The silencing of Germany’s lambs
Even in the worst days of WWII for Germany, when Allies and Soviets were closing in on Berlin, the men fought desperately to protect their women and children. With the Americans, it was more a matter of preventing hungry frauleins from being lured into casual prostitution with cigarettes, nylons, and Hershey bars. With the Russians, it was a different matter for the Germans – a primal fear of a primal force that was sweeping over them and targeting Germany’s women and girls as sexual victims in the waning days of history’s greatest conflict. Stalin’s armies brought to the middle of the 20th century the same inhumane brutality as that of the terrible Khans who had swept in from the East many centuries before. In the face of that brutality and those overwhelming odds, German males, like their Teutonic forebears, fought to protect their nation’s wives and daughters from the rapacious Russians, frequently in futility and at the cost of their lives.
Today, we should contrast that courage with the complete surrender of physical courage demonstrated to the world by Germany’s supposed warrior-males in Muslim-occupied towns and cities where their wives, daughters, mothers and grandmothers are easy targets for rapacious Muslim outlaws who scoff at silly Western values and morality. If you think I exaggerate, consider this response of a German mayor dealing with angry citizens complaining of verbal sexual assaults and harassment, and fears of worse, against pre-teen girls:
Grandfather: My granddaughter, she’s under ten – and it also happened in a nearby town.
Citizen: That’s right!
Grandfather: The girls have been harassed by the “refugee children” … the asylum seekers … and they get harassed from the windows of the shelter and things like that. How will this be in the summer, when the school girls wear less clothing?
Mayor: That’s easy. Just don’t provoke them and don’t walk in these areas.
No stiff-spined Prussian leader, that mayor. Don’t provoke them? With what? Simply being your natural German selves? Parts of your town are now proclaimed off limits by Mid-Eastern invaders – off limits to you, direct descendants of those who founded it an eon ago? You mean by living within our traditions, by our very presence in a town that was occupied and repeatedly defended by our forebears for more than a thousand years until your government surrendered large swaths to swarming hordes of young Middle Eastern males, who have no logical reason for being here? For the simple reason that your feel-good liberal government picked our town to draw the short straw? Is that what you mean by “don’t provoke them” and “don’t walk there”? That sounds like what an African mother would tell her child about riverbanks and crocodiles. Is that the level of our culture now?
Where the hell are Germany’s men in towns such as this one? Where are the grandsons and great-grandsons of those Wehrmacht soldiers, who fought bravely for a terrible cause and an even worse leader in WWII, but even so with great courage? Has the lemming-cliff liberalism of the European Union so withered the balls of German males that they will meekly surrender their women and daughters to the caliphate? Why on Earth was it a grandfather up front there defending his family? Where was that girl’s father? What neutered you German fathers: Allah, or your own pallid political correctness? Will you Teutonic Tootsies of warrior age simply turn your backs and mince away from these Merkel-motivated Muslims, and ignore the pleas of your daughters?
Until they go silent…like ill-fated lambs?
Crossposted at American Thinker
Category: Politics
My aunt has told of the fear of being a young girl in Russian-occupied German territory.
I have a friend in Scouting who tells of her time as a child attempting to make it to the safety of American-controlled Germany.
The German politicians have emasculated themselves.
That’s a good article, Poetrooper, but I do think that there is something stirring, slowly, to be sure, but don’t give up on Europe just yet.
I agree.
We need to re-animate Hitler and unleash his ass on the Middle East. No? OK how about this but
Replace the word “Dallas” with the words “North Korea” and/or “Middle East”
The Middle East: The world’s largest underutilized testing grounds for neutron weapons.
(one more in the endless list of Carter’s bad decisions.)
Very well written and argued. I note that the Vikings have wimped, also.
Thank you, bg2, but it’s actually kind of sloppy with regards to pronoun agreement.
My bad…
Maybe we did too good of a job with de-Nazifying and laying on the guilt trip about sins of the fathers and all of that.
John Ringo and Tom Kratman had a nice take of this in “Watch on the Rhine”. True it was aliens from another world and not aliens from another culture, but the principles the same.
The sequel “Yellow Eyes” is also quite good.
Two words that explain much, PT:
“Metrosexual Euroweenie”
Where’s Bismarck when you need him?
Sorry, but I just can’t seem to work up much sympathy for all those poor, innocent Germans brutalized by the barbaric Russian hordes. Individually, maybe, but not as a group. Nor do I have much admiration for noble German manhood defending the virtue of innocent women and children.
Karma can be a bitch.
What goes around, comes around.
Payback is a bitch.
What goes up, must come down.
The Germans reaped what they sewed in WW2. At the end they fell over themselves trying to surrender to Americans, English or Canadians.
They were beasts on the Eastern Front.
One difference that we seem to forget here is that there is no freedom of speech in Europe. People get arrested for standing up for their own culture there. The world’s politicians and power elite have made their decision to eradicate western civilization. Be it for greater control through religion, less centralized and organized public, or greater control through the newly benifitted migrants. Over there, you will be arrested and sent to jail where these degenerants overflow and are converted in mass. Good luck making it through your prison term unscathed and alive. Keep sending the strong young males off to war, stripping society of decency, breaking up family structures, and glorifying garbage. Distract and decide the populace. The changes occur even faster. The US at least may have a chance still, maybe.
There is also no second amendment in Europe
Somebody tell Der Governator to phone home… 😎
But tough talk without more comes pretty cheap.
Dunno. Auntie Angela may think she has things under control now, but history has demonstrated it likely that deep down in every German male there’s a rowdy Attila who wants to run down those Vespa-riding Romans with a Porsche…
While humming a Wagner aria…
What happened to all the skinheads? …. the neonazis? ….. the big beautiful blonde mankiller fraus?
I’ve been postulating for many years that the rising generation of German youth are going to become fed up with all the apologizing for the sins of their fathers, which will result in a sort of violent backlash accompanied by a new pride in being German.
Maybe they won’t become Nazis in name, but I’m certain the apologizing will cease, replaced by a new militaristic spirit.
After all, that’s partly how the Nazis became so popular in the first place, was as a reaction to Germany’s treatment, being forced to feel shameful and humiliated following the First World War.
What will save Europe if it can be saved are the V4 countries, Poland, Hungary, Chech republic and Slovakia. They know the danger they face from the muslim hordes and are not willing to let their women and countries be overrun.