Anti-capitalists in Hamburg
Mick sends us a link to the UK’s Daily Mail which reports that thousands of spoiled brats have descended upon the G-20 meeting in Hamburg, Germany, firebombing buildings and vehicles, trapping many leaders’ spouses in a hotel while they wait for police to clear the area.
Burned out cars today bear testimony to the violence ahead of the talks. Police believe as many as 8,000 protesters are ready to commit violence. More than 70 people were injured in last night’s clashes.
Officers say they repeatedly asked a group of demonstrators to remove their masks and hoods last night, but instead officers were hit with bottles and bricks – breaking the window of a riot van.
They then decided to separate the group from the rest of the march, which they estimated at 12,000 people in total.
The violence broke out near the start of the demonstration at a riverside plaza used for Hamburg’s weekly fish market.
As leaders arrived yesterday, riot police fired water cannon at a group of about a thousand black-clad protesters who hurled bottles in a demonstration organisers had dubbed ‘Welcome to Hell’.
Some 20,000 police from all of Germany’s 16 states have been deployed on the streets of Hamburg.
I guess the goal here is to make the entire world into a third world shit-hole.
All of the grown ups are in Hamburg.
Among the protesters is New York City’s mayor Bill De Blasio, according to Fox News;
De Blasio departed Thursday evening and kept his plans to join protest events in Hamburg relatively quiet until he left. He is expected to attend several events surrounding the G-20 summits in the next two days, de Blasio’s press secretary Eric Phillips wrote on Twitter. De Blasio will also be a main speaker at the Saturday demonstration “Hamburg Zeigt Haltung,” or “Hamburg Shows Attitude.”
DeBlasio had to unass New York on the day that an NYPD officer was assassinated on the street and right before the graduation of hundreds of new NYPD recruits.
I guess all of the elitist anti-capitalists were called to Hamburg.
Category: Dumbass Bullshit
Germany is a third world hell hole now. Leaders shouldn’t be going there. If it’s not Islamists it’s the other form of anti western violence, commies. Compare Poland’s reaction to Trump to Germany’s. Maybe it’s time to start moving bases.
Isn’t deBlowhard one of those despicable stinking rich people?
How genuine would his feelings about anti-capitalism be if his financial holdings were confiscated by the state?
That could never happen. Right?
Oh, wait – it started with Kristallnacht, if I remember rightly. Oh, wait – before that, it was in Moscow… Uh, yeah, then before that, it was in Paris… or some place. Then there was Henry VIII….
How far back should I go? 🙂
Yep, its all in the genes, stinking little nazi bastards!!
Did anybody else notice that the dressed in black paid protesters don’t do this when George Soros and his people are having meetings.
deBlowhard has an estimated net worth of $145 millions.
Do the anti-capitalist protesters know that?
Shouldn’t we tell them?
Yes, we should tell them, but I doubt that they’d listen.
I’m sure that Angela Merkel really appreciates his decision to head over there to join the G20 protestors.
Hopefully he’ll do something to violate German law while he’s running around with the protesters, and then the Germans can hold on to him for a while.
I’d be happy if der polizei just rolled his fat ass down the street with a water cannon.
If you have utterly failed to make anything of your life,
Riot, burn, and pillage, to demand that no one be permitted to do well,
So in comparison you are no longer the self-made abject failure that all who see you, see clearly.
Socialism, National or Soviet or Maoist or Marxist, is based on Envy and “misery loves company”.
“I guess the goal here is to make the entire world into a third world shit-hole.”
I still don’t know what they’re protesting.
That there are people in the world who have done more with their lives than the protesters have.
Is there any way to yank DeBlasio’s passport while he is there? That would cause him a few problems.
I blame this on Hillary.
What G20 does is not capitalist and therefore protesting the G20 is not capitalist.
The hypocrisy and irony of this is that most of you would not consider many of the nations in the G20 to be capitalist and you would be correct.
Because what the G20 does has almost nothing to do with actual capitalism.
Please read the Daily Mail article linked above:
It comes after more than 70 people were injured in clashes between riot police and anti-capitalists last night, with a march named ‘Welcome to Hell’ descending into chaos.
The G20 protestors in Hamburg are anti-capitalists.
Wishing for it to be otherwise will not make it so.
Don’t tell us, tell the anti-capitalists. I don’t make up these labels.
The true irony in this is that once again you’ve spewed a pile of theoretical crap and completely missed the point of the thread. Actually, it’s not all that ironic. It’s regular as clockwork
He really knows more than you and the rest of us. He spent all night re-reading and annotating his dog-eared copy of “Das Kapital.”
Even by you usual low standards, commissar, your above post fails to measure up.
Go back to your bed wetting and tell your mommy to give you some dry sheet to piss on! Why do you insist on continuing to post here? Nobody gives two shits what you think you douche nozel! Please go fuck yourself!!
And anyone here who suppprts Trump cannot claim you are supporting capitalism. Trump is anti-capitalist. He is some weird form of neo-mercantalist.
In your own mind, perhaps. I tend to disagree with all of your assumptions/statements.
Speaking of “weird form”….
Oh, I get it.
Mercantilism is extinct. Capitalism grew out of mercantilism, but to explain Trump people like Commissar try to reinvent the wheel by reviving an extinct economic theme and adding ‘neo-something’ to it to make it so.
And it is so, because he said so. So there.
Sorry Ex, but this piss ant will never understand a word you say?
No. But it does not make him less of a pissant.
It is sort of like having a metaphysical or philosophical discussion with your cat.
Close, rgr769, except that my cat makes more sense than whatshisname.
I asked “Ms. Kitty” what she thought of Commissar’s comments.
She promptly went to the litter box.
Now she is scratching her favorite post, with gusto.
(Commissar just can’t get a break….)
My dog is anti-capitalist. But I still claim to support my dog.
Why do you tell people what they “cannot” do?
Why? Because, Old Manchu, he is COMMISSAR Commissar, The All-Knowing, Omniscient Potentate whose only mission is to pontificate wherever he can find a spot to sit and run his piehole. He knows everything SO much better than we do, he just can’t help himself.
Ahhh. Now I understand the Commissar better. I shall from now on silence myself and simply ponder and learn from the all-knowing when he posts on TAH.
He really is windy’er than a sack full of farts.
Awww, man! You could’ve posted a spew alert!
My dog was anti-capitalist for awhile but it didn’t work very well.
Now she just likes to party and watch old episodes of Wayne’s World…
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN OF TAH®™, I have found a good use for Babbles McButthead aka Lars T. AKA Commissar. If I had to build a babbling lunatic from scratch, Babbles McButthead would be nothing less than THE PERFECT blueprint!
I thought you’d be over in Hamburg with DeBlowardiasio, the anarchists and other black shirts protesting, burning and looting, Lars? With your background at Bezerkley, I’m sure that your unique “skill sets” would come in handy…
I realize its fun for you to do certain things…hey, you got my support if it makes you feel any better.
Is this a photo of Lars’ conception?
Since I can remember, the world’s attitudes have been travelling more and more in a certain direction, which is fine, whatever, but I’ve always wondered what kind of atmosphere causes the world to swing back the other direction as it seems to do periodically.
With similar protests being seemingly a weekly thing, I get the feeling that we’re approaching one of these shifts. Or maybe I’m just getting old.
No, Reaperman. It’s the same thing I said last week – paradigm shift is slowly getting underway.
paradigms often tend to shift when the have nots become the haves and realize they worked hard and don’t want to give up what they now have
We will know that the shift has started when the German police switch out their water cannons for the RheinMetall versions.
I simple appreciate their unapologetic use of water cannon.
There are thousands of protesters. The G20 always attracts the right combination of people who want to burn and break shit as a protest. So do any of these meetings.
These people also piggy back on soccer riots, and any other protest movement they can get involved in. I really think their ideology is more nihilistic than any understanding of capitalism.
Unfortunately, it means people can’t peacefully protest leaders from Russia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and other places they may believe shouldn’t be welcome in Germany. The people that burn shit will always get the press.
In your view, are they simply protesters or anarchists?
Only asking because in recalling the 2011 riots in London, during which entire neighborhoods went up in smoke, the people who did the most damage were nascent anarchists.
Organizational anarchists…there’s an oxymoron
Oh, NOW I understand. They have a Pending Riots Committee.
Thank you, IDC_SARC!
I know many people that have or are participating and they may share some politics with the brick throwers but despise them as making peaceful protests impossible.
And some anarchists don’t care about the cause but just want to riot. This is a common complaint I hear from left protestors is the guys that don’t do anything in the movement but show up at these big media events to fight with police.
One of the many reasons I think protests in democracies are generally unproductive and often counterproductive is the message is often muddled & splintered.
You have Turkish expats trying to protest what’s going in Turkey getting lumped in with nearby hooligans trying to set shit on fire.
First I say FUCK DeBlabbio and GO POLIZEI!! Beat those booger-eating rat turds until they run back to their mommies with busted faces and limbs!
Well since you went there:
an official of the Communist Party, especially in the former Soviet Union or present-day China, responsible for political education and organization.
•a head of a government department in the former Soviet Union before 1946.
What is it you keep saying? “Don’t call me a communist”?
Since your messages are often intentionally non-comprehensible, are you thus our “Crypto-Commie”?
Definition of neo–mercantilism
: a revived theory of mercantilism emphasizing trade restrictions and commercial policies as means of increasing domestic income and employment
Great… a definition I did not need to know defining a term no one but you is using. Yeah, that made MY day.
And that will be the politest response you get.
Better watch out… he may play the “empiric data” card on you, and then you’ll be in “trouble”
You did not just cut and paste from the dictionary as if that is some how persuasive to those who think differently than you…
…never had an original idea or thought in his entire life….
Just remember who we are dealing with here,the latest incarnation of the Cheshire Cat: “When I say a word it means what I say it means, nothing less and nothing more.”
I must correct myself. The quote is from Alice in Wonderland, but those are the words of Humpty Dumpty. It just seemed like something a crafty cat would say, especially that clever Cheshire.
The question is which is to be master. That is all.
You can always be the master (of the argument anyway) if you can define what all the words mean. Or in the case of the Newspeak Dictionary, eliminate all the words you don’t like. If it looks like thought control, it probably is.
I believe that was Humpty’s point.
So, is there a problem with this?
It looks ok to me. I haven’t took the time to study it and only base my opinion on the couple of posts on this thread. He is the president of the UNITED STATES, and therefore should look out for the US, first and foremost. So again, what’s the problem with it???
HEY Babbles McButthead, one of YOUR heroes, NYC Mayor DeBlabbio who has made multiple millions from Capitalism has run off to join the cockroaches in protest of it. He ran away from NYC after a NYPD Officer was murdered and skipped out on speaking at the Graduation Ceremony of the NYPD Academy as well, what a cowering pissant of a so-called leader, just as corrupt as the rest of your side!
So is the world meltdown that’s happening Saul Alinsky’s fault or would it have happened without him? You must admit that the Libs have picked up what he laid down with startling success.
I only wish the GOP was as well organized, loyal to the cause, driven, and dedicated to the conservative values that would save this country.
But it is but a wish. . .
Would have happened without him. He merely copied the notions of other people before him.
Of course, you mean other communists and crypto-communists.
What else was there?
Anyone notice most of the “protest” signs were in English? Well planned and funded, these asshats show up at every meeting of world leaders. I wonder where they are getting their money
I’m guessing from one of the groups funded by George Soros.
Soros has a kid going to Bezerkley… I wonder if Lars knows him?
Slide show of looting by ski-masked rioters in shops during the protests.
Yeah, they’re sincerely after work, aren’t they?
Read that Trump had trouble finding living accommodations because the previous admin state dept failed to reserve hotel rooms in a timely manner. (Dereliction of duty).
Trump should have parked an aircraft carrier in Hamburg harbor and parked there
Some trumprotestors tried to hang a green peas flag from Trump Tower today. I think there were five of them. They were arrested for trespassing and their ‘flag’ fell into the river.
I still think Jonn needs to install a twit filter here. I don’t have time for Lars’ nonsense.
Motion seconded.
It could get worse, LC hasn’t weighed in yet.
LC can put together complete sentences… Joe is the one that is on Lars’ level. Both are practitioners of “mental masturbation” because they claim to be our “betters” and they are the “enlightened” ones.
Hey, don’t pick on ol’ LC. He may engage in verbose prose and rattle on like a steam engine, but he’s at least a nice guy.
The eastern Germans miss the DDR big time. They openly express this.
Late to the conversation….
Was noticing…….
Too bad all these Big International Gubberment Pow Wows and Conventions all happen in Leftist Libtard Blue Gun Free cities and countries. If they happened in a Good’Ol’Boys Redneck city, them Good’Ol’Boys would be able to get together and use the anarchist antifas rioters for target practice. The police might even join in for a friendly competition. Result…..a hell of a lot less rioting, burning, and looting.
Have patience, Woodman. If the German polizei are getting out the water cannons, can become more and more interesting.
However, these numbskulls are one reason I’m considering moving to some place where guns are not seen as products of some horror freak show movie.
It is nothing to do with demonstrations but a handy bunch of criminals getting together to indulge in an orgy of wrecking and looting from shops. Looters once on a time could get shot for it. Time to give out that possibility again and to get tough with jail sentences. Peaceful protests are fine but step over that line and get jail