Celebrate the last day of BDS

| January 11, 2009

As we all know, January 19th is President Bush’s last full day in office. It’s also the last day that those poor souls who’ve been suffering from Bush Derangement Syndrome since before the President took office to blame him for their ills (well, that’s not true, is it?). So taking full chronological advantage, they organized a “Shoe Bush” (or “Boot Bush“, depending upon which website you land) event that forms about eight blocks from the White House in DuPont Circle (a place TSO knows well) and plans to get near the White House. I doubt that very much, judging from the construction activity I saw there yesterday in preparation for the Inauguration.

But anyway, the whole idea is to toss shoes at President Bush;

On President Bush’s last day in office, people will gather at DuPont Circle in Washington, D.C., for an event entitled “Shoes for Bush.” The rally will feature David Swanson, the author of the forthcoming book “Daybreak: Undoing the Imperial Presidency and Forming a More Perfect Union.” He is also the creator of the progressive blog After Downing Street. Other speakers include Iraq veteran Adam Kokesh, who is a member of Iraq Veterans Against the War and Debra Sweet, anti-war leader and director of the organization World Can’t Wait.

After the rally participants will march to the White House with footwear to hurl. This action will be in the spirit of Iraqi Journalist Mutadhar Al-Zaidi who threw his shoes at President Bush during a press conference, and in solidarity with the people in Iraq and Afghanistan.

But in the spirit of John Kerry who hurled someone else’s medals at his protest, the peace movement wants to toss someone else’s shoes;

If you are will [sic] be in town for the Inaugural, bring an extra pair of shoes with you! If you cannot be there with us you can send us your shoes and we will take them to DC in a U-Haul. No Bomb-sniffing dogs at our post office! Unfortunately if you send shoes to the White House they are taken to a remote location and the gesture will be for not [sic].

We are designating a page on this web site to post the names of people who are collecting shoes in your area. These people will deliver the shoes to collection points where those who will be traveling to DC, by car, will pick bring [sic] them up.

That’s a great way to pay homage to Republican Martin Luther King, Jr. on his day, isn’t it? Yeah, they can say it’s about President Bush’s performance in office, but I remember they were protesting him and defacing American flags before he even took office. Yeah, I’ll be there to chronicle the Left as they choke on their own bile.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Code Pink, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Liberals suck

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J Foster

That’s the problem though, isn’t it? No matter how much bile those bastards produce they never seem to choke. What’s worse is that after eight years of this bullshit, we now get to watch the spoiled children that make up the left gloat and chortle because they’ve gotten what they wanted. It can only get worse. They will learn nothing and will go on believing that their antics are appropriate and their shrill opinions are correct. The little monsters have been validated. They may not choke on their bile, but I think I just might drown in it.

William Teach

It’s funny, cause they’ll still probably be doing this crazy stuff 2-4 years from now, probably demonstrating for Barry to prosecute BushCo.


Take your bio-hazard gear with ya, Jonn. No sense taking the chance of catching a potentially contagious disease capable of producing foaming at the mouth, lol.


WT said: probably demonstrating for Barry to prosecute BushCo.

There it is!

BDS will be with us for some time after Jan 20, 2009. Every minor bump in the road or major catastrophe will be Bush’s fault in some way.

These are folks who can not differentiate fact from fiction, nor reality from wishful thinking.

For all of Bush’s faults he’ll be the bogeyman in the fantasies of the liberals for years.


I have posted on my blog a template for a military Complaint against Barack Obama, seeking Declaratory Relief in federal court. Plaintiffs in this Complaint have standing inasmuch as they are potential Defendants in a military prosecution that could be brought against them in the future, related to the possibility that in order to uphold their oath of service to support and defend the Constitution they could be compelled to ignore orders given by a CIC they establish in the Complaint they have a good faith belief is Constitutionally ineligible for the job. http://jbjd.wordpress.com/


There are not enough mental health professionals or insane asylums in the country to treat the democrats when they realize GWB is back in Tx and they (democrats) are still crazy. I don’t know about your area but the suicide rate has shot up in this area in the past week. Even Lame Stream Media outlets who have vowed to not cover suicides have been forced to start covering them. Well known, high level people offing themselves will cause that reaction.


The extremes of violence, disrespect and speech of the liberal left have been validated by the outcome of the election. They will not back off now that they have at least temporarily won the day. It will become worse, much worse, and any upcoming election that looks like it might take the country back to a resemblance of conservatism will re-ignite their hatred into open warfare of sorts. Many of us who are conservatives will sit back and watch with reasoned patience and analysis to see what this new government will do. The fanatical left is incapable and if capable, unwilling to do so. We have turned a corner and there will be no going back to the conservative, capitalist culture that made America what it was. We may take a couple of steps back in that direction, but we won’t make it all the way back. The MSM propoganda machine joined at the hip with the fanatical left will ensure that.


I’m all for the shoe throwing event. What needs to be done is ask the different organizations in the area that help the poor, what size shoes are needed, especially the kids. There should be a two shoe minimum requirement. They should be a matched pair, and tied together.

There could be a life-size likeness of President Bush for the liberals to throw at. As I was writing this, I happened to think, “Why not do it all across the USA. Then I thought, “Why not do it all around the world?” Look how many billions of shoes could be collected for the poor all around the world. Judging by how many people hate Gorge Bush worldwide, we could supply the poor all around the world with shoes for many many years.

After the event, the shoes would be collected and given to different organizations who help the poor. The liberals get their venting, and the administration gets credit for giving shoes to the poor. Everybody wins.


Smorgasbord said: Everybody wins.

There is one profound thing wrong with your idea. I didn’t think of it first!

It’s perfect… Except for the adult beverage I wasted laughing.


Well hell, if we’re gonna toss shoes just as well make it eyeglasses too….so the “poor” er equal income distributive democrats can see what they did too 😉


There must be a lot of brains in that crowd. They’ve never been used so they might be trainable, as monkeys in a zoo.

They only people who actually hate GWB are the democrats. They flipped when he beat them twice and they are bleeding throught their thin skins. It will be great for the mental health workers when GWB leaves D.C.. Millions of democrats will require treatment which will provide billions of dollars to the mental health industry. My neice (graduating in a few months) is counting on becoming a millionaire real quick. They can charge double the normal rate and still not be able to handle the crowd, unless more democrats take the easy way out, say self inflicted gunshots to the head.


I can see the signs now, Scrapiron. Brains for sale, never used. The poor dems will be beside themselves when it sinks in that W is gone. I see poor dems foaming at the mouth, wailing that there’s not much to do. So, they’ll try to convene “people’s tribunals” to demand that W, Cheney and everyone on down from there be tried and hauled off in handcuffs.

Richard Romano

These kooks are going to find out that their savior isn’t one – that he’s a smooth talking liberal who will do anything to keep his adoring masses at bay.

President Bush stood on principle — he took a beating for it, but it is what made him a fine leader after 9/11 and beyond. Some of his decisions were good, some were not so good, and others terrible. But I salute him for standing his ground, which is what we expect presidents to do.


January 20th I’m taking a picnic lunch and a case of beer to the nearest cliff and watch the running of the BDS lemmings to the sea…


Raoul, great idea. I think I’ll do the same.


Yes the BDS crowd will not have their person to vent at, so they will find a new target and go after them. First it was Reagan then Bush Sr, and then Newt. So they will find another person to fixate on. They still have a hair up their ass over Rove and think that he can control the weather and elections at will.

These idiots will never be satisfied until we are a Socialist country, and they will turn on the Lightbringer when they find out he is not going to hand the whole country over to the Socialist crowd.

Gary Baumgarten

David Swanson will be my guest on News Talk Online on Paltalk.com at 5 PM New York time Wednesday January 14 to discuss president-elect Obama’s pledge to close Guantanamo Bay and whether the U.S. human rights policies will improve under the new administration.

To talk to Swanson please go to http://www.garybaumgarten.com and click on the Join The Chat Room button.

