Obama; the President of what, then?

| October 4, 2007

This is the most ignorant drivel I’ve ever read. Barack Obama, a Democrat candidate for the President of the United States claims that wearing an American flag pin took the place of “real patriotism”;

“The truth is that right after 9-11 I had a pin,” Obama said. “Shortly after 9-11, particularly because as we’re talking about the Iraq war, that became a substitute for I think true patriotism, which is speaking out on issues that are of importance to our national security.

“I decided I won’t wear that pin on my chest,” he said in the interview. “Instead, I’m going to try to tell the American people what I believe will make this country great, and hopefully that will be a testament to my patriotism.”

Well, then when is he going to tell us what will make this country great, then, since all he’s done since he became a national figure is to talk down our economy, our way of life, promised to take more money from us, and tell us our national security isn’t worth defending.

I’m sick of these half-witted Leftists and their sorry-assed yammering about this country and their brand of patriotism. If they like this country, even a little bit, why can’t they tell us what they like about it? Why is it they want to rewrite every paragraph of the Constitution? Why are they down on capitalism – our economy? Why are they constantly harping about the shoddy way we treat our “poor”? Why do they constantly claim that they’re embarrassed to admit they’re Americans?

Everytime a Leftist tells me they love this country, I ask them what they love about it – they’re stymied. Why do they stay if they can’t find any reason that makes it worth living in? And why are so many other people from around the world flocking here if it’s so terrible?

Obama is proving to be the most amateurish candidate ever to run for the Presidency – he makes wild foreign policy statements about negotiating with thugs while threatening our allies. He wants to do away with nuclear weapons by using grade playground tactics – “you first, then me – now you again”.

I’ve got a flag on my desk – it’s been there since before 9-11. Our building manager gave out flag pins to everyone in our office. I wouldn’t wear it – the little bag it came in said “Made in China”. Now that’s a reason to not wear a pin, not some putred half excuse about uber-patriotism that sounds like it was written by an Art History major at the University of Vermont.

Little Green Footballs says this bit of theater proves that Obama is Hillary’s stalking horse. Michele Malkin redesigns the Presidential seal for him. Ace writes that he’s patriotic to the Nation of Earth. Atlas Shrugs compares his statement to Katie Couric’s last week – a nuanced answer vetted by opinion polls? 

Category: Politics, Society

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Lady Vorzheva

Ooops, my goodness, this man is an idiot. This is the type of thing Zapatero would say. I remember ZP said “My country is freedom”. Much as I love freedom, he is the President of Spain, that is the country who is paying his wages and the one he must be worried about.
There is a poem by Zorrilla about a pirate, in which the latter says “My God is freedom”. So you know who he was compared with in Spain, don’t you? 😉

Jonn wrote: Unfortunately, this is what passes as an intellectual stand these days. Somehow, it’s patriotic to declare there are no “patrias”.


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