Tuesday morning feel good stories

| February 7, 2017

A reported Army Ranger in Columbus, Georgia gets the wrong address;

“The original call to the police was that there was a burglary in progress and that there was a male subject outside attempting to get into the apartments.” Captain Gordon Griswould said.

SSG Warden, possibly under the influence, ignored multiple pleas to stop shattering a window to gain access.

“The witnesses knew it was the wrong apartments but at the time for whatever reason unknown to me he just wasn‘t listening to any of them.” Griswould said.

The 54 year old female inside visibly distraught fired a single shot in self defense killing the 31 year old.

“The homeowner was not injured but she was pretty upset about the situation. She was very nervous. She didn’t want to have to do what she did. It was a tragic incident.”

In Sandusky, Ohio, one perv is down;

A Huron Township resident shot his neighbor in the leg late Sunday night, according to the Erie County Sheriff’s Office. An investigation into the shooting led deputies to charge the neighbor, David K. Schindley, with attempted aggravated burglary and voyeurism on Monday.

A search of Schindley’s cellphone revealed more than 50 videos of residences, seemingly shot with the cellphone held closely to outdoor windows and peering into bedrooms, bathrooms and other living spaces, Chief Deputy Jared Oliver said. Many of the videos seem to have been taken through closed blinds.

An approximately 10-second video outside a home on the 500 block of Bald Eagle Drive seems to correspond to the moments before the homeowner, Christopher Michaloski, shot Schindley.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Frankie Cee

A “Ranger” under the influence? How could that be? He scared the lady in the apartment that he was breaking into, and got shot. RIP Ranger.
And, in Ohio, they shoot those who peek in bedroom and bathroom windows, getting videos and photos while the do their perv thing. This one got shot in the leg, marking him for trial evidence.

Tom Huxton



Wait for the flash


From the article:

They issues a brief statement saying Warden will be missed.

Professional journalism at its finest.


That is what you get with a public education. Zero understanding of mood or tense in grammar.


SSG Warden is a good example of how being a Ranger does not exempt one from common sense rules of behavior:
Lay off the hooch.
Listen to others.
Don’t break into someone’s apartment even if you think your wife and step-daughter are cheating on you. (Which leaves questions about the family relationships there.)