Chris Christie Commutes Sentence for Vet Charged over Legally Owned Gun

| April 15, 2017

Few States have more draconian firearms laws than the Peoples Republik of Maryland, but New Jersey is one, as Marine Sergeant Hisashi Pompey found out. He brought his Virginia legal handgun with him on a visit to The Garden State, and found himself in some sort of altercation in a nightclub. A friend thought bringing Pompey’s handgun into the mix was a good idea, and both were arrested.

ABC News reported Pompey did three tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan, where he was a military police sergeant. Until Christie intervened, he was preparing to surrender to authorities to begin what would have been a minimum 36 month sentence for possession of an unregistered firearm. This does not expunge his record, but removes the sentence.

Christie has done this before- in April 2015 he pardoned Shaneen Allen, a Pennsylvania permit holder, who was arrested for possessing a handgun in her car.

Christy also pardoned U.S. Marine and concealed permit holder Joshua Velez for bringing his Massachusetts registered handgun into New Jersey.

Of note, SCOTUS with newly confirmed Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch, will meet soon to consider Peruta v. California, where the justices would decide if the Second Amendment entitles citizens to carry firearms outside the home without a California mandated “good cause.”

More here.

Category: Politics

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2/17 Air Cav

I’m glad for him. New Jersey sucks. He was there to visit family. Yeah, he was stupid if for nothing else than carrying a firearm into that hell hole. Did I mention New Jersey sucks? He’ll be fine, even with the gun charge on his record. Prospective employers will say, “And what? You pulled it out? “No.” You lready had it out? “No.” Where was this? “New Jersey.” Oh. Can you start immediately or do you need a few days?


I left New Jersey in 2003 and have not looked back.

Christie made a good decision.

Silentium Est Aureum

He should have pardoned him, not just commuted the sentence.

This Marine lost everything already.


Exactly right. Poor guy is still considered a convicted felon. His life is ruined. Krispy Kreme should have pardoned him.


I completely agree SEA.


If he wanted to do the right thing he would fight to get rid of the law entirely.


Amen. How long before we can get nationwide reciprocity so this lunacy can stop?


“If he wanted to do the right thing he would fight to get rid of the law entirely.”

Actually, if we wanted to do the right thing we would get rid of New Joisey entirely. I might also suggest the same treatment for the Left Coast and a few other States. Just a thought.



That is expensive as hell.
You have to have financial backing before you fight something like that.
The NRAA should take the case and work to get it overturned and his record expunged if not getting an outright pardon.


Why don’t they change the law? Obviously non criminals are being unjustly sentenced in violation of a very clear 2nd amendment.


Because in the world of the leftist, we are all criminals and anyone who owns a firearm should be locked up.

Their laws have nothing to do with justice, they are all about power and control.


Good. At least as far as it goes.


A long time ago, I lived in New Jersey. I left, for a very good reason: it was a waste of time then and even worse now.

The Old Maj

We had DA from our state get arrested in NJ for carrying his county issued pistol up there. In my state DAs are law enforcement officers with arrest powers covered under LEOSA. NJ arrested him anyway cuz ya know DAs are always robbing liquor stores to buy crack. He had go through a nut roll to get it taken care of.

NJ isn’t the only one that is like that.

Sam Dog

I left in 1965. Best thing I ever did. From a state that had no sales tax and income tax to a tax state that is out of sight. Used to carry a shotgun everyday to school so I could go bird and rabbit hunting after school. Wouldn’t try that now. The last of my family passed away in 1984 and I haven’t been back since. It once was a pretty state.


I took Basic at Dix in 68.
New Jersey sucked then and it sucks now.

Commissioner Wretched

Groucho Marx, on “What’s My Line?” 20 Sep 1959:

Did you ever hear that song about Jersey? It’s an old song.

“Jersey, Jersey, I wonder who the hell invented Jersey?
“The Statue of Liberty faces down the bay
“Ashamed to look the other way
“Over towards the Jersey
“Dear old Jersey
“Over toward the Jersey side.”


I would love to leave NJ,except for my wife of 50 years.
NJ is over-run with dimicrits. They want the state gun free. Only the criminals will have the previlege of gun ownership. That means the blue line, also. So, nobody there to protect you.
Load up on tazers


Like Most things Christy has done, he did it half-assed.
Christie commuted Sergeant Pompey’s sentence when he should have pardoned him.


[…] This ain’t Hell… notes Chris Christie doing something great for a veteran […]


Wife and I used to go through NJ on the way home on vacation. We now go straight up through PA and hop a little through NY to get there.


[…] This Ain’t Hell reports: […]


A steep price to pay for bad judgement. Mix unsecured weapons,alcohol, and “friends” like his and bad things are likely to happen. He is lucky his “friend” didn’t actually use that gun.