How’s she gonna get her rocks off?
Remember Hank Johnson, the Democrat congressman from Georgia who was reluctant to transfer Marines from Okinawa to Guam because their added weight might cause the latter island to tip over and capsize? Well it appears the Dems have another congressional aspirant who slept through science classes. Brianna Wu, a transgender activist and prominent social justice warrior who is running for the 8th Congressional District seat in Massachusetts, has expressed a fear of a deadly risk that most of us, frankly, likely have never considered. From the Washington Times:
“The moon is probably the most tactically valuable military ground for earth,” the tweet said. “Rocks dropped from there have power of 100s of nuclear bombs.”
SpaceX announced Monday it is planning to launch a tourism venture to the Moon in 2018.
After users on social media questioned her scientific literacy, the congressional candidate clarified that the tweet was “talking about dropping [rocks] into our gravity well.”
Small space rocks can indeed do nuclear-weapons-scale damage if hitting the Earth at orbital speeds. But launching one from the moon, even setting aside issues of aiming, would still require escaping the satellite’s gravitational field, a task that requires the power and thrust contained in a huge rocket.
In true Democrat fashion, when Ms. Wu came under fire for her foolish fear, she blamed her victim status on sexism:
“…that’s the danger of being a woman on the internet!” she exclaimed.
I don’t know about you but this chick sounds like Democrat presidential material to Ol’ Poe.
Category: "Teh Stoopid"
That’s all we friggin’ need! Set up a military installation on the moon, and before you know it, some GI is going to fall in love with an extra-terrestrial and bring her and all of her relatives when he rotates back to Earth. His coworkers will then be counseled for saying interplanetary offensive comments during command family day, and the manager of the commissary is going to have to rip out an entire aisle to reconfigure it to sell generic Soylent Green and Tang.
Hey! Are you hacking my hard drive? I already have that story underway.
Question for you Ex PH-2. Do you feel any sense of being treated unfairly while on the intenet, based on your gender? If anything I think we treat you fairly and respectfully with a slightly playful bent. Especially since most of us are barely civilized since our service is known to stunt social niceties. Sorry but we treat idiots of all genders as idiots, as you so abelly show when dealing with Commissar Poodle dick. I never red any of his stuff but I always read your rebuttals.
Nonsense, we should pre-emptively nuke the moon, just to be safe.
Anyway, I like Henlein as much as the next nerd, but I don’t confuse his fiction with an actual policy issue.
Heinlein wouldn’t put that in a story. He knew his science.
“The Moon is a Harsh Mistress” features rocks launched from the Moon against Earth.
the key word being “launched” versus her “dropped”. And “dropped into our gravity well” means at a point thousands of miles from the Moon. She musta been one of those helpless eye-fluttering “Oh, Dudley, Save me!” types in basic physics.
I don’t think we have rail-gun catapults yet… oh damn, new aircraft carriers…
From the Washington Times article linked above:
‘One Internet wit posted on Twitter the footage of an astronaut hitting a golf ball on the moon, with the words: “Alan Shepard: FORE! [destroys Leningrad].”’
I literally came here to say that Heinlein must be rolling over in his grave.
Shit, Hack… CAPT Kirk was banging half the universe back in the late 60’s, dude. If he didn’t get no alien VD, then we’ll all be safe!
If Kirk knew Sulu was foo-foo did he screw Sulu too?
Did the crew pack Sulu’s poo-poo, make that foo-foo Sulu pull the choo-choo till Sulu went boo hoo?
Perhaps that foo-foo Sulu just blew the crew? Got their rocks off, too?
Woo Hoo! Who truly knew Sulu was such a foo-foo?
Perhaps this Transy-poo, Wu?
Yoo-hoo, Wu, is it true you’re a foo-foo, too?
Et tu, Wu?
For those unfamiliar with the references, George Takei, the actor who played Hikaru Sulu, the helmsman of the Starship Enterprise, is a flamboyant in-your-face homosexual/transgender activist.
Oh, my!
That was… Great !!!
Standard orbit around Uranus, Captain.
We come in peace, shoot to kill!
I’d like to see the video of her being told that there are literally Millions of items floating around the earth in a constant orbit from the space station down to the size of a watch battery. Some are being tracked, but most can’t be due to being so small.
There are many things in orbit that could cause damage to the earth if they fell and hit something.
Friggin’ great. Because you brought that up, the 1st Sgt is going to have everyone on line doing a police call.
Maybe next after we make First Contact we’ll be seeing Space GI’s spending nearly all of their paychecks to bring home robo-honeys from the Cyber-Brothels of Zophor 6?
Lunar dependas? Well, at least they’ll weigh close to 200-250 lbs.
On the moon.
Co-chairs of the DNC. No question. I’m surprised Mr/Ms Wu-wu-wu (Three Stooges style) didn’t raise the cheese bomb potential here.
How’s she gonna get her rocks off?
” Paging Mr IDC SARC, Paging Mr IDC SARC. Mr IDC SARC to the White Courtesy telephone, please. “
Will you guys stop out-firsting me? I was here FIRST!!!!
I initially read that as “fisting”.
Oh c’mon, Chip!
(retches, dry heaves)
I really didn’t need that in my mind’s eye…
awww Hellz naw
Great day in the morning! Somebody call Perry White, stop the presses, SARC has standards!
Now that’s a FIRST!!!
Not really. IDC SARC has made his policy quite clear previously. To paraphrase:
“If it ever had or now has a dong,
hittin’ that thang is just plain wrong.”
Okay, I don’t know who you are, but you’re here wearing IDC SARC’s outfit. Where IS he??? He’d hit anything …
Oompah Loompah, dinkidy doo,
We wouldn’t hit that, and neither should you!
Oompah Loompah, dinkidy dee,
If you bang that, it will burn when you pee!
I hit Goooogle images for this one and in most of them, I can see one hell of an Adam’s Apple.
IDC SARC hit that? P’fffft.
I saw that on Nicki’s blog and choked on hot tea, I was laughing so hard. Gravity well? Has she dipped her bucket in that lately? She might find a brain in there if she did.
I thought the Apollo astronauts confirmed that the Moon is made of Tang, anyway.
I’m sure she has only two brain cells, Ex-PH2. One sits in a wheelchair while the other endlessly pushes it around in circles.
They might have found out the Moon is Tang, Ex. Heinlein pointed out in one of his 1947 juveniles (“Rocket Ship Galileo”) that scientists already knew the moon wasn’t made of green cheese. Seems that back in the 20’s, somebody compared the spectrum of reflected light from the moon to that reflected off green cheese, and they didn’t match.
Tang … well, somebody’s gotta do the work.
It just gets curiouser and curiouser.
Rachel Dolezal — the white NAACP leader who pretended to be black for years — has reportedly changed her name to a West African moniker meaning “gift of God.”
I thought that she was going to star in the remake of the 1986 film classic Soul Man.
I heard she was gonna do pron movies with Octomom.
Did someone say, “Soul Man?”
She mis-spelled “Satan” there…
Small mistranslation, that should actually mean “Smells of Holy Shit”
I couldn’t make shit like that up if I tried!
And the Nigerians are already denouncing her for using part of their language as part of her name. Basically saying, “We want no part of this.”
Everything that has happened to this person is her own damn fault. She wants to portray herself as black, green, purple, male, trans, whatever … fine. No harm, no foul. When she lies about it to enrich herself … major harm, major foul. And then to double down on the stupid … oh my.
Calling a tail a leg does not make the name fit.
Poser stating “I served on the moon” in 3 – 2 – 1
431st Independent Moon Rock Artillery Battery!
Remember, artillery lends dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl. 😉
Environment sucks, lack of anything entertaining, excessive heat and cold, dust everywhere, lack of water. Several governments would obviously want to fight over its strategic potential.
-That- is an -Infantry- post.
Does that include being n Apollo Mission Door Gunner? RIGHT HERE!
“I’ll spend every single day for the next two years shaking your hands, listening to your ideas, and earning your trust.” Briana’s Wu-Wu-Wu’s promise to the people of District 8 (ball), Taxachusettes. She promises to shake hands every day for two years. (Shaking head here, boss. Shake it, Luke.)
She’s not a real candidate, she’s just a lolcow who is being covered simply for being interesting. Even so, I’m a bit surprised to hear about this specific individual in anything resembling the real news.
Anecdotal evidence might suggest she has a point – it seems something must surely have fallen from the sky and hit her on her head.
“she has a point”
Not any more….
Nah, she was captured and taken to Area 51 as part of a top sekrit program for sekrit stuff… anal stuff.
She clearly has a point at the top of her pin head.
She gives new meaning to both “Luna-tic” and “barking Moon-bat”.
“…she has a point …”
Yes, but her hair conceals it.
When you say she is a transgender activist, does that mean she is transgender and an activist or does it mean she is an activist for transgenders but is not transgender herself?
Ooooo, my head hurts.
We’ll just have to wait for IDC SARC’s after action report.
This whole thread needs a SPEW ALERT – my coworkers are wondering about me…
I believe IDC SARC will be able to confirm whether M(s)r Wu has or has not any rocks to get off in the first place.
OR is she actively Transgender?
What’s the big deal? We already have a covert military installation on the Moon; it is manned by incredibly attractive young ladies wearing purple wigs and skin-tight satin uniforms, and virile young menpilots manning interceptors armed with big-ass space missiles; Moonbase has been defending Earth since around 1980 or something…
“…that’s the danger of being a woman on the internet!” she exclaimed
Uh, no. That’s the danger of being an idiot on the internet.
‘struth. The internet is nothing if not equal opportunity. There is always some kind soul ready to discretely point out the error of your ways (for your own good, of course).
And they all seem to have found me!
Quit volunteering…
Did someone (ta) just confess to being an idiot on the internet?
Never Again Volunteer Yourself.
I didn’t learn, either, dammit.
doesn’t she know there are no women on the internet? I thought this was an excepted fact.
Is she the exception? Or is she accepted?
Is she a woman?
Not if she has a point.
Wu was born John Flynt and is as nutty as a jar of Planter’s. He was reportedly booted from a transgender forum (even they couldn’t take it) and is another fine example of transgender stability. Yeah, we need more of this type in the military. They’ll make our military stronger.
Born John Flynt? Any relation to Larry? (smile)
omg, I just thought she was a really ugly woman. wow, did that person not transition well…
There seem to be a preponderance of male French models as well…
Bon Jour…
So you know her personally, hmmmm? (;P
Multiple impacts!
Oh, and she is also a video game developer. Hopefully nothing involving science. See also “Gamergate”.
That’s why her name rang a bell; she is/was fully involved in that “Gamergate” nonsensical silliness involving PC-run amuck and severe disturbances in the gamer world/universe…
OMFG, She and Annieta Sarcesian (I don’t care if I spelled her name wrong) can go take a flying leap. That whole gamer gate thing is a crock of shit.
This seems appropriate
I did not know that sex reassignment surgery went thru the brain. What do I know, I am not a doctor.
But it does not take a Rocket Scientist to figure this one out. Then again maybe it does.
I am so sick of these insane progtard (but I repeat myself) chicks with dicks. Ah, Taxachussetts, I was stationed there for almost three years. Somehow, it has more proglodytes per capita than the People’s Republic of Mexifornia.
There are no chicks with dicks, only guys with tits. – Ted
And I suppose you are going to cite that douchey crap-weasel “Caitlyn” aka Bruce Jenner as irrefutable proof. Thus, I must concede to this biological fact of XY chromosomal truth. Except, what about hermaphrodites, anyone know what their genotype is?
I think I’m gettin’ the PTSD just from reading this thread.
We already know she’s/he’s confused about its sexual identity/gender so it’s not surprising that she/he thinks project Thor is still a thing….
Oops. Double post from a clumsy cell phone. Ignore the above, and pay attention to this one; “My thides are Thor from reading this posth.”
This whole transgender thing confuses me. Was the person mentioned born with xy or xxx chromosomes? From now on I’m going to star calling them, regardless of original equipment, she/he/it, or SHIT for short.
And remember kids:
‘Don’t settle for he or she, when you can have Androgyny!’
Add a little Texas twang and you get She-it.
Not to be confused with “Shi-it” (Shee-aye-t)
Not to be confused with a Shiite (Muslim offshoot and predominate in Iran)…but what’s in a name?
Yes a rock the size of an office building can release the energy of a nuclear bomb when it hits the atmosphere. But it does this over a number of seconds not in a single instant. I has far less effect at ground level. Now if the rock is the size of a foot ball stadium it can do some real damage at ground level. But good luck getting that off the moon.
50 some comments and no one yet has answered Poe’s question, so I will.
The answer is Cavorite.
You’re Welcome.
/had to google it.
I had to Google it too. And hence must second ChipNASA’s motion and move the question to identify Claw as a Nerd.
Nope, not a sci-fi nerd. More basic than that. Just a dedicated fapper. See if you can follow the sequence:
Saw a post earlier that referenced the Moon is a harsh mistress. Moon and mistress brought to mind one of my all time fantasy gals Martha Hyer (in the 1964 movie First Men in the Moon) floating around in zero gravity. Zero gravity was the result of the discovery of Cavorite.
So it was pretty easy. Cavorite equals bouncing boobies in zero gravity which equals fapping material.
But will accept the title of Nerd if need be. (Smile)
You win, sir.
Anything that comes out of the void tainted cock holster of Literally Wu can be considered weapons grade stupid on a level that could threaten even Bernath!
Yes I’m saying it right here, “Brianna Wu” is a source of Teh Stoopid more toxic than Daniel A. Bernath!
Also, Literally Wu is a professional attention/drama whore who leapt into the Gamer Gate controversy very early on to cry crocodile tears sang as much of the limelight as possible. I’m not surprised that it is now running for Congress in Mass.
All I wanna know is, will I get combat pay and tax exclusion while I’m stationed on the moon since it is a combat installation?
One eighth gravity = one eight pay.
Some bureaucrat will then get an award for this idea.
There may be an easy fix for this,
Get a bunch of democrats to establish an asinine ROE for the moon, thereby tying his hands against rock throwing.
Here’s a thought.
Since she-it seems to have rocks for brains, what say we take she-it up on her theory and toss she-it from the moon towards earth to see what would happen.
We could call it…wait for it…wait for itttt.. just a bit longer…
Project “PITCHING WU” (woo)
oh my
{wondering why I did not think of that pun}
She/He/SheHe/It/Them has a point.
“The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress”, Robert Heinlein, the man who put “science” in science fiction.
But first we have to get to the moon long enough to set up a permanent base.
And if you happen to find Mike, tell him “hello” from an avid reader and fan, and tell him we could use his help here on Earth counteracting Libtard idiocy.
I suspect Mike would be a bit more direct and thorough in his targeting if he were around today.
There is stupid and then there is felony stupid. This falls into the YGBSM category.
As stupid as it is, just think that there are some moonbats out there that will believe/agree with he-she-it =SHIT
From the DPRK News Service Twitter account:
“Plans to weaponize Moon by US congresswoman Brianna Wu are dismissed as ravings of bloodthirsty harlot. DPRK maintains all Moon sovereignty.”
We must not let the Russkies get the drop on us. Is there a moonrock gap? We must organize now to regain our superior offense and defense capabilities. I say skip moonrocks and go directly to moon boulders.
I’ve read some dumber shit from dumber fuckers before but…I’m trying to remember when. Poe’s reference and reminder to Guam maybe heading to Davy Jones’ locker comes to mind. But this imbecilic bitch takes the internet cake for some time to come, or until the next liberal ass hat turns around and tries to pick up their own turd by the clean end to contemplate it more closely.
Anyway, this is for all you grunts on the Moon. “You troops get to painting these rocks like your mother was going to eat off them and if I catch any of you chuckin’ a BFR towards the Earth, I’ll Article 15 your sorry ass!”
“For some time to come”???
You’re an optimist aren’t you? It is the left you’re talking about.
Great, just great! Now I have to worry about a rock falling off of the moon and hitting me in the head when I’m outside. Along with everything else I have to worry about.
Well, at least I don’t have to worry (fear) communist.😆
One would think that the more idiotic liberal D-rats become the more people will abandon that party leaving only one but at the same time our educational institutions, especially colleges, are turning out bigger idiots every year!
What did I just read…….
Considering how ungodly expensive it is to lift things to the moon, and considering how expensive it is to launch stuff off the moon and out of orbit, and considering the massive amount of maths required to perfectly time the orbital exit with any certainty of hitting any particular spot on the earth, wouldn’t it be a lot cheaper and easier to just nuke the target with a real thermonuclear payload?
I made it to the end of the post and my brain did not explode, thanks!
I’m not so concerned about moon rocks landing on the Earth; I’m more worried about all the damn tide stuff the moon keeps doing to the oceans.
I mean, look at all the people who drown each year because they can’t figure out where the tide is gonna be from one day to the next. And it’s all the fault of that damn MOON.
We need to get rid of it as soon as we can. Drowning people all over the world are counting on us!!!
And those wolves wont stop fucking howling either.
She was a little garbled in what she was saying but her idea’s are sound. I remind everyone that the Navy is testing a railgun right now. Escaping the moons gravity is far easier than the Earths. Still not going to happen for a very long time but it is something to keep in mind
The science is sound. But characterizing it as “throwing rocks”, unless you’re trying to be humorous, is just plain stupid. There’s quite a difference between “throwing rocks” and using a rail gun, rockets, or some other means to accelerate them to the moon’s escape velocity.
The moon’s escape velocity is approx 2.38 km/sec. That works out to somewhat over 5,300 MPH. I doubt even Nolan Ryan’s or Randy Johnson’s arms could have managed that. (smile)
Maybe not, but I’ll bet that Robin Ventura thought that Nolan Ryan was punching that hard.
And when will you ever see a railgun turn a bird into a feathery puff? Not anytime soon, I bet.
Maybe not Ryan or Johnson.
Aroldis Chapman, now … that’s another story altogether.
But only for an inning. If he has to sustain his earth barrage for more than 15 pitches he might be in trouble.
The only thing sound about the former John Flynt, now Brianna Wu, comes from its audio system.
[…] This ain’t Hell… features another Democrat who slept through science class […]