Judge orders ‘migras’ to stand down
In this bizarre world in which we live, a San Francisco Federal judge has told Homeland Security Department and the Social Security Administration (notice the use of the word “security” in both agencies) to stop enforcing Federal law according to Washington Times’ Jerry Seper;
A federal judge in San Francisco yesterday blocked plans by the Department of Homeland Security and the Social Security Administration to crack down on employers who hire illegal aliens.
U.S. District Judge Charles Breyer issued an order saying the agencies could not go forward with plans announced in August to send letters warning employers they face stiff penalties — including fines of up to $10,000 — if they hire workers whose Social Security numbers do not match their names.
Judge Breyer, appointed by President Clinton in 1997, said the new work-site rules likely would impose hardships on businesses and their workers, adding that the plaintiffs had “demonstrated they will be irreparably harmed” if the rules are enforced.
Hmmm – San Francisco, Clinton appointee, ignore the law…I’m beginning to see a pattern here. So the Administration – the branch of government which “executes” the laws (hence the name “Executive Branch”) of the legislative branch – has been ordered by the third branch of government – the judiciary – to stop enforcing the laws designed to protect American citizens.
So I guess employers now know that they have another year to flaunt our laws and to exploit the underground population. And potential illegals know that they’ve got a year to get here and the terrorists know they have a year to hide in the illegal population to plan their next attack. So it works out for everyone – well, except the American people who’ve been calling for the laws to be enforced for the protection that enforcement might provide.
But, see, this wasn’t a plan by the administration to begin enforcing any laws – the judge blocked the agencies from MAILING A LETTER (Effort to Curb Illegal Workers’ Hiring Blocked – Washington Post);
In a 22-page ruling, Breyer said the plaintiffs — an unusual coalition that included the AFL-CIO, the American Civil Liberties Union and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce — had raised serious questions about the legality of the administration’s plan to mail Social Security “no-match” letters to 140,000 U.S. employers.
“There can be no doubt that the effects of the rule’s implementation will be severe,” Breyer wrote, resulting in “irreparable harm to innocent workers and employers.”
Innocent workers and employers – who are employed and employing illegally – how are they innocent? They know they’re breaking the law, so what exactly are they innocent of?Â
What kind of Bizarro World do they live in out there?Â
Category: Illegal Immigrants, Legal, Society