Obama: Ignore Limbaugh

| January 24, 2009

The President warned GOP lawmakers that they should ignore radio personality Rush Limbaugh if they want to get things done. (From UPI);

During an exchange with Rep. Eric Cantor, R-Va., Obama reminded Republicans of the outcome of the November election.

“I won,” he said.

At one point, the president told the GOP lawmakers they should stop paying attention to right-wing radio personality Rush Limbaugh if they want bipartisanship, the New York Post reported.

“You can’t just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done,” Obama said.

In other words, the GOP has to accept that they lost and just capitulate to every demand that Obama puts on them even if the things they want to get done are contrary to Republicans’ principles.

Fox News quotes;

One White House official confirmed the comment but said he was simply trying to make a larger point about bipartisan efforts.

“There are big things that unify Republicans and Democrats,” the official said. “We shouldn’t let partisan politics derail what are very important things that need to get done.”

So apparently, Rush Limbaugh tells all Republicans what to think, none of us have our own minds and our own reasoning skills. We’re just automatons waiting for input from Limbaugh.

I’ll admit that I used to listen to Limbaugh (when I was in sales and on the road all day), but I don’t have time anymore. I was a Republican years before there was a Rush Limbaugh – the first I heard of him was when he was on the cover of National Review (back when the only way a Republican could read Republican opinions was to subscribe to National Review and Commentary magazines) and I bought his book – and then found that there was someone out there who thought like I thought.

But, if the Left is so frightened that we’ll still listen to Limbaugh, they’ve got serious problems. They could take Limbaugh off-the-air, and my opinions wouldn’t change about a single issue – and I’m pretty sure that’s true of every Conservative. We don’t need Limbaugh to think, you spazzes.

Imagine The One’s horror that some poor unsuspecting middle school students were accidentally exposed to Limbaugh’s commentary during the Inauguration (from AP);

Rush Limbaugh is offering to teach a civics lesson at a Green Bay school after a complaint that his commentary distracted from a radio broadcast of President Obama’s inauguration while children were listening in.

Edison Middle School spokeswoman Amanda Brooker said the radio played for the school Tuesday was tuned to a station carrying the event via the conservative pundit’s show. She said in a written statement the station was changed once officials realized “the form of the commentary.”

Teacher Amanda Griggs complained in an e-mail to the local station, WTAQ, and Limbaugh quoted from it on his show Wednesday, including the statement that the students were “shocked, angered and saddened by the interruption.” He also played parts of her critical phone call to the station.

I’m sure those students have been locked up in a re-education camp to be de-programmed.

It’s too bad our new President doesn’t fear those clowns locked up in Guantanamo as much as he fears a contrary political opinion.

Category: Politics

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Perhaps our President should listen to Rush himself to get an idea of where we are coming from rather than just saying that in order to get along we have to think like him!



“I won.”
That’s gonna leave a mark. Just wait and see.
More COWbell.

Glenn Cassel AMH1(AW) USN RET

My response would have been: No Shit, Dick Tracy. So let’s get going.


I am having my childhood-youth deja vue: back in the USSR!


To quote Queen Amidala in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, “So this is how liberty dies… With thunderous applause!”


[…] Voice, Right Wing News, Hot Air, Althouse, Don Surber, Sire Says, New York Times, American Street, This ain’t Hell …, No More Mister Nice Blog, Commentary, Wizbang, Brilliant at Breakfast, Pam’s House Blend, […]


rush has just responded to obama’s comment. it’s awesome of course.



Thanks for the link Kate. Great response from Rush, now I’m waiting for Monday, I think he may touch on this just a bit. And the quote from Rush about Saul Alinsky is right on. The Obamunist’s “I won” quote speaks volumes about him and the dems. Yeah, he won, and now he’s running for re-election, if we have an election again.

richard wheeler

Rush is a chronically obese drug addict.No wonder the venom that spews from his mouth.He’s a pompous sad clown and most of America knows it.Obama’s at 79% approval.Wanna guess Rush’s.

Jonn wrote: Um, Obama has fallen to 68% in his first week. Wanna guess what yours is?

richard wheeler

Fallen to 68%.We should all be so lucky

Jonn wrote: Yeah, well, you brought it up…I’m here to keep you honest. Given the tone of your emails to me, I was probably racist for correcting you, though.


Richard Wheeler is a chronic jackass.

It is so typical of you freaks to start the name-calling when a person uses their brain to pick apart the COW and what his motives are.

You know, Rush has millions of listeners and I’d say his approval ratings are better than Obama’s. That is an opinion, mind you. And, I am sure Rush doesn’t give a rat’s ass about fuckheads like you holding his history against him. Where are you, and where is Rush?

You are a loser who cares nothing about adding to the discussion. You spew the same garbage week in, week out.


from 79 to 68 in just 3 days??


What will that rating be next week I wonder?


Richard Wheeler,

Dick, the numbers for your Democrat controlled Congress were always much lower than Bush. Likewise the media.

But knowing that you lack confidence in your own opinion and need the security of what everyone else’s opinion, it’s hard to be that mad about you for that.

Some day, perhaps you won’t be so needy and will stand on your own two legs.

Brother Divine

President Obama is trying to find a way to solve the problems of America and its dying economy. At the same time, he wants to rebuild the dignity and respect that this country enjoyed years gone by. Bush’s answer to this country’s problems was to go into other country’s and kill innocent people and knock down buildings. His answer to maintaining world domination is to coercively diplomacise people of the middle east into a democratic system of government, while standing firmly in support of Isreal who has consistently ignored UN resolution 242, calling for establishment of a homeland for the Palistinian People. Using history as a backdrop, the only way to solve America’s problems is through warring with other nations. Sadly, Rush Limbaugh has stated his support of this policy of keeping American’s safe and secure at home. Obviously, with so many banks, businesses and individuals in foreclosure and our country’s stability at stake, do Rush’s followers still look to war to solve our problems as a nation? It seems that America’s evolvment into a socialist society, as much as we would prefer it remain a nation of freedom and independence for all its citizens, is an inevitable reality. Maybe we need to stop being so concerned with individual happiness and do what we have to do as a collective body for the betterment of this nation. If the Obama plan does not save this country, do we think for one second that going back to the Bush doctrine of ‘coerceive diplomacy’ will, all of a sudden, become the proper direction for America?


So if we wont to “get things done”, we should stop listening to Rush. By inference, if we want to not get thigns done, we should listen to Rush. that does it. I’m gonna resume tuning in starting Monday. Now that we’ve got that cleared up.


“I won” = Obama’s declaration of Sharia Law in the USA.


My, my, my… Obambi is starting to believe his own hype! He just tells the sheeple not to listen, and THEY WILL OBEY?
Pass the scotch please. The more I know about the Obamamessah’s presidency, the better I like a good ole fashioned root canal.


Whew, Brother Divine.
That was so eloquent. But you are confusing the financial crisis with war. The fight on terrorism has nothing to do with the way the banking industry and Wall Street were negligent in practice. Nor did Bush economic policy play a very significant role.
That said, I and many others are not willing to throw 1 trillion dollars at programs that already exist with money that doesn’t. Do you understand that with all of that money, if each person in the US was given 3k, we the taxpayer, could stimulate the economy better than the waste we have already seen in the government?

Sadly it appears you are also wearing rose-colored glasses because you are ready and willing to accept socialism in this Republic. I will got down fighting for what our Founding Fathers believed.

That we have all been created equally and given equal rights and opportunities. With that comes the pursuit of life liberty and happiness. Unfortunately, the government is trying to legislate that and it just cannot be done. In the end, it always fails.

So just sit back and wait for your ice cream man, let the workers work, he’ll save you all. You just keep wearing the RCG’s. It will suck when you wake up and realize that melted ice cream doesn’t taste so great.

And in case you haven’t found Blackfive, there is a great video shot by a frenchman. It shows how happy the Iraqis are to have the benefits of the US to form their own democracy. Nothing coercive about it.