Human Rights Campaign opposes Mark Green

| April 14, 2017

The Human Rights Campaign emailed us yesterday to make sure that we know that they oppose the appointment of Mark Green to the position of the Army Secretary;

In a new video released today, HRC calls on Senators to #StopMarkGreen, Donald Trump’s nominee for Secretary of the Army. Green built his political career on hateful attacks against LGBTQ people and is a danger to every LGBTQ soldier bravely serving our country. Green encouraged the state of Tennessee to deny marriage licenses to same-sex couples after the Supreme Court ruled in Oberfell v. Hodges, characterized being transgender as a “disease,” and supports license to discriminate laws that target LGBTQ people.

In his first public statement since being nominated, Green attempted to dismiss his disgraceful attacks against the LGBTQ community as just “politics.” Our service members deserve better and HRC is urging senators to stand up to #StopMarkGreen.

Here’s their little video;

I’m not sure that I agree that an Army Secretary’s most important qualification is support for the politics of sexual deviancy. I’d rather he fight our nation’s war efficiently – everything else is just so much bullshit, but after eight years of bullshit, I guess HRC is confused about priorities.

Category: Army News

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2/17 Air Cav

“Green encouraged the state of Tennessee to deny marriage licenses to same-sex couples after the Supreme Court ruled in Oberfell v. Hodges, characterized being transgender as a “disease,” and supports license to discriminate laws that target LGBTQ people.”

And? Or is that all? Sheeeeeet. What’s there to back away from? He’s in step with most of the country.

Hack Stone

Cough, Hillary Clinton, cough….


He’s got my vote. Fuck all these deviants and their agenda.


If the squawkers ever understand that sex is about reproducing, not politics, please let me know. Let the world know, too.

MSG Eric

They oppose him because he’s not gay, or a democrat.

A Proud Infidel®™

AND he doesn’t march in lockstep to the left’s political agenda.

Hack Stone

Maybe some Broadway choreographer should be Secretary of The Army. He/she will get everyone in lockstep.


I missed the downside. HRC is going to point out a downside to this, right?
P.S. They might want to do something about those initials. Just saying.

2/17 Air Cav

I may be wrong, UpNorth, but I believe that quote I lifted is supposed to be the downside of his being appointed. Not sure, though. I don’t see it myself but I think that’s it.


Yup, you’re right, and I still don’t see a downside in all this.


babies gonna cry

The Other Whitey

My 1-year-old son is more mature and articulate.

Combat Historian

I’m sure HRC would prefer Bradley Breanna Chelsea Manning to be SecArmy…

P.S.: BTW, HRC should get another name for their group, like “Queers Are Us” or something. Between Human Rights Campaign (HRC), Hillary Rodan Clinton (HRC), and Human Resources Command (HRC), there are way too many “HRCs” out there…


Just MOAB ’em all.
Problem solved.

MSG Eric

We can only hope….

MSG Eric

Yeah, in my experience, the Army’s HRC stands for High Royalty Command, not Human Resources. How they act and treat anyone in the Army who’s not a member of their precious HQ is criminal. They’re such a significant bureaucratic oligarchy it is outrageous.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

So are they suggesting that he couldn’t do his job of obeying his president while serving? Because I’m not seeing that part.

We all have opinions about everything, and many times we aren’t in lockstep with each other. Just because I have zero belief in any gods doesn’t mean I can’t understand that I must obey the law and allow those christians working for me to take today off for religious observances….it’s really not that difficult.

He doesn’t like gay marriage, tough shit it doesn’t mean he can deny them to service members and if he tried I suspect he’d lose the job quickly.

I don’t need you to agree with me on anything in order for you to work here as long as you do your fucking job. Show up, produce quality work in a timely fashion and we are good to go…what you do when you leave here is of no fucking concern to me. I can’t imagine Mr. Green being different, if it turns out he is unable to separate his personal feelings from his ability to do his job he should get shitcanned. Until someone can demonstrate that he is unfit because of proven transgressions against the law I’m inclined to allow the president some discretion in appointing whomever he likes.


Very well put, VOV…


I’m a human and the HRC certainly expresses less than zero concern for my rights. Therefore, if they are agin I must be fer it.

Sea Dragon

Anyone or anything HRC is against has my support.

A Proud Infidel®™

DITTO that and I count every leftist moonbat complaint against one of President Trump’s nominees as a reason they need to be confirmed.


The various Secretaries of the Military should be warfighters, not snowflake huggers. The military is about fighting wars, not making LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ+ feel included. The military is about training service members to do their jobs, not making trans-retarded service members feel included. Hell, NOBODY is supposed to feel included in Boot, period.


Then-Secretary of Defense Ash Carter announced the lift on the transgender ban in June 2016, saying, “We don’t want barriers unrelated to a person’s qualification to serve preventing us from recruiting or retaining the soldier … who can best accomplish the mission. We have to have access to 100 percent of America’s population.”

But other enlistment standards which many of the population(a much larger percentage of the population) not diagnosed with a mental illness requiring multiple surgeries and lifelong HRT and maintenance will still not be allowed to serve…so WTF?


I keep saying ‘this, too, shall pass’.

I want to know when it passes… or if.


As a sign at work says, “it may pass like a kidney stone; but this too shall pass.”


You know you’re suffering from terminal 1st world problems when you try to equate your sexual perversion and people’s non acceptance to it as a violation of human rights.

What fucking Moonbats. This is exactly why all of these human rights organizations in my view are nothing but propaganda organizations.


These “social injustice” fads seem to change every so often; the SJWs seems to have hitched onto the LGBTQ bandwagon right now. I can only imagine what the next perceived slight will be once the current one peters out.


Maybe the non-acceptance of NAMBLA?


I wouldn’t put it past them.

MSG Eric

Well at one point the ACLU defended NAMBLA’s rights to exist, so why not?


” I’d rather he fight our nation’s war efficiently – everything else is just so much bullshit, but after eight years of bullshit, I guess HRC is confused about priorities.”

“I guess HRC is confused about priorities.”

I’m thinking HRC is confused about her own identity too!!