are blaming guns have security/body guards protecting them with a concealed weapon (sarcasm, because we know the answer to that statement).
Thank you, Pat.
9 Federal laws? The aggregate of Federal, state, and local laws regarding guns is well over 15,000, some sources citing as many as 22,000 different laws on the books. Oh, and LOVELY pic of the old plain-base Keith bullet – not sure if it’s the 429241 or 454424 depending on whether that is supposed to be a .44 Russian or .45 S&W. A little cast-bullet porn!!
She said “9 volumes.”
At the Federal level, there are 9 federal gun acts/laws starting back in 1938. The number of pages for each of them wasn’t brought up.
I didn’t do a survey of state laws, because, as I said, the number varies from state to state, never mind local city/county statutes.
I’d say it was a 429241. From the pic it looks like what I cast for my 44 mag.
That cartridge is likely a .44 Magnum. The shell casing is too long for either a .44 Russian or a .45 S&W. Case length-wise, it could be a .45 Colt, but I’ll put my money on the .44 Mag.
The more I look the more I lean toward .44 Special which would make it 429421. (fap wank fap) Gotta love lead.
Let’s see, 86 People were killed with a truck last year in Nice, France and we don’t see any liberals howling for Truck Control Laws, do we?
My point exactly. How about the number of people killed in bus accidents, whether tour buses or city buses or school buses, etc.?
It just gets silly after a while.
200,000 plus people die of medical errors in this country every year. But no one says we need more laws to lower those numbers.
All we want are “reasonable” truck controls. You’ll still be able to have a truck for hunting, but nobody needs a 1 ton dually quad cab for hunting. It’s complete overkill, and only the police and military really have the training and the need to operate them.
Just for that, I don’t have a truck, but I’m going to get one, a dual-cab 4×4 F150 V-8, not because I need one, but because I want it.
Oh, and while I’m at it, Elon Musk’s electrical vehicle company is WAAAAYY behind on production of vehicles for which there are deposits, but he has now proposed an all-electric semitruck and is taking deposits somewhere on the order of $5,000, maybe more. Production on that voltsucker won’t even begin until 2030 or some such year.
His company is defined as a financial company masquerading as an automotive production company.
Almost a Ponzi Scheme!
The motto of his company should be: You pay me Tuesday for that car I will gladly make for you the second October of 2025.
Biggest scam EVER! And it’s legit!!!!
Have you seen his rocket experiments??? BOOM!!!
Squawked themselves into corner by my measure:
the POTUS is a fascist/racist and the 2A is outdated
What? Who’s a racist? Aren’t you the pot calling the kettle black, sport? Don’t you dare throw that crap around in here. If you don’t like the 2nd Amendment, then move your sorry ass to another country where gun ownership is outlawed.
Not what I was going for but I like your heat. I’ll get my fingers and brain on the same page….
Media squawked themselves into a corner by my measure:
“the POTUS is a fascist/racist and the 2A is outdated”
Okay, Chad, but if you meant something else or were being snarky, it’s a good idea to warn people. Tone of voice when speaking and tone when writing don’t always match.
What Chad is trying to say is that he is tired of the media squawking “razzist!” and “gunzzz!” every time they turn around, and he doesn’t take them seriously any more.
The problem with the written vs the oral.
And on that statement Chad, my sincere apologies, I obviously misread what you wrote
I was going for the irony of the narrative. “the current leadership is fascist and we want to take away your last defence against fascism.”
Keep the ball…I’m going home 🙂
Another example of government ineffectiveness. DARPA has been working on a sarcasm font since it’s inception in 1958 and still nothing to show for decades of expense.
Chad, if you forgot the /sarc tag, I’ll apologize, but it seems more likely that you’re some little troll sent my a former poster here, a particular denizen of Berkley…. based on the number of new leftists popping up here, I’m guessing he made it a group project to come in here and spout stupidity…no big surprise i guess Right Lars?
Don’t talk about Trump’s predecessor that way! He’s a respected academician.
And he’ll have a library named after him some day!! But what has he himself actually published??
That was a very well written article!
I agree with every word
Terminator was a great movie and “ a 40 watt plasma rifle” has become a gun meme
The Las Vegas shooter, like the man who shot at the Republican baseball game, was a lefty who took the media hate to heart and killed conservative people
The hysterical left wing media with its calls to resist our president is to blame when weak minded people follow their hate to its logical conclusion
As for the revolt at Sobibor, as a Jewish person I am amazed that any Jew can be against gun ownership
The only way to put millions of our people onto trains to death camps is if they are disarmed first
There’s a rabbi, can’t remember his name, who is very pro-gun and has his own blog about it.
Rabbi Ben K’boom?
If there’s evidence that Paddock was a leftist, please provide a link to it. I haven’t seen anything along those lines so far. Thanks.
Yeah, GrBd, I think it is Rabbi Ben K’boom I was referring to.
I read another article today saying that the shooter once worked for the US Postal Service at one time and the IRS at another, talk about the ingredients to make one go lethally crazy!!!
However the Sobibor revolt was not the only one, and remember the 7th October 1944 by the Auschwitz= Birkenau Sonderkommando at Crematorium IV, and a revolt at II. Incredibly brave people. They used Hammers and Axes and smuggled in explosives. Ban tools.
I didn’t mean to leave anyone out. Sobibor was the first one that came to mind. Thanks for the heads up on that.
“As I recall, when Nichols and McVeigh set off a truck bomb in Oklahoma City, no one hollered ‘ban medium-sized rental trucks!’ or started a campaign to stop truck bombings”.
Explosives are illegal. The government did start monitoring sales of fertilizer after the bombing. So what you’re saying isn’t true.
Yep, they are illegal… and yes, the govt does monitor large fertilizer purchases.. does that stop people from stealing the ammonium nitrate? NOPE… does it stop people from making multiple smaller purchases at multiple locations? NOPE… oh, and just FYI, any time two or more handguns are purchased in one month by an individual, ATF is notified… sooo that’s two arguments you’ve made today that were complete BS… Care to try for three?
Actually explosives aren’t strictly illegal. They are controlled however they are used all the time in mining, quarrying and other industrial operations.
I think that what Fyr means is that one cannot simply walk into the local gun store and pick up some C4 – as much fun as that would be.
To work with explosives requires some specific licensing without which the possession of said explosives is illegal.
Thanks for clarifying my statement GB, exactly what i meant.. I must be speaking a little fuzzy today, it has been a long week..
There with ya, bro.
Hang on, Saturday’s coming.
For that matter, so is 5:00 and the chance for a cold Shiner.
Sounds good! I do enjoy Shiner now and then.. during the summer, i really like that one, i think it’s called Ruby Redbird… made with Red Ruby grapefruit… nice and light when it’s hot out
I tend more to the Bavarian black or the Bock, but the Ruby Redbird is a nice summer brew.
All those “radlers” are great. Apparently invented by a bicyclist in the alps, leave it to Americans to make it too sweet by using 7-up or Sprite instead of lemonade or “grapefruit-ade”.
YES, Shiner Bock is very nice, I myself also enjoy Fat Tire, Samuel Adams and Leinenkugel Wheat as well as Boulevard brew from Kansas City and Arrogant Bastard Ale, something I’M SURE was named after ME!
SO THAT’S WHY I can’t find any C4 and blasting caps at Gun Shows like liberals claim? DITTO with machine guns!
lol…one of my neighbors was literally having a blast recently getting rid of some of his excess dynamite.
Serious fun and completely legal. 🙂
“neighbor” around here being a relative term, since we’re all spread out by significant acreage.
Hell, I’d have given him a legitimate use for that perfectly good dynamite in getting rid of some tree stumps!
Reread what I said, Lily. I said “no one hollered ‘ban medium-sized trucks’.”
The only reason fertilizer sales were monitored AFTER Oklahoma City was that Nichols was a farmer who could go to any farm store or grain elevator and make a big purchase of any commercial fertilizer. All fertilizers contain nitrogen, phosphorus, and/or ammonia, depending on the brand and the crop being fertilized.
Ammonium nitrate and nitrogen phosphate are as common in use as dirt in commercial farming.
As I said, there was no call to ban medium-sized trucks. It was a USDA decision to monitor fertilizer purchases.
Cars are highly regulated. You have to be a certain age to own one, it’s illegal to drive without insurance and so fourth. Law enforcement has started to barricade most crowded events.
Wrong again, thanks for playing! you can own one at any age, the age requirement is only for a drivers license, not to own the vehicle. And outside of a financed vehicle, you don’t have to have insurance unless you’re driving on public roads ( it’s completely legal for a 10 yr old to pay cash for an old pickup and only drive it on her families farm)… Please, try to do some research before posting here and making yourself look stupid
I’m pretty sure a 10 year old can’t own a car. You know they would have to pay registration fees? Can you back up you claim that anyone, including kids 1 to 10 years old can own cars and pay registration? Of course you can’t. Thanks for validating my argument with your irrationality.
Speak for yourself, I learned how to drive a stick shift when I was 13 in a 1946 Willys CJ2A on some acreage my family owns. Many farm kids learn how to drive farm machinery and trucks well before their peers!
registration is only required on public roads, a farm use only vehicle that never leaves the property is not required to have registration, or insurance. My folks had a old Bronco for property use, my at the time 8 year old nephew ised to drive it all the time. Licenses are also only required in public spaces not on private property.
Sounds responsible, especially all by himself. Guess if he chose to do something bad, such as take the car off property, the parents would have had been put in jail.
Well, since API and Milo already answered for me, I guess I won’t hold my breath waiting for you to admit that I was not irrational, and did not validate your argument, I just, once again proved you to be ill informed about the topic on which you’ve chosen to post.
Sorry about your luck
Fyrfighter, I think he or she is completely stuck on whateveritself like a certain critter from UC Berzerkely that used to troll here was!
A car is property. Anyone can own it. Speaking of which, have you seen kids 5-15 on motorcycles and off road buggies? As long as you’re on private property it’s perfectly legal. Driving on public streets is another matter.
Lily, you are quite incorrect in your statement. A minor can buy a car from a dealer. However, minors cannot be held to their contractual obligations under the law as they are under the age of majority (18 years). If a minor changes his or her mind after buying a vehicle, the dealer would have no choice but to cancel the sale and refund their money.
There is, in fact, no prohibition on a minor buying a car unless there is a sales contract, which requires that an adult also sign the contract.
Next time you decide to say something like that, try getting correct information first. You’re pulling stuff out of a hat. And you are wrong – AGAIN.
Let’s see, the title to my first truck (an extra-shitty ‘85 Toyota SR-5 Frankenvehicle cobbled together from at least four different salvaged wrecks) was in my name before I even turned 15. I wasn’t in Driver Ed yet. One of my young cousins just got his learner’s permit (age 15). He got his truck when he was 10, registered with DMV as the legal owner, and spent those last 5 years learning every last nut, bolt, and wire harness on it. He’s stripped it down to the frame, put it back together, fixed it, and upgraded it. The kid is basically MacGyver, except very pro-gun. Sorry, but your assertion is demonstrably wrong.
I learn something new here often. I just checked and here in NC there is indeed no minimum age to own a car.
You know, changing the subject does not mean you win the argument. Your response doesn’t make any sense at all. It has nothing to do with what I said. Not even a good try.
You’re the one who threw cars into a iscussion about guns, not me.
Hey there little POOP STAIN, look at who diverted the thread discussion!
No, I made a valid point that you missed entirely.
well, there is also the whole methamphetamine thing as well….
Developed by NAZIs.
Indeed. People rarely talk about the good things that came out of the Reich.
You mean like universal firearm registration, free nationalized healthcare, and free government-funded university education?
[…] Intersectional Faith, Instersectional Liberation, Intersectional Pilgrimages This Ain’t Hell: Stop Blaming Guns For What People Do, also, Lieutenant Rapone At West Point Weasel Zippers: NYT Falsely Reports Trump Blocked Puerto […]
No one ever screams about banning knives after a knife attack, or large trucks used to mow down infidels. If someone is killed with an axe, one never hears about axe control. Even when Lizzie Borden’s parents were axed with forty (one) whacks, no one blamed the implement.
86 People were killed with a truck in Nice, France and I have yet to hear a cry for Truck Control laws!
If you will recall, after the Boston Marathon bombing, pressure cooker purchases were monitored by DHS or FBI, don’t remember which but probably both, because they were used to contain the bombs.
Maybe I should make a list of inanimate objects other than guns that have been used to commit mass murder and destruction in crowded or not-crowded areas.
To paraphrase that great philosopher, Ron White; people have the right to do as they please, they just don’t always have the ability to do so.
It’s true. A young woman SHOULD be able to jog down a dark street at night wearing headphones, and feel perfectly safe.
People SHOULD be able to sit on their front steps in Chicago, or Detroit, or Los Angeles, in any neighborhood in those cities, and feel safe and sound, and not have to worry about drug dealers and gang bangers shooting up the street, and killing their children.
I SHOULD be able to walk freely through the streets of Compton unmolested at any time of day or night at my own choosing.
All of us have that basic right.
But the reality is that there are people out there who do not care about our rights, and will not comport themselves properly, and allow us to enjoy our rights to be free from fear, and be able to travel without hindrance.
Because of this, we…or at least some of us…have taken it upon ourselves to take the step of ensuring our own safety, and security by taking up arms. We know the world is not made of sugar and spice. We know that the unicorn has hooves that can kick just as hard as the horse.
We know, the truth of things, and we are ready.
We will be ready.
The herd people will not.
@ EX-PH2
The wounded might think their injuries are due to guns. They were shot or hit by shrapnel or trampled by others fleeing the gunfire. No one was stabbed or bombed or run over by trucks. The dozens of families mourning their dead would be justified if they said the guns were an issue.
Yes, a person or persons made the plan, bought the guns and pulled the triggers. Who knows what the motive for the shooting was – hate, mental illness or evil. And until we perfect mind reading/mind control, there are few actions outside the draconian that could have prevented this attack.
Perhaps I’m missing your point but just logged in to say this:
We know the shooter’s actions caused the deaths and injuries. To say that the issue is not about guns disregards the agent used to cause those deaths and injuries. Regardless of how one frames the discussion concerning this event, the types of weapons and the non standard components (extended magazines and bump stocks) will be valid issues. I don’t believe it’s reasonable to declare “not about guns” and not expect pushback on that point.
We know current laws meant to regulate or create barriers about weapons are ignored by criminals/villains/terrorists/malefactors.
My opinion is we could discuss how these laws are being enforced before adding further controls on weapon use or ownership.
FYI, I own a variety of pistols and long guns and used to have a bunch more. I’ve been qualified and licensed to carry. I don’t believe the gun lobbyist/NRA etc are all necessarily devilspawn.
I don’t have the time to discuss your article concerning the media, or politicians or other people you may not like. Prepping for a possible visit of yet another hurricane.
Good luck with a visit from TS Nate, old98z.
Thanks. My 5 downed trees from Irma still sit on my curb. Hoping Nate is only a TS, and the strongest part of the windfield stays west.
Its why I’m late to any topic – limited time to read.
Pulled pork for dinner with a cherry jalapeno sauce and peach chucks in the beans.
I found this enlightening video, which puts the entire bump stock argument into its proper hysterical perspective. Instead of spending $30 to $40 to get the bump stock thingy (I still don’t know what it looks like), spend 10 cents on a rubber band.
Watch the video, and learn about weapons economics. Oh, and put down the beverages first, because I refuse to take responsibility for your spit takes.