Iran holds naval war games amid rising tensions with U.S.

| February 26, 2017

Seems The Mad Mullahs are rattling the saber again, in the first months of the new Trump administration. They’re conducting naval drills in the Strait of Hormuz, Gulf of Oman, and several other places. This on the heels of its ballistic missile “test” last month.

Iranian ships, subs, and helos will conduct drills ostensibly to train to fight against pirates and terrorism, which is pretty ballsy considering they are at the fore-front of state sponsored terror. Iran’s Marines will exercise along their southern coast as well. Wait, Iran has Marines?

All well and good, I suppose; it’s a free ocean. However, Trump has stated he’s put Iran “on notice” and they had best remember a little deal known as Operation Praying Mantis.

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Category: Politics

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A Proud Infidel®™

I’m sure they’ll need some explosive reminders that the USA now has a CoC with a pair of balls and won’t back down. Didn’t the libtard MSM try to tell us that the previous administration’s deal with them was honky-dory and would result in peace with them?

Silentium Est Aureum

As soon as they start interfering with other nations navigation of international waters, it’s on like Donkey Kong.

And this time, there’s going to be some carrier coverage in the region, unlike a certain predecessor didn’t have lately.


“Operation Praying Mantis”

From a defense contractor view it was a great test of “old stock” resulting in the awarding of munitions improvement contracts.

Trump wants to upgrade our military.
Iran will provide the impetus with an upcoming dumbass move. I just hope to god it is filmed in HD and streamed live.

Deplorable B Woodman

I’d pay good PPV money to watch that.


Iran has a Navy?



This is a test.

This is only a test.

If an emergency arises you will be instructed to tune to a specific station.

Stay tuned for further instruct—- OOOPS!


Go big or go home, eh, Ex?


2/17 Air Cav

Somewhere, there is a naval officer and sailors praying, “Please Lord, let them near. Let them disregard our warning. And make our aim true.”

Deplorable B Woodman

Three thumbs up!

Deplorable B Woodman

Naval war games, eh? With what? Folded paper boats in the bathtub?

(Semi)seriously, though, if they wanted to use the tried and true “sand table”, they have lots of acreage to spread out on.😂😂😂


What is Farsi for “How long can you tread water?”

SINKEX 2017-1


A certain quote from SecDef Mattis comes to mind…