Andrew Rosas; Fire bug burns flag – arrested
Mick sends us a link to Fox News which reports that some little fellow set fire to a flag flying on Jim Tanner’s porch in Richmond, Virginia. At first the coward tried to untie the flag, but when that failed, he lit it afire where it hung – endangering Tanner’s wooden house;
Tanner’s biggest concern was the man’s ignorance. The homeowner said front porch is made of wood and the fire could have damaged his entire home, had it spread.
“He endangered my property, myself and my neighbors,” Tanner told WRIC. “These houses are 115-120 years old. They go up real quick. They’re tinderboxes.”
I don’t think it was ignorance, it was more like malicious disregard.
It happened in Richmond, Virginia, the former Confederate capitol.
NBC12 says that 26 years old Andrew Rosas was arrested for the arson after he turned himself in to police.
Category: Politics
Need to burn his fuzzy face and get that fungus off of it.
Light this worthless bastard on fire and run him up the flag pole!!!
What a fucking scumbag. This an Obama dreamer too? I wouldn’t be surprised.
Hang him up and burn him and see how he likes it.
Beat his ass first, then the other stuff.
He doesn’t like this country? Fine. Drop him off in Somalia or Yemen. I hear they are garden spots right now.
Venezuela works too.
I say dip the little cocksucker in gasoline, then torch his ass from a flag pole and see how he likes it? This is a whole new level of stoopid!
Another love slave for the boys at the BTJT Deli (Home of the WORLD-FAMOUS Cockmeat Sammich)!
Ain’t he got purdy lips?
First I wanted to slap the Brillo Pad off his face after watching the video and then remembered that he turned himself in.
Am guessing he was high on something, intoxicated or is a pyro. He probably watched the flag burned, perhaps felt no remorse and went home. Nothing must have clicked in his brain and guilt took over, because why would he turn himself in?
One sick dude-a pyro.
And if that is not true and he just wanted to burn my Flag, then I still wanna slap the Brillo pad off his face and wipe off that smuggy look.
“Something” not ” Nothing”.
You cant have something for nothing….
My money says that he turned himself in so that he wouldn’t get caught by non- law enforcement types and get his ass torn up, or worse. Just another punk assed dope, who is not smart enough to see that this would be arson, before he did his deed.
He turned himself in because his ugly ignorant face was all over the internet!!
Maybe it’s just coincidence, but does anyone else think he looks like a young Stalin in that mugshot?
You’re gonna have to do a lot better than that, if you want to defeat America in this century, comrade! ^^
Yes indeed he does.
Stalin. Evil. Pure Evil. Worse Evil than Hitler. Heartless. Cruel, Narcissitic Evil.
Yep, killed almost as many as Roosevelt!
He has an entitled “I don’t give a fuck, the world owes me” look on his face that my Dad, a retired Judge, saw on the faces of many a punk he sent off to a lengthy prison sentence. I wonder if Bubba & Thor have broken his ass in yet?
Soooooooooo, you advocate rape?
Thank you for that comment. I kind of bite my tongue and keep my fingers curled when I see these comments.
I completely understand the frustration folks have on here with our justice system and understand that there is a universal feeling that criminals get off too easy.
There seems to be a hope that other inmates will take a further step in “punishing” those who break laws that WE feel are sacred and be sexually violated.
The same people we are encouraging to sexually assault these offenders ( Bubba, Julio, Thor and Tiny) are the absolute scum of society, sexual predators who if / when released will be the ones you really need to fear. what you are doing is hoping they refine their skills at sodomy.
As for those dumb asses like Rojas, being raped in prison isn’t going to “teach him a lesson about respect for the flag and property”.
It’s going to to him into a bitter, enraged, Psychopath who is going to commit even more crimes.
Whatever. Keep your rape fantasies to yourself, pervert
I apologize, I was responding to the post above you, “Just an Old Dog”.
You raise great points and you did it in an educated way. Sorry.
So… You too can say some nasty, not thought through thing, also?
Huh. I thought that was just me.
Stone throwers anonymous?
Yep, I can when i don’t advocate rape or assault.
But you advocate a vermin setting fire to the American Flag on another mans porch with the opportunity to burn down his house? You are one weird a.h.!imo
Rosas best hope the prosecutor here want’s to play “Let’s Make A Deal”. Arson of an occupied dwelling in Virginia has a minimum punishment of 5 years and up to a $100k fine – and a maximum of life.
If the prosecutor does, he/she is a lazy no-account.
They have video and a confession of guilt. That should be an open-and-shut case.
Straight to plea bargaining, and I sincerely hope the DA breaks it off in his ass.
Much as we often grumble about the bargains, it is often the case of “what you can surely get” versus “roll the dice and get zero”
Plus the whole clogged court thing.
Tuneup of process needed.
I hope Bubba & Thor have a LOT of fun breaking his ass in.
ATTENTION FLEABAGS: If you REALLY want to burn a flag, please wrap yourself in it before dousing it with gasoline and igniting it.
Or burn a flag without killing yourself, because it’s your right to do so.
A) not someone elses flag, as in the original post.
B) its still a jackass vile thing to do in public, so like jerking off, do so privately. And wash your hands afterwards you nasty shits.
Regardless of other comments, it is most definitely NOT you right to burn someone elses flag, especially when attached to their house.. for that a prosecutor should go for the highest level of arson charges, and maximum sentence possible
Here’s a shitbird in desperate need of an asskicking.
I’m all in favor of flag burning I you feel like it (first amendment and all that) but ya gotta burn your a flag that YOU OWN, and burn it where you can have a fire.
If this was a protest of some sort VS. Just a plain ole arsonist, it’s a crappy protest.
Enjoy your freedoms….. what have you done to maintain them?
I vote and break the law every chance I get. I went to the million bet match a few years ago and helped tear down the barricade at the WW2 memorial.
What have you done?
Since you despise the flag so many have died to protect, why don’t you get your slimey, worthless, ignorant ass out of this country and everyone will be happy including a shythead like you!!
Deadly physical force may be used to stop a person in the act of commiting arson on an OMD (occupied multiple dwelling)and or single family dwellings, but I guess it would be a stretch on just burning the flag attached to the dwelling but was there intent on using the flag as a “Trailer” that could take possession of the porch through direct flame contact??
Dead men tell no tales.
I remember hearing about a bunch of moonbats screaming for the Hate Crime Prosecution of a man in Ohio who burned a rainbow flag in protest yet they claim it’s their “right” to desecrate the flag that adorns our coffins when we’re laid to rest.
Liberalism is a Mental Disorder and liberals perpetually prove it with their words and deeds.
Your love of the flag and the very personal meaning it holds for you and people like you is exactly why they burn it.
It’s the same psychopathology that drives a father to kill a son or daughter in an act of vengeance against the mother.
That’s why I reserve the right to burn a rainbow flag, an Iranian flag or and american flag. Once you advocate for protecting one, you have to protect them all. And as a free man, if I want to burn a flag on protest, then FU if you get in my way.
I’m sure there were people on the 1770’s bitching about us colonists burning a British flag.
Burn MY flag you son of a bitch, and I will SHOW YOU ‘get out of my way” you will be laying there the next morning ROTTING!
Whatever pussy. I’m an American. I burn what I want if I own it. If I’m burning something that offends you, on my property, and you want to fight, I’ll kill you
False equivalence argument, a flag means what you choose it to mean. You may feel it OK to burn an American flag gratuitously, but not the gay flag – I choose to think the opposite. And in this case since the kid was burning a flag not his own… game on.
I wonder if the VAARNG (112th Inf), needs a target for flame thrower training?
I’ve always noticed that the people who spent the less Tim in combat are the first to advocate violence.
I knew Tim after he was in combat and he was still a lesser man.
Tiny Tim served?
Over Macho Grande, even.
I really doubt you every NOTICED much of anything. you freaking liberal moron!
In retrospect, I doubt this twink had a change of heart or a smidge of conscience at work when he turned himself in to law enforcement. It’s far more likely that he will use it as an opportunity to grandstand for his ‘rights’, despite the fact that he was trespassing on private property and destroyed someone’s private property in the process, in addition to endangering the lives of the people who live in that house.
It can be argued, logically, as the homeowner says, that the house with the flag on a pole would be a threat to the entire neighborhood if the flames had not self-extinguished.
In my view, he should spend a VERY long time learning to regret his stupidity and selfishness. It would make me happy if the BTJT team beat the shit out of him while he’s incarcerated. He’ll probably plead ‘mentally ill’. Uh, no. The video is clear – he made several attempts to set that flag on fire and waited to watch while it burned.
Smack him so hard I can hear it all the way to the North Pole.
Glad you can read minds.
If he hadn’t turned himself in and had be caught you would be on here saying the same thing. Jesus, we have an actual case of a grown man owing up to his mistakes, and we STILL bitch about it here. Half the time on TAJ, we wish someone would own up to their mistakes, then when we actually have a guy TURN himself in, and own up, an Ex PH bitches about it.
“Smack him so hard”
I’m going to make this my new mantra on TAH..
“Those that advocate Violence, haven’t seen real Violence.”
“Hell haveth no fury like the non combatant “
That’s actually a pretty good line you have there, Pog: Hell haveth no fury like the non-combatant.
I don’t know about Ex-PH2, but it certainly applies to the American political class.
Correction: I didn’t mean to be critical of my buddy, Ex-PH2, who is someone well-grounded in reality for the most part but who of course is a squid which must always be taken into consideration which leads me to wonder where I’m going with this.
The stupid kid needs his ass kicked to teach him a lesson but nothing more in my opinion.
And that’s an opinion coming from someone who’s seen plenty of horrible violence perpetrated against human beings up close and personal in a combat zone.
Moi? Squid?
“Those who abjure violence can do so only because others are committing violence on their behalf.” ~George Orwell
Fuck you Sarc, you’ve never killed any one.
But you want to be counted among that has.
I’m more Sailor than you can handle and more Marine than you’ll ever be.
Lol sailor. Tell a Marine that to his face, pussy.
“Tell a Marine that to his face”
That leaves you out.
Uh, why does that leave me out, tough guy?
Oh, shit.
“Junior” just wrote a very large check. Let’s see if he is “intelligent” enough to cash it, unbounced.
And I guess you have. Waterboarded someone to death have you? Cuz I can’t figure out how an intel pogue would be in combat, let alone kill anyone on or near a battlefield.
Who the Fuck said I was in combat or killed anyone? I was stating that, you know what? I’m just sick of the casual calls for violence on the comment page here. The help with it.
Now who is mind reading, eh?
Not all violence or killing is military-related, you might ponder.
And always understand that -anyone- can kill.
Most of our “civilization” is effort to convince folks -not- to do so. But that is because we -all- have it somewhere.
And why now are -you- dwelling on it? Struck a nerve?
Try reason. Anger is seldom persuasive.
For the record, IP, I do NOT believe he is owning up to his mistakes. I don’t know how much more plainly I can put it.
Rosas is an attention whore. Let’s see what tricks he pulls to get out of being punished for his so-called ‘mistakes’.
MISTAKE? you freaking dimwit..that is NOT A MISTAKE! that was intentional as hell!
I think he turned himself in because that video was all over the news and some of friends probably called and said: “Dude, I saw that flag burning video and that’s you.”
..or maybe his dad saw it. 🙂
Well, guys – Intel Pog, et al. – if my cynicism about this idiotic act is showing brightly, fine by me.
There is no valid reason for what Rosas did, period. Turning himself in does not impress me, nor do I believe that he had a change of heart when he did so.
He engaged in a deliberate act of arson that could have turned out very badly, and if he tries to put the burden of his guilt on some kind of mental aberration, I would simply believe that he’s lying in his teeth.
You may say whatever you think or believe about what Rosas did, but his behavior was planned, not random, and he intentionally turned himself in to law enforcement to get more attention, rather than protest his innocence.
If that puts me in someone’s black books, so be it. But if he does not plead mentally ill so as to not face trial, I will be quite surprised.
Ex-PH2 He’s been trolling this thread for hours, ya shoulda made him wait awhile longer. 🙂
Eat a dick white knight. I love TAH, but, Jesus, you guys advocate so much violence, rape, dismemberment, I can’t get behind it.
But I’m sure you’re all tough guys.
Bitches. Never seen real violence where the outcome is in doubt. You all seem to like the violence has a pre determined outcome.
You are makig some rather broad brush assumptions there.
And not making much of a persuasive case. Anger issues? Or just ill mannered?
Seriously? You think people here have NEVER seen real violence?
IntelPog, you are so far off base, you’ll never get back.
Who took a whiz in your corn flakes this morning?
Actually, I used a PedEgg on his spaghetti and told him it was parmesan cheese.
I lol’d.
Should have had a spew alert on that one. Too too funny. May I steal and use?
“Ped egg on his spaghetti. …..”
That’s so sick, it’s beautiful. I bow to a master.
You LOVE TAH? because they advocate so much violence, rape, dismemberment etc? and you LOVE IT? make up your freaking mind simpleton!
I don’t mind people burning the flag in protest as long as they wrap themselves in it first. That shows true conviction to their cause.
(Lifting and peeking behind the curtain) (speaking to IntelPog)
Is that you, Lars/LC/Commisar/PoodleHumperDick?
Whoever he is, those repeated, overly-generalized assertions that he has posted up above that no one here on Team TAH has any actual combat experience, or has seen any ‘real violence’, are both ludicrous and childish.
His propensity to refer to our Team TAH combat veterans as ‘bitches’ and ‘tough guys’ is also a real crowd-pleaser.
Lars made the mistake a couple of weeks ago claiming that some of us were not veterans…
I was thinking the same at first but even
Lars has more dignity than to assert such rubbish.
I’m thinking that IntelPog/Lars (et al) is needing a med/electroshock adjustment, to bring them all back into alignment and agreement with each other.
I’m guessing that just one of these many has seen more combat than IntelPog, but I don’t think it’s the COMMISSAR. Too literate.
It is -almost- as if someone, perhaps with pending litigation maybe, were trying to get some hothead to make a statement that might look odd to a Judge, especially out of context.
Who might be crazy enough to sockpuppet something like -that-…..
Or maybe some people just like to pick fights before breakfast??
Christ, I’ve been commenting here for four years.
I brought Jonn the poser here in Maryland a few years ago that was claiming to be an ex Pow.
I’ve argued with you guys and agreed with you guys. At this point I’ll be honest, I’m sick of the casual calls for violence, rape, murder and general Mayhem, and I lose respect for people who call for it over the internet.
I’ve never claimed to be a combat vet, I clearly put POG in my name.
Sucks to be you.
Okay, POGUELETTE, if you’re so sick of it, go after Antifa. They aren’t simply promoting it. They engage in it. They hide behind ski masks and whack people who disagree with them, with whatever is at hand including bicycle locks. They cause REAL injuries to REAL people.
Talk is just talk, it relieves tension, something you seem to miss. Just because I can dig up antique artillery being fired, it doesn’t mean I’m in favor of blowing someone’s house to bits. And since you haven’t paid much attention, you seem to have completely forgotten that the current justice system is more interested in apologizing to violent sociopathic criminals for arresting them than it is for removing them from society where they do real harm.
Since you lack that kind of understanding, get your silly ass to a shrink and do your venting there, where it is appropriate.
Perhaps try a more reasoned approach? You kinda went off, on folks you shod well know are rather uncooperativ with something that seems like a tantrum or browbeating.
“You guys Suck!” Is a poor format choice here, and you got it thrown right back at you in a myriad ways.
Expecting a bunch of -vets- not to propose the occasional hammer versus nail solution is perhaps a bit much? Most of the stuff here is pretty tame compared to the daily grind I witnessed, peacetime in Georgia. “Terminal Lance” certainly gave me some insider perspective on Marine culture. Not for the meek, not at all.
If this relatively harmless stuff gets your blood boiling, you need to get that worked out. It gets corrosive to yourself.
Deep breath, and reasonable posts. try it.
Or, rant and fling poo. But be forewarned, there are Gorilla-class poo-flingers lurking about here. You are out of your league in the “shitty comment” department.
I kind of see his point. Military is very different than the rest of the country and most of the world.
Military does offense and defense.
The rest of non-criminal society only does defense. Doing offense such as non-judicial killings normally puts you in the criminal category (unless you are drone pilot I guess).
When someone advocates that someone be killed due to their bad behavior this may be allowable in the military depending upon the particulars but normally only for capital crimes in the rest of society.
The military has always (I mean always, since forever) had a fondness for using sodomy, rape, torture and various assaults as euphemisms for other things such as; pointless training exercises, verbal counselings from senior leaders, extending deployments, firefights and a host of other things. Other male dominated professions tend to use a lot of these euphemisms as well.
These don’t always adapt well to civilian outlook or the rest of society. If this were a closed forum I don’t think it would matter any. But it is open and does tend to cast some in a poor light. How much that matters; I don’t know. All I know is I don’t do it because I think it is unprofessional.
When did Bradley Manning start posting here?
Yeah, Intel right?