Sunday morning feel good stories

| January 22, 2017

In Charlotte, North Carolina, homeowner Kim Badger tried to get Phuc Hong Doan out of her house. He armed himself with a knife, so she shot him. Phuc was DRT (dead right there).

Another intruder was DRT in Spring, Texas thanks to an armed citizen.

An Elgin, Illinois homeowner fired a gun through his front door which frightened off Antonio D. Sercye who was attempting to kick in the front door. No one was injured in the encounter.

In Rockford, Illinois, a bank robber was DRT after he fired at a bank guard and guard returned fire.

In West Monroe, Louisiana, a pizza-delivery person was forced to defend himself against two thieves. One thief was DRT (dead right there) whle the other escaped injury, but he was arrested later.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Good morning, Jonn.

It seems as if the DRT averages are trending in the right direction.


Looks like people are getting their range time in! Also, what kind of idiot breaks into ANYTHING in Texas? Don’t they know we ALL have guns?

Forest Green

News to brighten a rainy North Carolina day!

Deplorable B Woodman

“Hey! You! If you Doan get the Phuc out of my house, I’ll shoot you!”

Some jokes just write themselves.


Or, “Doan phuc wit Kim yu phuc!”


The dude Doan got Phuc(ed) for Hong(ing) around the house to long.


I’m guessing that Phuc’s last words after he got shot were, “I’m fucked!”

Hack Stone

Does Dominos have ano gun policy for employees? I can see the lawyers circling now to file a lawsuit against the company for not enforcing their policy, thus denying the survivors of young man who was just about to turn his life around his companionship.


Dominos does have a “no gun” policy.

However, that would mean that you cannot have a weapon on Domino’s property. So you could keep the weapon in your car and you should be fine.

Once that car leaves the parking lot, there is very little that Domino’s can do or should be able to do in the case of a driver’s use of force in self defense.

Down here in Florida, there were a couple of cases (including one involving the Mouse House) where people argued that a company has no right to control what is legally in one’s vehicle if that gun in not accessed or used on company property. The people won and Disney revised its policy.

Years ago pizza companies got into trouble for their time guarantees as it forced drivers to be reckless. It is hard to imagine a case where someone could argue that Dominos has the ability to knowingly put their drivers into harms way and then not allow the drivers to protect themselves. That would be a nightmare for the company.

Hack Stone

I find it ironic that the guy in Louisiana ordered a Dominos, and he ended getting a Tombstone.




*slow clap*



2/17 Air Cav

Most excellent, Grasshopper Hack.

Hack Stone

That line was a rerun. I used a few weeks back regarding the two brothers that robbed a pizza joint outside of Philly, leading to the demise of one brother, wounding of the mother, and Mom and girlfriend arrested as accessories.

Frankie Cee "In the Clear"

Delivered in the “Godfather’s” fashion.


Well played! Very well played, indeed!


Well doan, yu ol phuc…


Bravo, Hack… BRAVO!

Bill M

He was just dyin’ for that pizza!


Well, Phuc.


If the Illinois homeowner would have just waited for the door to come down / open and Antonio get across the threshold then we might very well have had a 100% DRT blog post.


You Doan Phuc with Kim Badger!


One should never Phuc with a momma Badger, when her offspring are around. And, reading the linked article, I found out that the Badgers live on Musket Lane.


Can’t resist guys…


Quite an expensive pizza for said DiRTbag.