Ringo meets the Moonbats
Our buddy, Ringo of Ringo’s Pictures in El-Ay, got pictures of the Jew-hating out there on Saturday in support of Hamas (by way of Little Green Footballs). These are my favorites because they have nothing to do with Gaza.
Isn’t it nice that we can adopt Obama’s “Yes, we can” to Che`;
And since the sheen has come off the Messiah and he hasn’t even taken office yet, maybe we can depend on Hugo Chavez to save us from ourselves. Well, if he can ever get oil up above 2 bucks a gallon.
Category: Politics
Aaaaah, these edjimicated lots….. They know how much better life would be under Che, under Chavez… Why are they punishing themselves so by living here in this morass of a country of ours? And protest Israel? Of course, because Hamas has the right to freedom of expression, (spell that “Rocketeering”), and Israel should just suck it up and let the poor Hamasians do their thing. I fear that the sound of the implosion, when Barack takes office and removes their kicking boy, will deafen us all. Whatever will they do without GWB to blame it all on?
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Thanks for posting this!
Of all the protests and demonstrations that I’ve been to here in LA, this was the ugliest.
What really disturbed me most was that there were so many small children there. Many of them holding signs that their young minds could not possibly understand. All of them being taught to hate.
Very, very disturbing.
Ringo, it’s the only way to bring up more sponges on society, let mommy bring them to the hate rallies. As was said on other posts, most don’t know the history, it’s just the cause du jour for the moment. Carry that sign, denounce _________(fill in the blank), because that’s all they can do.