Carter or Cheney – who is more disasterous?

| October 11, 2007

That demented, half-witted old coot from Georgia, Jimmy Carter, the guy who ran for President in the South by declaring he would make America a system of “ethnically pure neighborhoods” in 1976 (yes, he did – no one remembers that line from the campaign do they?) has called Dick Cheney – our current Vice President – a diaster. I found this last night on Little Green Footballs;

Former President Jimmy Carter on Wednesday denounced Vice President Dick Cheney as a “disaster” for the country and a “militant” who has had an excessive influence in setting foreign policy.

I guess that Jimmy Carter forgets that by the time he left office, Cuba had over run the West Coast of Africa spreading war and death in their wake, Cuba was also funding guerrilla operations in El Salvador, Guatemala, Columbia, Panama and Peru. There were 10,000 Soviet combat troops 90 miles from the coast of Florida, Iranian students had seized our embassy and were holding hostages for 444 days – and the only response from Carter was an attempt to use the military he had let fall into disrepair which ended in deaths.

At the beginning of his Administration, Carter walked the mile between the Capitol and the White House down Pennsylvania Avenue after his Inauguration as every President since Jefferson had done – but by the end of his Administration, his successor had to ride the mile in a bullet-proof limo with snipers and special police on every rooftops – as every President since has had to do. Carter made the world a dangerous place.

Gateway Pundit reports that Carter at least finally admitted culpability in the Iran hostage situation yesterday;

BLITZER: You know, you have been criticized for your handling of Iran when the Shah was in power, you know, in the late…

CARTER: I have heard about that.

BLITZER: In the late ’70s. Looking back all of these years, knowing what has happened, what, if anything, would you have done differently?

CARTER: I would have had one more helicopter in our rescue mission, which would have brought all of the hostages out safe and free. And so I had to wait from April, around until five minutes after I was no longer president when all of the hostages did come home safe and free.

Yeah, that would have done it – one more helicopter and he thinks he would have been re-elected. Sorry, Jimmy, but the Iran Crisis was just one symptom of the entire illness which was the Carter Administration.

Well, Carter went on to claim that he “knows” the Bush Administration is torturing people (Breitbart);

US President George W. Bush’s administration tortures detainees in defiance of international law, former US president Jimmy Carter charged Wednesday.

“I don’t think it, I know it, certainly,” Carter told CNN television when asked if he believed the US administration allowed the use of torture.

How? I’m pretty sure the Adminstration doesn’t brief your leaky ass, unless the torturees are telling you when you have them over for barbeque. More emotive drivel from the biggest dufus to ever walk the earth.

Bloodthirsty Liberal calls Carter a “cheesed-off old geezer” and recounts his disgust with the GOP field of candidates. Carter made me a conservative less than two weeks after his Inauguration (shamefully, I admit I voted for him in my first presidential ballot), he should be slinking off into obscurity instead of reminding us what an idiot he’s always been.

I’ve heard people complain that they’re ashamed to admit they’re Americans when they travel abroad because of the current President. Well, they don’t remember the crap Americans used have to take from the World over Carter. I’ve never been ashamed of being an American, but I got into a lot of bar room fist fights with Germans, Turks, French, Dutch, Danes and Spaniards who used Jimmy Carter as a way to put the country down (I was young, I don’t fight with fists anymore – I use a bat).

Category: Jimmy Carter, Politics

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Bloodthirsty Liberal


Thank you for fighting for our country—in more ways than one!


Jonn wrote: My pleasure. Thank you.

Lady Vorzheva

Oops, John, I understand you truly well when you say:

I’ve never been ashamed of being an American, but I got into a lot of bar room fist fights with Germans, Turks, French, Dutch, Danes and Spaniards who used Jimmy Carter as a way to put the country down

Now, change “of being American” by “of being Spanish” and “who used Jimmy Carter” by “who use Zapatero”, and it’s just the same situation.
Luckily, I have never had to fight… yet, though I’m by no means surprised that you had to do it. It’s amazing how humans tend to generalize… 🙁
And it’s also surprising how these moonbats are the first to criticize everyone they know of, considering the others ever a total disgrace without looking at themselves first. 😈

Jonn wrote: Well, there was just one Spaniard that gave me trouble in Barcelona near Las Ramblas. Afterwards, we bought each other some of that nasty-tasting beer ya’all have over there (no wonder the Spanish drink wine and brandy). I have an old high school friend who lives in Valencia – he’s ashamed of Bush, he says, but he also admits he’s not a fan of Zapatero, either. I get the feeling from him that it’s a popular position to take in his crowd there in Spain – criticize everyone so no one gets too offended. 

Lady Vorzheva

criticize everyone so no one gets too offended.

Must be a consequence of the dictatorship. The people couldn’t speech freely and was worried someone would accuse them of being against the system or something. So the average Spanish is not very used to express their ideas… 🙁 Even now, people are afraid to criticize Zapatero… 🙁