Gerry Morgan; phony Vietnam Veteran

| August 2, 2017

Early last month, someone sent us this article about Gerry Morgan in Canada’s Chatham Daily. The article has disappeared, but I figured it would so I saved the text for posterity. It seems that Gerry here claims that he’s another Canadian who was kidnapped by the US government and sent to Vietnam.

Vietnam already taken enough of his life

Sergeant Gerry Morgan muttered a profanity.

It was June 1970 and his head was still swimming from the morphine running through his veins. The 19-year old had woken up in a hospital bed in Vietnam. The room was filled with doctors, nurses and about 10 to 12 people who he was serving with.

Morgan’s friends had just asked him: “Have you seen your new silverware yet?”

He looked down and saw that a lieutenant colonel had come in at some point and pinned both a Silver Star and the Purple Heart onto his chest. The Marine sniper groaned because, “I hadn’t gone to Vietnam to people-please. I had gone there to do a decent job in what I was trained to do.”

Because of one ambush attack, Morgan’s two-year tour in Vietnam was being cut short. To his count, he had 182 confirmed kills up to that point.

His leg that had been nearly ripped off in the attack but doctors managed to save it. But it’d never fully heal. Bullets had ripped up his belly but that was stitched up too.

“I was going stateside because once you get wounds like that – well, you need two good legs on you to fight.”

As he was rolled off the plane, strapped into a gurney, he saw crowds of people around the fence.The spit from the anti-war protestors splashed onto his face as they hurled “a never-ending barrage of insults.”

“Baby killer! Murdering bastards! You don’t deserve to live!” they shouted. Morgan was livid and threatened to kill one of the protestors from his gurney.

His rage was boiling as he was wheeled into the hospital.


Morgan was born on June, 10, 1951 in London, Ont. to parents he never knew. He was adopted by Edna and Arthur Morgan. A doting mother, with roots in Glencoe-Rodney who wanted a son and a disciplinarian of a father who already had a family of his own in Alabama.

Within a year, the couple and their new son moved to Birmingham, Alabama where his father was the best moonshiner in the state and “the sneakiest, most deranged man I’ve ever had the displeasure to meet.”

He and his mother were routinely beaten by his father and he vowed to leave one day.

On June 8, 1966, he was driving his mother to a grocery store in his father’s Ford LTD when a swarm of black cars filled with federal agents encircled them and the men drew their guns on them both.

His mother was livid, but the federal agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms were yelling about his father.

“The truck was loaded with moonshine. My father was making a run that night and there was something like 114 gallons of moonshine in the trunk,” he said.

Morgan was charged with transporting illegal liquor across state lines, thrown into prison and spent his 16th birthday in jail. He was terrified being in prison.

After a few minutes in court, the lawyers and his father all came out smiling and laughing. Gerry Morgan was not going to serve time despite being called, “a problem child.”

Instead, the judge offered him this: “We’re going to give you your choice of whatever flavour of the armed forces you want to join up with.”

“Problem child? I was only taking my mum out for groceries,” he’d thought. With only a small wicker suitcase, two days later, he got onto a Marine bus already filled with crying teenagers.

They rode that bus all the way to Marine Corps Recruit Depot on Parris Island nuzzled in Port Royal, South Carolina. In bootcamp, he learned early on that he was a “dead nut shooter” which meant “I could shoot the eyes out of a squirrel at 100 yards.”

After more training as a sharpshooter in Camp Lejeune, in Jacksonville, North Carolina, Morgan became a Marine in the Gold Company 1st Battalion of the 3rd Marine Regiment of the United States before being shipped off to Vietnam.

“If a man tells me they weren’t scared there, I’d call them a liar… it was completely unsettling.”


Soon after landing in Vietnam by boat, Morgan said he only made one mistake early on.The first time Morgan killed another human being, he said his knees turned into jelly and learned that the harsh truth of kill or be killed.

While canvassing an area, he suddenly felt a rifle bullet zip by his ear which he described as a “buzzing mad hornet.

So he quickly set up his gun and burned off 40 rounds of bullets which seemed to melt away into the jungle.

Because, soldiers were promoted in battle, it only took him six months to become a top sergeant.

Multiple times, Morgan saw grenade explosions vaporize his friends with nothing left to ship home. He also saw men die from being stabbed with sharpened sticks in the ground.

After the adrenaline wore off, it became a ritual to ask around to see if anyone was bleeding. It was only until after the shooting that they’d realize someone next to them, possibly a friend, had bought a bullet in the head.

“Going to sleep was the hardest,” he said. “You’d remember the crackling of gunfire, people screaming, which was only natural, people were being killed on both sides.”

He was forced to eat caterpillars and survive off the land when rations ran out. After battles, they would round up and destroy anything the enemy could use.

“You’re in the dead of night with 11 other guys in your platoon and you’re as valuable to them as they are to you,” he said. “And everybody wants to come back alive… we eat together, we live together and we’ll die together.

“It was like ‘I love you, brother,’ not Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell kind of love” he smiled.


In 1970, Morgan received a Silver Star rushing into a firefight to grab three of his men.

“I wasn’t even thinking. I knew that they were my people and I knew that they were down and I just started grabbing harnesses,” he said.

His lieutenant would later tell him that he’d never seen such a thing.

After only two days in hospital, he was back on the field because, “war didn’t stop for nobody.”

Soon after that, once he was back on patrol, Morgan was scouting up ahead for his platoon.

“Then, I heard the crack from an AK-47, they got a very distinct sound and you knew right away” he said.

Morgan ran up ahead 10 feet of his platoon and took a firing stance killing at least three Vietnamese.

Suddenly his body went flying from a sniper shot from above him.

The bullet tore him apart from the inside, Morgan said. He started dragging himself through the jungle when he saw his friend, Cliff Rayborn, rushing towards him, but before he get close enough, Cliff exploded right in front of him from a landmine.

The shrapnel tore Morgan’s body and basically blew off his foot.

“I was flat out of aces,” he said. “I didn’t feel anything because I was so pissed off that I had allowed this to happen to me.”

It was at point that another unit started firing back at the Vietnamese and they fled into the jungle. He thought he’d never see the foot again as he was rushed into surgery.


Six months had passed at Californian hospital before he could walk out with a cane. He was sent back to his Alabama where his father had no sympathy for Morgan’s suffering. In fact, he’d routinely berate and force Morgan to work the farm.

During one of his father’s tirades, in a rage, Morgan himself gathered up all his citations and medals and without turning back, he threw all of them into a small river.

“They’re in the bottom there somewhere. It was my Silver Star. It was my Purple Heart, it was my Crown Cross Sabres,” he said.

Eventually, Morgan used some of his GI funding and impulsively bought a 1969 Plymouth Road Runner and just started driving north towards Rodney, Ont., where his mother was from.

During 1972, once in Chatham, he married a woman he says couldn’t understand what the war had done to him. They had two children, which he admits he doesn’t see very often, and he stresses that the war has left an indelible stain on him.

He’s travelled across Canada as an oil rig worker, truck driver, gold miner in Alaska and even a mechanic these past 44 years.

Now 65, he been living the past seven years in Chatham and has been dealing with Post Traumatic Stress syndrome and the Agent Orange that went into his eyes. He says over the years he’s dealt with a team of psychologists, psychiatrists and more case workers than he can count.

To help slow and calm down his mind, he has to take close to 70 pills a day. He doesn’t think about Vietnam if he doesn’t have to.

For the past 10 years, Morgan and several close servicemen meet once a year for the Remembrance Day ceremony at the Bradley Convention Centre. One of those veterans is Ray Consello, who actually served in the same Marine Regiment but in a different battalion.

Morgan has a woman in his life named Geri who he says is patient and understands him the most.

“She’s been like a rock to me… she basically has the same name, I’m sure that helps too,” he jokes.

Six years ago, he had tried to get some of his medals back from the U.S. government. The way he tells it, whoever he spoke to didn’t make it easy, insinuating that, “The queen loves you, but we don’t.”

He renounced his American citizenship soon after because “America didn’t do anything for me. That was the straw that broke the camel’s back.”

When asked if he’d ever try again, he smiled.

“Geri and I are getting up in age and truthfully, I just don’t feel like I have enough room in my life for Vietnam” he said. “It’s taken up enough of my life.”

Yeah, Gerry, the dingus, is wearing a Combat Infantryman’s badge, that’s not awarded in the Marine Corps. Marines get a Combat Action Ribbon. He’s wearing a big ornamental silver star on his shirt – that’s not what the Silver Star Medal looks like. The upside down crossed sabres he’s wearing are also Army, I’m not aware of any Marine Corps cavalry unit. Those crossed sabres he had tattooed to his arm are upside down, too;

He joined the Marine Corps more than a year after the North Vietnamese rolled into Saigon effectively ending the US commitment there. He had eighteen months of service before he was put out on the street. It looks like he never left Camp Pendleton, California except for the time he was in a hospital in Okinawa for some reason, then he was a cook, then he was in a confinement facility, then he was out on the street.

I’m guessing that the Challenge and Development Center isn’t sniper school. More like rebuilding Marines who lost their way.

Oh, and a Private First Class (E-2) isn’t a “Top Sergeant” whatever he thinks that is – it’s not the Staff Sergeant rank he has pinned to his shirt.

Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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fake nick name?,,,check.
Seems this cat has not completed the ‘How to be a great poser’ check list. That is a normal requirement before getting caught.


Yup, no sign of a motorcycle or a service dog (yet), but he does have these things going for him, which is nice:

– Phony Marine Sniper (it’s always Sniper or Force Recon with these assclowns)

– Raging Case Of The PTSD

– ‘Agent Orange that went into his eyes’

– ‘To help slow and calm down his mind, he has to take close to 70 pills a day.’

– ‘He says over the years he’s dealt with a team of psychologists, psychiatrists and more case workers than he can count.’


Don’t forget the 182 confirmed kills….


Easily checked by just looking at the “confirmed kills” block on the DD-214. 😉

Combat Historian

The account of his “service” in Vietnam is a combination of literary boilerplate from “Fields of Fire”, “Rumor of War”, “Marine Sniper”, “Sand in the Wind”, and “The Short-Timers”, with a CIB on his vest to boot…(sigh)…


As well as Field of Dreams.

Wasn’t Ray Consello the main character in that movie?

Oh, wait, it was Ray Kinsella. Sorry, my bad.

The Mouse that Roared

Ray Consello is supposedly another veteran living in Canada who supposedly served in the 3rd Marine Regiment. One of [s]Geddy’s[/s]Gerry “GWN” Morgan’s best buddies. Of course this turd served in 2nd and 3rd Battalions of the 9th Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division, so his patch is all sorts of dicked up also.


I’m thinking Jonn may have misspoke when he said Ray Consello and was actually talking about the fictional Cliff Rayborn, who Morgan says was exploded/vaporized from stepping on a land mine.

No Cliff Rayborn on RVN KIA list. Only Rayborn KIA was Army PFC Danny Keith Rayborn of Mount Carmel, IL who was assigned to D, 2/5 Cav, 1st Cav Division and was declared KIA on 6 Jan 1970.

But then again, Cliff Rayborn may have survived being exploded/vaporized by a land mine and would therefore not be on the Vietnam KIA list.

Combat Historian

Ole’ “Cliff Rayborn” vaporized because he was never there in the first place…


Maybe his records were “vaporized” with him?


I’m sure you guys noticed it, but the fucker has army SSgt chevrons on his vest from what I can tell. The CAR he is sporting is obvious, but the dimwit spent at least enough time in the Corps to know that Marine SSgt chevrons have crossed-rifles in the center.


“Then, I heard the crack from an AK-47, they got a very distinct sound and you knew right away” he said.

He got that from the Clint Eastwood movie “Heartbreak Ridge.”


And he received his highly classified orders directly from Colonel Walter E. Kurtz.


I thought it was from Colonel Wilhelm Klink.

I could be mistaken.

A Proud Infidel®™

Ve vill find out… SCHUUUULTZ!!!


I find your comment to be …. unsound.


Yo, Morgan: take off, eh?



A Proud Infidel®™

A cocksucker as well.


that should be Cocksucker eh…

Tom Huxton

In north Alabama folks would call him “contrary”, which carries multiple meanings— all negative.

CB Senior

What the What. 16yrs old and the Judge is giving him the old “Jail or Service” BS.
182 Confirmed kills and no one has ever heard of him. Maybe he was talking about the amount of Palmetto Bugs(AKA Giant Roaches where I am from) that he killed in Boot.


The math gets them every time.

June 10, 1951 to June 8, 1966 doesn’t add up to be spending his 16th birthday in jail.

CB Senior

With that much Bullshit flying around how could anybody concentrate on math.


stitched up his abdominal wounds…sepsis in 3…2…1

CB Senior

I wonder after he was wounded if he called for a “Medic”.
Did he stich himself up before or after he administered pain meds?

Doc Savage

Nah…..he cracked open a bullet, dumped the powder in the wound and lit it to cauterize the wounds.

Peritoneal lavage is for the weak.

Wait……where did I see that before?


The transcript reads like a bad “B” rated Hollywerid tale.

Mustachee’ and leather.



And I’m pretty confused on calling a Ford LTD a truck.

A boat I can believe, but not a truck.


Ah, I see now why I was confused.

One little letter. C instead of N. Misspelled in the article.

But still, 114 gallons of moonshine in the trunk has gotta weigh at least 950 pounds.

No wonder the rear leaf springs on the older Ford sedans always seemed to be sagging.


That’s only 23 jerry cans, no wonder they were caught.


So the ATF which was created in 1972 traveled back in time to 1966 to arrest his father? That’s amazing!

The Mouse that Roared

Well, well, well. Here is a tough character, right out of the novels. Assigned to Okinawa, then got his 6 month tour to the Philippines and did the Jungle Warfare School.

Somehow, got himself sent to Alcohol Rehab in Okinawa, that failed, so he was sent to Corrective Custody Platoon (a one month bootcamp-lite) to attempt a return to the straight and narrow, but that failed also. Sent home. No CAR, no confirmed kills (unless there was an unfortunate instance with a ladyboy in Subic Bay), no shrapnel, bullet wounds, PTSD? More like untreated syphilis. I rate this Semper Fiction.


More like “Semen Fi”

USMC Steve

Interesting. Didn’t know Marines did two year tours of duty in Vietnam. That would come as a surprise no doubt to the guys who went over. And the top scoring Marine sniper didn’t have anything near 187 in his book.

I don’t even know where to start in calling bullshit on this turd. But you all know what is up here without me telling you.


Time flys when you’re having fun.


I give every number that ends in 7 a 90% chance of being bullshit.

Psychologically, liars and posers use the number 7 as a mental compromise in not being too high or too low, in their minds.

Young Bud Fox

Seventh time I have heard that.

CB Senior

I cannot read it. It is really fine print, but on the back of his Vest under the Vietnam Vet license plate. Does that say Enter here?


He rents stall three in the local Tim Hortons men’s room…

CB Senior

Right next to Sea Bass.

Commissioner Wretched

“If you can’t sea bass every night, you can’t sea bass at all.” – Groucho Marx


**shakes head in disgust**


Rip his leg off and call it even.

I’m sitting 10 feet away from a hometown newspaper clipping hanging on the wall of a coworker. It’s his Dad in the article. A REAL Marine with a REAL Purple Heart from a REAL grenade in Vietnam. No Silver Star and no mention of confirmed kills though. Go figure.


By the way, the newspaper clipping isn’t a decades later story. It’s the newspaper clipping the parents of the Marine cutout in 1968 listing that a “local boy” was wounded in action.


Only wounded and not “vaporized?”

That’s the one thing I can’t shake from my memories of Vietnam: That of seeing guys “vaporized” by hand grenades. Luckily for us, those grenades big enough to vaporize a human body couldn’t be thrown very far by one.


Lol the vapor frags are the worst!

It’s so weird seeing the picture in the old yellowing newspaper article because the “then young” man in the picture looks just like the coworker son sitting at the desk. Very surreal.


I don’t think even a direct hit by a 4.2 inch mortar round could “vaporize” someone. I know a booby trapped 105 mm or 155 mm howitzer round couldn’t vaporize the two guys it blew up, as I was there to help pick up their body parts. The artillery round was planted underneath a wooden pallet. It went off when one of the two killed stepped onto the pallet. It exploded right underneath them. So I think it would probably take at least a direct hit by a 500 lb. bomb to vaporize someone.


vaporized soldiers probably from Forrest Gump

Daisy Cutter

“His lieutenant would later tell him that he’d never seen such a thing.”

The only truthful line in the entire story.



Green Thumb



“Morgan ran up ahead 10 feet of his platoon and took a firing stance killing at least three Vietnamese”

Oh hell naw…. the “firing stance”?

They don’t even teach that to Army is that a Marine only thing?



Coast Guard.

The Coast Guard has the firing stance down pat because they’re on ships, and you know how bouncy those things are.

You have to have a good firing stance on a bouncy ship.


Ran up ahead TEN FEET? Doesn’t the moron know ten feet equates to about THREE running paces? That’s really getting out front and leading the way.


Hell, I’ll bet I could throw a Vaporizing Grenade ten feet…


What’s in those grenades? Vick’s?

Commissioner Wretched

Vick’s Formula 43.


The firing stance makes you immune to vaporizing grenades.

A Proud Infidel®™

Maybe he threw a Plasma Grenade from the HALO video game?

CB Senior

Not to mention being ahead of a firing line puts bullets coming at you in two directions.
Marine Field manual says that is a bad thing. Pretty sure Army Manual states that also.


I know that at the ranges, the range officers always got quite upset when someone moved a body part in front of the firing line.

just some feller

feet — meters …. what’s the diff?


Feet = what you run with

Meters = what you park next to

Unless otherwise informed, I think that’s a pretty clear difference.

Silentium Est Aureum

Wow. Fuller of shit than a Christmas turkey.

So what’s the Vegas odds in which come first? Sockpuppets, “family members”, legal threats, the ever-popular “I’ll kick your ass” diatribe, or a humble apology and a promise never to do it again?

Yeah, the last one’ll never happen, but it’s on the board anyway, just for shits and giggles.


I’ll put a beer up for sockpuppets.


I’m in for sock puppets.

I love it when all hands on Team TAH face outboard and repel sock puppets.

Unmatched entertainment and hilarity!


I’m hoping for sock puppets. I absolutely love the sock puppets.

CB Senior

Not sure if it is the rubber band mouth or the cute little buttons eyes, but who could not love a sock puppet.

Silentium Est Aureum

Speaking of, “I’ll kick your ass,” anyone seen Dave Hardin around today?

Some shitdick was supposed to kill him yesterday, and I haven’t heard from Dave here or elsewhere, so someone wanna do a buddy check on his ass?


He may be busy consoling the Soviet for the fact that the hitman got lost again.
Or taking his kids names off of all his stuff.


Or he might be out and about wandering through the local all-you-can-eat buffets and Waffle Houses in an attempt to draw fire so that he can locate and identify the ‘hitman’.

Dave Hardin

The Soviet is not collecting any insurance money and my kids have to wait before the sell off all my stuff.

I slept in a bit this morning.

Sorry to let everyone down, one day I might find a poser that is not a complete pussy.


Well, you can’t have everything you want all at once, you know.


Slept in after consoling the Soviet all night?



Daisy Cutter

Dave, I hope this doesn’t come across as insensitive but has anyone spoken for your Man from U.N.C.L.E. lunch pail and thermos?

I know you have a lot on your mind with peeking out the windows and all, but maybe you can see in your heart to bequeath your lunch box to someone that needs it to complete their collection.


We won’t hear a peep from this guy is my guess.

From what I’ve seen it’s the younger pretend heroes who are determined to defend their imagined honor in public.

Cockroaches like Gerry Morgan just scurry and hide when exposed to the light of truth.

Brown Neck Gaitor

Come on gang.

Who amongst us hasn’t traveled 100+ miles (closest state line to Birmingham) for groceries with half a ton of shine in the trunk?


Exactly. I travel from Huntsville to Atlanta every week to do my grocery shopping. I also make sure that I have at least ten pounds of weed in the truck during my travels. Who doesn’t?

Tom Huxton

I’ve gone from Cullman to Nashville, just for a beer. Huntsville is closer, but the sheriff’s roadblocks are a hazard.


With that upside down shit he’s sporting, he may be a phony Canadian; he’s actually Australian


Army rank on his shoulders. I guess those were Marine PFC rank emblems in 1970. F-N turd.


For what it’s worth, here’s a copy of the original article –


SEVENTY PILLS a DAY might explain some of his fantasies…

Green Thumb

Or all of that stolen morphine running through his veins….


Seventy pills a day explains this erection in my pants!


So full of shit that it runs out of both ends…

Green Thumb

Awesome story.

18 months = Substandard Discharge = Shitbag.

The morphine in the veins might be the reason he was confined and then tossed out. He stole it. Probably from someone that really needed it.

I love the upside down tattoo as well. Nice touch.




No teaming up with SEAL Team 241 to penetrate the jungle’s deepest can o’ peas and follow elephant tracks up the sides of hills in the Ay Shawl? No crotch rot or trench foot? No taking a quick dump in the elephant grass while a frog the size of a cantaloupe hops into his pants?

I am SO disappointed in this one. He has no imagination at all.

Don’t nobody tell him that back in the day, it was the revenooers chasing moonshiners, not the ATF. If his so-called ‘daddy’ was making ‘shine, he sold it locally. Unlikely he was transporting it in the back of a pickup truck. What was he using? Milk cans?

Seriously, stop him before he makes us all gag from laughing at him.


Crotch rot ain’t no laughing matter.


Exactly. It is even worse that the dreaded jungle rot.


I know, but he seems to have been immune to it.


Jesus Jumping Christ on a Pogo Stick! Golf Company was in First Battalion? Gee, always thought it was in Second Battalion. What a Jackass. He was in 3/9 so he at least should have known that much. Idiot!

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Bull shit, it makes the grass grow green. Maybe I can get away with a post about me storming San Juan Hill with T.R. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.



You know he is TOTALLY LEGIT when his leather says, “GOLF COMPANY”.

This guy needs to be given some points for the comedic value of that!



I sploded the pic and sure as bears crap in the woods, he is part of GOLF COMPANY. So I goggled GOLF COMPANY and this is what I found:….0…1..64.psy-ab..0.0.0.mvxl_Z4bd8o



What a straight up flaming asshole.


I’m not sure I have ever seen such a compendium of cliches in one spot.I particularly liked the grenade explosions that vaporized someone… friend of mine intercepted a howitzer impact near the Golan Heights in ’73 and there was enough of him left to bury. Musta been one of those experimental kiloton grenades.

Wilted Willy

This moron doesn’t even make a good poser! I hope he runs into a real Marine and starts spouting his BS to him and see how far he gets? What a shitbag asshamster!

cc senor

Damn, I could have had a GTO instead of a Le Mans, but I was told I had to use my “GI funding” for education.

Flight lines are usually within fenced in areas, but I can’t recall ever seeing one within spitting distance of the fences. Or am I just expectorant challenged?

HT3 '83-'87

Wow…the only thing for that story was it starting out as “This is no bullshit…”
Orphaned…Jailed…Wounded & War hero…Agent Orange…PTSD.
His body count makes Carlos Hathcock look like he goldbricking it in Viet of the Nam
Shame on the fish wrap that initially published this story. Has anybody heard of checking sources/independent confirmation of a “Whale of fish tale” before it goes to print?
His costume is totally UNSAT too, but I guess tooling around in GWN he doesn’t called out on mixing Army & Marine bling.

A Proud Infidel®™

Let’s not forget how he burned a patch of the jungle to nothing in Paprika by throwing a single flaming squirrel just right!


You know, liars gonna lie and posers gonna pose, I get that.

But what in the holy hell are they teaching in journalism school that any reporter above the age of 12 is buying into this colossal load of bullshit?

Do they not teach skepticism? Do they not teach future journalists that sometimes when people are telling their personal story they embellish a bit – or manufacture crap from whole cloth to make themselves look good?

And my ire is not just directed at the (presumably) cub journalist who wrote this crap, but also to his or her editors who passed it on without saying “you know, this almost looks like the plot of, oh, I don’t know, EVERY VIETNAM WAR MOVIE, TV SERIES OR BOOK EVER MADE, do you think maybe you could verify whether this guy has, ahem, ‘padded’ his resume a bit?”

What makes me sad is not this loser of a poser, who after all is just telling lies to promote himself, but rather that this kind of lurid, clichéd fable has become the way most people in our culture have come to think of Vietnam.

Silentium Est Aureum

Ought to be interesting what ol Gerry comes up with when the corrected story hits the street.


Hopefully the reporter will be mad enough to really blast this idiot publicly.


Popping some corn. . .


You know I think the same thing about the reporters but I’ve also seen worse in actual veterans.

I know an honorably served (8 years) / honorably discharged Vietnam Navy Veteran (destroyer) with a combat action ribbon who just loves to hear “land warrior” stories. It’s out of respect for them I realize, but he’s been fed some real bullshit and he believes every bit of it. I don’t get it.

Stick Stickly

Shame on the reporter and his editor for not vetting his story before running it, then pulling the story with no retraction or admitting that they made a mistake. Shame.


The only thing missing from Morgan’s tale of derring-do is the romantic angle of how he first met his woman Gina when she was a Marine enlisted RN Flight Nurse on the Dustoff bird that swooped down and medevaced him to a field hospital.

Silentium Est Aureum

Or the time he was on an aircraft carrier, gargling developing fluid with some guy, trying to figure out how they could claim it was Agent Orange exposure.


Oops. His woman’s name is Geri, not Gina. My bad.


Geri-ology instead of Gina-cology?


Gina you say?


Was she one of those RNs who went out into the jungle and looked for wounded Soldiers, like Jan Spann?


Yep, probably just like Jan Spann, Margaret DeSanti and Tammy McPherson all rolled into one who were inserted on strings to police up all the wounded on the battlefield and get em all back home safe and sound.

All four of them probably shared the same hooch back at the evac hospital.

USMCMSgt (Ret)

He left out part of the story where he says, “…Back there I could fly a gunship, I could drive a tank, I was in charge of million dollar equipment, back here I can’t even hold a job PARKING CARS!”


Green Thumb

I bet he has a job holding some balls.


First things first, get that CIB off your vest you piece of shit…you!

Now, I’ve heard some bull shit in my time but this guy is wrapping it all in one enchilada.

I’ve seen PH Medals pinned on wounded troops in the hospital but never valor awards. I guess the Colonel just grabbed one of his own and gave it to this shit stain.

Spit on while on a gurney? Sure because they always take wounded off the transport and parade them over next to the main gate fences.

There’s just so much wrong. I mean the fact that he is a lying piece of shit is not even in dispute. I am bothered that a ‘journalist’ (there’s that word again) with more than three brain cells bumping together would not see all the bullshit in his story or even smell it!

Of course we all saw Marines over there who were awarded the CIB. No, none of you ever saw that either? And I am sure a Marine platoon Gunnery Sergeant would just love you long time for calling him Top.

In short Gerry, you are a queef. And a bad queef at that.

Perry Gaskill


“So there I was in the LTD hauling a load of moonshine deep into VC territory. Suddenly there was the distinctive crack of an AK-47 and I had to take out a squad of Cong armed with only a pocket knife and vaporizer grenades…”

(Two hours and 20 minutes later)

“… and that’s why I got Agent Orange in my eyes and they gave me the Silver Star.

But I don’t want to talk about it.”

Silentium Est Aureum

Over Macho Grande?


No, I’ll never get over Macho Grande.


This one time at band camp we were served Macho Grande…


I get Macho Grande at the Taco Bell sometimes…


I was administered a Macho Grande in the broom closet of a particularly seedy Tijuana bar…


Hmmm, I wonder if, in that two hours and 20 minute talk, Morgan explained how he sniff tested the caterpillars before eating them.

Cause in Chapter 8 of FM 21-76 that I’m reading, it says to avoid caterpillars that have a pungent odor./smile

But I’m sure Morgan would say “When you’re starving and the log bird hasn’t shown up, to Hell with a sniff test. Ain’t got time for that. We just picked them fresh off the vines and ate them right then and there.”

Perry Gaskill

I don’t know about you, Claw, but one of the more disgusting things I remember eating, besides dog which actually wasn’t that bad, was the dried squid. The body part was okay, sort of a fishy beef jerky, but the tentacles were like chewing on a mouthful of worms.


I had squid tentacles in Taipei on R&R. I thought they tasted fishy and they had a texture that made them like eating rubber bands.


I’m guessing you guys haven’t eaten calamari before?


I have, but it wasn’t rubbery. It must have been prepared properly.

Perry Gaskill

Mediterranean-style calamari is usually breaded, seasoned, and sauteed in olive oil. The dried squid in RVN was simply gutted and air-dried. Big difference.

The Vietnamese also used to put a lot of nuoc mam on things, which ranks right up there with Korean kim chee as World’s Most Offensive Condiment.


Nothing like the smell of nouc mam breath early in the morning. It wasn’t the smell of victory, but you knew you got laid last night.


Yep, they’re a little tough. Gag mr with a spoon.


That’s gag me with a spoon.


Never had squid or dog, but ate some alligator tail once.

Kinda like gnawing on one of those big old rubber first grade erasers.

Young Bud Fox

Gary Morgan is a sad piece of work. I am not a trained shrink, unless PSY 101 counts as a qualification, but military posers like this clown have big inadequacy issues. I think a military poser’s decission to come up with their BS goes something like this: The military poser wakes up one morning and decides that their life would become better if they could just get a little more respect. They mull over the range of options available to fix things such as hard work, establishing meaningful relationships, or just coming to grips and making the best of their limitations. Alas, none of these strategys work for them because of the time and effort required. (A recurring theme in their life.) The quick fix is becoming a military super hero. Years of sitting on their rear end watching cable TV military programing can now be put to use in concocting a bogus military resume. The posers can now change their answer to the question of, “What did you do in the military?” from, “I was a washout after 11 months.” to “I was the second coming of Audie Murphy. Don’t you see my tattoos?” I was in the Army for twenty years (and one day) and as a result have my BS meter set at 9, however I am continually amazed with the BS these military posers come up with. I have observed an inverse relationship between actual military accomplishments and claimed accomplishments: Kicked out after 18 months= war hero with Purple Hearts and at least one Silver Star and possible duty as a POW; Successful four year enlistment= retired ranger SFC with high-speed training and assignments. This isn’t a hard fast rule, but seems to be a trend. During my second career I had a dinner with a client, a retired Air Force officer and an attorney on our staff. Over drinks afterwards, the client asked the attorney if he was in the military. I braced myself for possible BS from the attorney. To my surprise he said he was a cook for a year at Ft. Polk… Read more »


Well said, but I think you’re missing the other piece here and that is the credulity of the “journalists” and others who support and promote the military bullshitter’s story, which IMO makes them complicit in the fakery.

And there’s a much more interesting tale there. The liars lie because telling a lie brings them tangible benefits (as you stated.)

But the “believers” believe for the same reason – because it supports THEIR world view and it benefits THEM.

I think this all started during the post-Vietnam guilt of the 1980’s. All of a sudden those who dodged the draft either “legally” through deferments and questionable medical diagnoses, or those who used other methods to avoid service, started to feel little pangs of guilt.

So, in their minds, believing that Vietnam was an unending litany of horrors does two things: First, it reinforces their decision not to go (“there but for the grace of God go I”) and it also allows them to cast themselves as “heroes” for their compassion towards those brave “victim/soldiers” who DID go.

What I’m saying with all this is that there’s a symbiotic relationship between the lying sack-of-shit veteran or veteran-wannabe and the sympathetic “journalist” or “activist” who champions his cause. Each one is giving the other something that he needs and getting something in return.

And THAT, IMO, is the reason we see so much if this crap in the news, movies, tv and other forms of popular culture.

Combat Historian

Martinjmper, you’re absolutely right. This symbiotic relationship between posers and their journlista enablers having been going on for at least 30 years. It’s a symbiotic feeding frenzy that benefits both of these ilks…


Burkett’s book clearly show’s that symbiotic relationship. Many of the so-called professional journalists did not want to admit they were fooled by these phonies, and others refused to accept the truth because it was inconsistent their phony narrative of Vietnam veterans. This was/is especially true when the POSer tells stories about conduct amounting to American war crimes.

Dave Ross

But you must admit though that we as vets have a very strong bias/opinion when it comes to this type of crap. I can’t even watch a movie or TV show that has to do with the military, law enforcement or national intelligence without driving my wife nuts by pointing out everything that wrong. With such a small percentage of Americans having served, I know there are quite a few “journalists” whose bullshit meter wouldn’t even blip when it comes to this type of subject matter because they simply don’t know. Don’t get me wrong I totally agree that some level of vetting should have taken place but it can be quite time consuming to run a FOIA and these puff pieces aren’t generally planned that far out. I do respect those that will run a retraction or follow up on these oxygen thieves or come here (TAH) for assistance with questions. The comments on this entry are pretty freakin hilarious.


“The military poser wakes up one morning and decides that their life would become better if they could just get a little more respect. They mull over the range of options available to fix things such as hard work, establishing meaningful relationships, or just coming to grips and making the best of their limitations. Alas, none of these strategys work for them because of the time and effort required.”

I think that describes the faker’s mindset quite well. If being a Vietnam vet were still as unpopular as it was in the 1970s, these chickenhearted twits wouldn’t open their mouths. Ditto Desert Storm, Iraq and now Afghanistan. Yes, they do desperately want some sort of extra respect.

I never get any at all from any of these guys here, so I have no idea what that’s like. My cats sort of vaguely respect me at meal times. I can’t even get any from that Dave Hardin person, whoever he is.

At some point, this need for ‘respect’ thing boils down to wanting attention for something they may or may not have done, so once they get that, they milk it for all it’s worth until they are found out and exposed.

The bad side of this is that they cast doubt on everyone, including real vets, who don’t deserve that. But watch them scatter to the four winds if a real shooting war breaks out.


Cats have staff.

MSGT Richard Deiters USMC(Retired)

AND now for an honest Canadian:

He was KIA on 29 July 1969. His Army job ID# is 11B30.

My source is a web site of KIA’s and POW’s from Viet Nam war.
Link: ”

ps In Nam from 15 Sept 66 till 1 Oct 67, got a go home early trip because some else from 3rd MARDIV was going home via medevac.


This is the AK-47 Assault Rifle……it makes a distinct sound when fired at you.

Tom Huxton

dap, dap, dap, dap

never sounds right in the movies


That Sam Elliott/Hulk Hogan mustache?

Pfffttt! No fire in that furnace at all, y’know. Hollow is as hollow does.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

What kind of “journalist” writes this kind of horse shit story?

As soon as this fucking moron says “182 confirmed kills” the bullshit meter should be pegged on FULL OF SHIT….

I wish I was a tough guy who stood his ground and learned the sounds of every weapon out there to recognize a distinct sound, I was too busy trying to get my head down to worry about which particular weapon was being fired at me.


The distinctive sounds he most recalls (and savors) are those of a “pooft” followed by a cloud of male pubes hitting the barracks floor


Wow, just wow. He rocketed to E-2 in almost three years. And it looks like his major marine skill was brig-rat. I am finishing reading Burkett’s “Stolen Valor.” I continue to be amazed at the levels of extreme fraud that these effing asswipes will go to with their fabulous stories of daring do in the Viet of the Nam. I think the majority of them are cases of histrionic personality disorder. I think IDC SARC can give us a thumbnail of the indicators of that mental aberration from the DMS-IV.


Yeah, likely something in the personality cluster, but not necessarily to the point it qualifies for a diagnosis. There are a lot of people that have personality tendencies, but aren’t necessarily severe enough for a particular diagnosis. Some people aren’t narcissistic, borderline, anti-social but are more precisely just assholes.

He might be be diagnosable, but it can’t be certain just by what we see here.


I just read the Wiki stuff on histrionic personality disorder and it doesn’t fit our shitbird at hand. He is more likely a pathological liar. Thanks for the link, RM3(SS).


Pathological liar isn’t a DSM-V diagnosis.

That Wiki references the DSM-III. I don’t even have one of those, because it has long since been replaced by the DSM-IV, DSM- IV-TR, and the DSM-V, which is the current edition. 🙂


18 months and 18 days active duty.

And was probably damn lucky to have kept PFC E-2 as the rank at discharge instead of being busted all the way down to Buck Private E-1.

One would think he might have had a little more maturity, since he was already 25 years old when inducted in August 1976.

He coulda been a contender.

Just An Old Dog

“It looks like he never left Camp Pendleton, California except for the time he was in a hospital in Okinawa for some reason, then he was a cook, then he was in a confinement facility, then he was out on the street.”

Just a slight correction whenever you see FPO SAN FRANCISCO in a duty assignment for the USMC it means they are on an overseas assignment.
Also he was never a cook, merely a “messman” Marines used to pull 30 days of mess duty at a stretch. Looks like he was a fuck up and sent to some version of Scared straight for a few weeks.
He was discharged as a PFC (E-2). IIRC the USMC had 2 year enlistments up until 1975 ( not sure if it was inclusive).
They also had a time when they were separating shit birds with an office hours or two 6 months early if the service member agreed to take a general under Honorable discharge.
One of my Drill Instructors, who was in at he time was telling us about shit birds and told us ” entire formations fucking disappeared”…


John Rambo would be proud in this clown! CIB as a USMC?

Young Bud Fox

Threw his medals in the river? That explains the trout my buddy caught that was wearing a Silver Star. Always wondered how that happend.


The original article has been removed from the internet site, but a search will find the original URL:…/top-sergeant-talks-about-his-vietnam-tours-and -why-he-renounced-his-american-citizenship

Looks like the full original article adds a claim that he has renounced his American citizenship, (if he ever was in fact an American citizen at all).