Tuesday morning feel good stories

| February 28, 2017

Wilted Willy sends us a link from Miami, Florida;

Police say Bolanos, Palacio and 18-year-old Alberto Medal approached a man who was walking down a street Friday night in Miami’s Little River neighborhood. Fallat says the men robbed the victim of his belongings at gunpoint.

An unknown man who witnessed the crime and was armed with a gun fired at the men, stopping the robbery.

Medal was struck, and later died at Jackson Memorial Hospital.

Medal’s accomplices have been arrested and they’re looking at charges for his murder.

Will also sends one from Ft Myers, Florida;

Brian Burch told WBBH that he used Brazilian jiujitsu to subdue and hold Josue Ortiz until police could respond.

Burch also said he had wrestled before and had trained in jiujitsu for more than two years.

He said that Ortiz hand entered his open garage and was holding Burch’s jackhammer and airgun cases when he confronted Ortiz.

Burch said that Ortiz told him that he was sent by Ortiz’s boss to pick up the tools. When questioned again, Burch said Ortiz tried to run and that’s when he jumped into action.

Mr. Ortiz’ mugshot;

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Frankie Cee

Law abiding, legally armed, citizens can protect their lives and goods, as well as the lives and goods of others. One dope is dead because a good person assisted a victim of thuggery. And, if you have the right martial arts skills, you can beat someone severely about the face and hold him until the police show up. The mug shot is the best part of the story.


Legally armed citizens are frequently deserving of praise, so it’s good to see one getting a Medal.


Badum – Tisshhhhhhh!






Four total perps; 1 DOT, his two accomplices in custody and facing murder charges, and the last perp roughed-up by his intended victim and in custody.

In baseball terms, that’s a 4-for-4 day that includes a HR. Nice.

Carlton G. Long

Ortiz looks like he went on a date with Chris Brown.

Too soon ?

Doc Savage

Never too soon


Or batting practice with his cousin David.


Mr. Ortiz looks as though he walked into a door slammed in his face… or some other, similar, hard object. Looks a little lopsided, too.

Did I miss something?

Joseph Williams

Yeah Ex, He was given a 1st hand intro of the MMA/UFC takedown and ground and pound.Simply thrown to ground and sits on your chest and punches your head in. Okay ? Joe

Just An Old Dog

One great thing about Florida Law, and something that other states should consider is if you conspire with someone to commit a crime and they are killed while you are in the act you are charged with the murder of your fellow criminal.