News from Norkiland for May 2017

| May 12, 2017

If you have time to read all of this, you probably have too much time on your hands. But if you need a good laugh, have at it.

First of all, Fatty Kim da T’ird, aka NDtBF, wants the US to turn over all would-be assassins who have plans to bump him off.

Fatboy the Cheeseslayer has decided, in his wisdom, that the CIA and South Korea’s NIS want to poison him. Well, okay, but that was supposed to happen in 2014 and he’s still here, so either he’s having another episode of paranoid delusions, or he just isn’t getting enough attention from us lately. Since there were no specifics offered, and the potential assassin was ID’d only by his last name, which happens to be Kim, maybe the BF was frightened by his own image in the mirror. Or maybe it talked back to him.

Moving on, when Qian Qichen, China’s long-time ambassador to Norkiland, died on Tuesday at the age of 89, it ended a very long chapter in China’s diplomatic relations with the hermit kingdom and other countries. In 1992, Qian gave Norkiland, then under Kim Il-Sung (Daddy Kim) the bad news that China was establishing diplomatic relations with South Korea.

Considering that subsequent to that, the North fired rockets at that island during a joint war games exercise between the US military and South Korea, it must have been annoying to realize that the non-productive North, with a political system that simply sucks dry the only country that will deal with it at all was being put on the back burner in favor of a country (South Korea) or countries (e.g., the USA)  that could provide relatively lucrative trade agreements and help bump up the Chinese economy. Pyongyang saw the move as a betrayal, despite Qian’s assurances that relations would remain the same.

And finally, Fatty Kim da T’ird has warned that hundreds of millions of us in the US of A will die if he can’t have his way.

From what the linked article says, the threat is based on routine evacuation drills currently underway in the South.  There is confirmation that NDtBF has plans for a sixth nuke test, and I would like to remind skeptics that his last test, last year, (#5) had an estimated yield of 20 to 30 kilotons, per USGS seismic readings. The Hiroshima bomb (Little Boy) was supposed to be a 10 to 15 kiloton bomb, so the Cheeseslayer is getting up there in his efforts. Yes, I am keeping an eye out for odd seismic readings coming from the underground test area.  Unfortunately, the delivery system Fatty Kim da T’ird is trying to pony up hasn’t worked out quite as well as he’d hoped it would, which was probably behind his gas explosions on the 300-tank beach scene last week. I did not know that kim chi had that effect on people.

I can only hope that any Nork missile built makes landfall on the shores of LaLa Land, because my radishes finally came up and I’d like to harvest them. But if you have concerns about the possibility of a nuke hitting some place near you, now would be a good time to get the 10-year stored seed packs, the complete water filtration system, the solar-crank powered AM/FM/shortwave camper radio with a flashlight and siren, and that nice set of fishing tackle you were looking at in the catalogs over the winter. And stock up on bolts for the crossbows, too, and get the axes sharpened, in case you need to split firewood.


Category: North Korea

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I suspect Fatty Kim d-T’ird is taking lessons on rational thinking from Maxine Waters.

Bill M

That’s a pretty close race there, between those two. Coin flip territory for which one is more rational. I suspect the judges will rule No Decision.


I think we should send him pelosi, obiden, schumer, obama, the clintons…john dean,podesta, McConnell, Ryan, and whoever else you want to send, plus a letter, a receipt that he received same vermin, that he MUST sign and return to us…but…be sure to “lick the envelope”! 😉 LOL


You forgot to mention the letter The NorkDicks sent to the U.S. House bitching about sanctions. LMFAO

I’d love to get my hands on the letter in Korean and stick it through Google Translate

North Korea sends letter to Congress protesting US sanctions


The dictator-tot is even more unhinged than our Cheeto in Chief.

This next few years will be a clusterfuck.

RGR 4-78

Sir, are you a paid troll?


No need to call me “sir”.

No, not a troll. Just seem to have a different political View than many on this board.

There are a lot of liberal veterans. Just very few of them here.

If there were more my views would seem less disagreeable because there would not be such a lopsided consensus.

Even the topics this board discusses are heavily skewed toward the right.

RGR 4-78

“No, not a troll.”

You missed your calling.

“There are a lot of liberal veterans.”

In my whole life I have met very few, if any.

2/17 Air Cav

Mostly they are Navy and Air Force, I have found.

RGR 4-78

Must be my AO, even those I have met or worked with are conservative.


The Berzerkeley Crypto-commie is an outlier. His primary problem with this Kim is he is not doing Marxism/Communism the Berkeley professor-approved way.

Some Guy

I assure you, we’re real. 🙂
But I agree, most military members I’ve met were either conservative as well, or apolitical to some degree.


“No need to call me ‘sir’.”

Well, at least you got that part right. As to liberals in the military, you fail to take in to account the maturation process that occurs in most humans, civilian or military, as they grow into middle age. I would agree with you that you can probably find a significant number of liberals among the younger service members populating the lower echelons of both enlisted and officer corps. After all, it requires a certain amount of youthful idealism to give up your personal freedoms to serve your country.

However, as service members age and move up through the ranks, they resemble their civilian counterparts in that their world view tends to become more conservative based on the realities of their life experiences.

You, Lars, are one of the exceptions, a former soldier who seems to have learned naught from his military experiences while absorbing far too much impractical “knowledge” from your “too-much” time on campus.

As to why both the subject matter and the followers of this site tend toward a conservative bent, all I can think of to say is, “Well, duh,” it’s rather like the chicken and the egg conundrum that surely has been discussed in class by your sixth year at Berkeley.

Or has it not?


No..he is a volunteer, you know, a know nothing, do nothing, midget with a huge mouth and nothing to say!! imo


Couldn’t be any worse than the previous eight under the JEF….


Really? Couldn’t be any worse?

No way Trump could possibly screw things up more?

Not even a little bit?


Fast and Furious
Lois Lerner
Need more examples?

You’re still butt hurt because Bernie and Jill lost… nobody to represent you and the other members of the Free Shit Army


You simple minded pathetic clown, Trump is the only one that has actually done what he said he would do, you, you pussy, prefer, the wicked witch of the east, the communist, pedophile, lying, dishonorable thief….sorta brings a tear to your eye don’t it you socialist A.H.? imo


In the immortal words of the last chief executive,,, “he inherited this mess from the last administration “.

I think he’s doing a great job considering the liberals and half of the sorry asses republicans that are only in government for what they can get out of it, stand in his way every step of the way. They might want to start looking at what the people want.

1. National defense
2. Secure borders
3. Stop wasting our tax dollars
4. Replace Obamacare

So far, HES been trying to do just that.

Doc Savage

You cant make this stuff up in Hollyweird.


“If you have time to read all of this, you probably have too much time on your hands.”

or the years not halfway over and like me you already have over 136 hours of excess leave so you took the day off.


oh gourd…..ya had to remind me of the homework? **Sigh**


tomato coleslaw? never heard of that? I love good coleslaw, whats a tomato coleslaw like?


PH: You better being buying supplies for a sammich. It IS Friday Sammich Day, is it not?

I hope KIM III stays healthy. If he gets a terminal illness he may just say screw it and start WWIII. Pray he doesn’t get a perforated bowel due to fecal impaction caused by consumption of massive quantities of cheese. Rumor control says he has a huge appetite for better cheese.

Damn, I went directly from a PH sammich to fecal impaction caused by cheese.

Speaking of cheese, The Russian and I just returned from the commissary. $170 outlay, which included cheese, raw spinach, etc. Going to try to make spinach quiche. Any tips would be appreciated. Also bought sammich ingredients b/c I just know PH ain’t going to provide one.

Let’s everyone have a great weekend and be safe.


REAL men don’t eat quiche 😉 lol

The Other Whitey

Imagine if a CIA spokesman responded with, “Kim actually thinks he’s important enough to bother assassinating? That’s so cute!”

RGR 4-78

I think he is like the person that finds a tick on their leg and can’t stop itching, scratching and looking for all the others that are not there.

Wilted Willy

I say we send Poodle Dick over as our ambassador to NDtBF and see how long Berkley-Boi lasts! He may even like it there since they are so liberal and all?? What say Poodle Dick, will mommy let you out of the basement long enough for the trip??


God, Why does he remind me of an Asian version of the Sta-Puff Marshmallow Man?

Tom Huxton

Michellin tire man

How do you say “Bork the Nork” in Korean?


Many prefer Nuke the Nork…


That’s what he is afraid of…that they will try to “bork the nork” LOL


I learned the other day that the regular people in norkland don’t even know what the American flag looks like. So any humanitarian aide that gets to them from us, they don’t even know it’s from us, they think it’s from “their great leader” it’s truly a sad state of affairs