FARC, Chavez, Soros and Rice

| October 4, 2007

I just got this emailed from Kate;

The US State Department is gifting the FARC a massive propaganda win-win by granting propaganda caravans for the FARC operatives to tour and visit their poor boys inside a US prison. Speaker of the US Congress Nancy Pelosi thinks this is a good idea. Her staffers, led by counsel to Pelosi and to the pro drugs funding George Soros insist that this is a good idea, never mind what U.S. and UN counternarcotics agreements and laws detail. So too, apparently, does Assistant Sec of State Tom Shannon. We do not know what, if anything.

I’d read earlier that the talks with FARC had been delayed – because FARC demands the release of their members held in US jails. So, in effect they’re asking for a prisoner exchange in the middle of their war. According to El Universal, FARC puts the blame for failure of the talks on Uribe while the success will fall to Chavez;

FARC, senior member “Iván Márquez” put the blame on Uribe for the failure to swap the people kidnapped for imprisoned guerrillas.

“If no swap has been made and continues causing suffering, it has been because of the president’s wild intransigency and stubbornness,” said Iván Márquez, whose actual name is Luciano Marín Arango.

“All of us really want the success of President Chávez’ important mediation for this to be possible,” he added.

Commie bros keepin’ it real, I suppose. But eCrisis ties Pelosi and Soros to FARC;

While we are aware that Pelosi’s legal counsel is a Soros man whose commitments to bringing down Plan Colombia and aiding and abetting the pro drugs agenda is well known, we are not aware that State Department must roll over and treat the FARC as if this is a legal state group of actors. For it is not. The FARC is a non state subset of narco terrorists whose legitimacy does not exist.

BBC calls Columbian Senator Cordoba an “opposition senator” but she’s actually FARC’s representation in the legislature. She wants 500 FARC terrorists released in exchange for hostages;

Colombian opposition Senator Piedad Cordoba, who has been acting as a mediator in the process, confirmed that elements were lacking to “complete the circle” and reach a deal.

The proposed deal would see the 500 rebel prisoners exchanged for politicians, members of the armed forces, and three US citizens.

The Miami Herald writes;

Colombian Senator Piedad Córdoba told reporters she expects to meet Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice Friday and travel to a federal penitentiary in Texas to meet with Nayibe Rojas, a commander of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC.

Rojas is serving a 16-year jail term on drug trafficking charges.

A meeting with Rice would signal that the Bush administration approves of the mediation effort launched by Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez and Córdoba to secure the release of 45 high-profile hostages held by the FARC in exchange for about 500 FARC rebels in Colombian jails. The Colombian government has blessed the effort.

Three Pentagon civilian contractors — Keith Stansell, Marc Gonsalves and Tom Howes — have been held by the FARC since 2003.

Córdoba said the State Department told her it is awaiting an offer by the FARC before deciding on a U.S. position.

Córdoba met Wednesday with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. ”This gives us a sense of the importance that the United States has given to this process,” Córdoba said.

”The first thing we want to achieve is trust — trust among the FARC, but also the Colombian government and the U.S. government,” she said, adding that a meeting between Chávez and FARC leaders set for Monday in Caracas has been postponed until more details can be worked out. 

If there’s any truth to this deal, the US Air Force should send in a J-DAM to the meeting and end the whole process. FARC is no less a terrorist enemy of the US than al Qaeda.

Category: Hugo Chavez, Terror War

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