Jimmy Janos defects to Russia (TV)
The Washington Post reports that Jimmy Janos, AKA Jesse Ventura, AKA Scruff Face, the former wrestling actor and governor has gone over to the Russians because no one is paying attention to him these days;
Now, Ventura will star in his own reality show, “The World According to Jesse,” on RT America — the Washington-based branch of Russian state television.
Known previously as Russia Today, RT is funded by the Russian government and describes itself as a TV channel “for viewers who want to Question More.” Critics call RT a propaganda tool with poor journalism standards, as The Washington Post has reported.
“RT covers stories overlooked by the mainstream media, provides alternative perspectives on current affairs, and acquaints international audiences with a Russian viewpoint on major global events,” according to the channel’s website.
It’s odd to read about the Post criticizing RT because they seemed to support Donald Trump in the 2016 election season especially the way the Post sold their soul to the Clinton campaign and they’ve continued to criticize the President even though they’ve lost their grip on public opinion.
Anyway, Janos tells why he went to RT;
Ventura told the Minneapolis Star Tribune that he been reassured by RT that he will not be censored.
“I have total artistic control and I can talk about anything I want,” he told the Star Tribune. “We’re more interested in talking about our country. I didn’t join RT to report on Russia.”
“What you will hear from me is opinions, not agendas,” Ventura said in a statement. “I look forward to holding our government accountable. I will be exercising my First Amendment rights with no filters.”
I’m sure RT’s ratings will fall down to Janos’ IQ level in no time. I guess Janos ran out of widows to sue.
Category: Dumbass Bullshit
this fucking guy…
btw….first 😛
Yeah, but not the WOT. You can practice here, though. . . 😉
They questions this RT’s journalism standards? How in HELL could they be worse than OUR MEDIA, WHO HAVE no STANDARDS??
I hope he gets decked by some Spetnaz guy for criticizing Mother Russia.
That would be sweet to see. 🙂
Hopefully using one of those elite hand-to-hand spetznaz combat shovels…
Great Minds. I was trying to find out how to properly spell Giduck
I was trying to find out how to properly spell Giduck
I thought it was T-U-R-D W-I-T-H A F-A-C-E.
Was I wrong?
I can’t wait for John Giduck to hit him with a shovel.
” Critics call RT a propaganda tool with poor journalism standards”
Wow. This new network has already caught up with the rest of the pack. Kudos.
Wow! The Wa post questioning the journalistic standards of RT? That’s a good one. Pot, meet kettle.
That was my first thought as well. 🙂
I was thinking along the lines of “…if anyone could spot a propaganda tool with poor journalism standards, it the WaPo. It looks just like them.”
Comrade D-Bag
That’s “Comrade Scruff-Face” to you.
Not like RT will have to give him a talking points, this ex-SEAL…I mean ex-UDT really seems to hate everything American now anyway.
Does anyone not living in their mother’s basement or employed by Soros listen to that stuff anyway?
Where will his audience be? Even a Russian government-supported “news” channel has to be concerned about audience. I think he’d used up his “15 min” some time ago.
I just had dental work done
Try laughing when your face is numb
😂 🤣 😂 🤣
That is one Blue Falcon motherfucker there…Karma’s a bitch Janos.
Well, Jimmy, buh-bye.
(someone please do me a favor and post the clip from Tombstone. I’m on a cell phone. thx)
Here you go. . .
That’s the one.
Little Jimmy (The Blow Hard) Janos is still alive? I thought there wasn’t more left of him than a fart in the wind.
He went to RT because he doesn’t have millions to spend from suing the wife of an American Hero.
So Jimmy, the Never got within a thousand miles of the RVN, blowhard is going to be running his suck on Russian Sponsored TV…hmm.
Well the UDT (but that was not good enough) veteran who was never a SEAL (Regardless of what Boatly says) has a bit more flatulence left in him. I can hardly wait.
Jimmy’s still just another lying poser, fake politician, failed phony wrestler who has far outlived his fake persona. Why anyone would listen to his barking moonbattery is beyond comprehension. He really needs to FOAD. He could have been a contender and have humped a ruck in the Viet of the Nam, but instead he preferred humping whores in Olapango, PI.
Not a peep from this board about Flynn and other Trump officials, including family being paid by RT and or Russia.
But Jessie Ventura doing it matters?
Who the Fuck cares about Jessie Ventura?
it is encouraging the transparent partisan double standard this board holds.
You see Jessie as top liberal so you hate him.
But apparently Trump officials are all fine no matter what they do. At least until Trump tells you all to have an issue with one of them.
*infuriating not encouraging.
*Jessie too liberal, not top liberal.
Fuck Scruff face – he went after Chris Kyle’s widow.
Fuck you, Lars – nobody give a rats ass about your social commentary. And you don;t have shit to say about Comey’s testimony today?
Fuck you, Joe – same comment as Lars
Not as much that Trump is fine, but rather exponentially better than an administration headed by any DNC candidate.
As many have said already, Trump might as well preface every speech with “Brought to you by America’s liberals!”
They swallowed the koolaid for the most corrupt establishment politician in living memory, with their only half-ass alternative being a two-faced commie with a trail of financial ruin behind him. After Obama’s 8 years of recession, healthcare goatfuck, and being Putin’s bitch, what did they expect?
I don’t see Trump as any kind of messiah, but he was definitely a superior alternative to Comrade Sellout and Das Hildabeast.
You can’t possibly be surprised that a conservative site posting about primarily issues of interest to its conservative operator and the base of supporters tends to criticize liberals and their viewpoints more than the people perceived to stand on their side.
You wouldn’t be surprised to discover at DU that Trump is being called illegitimate and should be impeached while Hillary Clinton is being touted as the second coming of christ to this day….or that those fuckers at DU still hate Sanders for destroying their chances to anoint their queen.
Also there’s the false equivalency aspect of your commentary, so what if Trump’s guys did what you claim? Does it make Janos less of an asshole? If so, how?
I also suspect you’ve considered the possibility that not everyone here thinks Trump is a wonderful human, some of us might consider him to be deeply, and grossly flawed but still consider him a better choice than HRC…deeply flawed people still do great things from time to time. Who knows if Trump will be one of those of people, but your side of the aisle always loved the man who drowned a woman and never considered that a fucking murderer might not be the best person to judge the character of others. If that deeply flawed man has done some great things in the eyes of liberals, I’m willing to let the pussy grabber have a shot as well. Once he drowns a woman we can have a different discussion…
See that, we can all play false equivalency.
Well said VoV
As we used to say in this area “more people were killed in Teddy’s car Than at TMI”.
Sorry, Commissar–you apparently mistook this board for Democratic Underground. You should go there and stay–they’re more your style.
Naw, Piuperdink, ‘encouraging’ is EXACTLY the word you meant. Your brain farts are not nearly as non-transparent as you think they are.
That faux-politico word you keep using: ‘partisan’? That’s a Commie term, you know.
Jimmy Janos is free to do whatever he wants to, is he goes scuttling off to Russian TV, what do you care? He’s just doing what you do – looking for attention, because he’s one of the Top Ten on the list of World Wide Attention Whores. You’re on there, too, somewhere.
You’re free to spout your silly opinions, just as Janos is free to be as paranoid, greedy and delusional as he wants to be. Doesn’t mean anyone will take Commissar the Piuperdink aka Poodledick seriously.
Don’t you have a term paper to write or something? Or were you just taking a bathroom break from your minimum wage job at — oh, let’s see: McQuakcers?
You want fries with that?
America! Land of the Free to Speak Your Mind, even if no one is paying any attention.
I’m sure the Russkies will get tired of Janos very quickly.
HEY Babbles McButthead, President Trump’s predecessor was one of if not THE MOST inept, narcissistic, imbecilic, incompetent and corrupt POTUS in US History.
You lose yet again.
Yeah, and given Donny’s record so far, I’d be surprised if he didn’t lose that “honor” before labor day.
Not according to my IRA.
I’ll ask the obvious – if it was so horrible for Flynn’s consulting group (not Flynn personally, but let the flung mud stick where it may) to accept payment from RT why is it OK for a former governor to accept payment from the same people? Can’t have it both ways, now.
Because the former governor hasn’t been relevant to the affairs of the American people in decades? Flynn at least had the potential to do damage, but Scruffy is only going to influence his nutjob, tinfoil-hat-wearing fans, if he even has any. Quite frankly, it does not matter if he sells out to the Russians, we all knew he was a scumbag long ago.
Hahaha only a Lars Bot could inject Trump into a Ventura story.
You crack me up.
Another visit from the Hero of the Left – Impotent Rage!
(if folks google that name, put down any beverage, first!)
That’s 12 seconds of my life I will never get back.
THAT fits ‘ol Babbles McButthead to a “T”! 😀😂😁😄
You do realize it was the bureau that Flynn worked for who were paid by RT, not Flynn directly? A petty distinction… but that is what makes case law. Much more so that your example of “the boss wishes thus and so might happen” being taken as a mandatory order. No one has believe that since “will no one rid me of this troublesome priest?”
You all bitched every single day about Obama.
Trump is an absolute clusterfuck and not a peep.
Worse you create bullshit false narratives spinning Trump’s Fuck-ups as successes.
Though it’s kinda fun watching you have virtual seizures about what amounts to casual conversation. You really should learn to relax more.
He’s getting all worked up for the next Antifa protest in Berzekely/Oklandistan…
Yes, Lars is busy laundering his black masks and hoodies in prep for the upcoming resistance revolution.
Yes the Russians and the Chinese own Hillary we already know that Lars
And yes Obama sat on his ass while the Russians went in and invaded a put of the Ukraine
We already know that too
So much for treaty’s we done honor
Fuckng spell check does not work
Well son, all I can say is that things are look and getting better around the Blaster house.
So,,,, not sure where all the “F”ups are at.
The liberals so much want there to be something betwuTrump and the Russians but can’t find a smoking gun. Did you all forget about Obamas hot Mike prior to his second term. I guess that was OK though!
It seems every libtard I meet has a very short memory
Selective, not short…
You’re correct either way.
Look, Lars, there’s plenty of bars across the bay in San Francisco in which you can wear your SS jacket and prance around to your little heart’s content. They may want you to wear assless chaps with it, but that’s between you and them. Seriously, go relieve your frustrations. Nobody will judge you any more than we already do.
Don’t forget the jack boots, Sam Browne belt and Hugo Boss uniform…
And don’t forget Joe and bring your bag of chocolate dildos to share with everyone.
Just in case anyone was wondering, Geoffrey Millard, the stolen valor IVAW and Berkeley antifa activist featured on TAH back in April for being named Mr San Francisco Leather, has taken runner-up in the fabulous International Mr. Leather contest in Chicago.
Reports that the prize for Second Place is to be spanked with a lacey steerhide garter belt while listening to non-stop recordings of the Village People are currently unconfirmed.
HEY Babbles McButthead, are you sore about the left’s latest witch hunt on President Trump coming up empty and making your side look like shit yet again?
Congrats API your best chew toy has unflushed itself.
He keeps coming back like a bad case of Herpes.
Hahaha nailed it.
Oh, I get it!
COMMISSAR Commissar says it’s okay for him to bitch about Trump in the White House, but it’s not okay for US to bitch about a slacker in a suit, aka bodaprez, aka – whatever the hell his name was – the guy who did more damage to US defense than anyone else in history, including Benedict Arnold, the Rosenbergs, John Walker, Snowden, Manning, and our most recent traitorous little bitch Reality Leigh Winner, may she rot in hell forever.
I guess Lars is upset that he’s having nothing burgers for supper.
The skittle shitting unicorn that the JEf promised him 8+ years ago still hasn’t shown up on his doorstep… But, Moonbeam gave him CaliCare with no way to pay for it.
Speaking of paying for things, I wonder what this will cost? http://www.mrctv.org/blog/berkeley-student-health-plan-now-covers-laser-hair-removal-transgender-students
Lars will be first in line, I’m sure. I’d bet that Joey will be there soon. UC Berkley is now covering laser hair removal under their student health plan. So, drop everything Lars, get in line.
This is great news for Lar’s arab pally pals who have that uni-brow thing going on. It will clearly aid in their transition and advance the romance/bromance, as the case may be. “Not that there is anything wrong with that.”
What’s the matter Lars, did you piss your bed again and your mommy hung the piss stained sheets out for all your neighbors to see? Why do you bother to even come here, nobody cares what the fuck you have to say. Do us all a favor, leave and never come back! Your break is over, now get back there and fix my burger you asshole!
He likely peed his britches AND had skidmarks in his tighty whities and his Momma hung them from the clothesline for everyone to see. I’m sure he’s somewhere in his Momma’s basement playing with his Erector Set while pouting!
You are so mad that Comey delivered a nothing burger on Trump today. You’re gonna have a stroke.
We can only hope.
His ultimate win? He kept your fellow “progressives” from putting that harpy gangster in the White House.
Any you and your fellow travelers will -never- forgive him for doing that.
Where is the rage for the rigged Democrat primary? Where is the rage for the bootleg unsecured email server full of classified info? Where is the rage for dragging us into even more pointless mayhem in countries where the only winning move appears to be Nature delivering an asteroidal bombardment? But no, its all about Trump! And Russians!
Your impotent rage is misdirected, Zampolit. If the goal of the Russian tinkering is de-legitimizing the American electoral process, and thus sowing chaos in the enemy household (Sun Tzu), then, which side are you helping? ….Again…..
Didn’t he get raped by a cactus in the Mexican desert?
That was a Organ pipe cactus 🌵
“Critics call RT a propaganda tool with poor journalism standards…”
Just like CNN, MSNBC, al jazeera…
RT is millennial Pravda in a slightly-more-literal sense than the rest. No surprise there. Janos remains a lying sack of roach shit. No surprise there, either.
“I look forward to holding our government accountable”
All by yourself?
All by himself. Grab a hanky.
Clickbait! I was hoping he was moving to Russia forever.
I think they were looking for a new toy or something. You know: something they can bat around for a while and have a good laugh over it.
Oh, wait: that applies to the COMMISSAR Commissar, too!
I’ll go back to looking at stoves now.
They hired Jimmy Janos, are they trying their damnedest to look as irrelevant as they can?
Or maybe they’re trying to make “Archer” look more realistic…
Wait,, Archer isn’t true?
They probably take one or two liberties…
I just heard that Jimmy’s first guest will be Steven Seagal. Shhhhhhhhhh……..
Putins buddy
Sock Puppet
Jimmy and Steven have the same levels of unverifiable combat experience.
With the sorry state of affairs we now have in American journalism, if a news event is damaging to a Democrat or their party, we are probably more likely to get more accurate coverage of that event from Russia Today than we are from the New York Times, WAPO, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, on and on ad infinitum.
A sad truth but the truth, nonetheless…
I thought that Moonbat escaped to Mexico because the United States was too evil. It’s hilariously sad that foreign government controlled media is more legit and less anti American than mainstream American media is.
Please tell me they are going to keep him.
Jesse the one who said the U.S. Govt. took down WTC 1 and WTC 2 on 9/11. That’s an insult to Capt. Terry Hatton and F.F. Kenny Marino FDNY R 1 who went down with the building. I Knew both of them when they were members of the Long Beach NY Volunteer Fire Dept. where I am also a life member. RIP 343.
Amen Brother! I had the privilege of taking a class Capt. Hatton taught, may he and all the fallen RIP
This clown is about as useful as a used condom.
But at least that served a purpose. This fool does not.
Commissar or Jesse Ventura? Or both?
I remember that British journalist who worked for Al Jazeera several years back. He promptly quit. A short while a go a female American commentator quit RT..on the air!! In this case, RT may fire him before he decides to quit.
His best days were with “Mean Gene” on WWF
CAPT Bones USN (ret)