RAF interrupts an ISIS execution

A Royal Air Force Reaper drone was flying an armed reconnaissance mission over the Syrian town of Abu Kamal when the drone operators saw some preparations for a public execution according to the UK’s Telegraph;
“Given the large number of civilians present, the Reaper’s crew could not target directly the Daesh fighters about to carry out the murders.”
The Reaper pilots, who are believed to have been flying the aircraft by satellite link from RAF Waddington in Lincolnshire, spotted two Isil fighters posted as sentries on a nearby roof overlooking the makeshift execution ground.
The statement said: “A Hellfire missile was fired immediately, and scored a direct hit which not only killed one of the sentries but also brought the execution to an immediate halt.”
RAF sources said the missile strike caused panic among the crowd and the Isil fighters and the militants fled. But It was not immediately clear if the prisoners due to be executed escaped or were taken away by their would-be executioners.
Well, every little bit counts. One Hellfire missile takes out one guard. A little expensive but the prisoners might argue with that, and the terror that missile caused among the Daesh might have been worth it.
Category: Terror War
I say we save some money and just air drop Giduck’s ass in there to clear them out. As totally badass as he is; it should take him less than 24 hours to achieve victory.
I will second that motion.
As a taxpayer, I fully support that proposal.
Don’t forget his shovel. Badassery at its finest.
Someone would claim that it is cruel and unusual punishment to expose terrorists to John Giduck.
Haha! Fill his pack with fresh pork chops and a picture of Hillary. Even Giduck ought to have something to work with.
Got-Damn Brits always being all civil and shit.
I’d have unleashed the entire payload on everything and everyone there.
Nothing redeemable.
THAT is how you play War.
Kill everything, keep killing everything until generations from now they have myths about the great Hell was unleashed and they were barely able to survive as a civilization to live in peace with their neighbors.
The problem is, lawyers screwed it up for everyone.
speaking of the Brits, a girl who got drunk and drugged, threw a laptop at her boyfriend, then stabbed him, is probably going to get probation because she is a “very talented” med student in training to be a heart surgeon. Other than making me think this explains why they have so many loonies walking the streets there, ya gotta ask if she passed off her attack on him as homework?
‘Per Ardua Ad Astra’
Well done, lads.
One Shot One Kill…..but not all that challenging 🙂
Still, dead is dead and the only GOOD terrorist…
This is an illustration of how “Collateral Damage” is a good thing. Surely, more than a few of the Daesh promptly shit their shorts. They won’t forget that there is always someone watching. The cost of the missle was well worth the shock value.
If only they’d been able to get SAS there beforehand…
At least the lookout is now pulling duty in the grave. Too bad they couldn’t have got both sentries.
Talk about bringing the Hellfire down…
BZ to the RAF!
Definitely not the message Daesh was trying to send to the civilians.
…We interrupt this execution for a public service announcement …..
We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.
No no…..we should drop Frank Dux in.
Im guessing he would either liberate the nation while saving all its orphans OR wet himself and cry like a little girl until he is beheaded with a Swiss Army knife.
I put my $ on the latter.
I think Chong Li would be better for this mission…after every ISIS clown he destroys, he can point to the next one…YOU.ARE.NEXT.
Send Phildo. After all, he DID say he was a SEAL, so send him there to prove it!!!
Inshallah, motherfucker!