DPRK Readying Next Nuke Test
NDtBF is at it again- can’t feed his people but he can afford to pop another A-Bomb, and soon.
‘“The test could come as early as the end of the month,” said one official.’
Both the Russians and the US have prepositioned surveillance aircraft to the area to monitor the air post blast. Ours is an Air Force WC-135 Constant Phoenix bird, and the Russians have deployed an Antonov An-30R reconnaissance aircraft.
“The Pentagon is increasingly concerned about North Korea’s ability to miniaturize a nuclear warhead and eventually place it on a ballistic missile. Each missile brings North Korea closer to achieving that goal, according to defense analysts.
In his New Year’s address, Kim Jong-un said his nation has “entered the final stage of preparation for the test launch of intercontinental ballistic missiles.”
Earlier this month North Korea launched four ballistic missiles, which landed 190 miles from Japan, an indication North Korea was simulating a more sophisticated attack to overwhelm anti-ballistic missile systems in Japan.”
No doubt this is partly in response to SecState Tillerson’s comments concerning the Norks and their weapons programs:
“Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson, in a visit to South Korea, said if North Korea increased “the threat of their weapons program” to an unacceptable level, the Trump administration would consider action. “The policy of strategic patience has ended,” Mr. Tillerson said.”
Sounds like the grownups are in charge, and Laughing Boy isn’t happy about it.
Category: Military issues, Nukes
I ask you why we don’t just blow whatever that put into the sky out of the universe? I’m sure we can blow up whatever they might launch and destroy it? What are we waiting for, just blow the shit up~!
A test is not an act of war. Shooting down a test missile is.
But this is likely to be an underground nuclear test. That is how NK conducts their tests historically.
So there is really nothing we can do to stop it and little beyond sanctions we can do to retaliate.
And North Korea pulled out of the NPT in 2005. Something it has the right to do as a soveriegn nation since the NPT is voluntary as is complaince with it.
The reality is that these tests are more risky for the regime than for the world anyway. Kim Jong Un’s position is very tenous which is why he has resorted to so much violence and ruthless distruction of anyone that has any potential competing power structure in North Korea, including almost everyone connected to his father’s regime.
“A test is not an act of war.”
We are still at war with Korea.
26 March 2010
“A North Korean submarine’s torpedo sank a South Korean navy ship on 26 March causing the deaths of 46 sailors, an international report has found.”
We signed an armistice. That ended the war as far as practical real life decisions are made. Egghead legal technicalities about “officially” ending the war are not particularly relevant. What is relevant is WHY we did not sign a formal peace treaty.
We settled all issues with respect to the actual warfighting. We agreed to cease hostilities, we agreed to exchange and release prisoners, we agreed to new borders.
What was not settled was how to reunify the peninsula and whether the US and UN troops should all be withdrawn from the peninsula.
The war is effectively over. We just have not come to an agreement on what comes next, after the shooting stopped.
If we were to shoot down their missiles while they are in NK airspace we would be committing an open act of warfare on a sovereign nation. We would have little ground to stand on if NK retaliated. Like in the form of artillery attacks on South Korea.
We would be unwilling to invade. We would be unwilling to escalate. And we would have essentially given them the moral high ground to retaliate.
It would be an indefensibly stupid decision and a monumental failure of foreign policy.
Once the missile leaves NK airspace we would have much greater latitude to shoot it down. In fact a NK nuclear launch that left their airspace would be an act of war on their part.
Oh, here we go. The totes expoit knows-nothing is schooling us the less fortunates, even though the majority of us don’t get our information from TV shows like ‘M*A*S*H’.
Yeah, according to your ignorant assumptions the Army sent me to DLI, twice, for a year+ each to learn Korean and Chinese (Mandarin) because my intelligence work had nothing to do with that region.
I know a shit ton more about Korea than you do.
I do not tell you that you do not know shit about photography.
HEY Babbles McButthead, HAVE YOU EVER even set foot in Korea? I myself was part of the 2ID Western Corridor from 1992 to 1993 and spent half of that tour in the field where we heard the commies’ loudspeakers 24/7.
Yes, I have. I was in the intelligence detachment for 1st/1st SFG(A) and I was sent a half dozen times every time things became tense.
I was expected to the the battalion subject matter expert on Korea.
I was also sent to Yonsei University by the Army.
“I was also sent to Yonsei University by the Army.”
WHAT A WASTE of our tax dollars.
Better language training dollar for dollar than DLI.
Interesting. What house did you live in?
Can you recite the motto?
What house did I live in? The battalion was at Torii Station. There was no housing on Torii. So I lived on Camp Foster.
I lived in the barracks my last few months since my wife returned home early. Those barracks were on Torii.
The Special Forces motto? Everyone knows it “de oppresso liber”. 1st SFG motto is “First in Asia”.
“I was also sent to Yonsei University by the Army.”
I repeat, interesting. What house did you live in?
Can you recite the motto?
Intelligence detachment huh…
Well, that explains a lot…
I also spent time near the DMZ on a SOT-A.
So you spent time sleeping on the job, huh? Nice to see my tax money wasted on your paycheck.
WTF are you talking about? Sleeping on the job? I assume you know what the DMZ is so I guess you just have no clue what a SOT-A is.
It is tedious that dipshits like you constantly try to attack my experience.
Why don’t you address what I actually said in my post?
HAVE YOU ever set foot in the field there in locations like say, the JSA? I was in locations all over the 2ID Western Corridor myself.
Yes. Of course.
But being in the field in Korea is hardly something that would make you highly knowledgeable about the Peninsula.
But Dennis Rodman knows a shit ton more than you, neener, neener, neener.
By the way, we are still at war with Korea.
Ah, but that’s where you always make YOUR biggest mistake, Piuperdink. You assume that I know nothing about Korea at all, and that YOU are the ONLY person in the entire world who does know anything about it.
Well, you’re not. I suggest you deal with it like an adult instead of throwing another one of your asinine fight-picking tantrums.
All you do is make an ass of you.
I never said anything like that.
I made a post about why we should not be shooting down NK missile tests.
You immediately attacked my post.
YOU are the one that acted like an ass right from the start.
I responded in kind.
Incorrect. YOU attack people for simply having an opinion that is different from yours. That is your most obvious weakness; no one but you has the right to an opinion because Commissar – that’s YOU – thinks he’s the world’s greatest authority on whatEVER when YOU ARE NOT.
I repeat, we are still at war with Korea.
Yeah, and that would be super relevant if we were playing Jeopardy or Trivial Pursuit.
But is irrelevant to what we can and cannot do right now about North Korean missiles tests.
We are not “at war” with North Korea in any sense that allows us to commits hostile acts in defiance of international law and/or without provocation.
We also would jeopardize the hell out of our relationships with China, South Korea, and Japan if we were to escalate hostilities by attacking one of North Korea’s tests.
HEY Babbles McButthead, I WAS THERE 1992-1993 and we heard gunfire across the DMZ between the ROKs and the commies on plenty of occasions. HAVE YOU ever even set foot in Korea, o booger-munching candyass? I’ve BTDT myself, sugarbritches!
Holy shit you are a fuckwit.
Yes, I have been to Korea.
And I was there during a few incursion incidents.
However, your short stint in the area did not have multiple incidents. You attributed gunfire to RoKs and NK shooting at each other with nothing more than Private Snuffy speculation. You had no fucking clue what was actually happening or what the gunfire was.
And the fact that there have been incidents along the DMZ is not evidence of a “state of war” between the North and the South. The armistice settled the state of war.
There were dozens of border incidents between the Soviet Union and Nato during the same period and not only was WWII officially over but the Soviets had been an ALLY.
There were also dozens perhaps hundreds of incidents along the Sino-Soviet border.
And there have been hundreds between Pakistan and India.
The existence of peace treaties or lack of treaties have almost no bearing on these kinds of incidents. They are common along borders between nations that do not get along. With or without formal peace treaties.
Oh, Dumber Than Shit on a Stick YOU ARE, Commissar.
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is NOT referred to as Nato.
It is properly referred to as NATO, ALLCAPS INITIALS, you dumb, stump-sucking, tweezer-plucked knob-gobbling birdbrain.
P.S., you’re full of SHIT, Babbles McButthead, NO Peace Treaty exists between the two Koreas, only a Cease Fire Agreement was signed and the two Nations they are still technically at war with each other.
YOU LOSE yet again, Babbles McButthead!
i said exactly that.
You have reading comprehension issues and did not understand what I wrote because you are an idiot.
HEY Babblse McButthead, DO take a Remedial Grammar and Composition Class for your own benefit. It was fun throwing your own shit back at you for a few, but you are REALLY beginning to bore the fuck out of me and I’m going back to life with my Wife and Kid. LATER on while you stew, fret and shit your britches! 😀
NO, Commissar, you did NOT say exactly that. YOu said, and I quote YOUR words ‘we signed an armistice’ right here: http://valorguardians.com/blog/?p=71040&cpage=1#comment-2970970
Those are YOUR words, Commissar.
And for YOUR enlightenment, a cease-fire agreement is NOT a peace treaty or an armistice, which is a truce.
WTF? Yes, I said “Armistice”. Because we signed a fucking Armistice.
Which is a cease fire.
Armistice is the MORE accurate word since it is literally called the “Korean Armistice Agreement”.
An Armistice is a cease fire.
Ah, but you have to hide out until after midnight so that cain’t nobody tell you that you’re wrong again. And you keep calling US cowards. Go look in the mirror, you moron. And find some place else to pick your quarrels. That’s all you’re good for – a quarrelsome little derp with nothing to do but pick fights.
I swear to Christ you are the dumbest person I have ever known that ever served. I strongly suspect they waived you ASVAB score. I not it needs to be higher because dipshits like you are a liability in combat. Which explains why you spent you “infantry” tour in supply and as the SGM driver.
HOW MANY TIMES did YOU whip out your “Stress Card” in Basic, candyass?
We did not have stress card in 1989.
And I did a hell of a lot more difficult training than basic during my career.
Your were a poorly performing infantry specialist that could not find a place on a squad when it actually mattered. Nobody wanted you.
I started off as a Combat Engineer, Babbles McButthead, YOU LOSE YET AGAIN!!! 😀 NOW I’m off to go join my beloved Mrs. in our NEW Jacuzzi that arrived today, LATER!!! 😀
Yeah, I’m quite sure all my basic test scores are at least 50% higher than yours, Commissar.
That is mathematically impossible since I averaged in the 97% percentile.
Like I said, at least 50% higher than yours.
*WHOOOOOT!* Hello pot, meet kettle!!! YOU are the one with the issues, Babbles McButthead! It’s likely I WAS THERE before you even joined, pookums!
False, I joined in 1989 (actually DEP in 1988). And how the would it be relevant even if it were true that you were there before I was in the service?
And if you were in Korea in the 90s how the hell were you in Iraq as a specialist?
Was your service in Gulf War I?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA… I came back in after a NINE YEAR Break in service and did two Middle East tours. We got rid of sub-par Officers like you right and left on both tours as well!
All of your blabbering still does not change the fact the we are still at war with Korea.
How is that trivia fucking relevant to our options with respect to North Korea right now.
Babbles McButthead, YOU are as allergic to facts, logic and reason as Nanny Lugosi.
Shoot their fucking missiles out of the sky and then sink the Pueblo museum.
I am curious that you are so concerned about North Korea, we really should not fear them, commies are our buddies right?
False, we have no more latitude to shoot their missiles down under the current Armistice than we would if we had signed a peace treaty.
We formally recognize NK as a sovereign nation under the Armistice. We recognize the borders of North Korea.
It is a UN recognized armistice agreement since the Korean War was under the auspices of the UN.
So the UN also recognizes NK as a sovereign nation and recognizes the borders of North Korea.
Under international law a country does not have the right to shoot down a test missile while it is in the airspace of the nation that fired it.
Doing so is an act of war and would be a clear violation of the Armistice.
One that we would not be able to justify.
It would also jeopardize our relations with South Korea because any North Korean retaliation would likely kill South Korean citizens.
Why are you so eager to start a war in Korea?
Anyone that is eager to initiate a war in Korea does not know a fucking thing about Korea.
Oh!Oh!Oh! Lookie-lookie here! Commissar AKA Commissar aka Poodledick the Piuperdink retreated to his SAFE SPACE so that no one could blow his little boat out of the water.
And he calls US cowards??
And where have you been all day, ex-OS2?
You did not answer Morning Call, Morning Muster, or requests for ‘fire for effect’.
Yes, we (the USA) did not bring that war to an end. It was suspended and is still in effect. But do not expect Poodledick the Piuperdink to know that.
“And where have you been all day, ex-OS2?”
Training out of town has impeded my fire missions the past few days.
I completed some fire missions from Mick in a few threads, playing catch-up!
Missed you. I stood in for you a couple of times. Best I could do was ‘knob gobbler’. But I tried. I think no one can really fill your shoes.
“I stood in for you a couple of times”
“knob gobbler” is awesome!
Thank you for the back-up!
Here’s what I actually said:
Tallow-swilling, codpiece sniffing, mullion-eyed, warthog-toothed knob-gobbler.
Allow me.
Multiple secondary explosions!!
I am honored.
South Korea is still at war with NK. We were in a conflict.
Better yet, blow up his house…like Reagan did to Kadafy in Libya, it shut the clown up for about 20 years!!
If Fatty Kim da T’ird does test another nuke, it will register on the USGS’s seismic network, just as those tests have been doing since he started his gamesmanship.
Right now, he’s – or should I say the Norks? – being looked at as the main suspects in the theft of $81 million from a Bangladesh central bank account at the New York Federal Reserve, using the same cybertheft tech (SWIFT) that has been used in other cyberspace crimes.
The real question is whether or not he can get an effective nuke that will fit on his NoDongs, and/or develop a true ICBM-level missile that he can throw at people.
Per my update this morning, which included an op-ed piece in the LATimes here: http://valorguardians.com/blog/?p=71005
that possibility is real, but whether or not it can be stopped has to be addressed. He’s so desperate for attention that he’s going to start war, even if no one is interested in having one.
Me and MY STUPID FAT FINGERS, I hit the “report” button instead of “Reply”. I see what you mean Ex-PH2, I wonder if he isn’t SO attention-starved right now he wants to start a war with no thought of the consequences? China has officially stated that they will cease to import coal from North Korea thus depriving NDtBF’s fiefdom of a major source of income. I’m sure that was a move on China’s part to give Pudgy-Boy a wake up call which he is ignoring and I wonder if China is much more willing and wanting to put the brakes on Fat-Boy’s antics more than anyone else?
Okay, then can we rely on China to stomp on him, or is this going to revive the war that never really ended?
If China shuts him down, how is that going to affect our trading relationship with China? Do you think they’d do the blackmail thing? One would hope not. On the other hand, the simplest thing to do is shoot the fat basterd and have done with it.
So? use the same technique to steal the money back and at the same time, empty his coffers so he can’t afford anymore nukes….!
You have to prove that the Norks are the thieves. Suspicion isn’t enough. The money has disappeared. I agree with you in principle, but it could just as easily be someone else because it went to four separate accounts and then disappeared and those accounts were closed.
HOW THE HELL DOES THAT WORK!? I could use 81M$. That would be a whole lot of motorcycles, college for the little dinos, and more diamonds for Mrs Tanker (she says Diamonds are a girls best friend, and she could use some more best friends. But since I married an NCO, what would you expect but harsh yet poignant wisdom?). While I think of it, I could also find that surplus M60A1 Ive always wanted for a yard ornament. 🙂
We will through various modes detect a nuclear test by the followers of the bad hair boy. We will also be able to tell whether its for real or a fizzle. Screw him and Id hate to be living in that “Peoples Paradise”. I do like the idea about dropping one on the Pueblo, that would be akin to putting your mount out of its misery.
North Korea having nukes is another failure you can lay directly upon the steaming pile of great policy decisions that Jimmie Carter had a hand in.
North Korea feeling free to play these games is something you can lay right on the forehead of the vaunted IC.
North Korea being a nation ruled by a POS family of sub-human genetic inferiors you can attribute that hero of the American Left, King Joe Stalin.
The real problem is that he wants a return to warfare. It is evident in everything he says and does. He violated the no-nuke agreement and kickstarted everything that had stopped. It may have been that he simply took advantage of that agreement’s terms to work on cranking up the status of his nuclear program because he figured our attention was elsewhere. It was a surprise when his first underground test was detected by the USGS’s seismic network.
“The United States Geological Survey said it had detected a tremor of 4.2 magnitude on the Korean Peninsula.” NYT 10/9/2006 http://www.nytimes.com/2006/10/09/world/asia/09korea.html
All of the tests since then have had larger and larger yields and higher seismic magnitudes.
He has ALWAYS made noise and threats, just like phat daddy! Then someone from out insane state dept would run over and hand him fists full of money….nothing has changed…! Except we have a REAL man in the white house now, and its not fistfuls of money he is going to get!!
Not just Jimmeh Kahtuh. If I remember correctly, “Blowjob Willie” Clinton gave the Norkies’ nuke programs a huge boost as well!
“If you haven’t been to Pohang, shut the fuck up.”
I flew on the ROKN’s P-3Cs a few times. They had white ones on the wings and warshots in the belly. Every time. Tell me they’re not at war.
(AGM-84 Harpoon anti-shipping missiles, and Mk 46 acoustic homing torpedoes)
Methinks that the #LittleNorkdork is not long for this world anyway.
He is pushing for a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist, a strategy that has not worked well in the past for many leaders of aggressor nations…
I set off breach charges bigger that this fool has with a “nuclear” warhead
Are you sure, Cowpill? His last test had a yield of 20 to 30 kilotons. That was in September 2016.
Now, if you outdid that, I bow to your superior firepower. Just let me know.
Lars continues to insist;
Don’t fear the commie!
Yes, because that is part of the commie party line/propaganda narrative with which Larsie has been indoctrinated since birth.