“Midshipman” will not change

| December 15, 2016

According to Military.com, the Navy announced that the title “Midshipman” will not change along with the rest of rates and ratings in the Navy;

“Midshipman” will not change because it’s a rank according to U.S. law, Naval Academy Superintendent Vice Admiral Ted Carter said this week. He added that officials only looked at changing the name “very briefly.”


“Midshipman” has been used long before the opening of the Naval Academy in 1845. The word originally was used for those who worked or slept in a certain area of the ship, amidships. It later became a term for officers in training.

Sailors with less than three years of experience will still be referred to as “seamen”, too, I think, or something.

Thanks to AW1Ed for the link.

Category: Navy

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It won’t change cause its “tradition,” doncha know.

O-ganger tradition, that is.

I’m an LDO and I am embarrassed for the officer community. Still I blame it on the ring knockers. Mustangs have too much sense and too much pride in their former enlisted life.


Officers eff everyone else.

Why can’t we wear the sniper tab after graduating from the US Army Sniper School?

Because officers don’t go to sniper school. If they did, there would definitively be an authorized sniper tab.

Silentium Est Aureum

Oh, I’ve seen some LDOs and WOs who were just as petty and brain-dead as any Academy grad.

Not many, thankfully, but enough to remind me there is no such thing as universal truth.


Yup. What do they say? it’s the exception that proves the rule. There will always be d-bags that slip through the cracks.


Of course, the grads of “the Technical school” would protect their own…


So as I suspected they did protect their coveted Academy. Since so many Flag Officers attended I am sure. If it’s good for the goose, it’s good for the gander or the Midshipman. I say if the rest of the Navy has to give up their long held traditions of Rate then so should all. They should be renamed as “Classman 1, 2, 3 or 4” or “Student 1, 2, 3 or 4” or “You’ll Owe A Shitload Unless You Graduate Type Sailor”.

Leave ALL the Navy Rates and traditions alone…please. I was not a Navy vet but even I appreciate the pride and camaraderie Sailors have from their history.

BlueCord Dad

My Dad was a Y2c in WWII. He passed over the bar in ’14. I suspect he’s doing about 4000 rpm in his resting place about now.


Amen…call them all seamen? I don’t think so, there are 2 rank BEFORE seaman….seaman recruit, seaman apprentice and seaman, then 3class petty officer, 2nd class, 1st class, chief, senior chief and master chief…..leave it to hell ALONE!!!


I can’t think of a better way to dilute the importance of a military branch than to destroy its traditions.

That’s what parasites do, you know. They destroy from within.


Youj are right !!


Sure…save the fukkin plebes. A-holes

A Proud Infidel®™

What’s next, banning nicknames? I remember hearing that the class years at West Point were referred to as “Plebes”, “Yearlings”, “Cows”, and “First Class” when I was part of the Summer Cadre in the early 90s.

2/17 Air Cav

You’ll love this, API. One of the rookie rituals for MLB is having the rooks dress as women for a group photo. Not any longer. The world of baseball now prohibits this and all forms of traditional rookie hazing. It’s viewed as making fun of LGBTQIA(?) or something.


That was part of their new CBA that was agreed to on the 1st of the Month… there was a hazing incident involving some Atlanta Braves minor league players at the same time.


Although my contacts with the Navy have been relatively brief (a week or so at Norfolk for a computer class in the 1990s and some time spent on an exercise where a NAS was the nearest military facility) I can’t say I’m surprised at this. The Navy, to a greater extent than the other services, seems to really observe the social caste separation between officer and enlisted.

It’s almost like the officers “own” the Navy and the enlisted (at least the non-chiefs, E-6 and below) just “work there.”


It may appear that way, but the “lower castes” as you put it RUN THE NAVY, the brass are just decorations in the majority of the cases and don’t know their butt from a hole in the ground! imho


That’s the best part, EVERYONE IS A SEAMAN, including that AIRMAN standing over there, guiding planes on the flight deck.

I’m still trying to figure out the whole 3 years or less will be referred to as “Seaman.” I picked up Third on my first exam after A school, then Second a year after, then First two years after because I had an EP waiver. So by the first 3 years, I was a Petty Officer. Are they completely changing how the Navy advances as well?

Where are all of the CWO’s and LDO’s going to come from? Are we going to remove those specialties? Are we going to see a BM CWO2 named COMMO and a RM CWO2 named Ship’s Bos’n?

Silentium Est Aureum

Oh, I’m sure they won’t get rid of the WO designators.


I can’t imagine they would consider getting rid of NECs which is what drives the qualification for a particular LDO/CWO specialty.


Hopefully with the new guard all this libtard gender neutral crap fucking ends!

Semper Idem

Would this be a bad time for me to point out that the word ‘man’ started out as a gender-neutral term?

I say keep the old titles and let common usage make them gender-neutral. In other words, there’s nothing oxymoronic about Master Jane Doe or Seaman Jill Smith.


Matter of fact, Semper Id, the word transliterated “Adam” in Genesis is the generic term for mankind. The word for the male human being is “ish” with that for woman is “ishish” – if I remember my Hebrew transliterations. As when Adam says “she shall be called ‘woman’ because she came from the man” (my paraphrased version).

But that won’t stop the feminazis from saying that the Bible is anti-woman.


I posted this in another thread, but I’ll repost it here. The reason is because it’s an actual rank, like seaman, and not a title. Not because some ring knockers wanted to keep it. But in either case, I’m still against getting rid of the rates. This whole thing is a distraction to the Navy.


“Midshipman” also applies to the ROTC, not just academy types.


Yes, I recall we were all Cadets at Maritime, but my classmates who did the MMR (Naval Reserve) option were all “Midshipmen.”


As a former F/A-18C Plane Captain imagine my shock, horror, and then furror over seeing SN Schmuckatelli painted on the NLG door of a Hornet in a recent photo.

By fuck it should be AN (AA or AR), AMAN, ADAN, AEAN, PRAN, ATAN or some other fucking Aviation related striker rating.

My boy just made 3rd Class…the results still had the ‘former’ ratings applied to them.

We identify(ied) with our ratings way more than some college kid at Canoe U identifies with a temporary rank of Midshipman.

That former MCPON was nothing more than a leg-licking E-9.


“That former MCPON was nothing more than a leg-licking E-9.”

That former E-9 (MIKE STEWART) basically told the Fleet and the CPO Mess to get fucked, that he didn’t care about Enlisted Sailors and that he had no balls to tell the CNO that the idea was 1000% bullshit. He did more in his tour as MCPON to fuck over Enlisted Sailors and the CPO Mess than all of the other MCPO’s before him.

CB Senior

All whole career and that boot licker learned absolutely nothing.
What were they going to do to him if he said no. He was already MCPON so even if he was relieved he was logged in the Naval archives as MCPON and it cannot be expunged. Pretty sure he had his 20 yr letter and would retire as a E9. It would have been better if he retired as a MCPO. No nuts, No guts
May the GHOST of Delbert Black haunt you forever.


The worst part is that Pentagon Gloryhole participant WAS an Airframer (AMS) at one time in his life.

It’s really too bad the Chief’s Mess didn’t weed him out sooner…or maybe they tried and that’s why he went after the initiation.


I’ll be over here lighting candles in the corner altar asking St. Mattis for prayers.


Wouldn’t sticks of dynamite be a more appropriate way to invoke the spirit of St. Mattis?


Gotta agree with that regarding St. Mattis. I was thinking that if he didn’t get the SecDef Gig he could always come and run the Washington state department that I work at…but the SJWs and snowflakes in Oly wouldn’t be able to stand the heat…but wow would we be one kick ass govt agency with him in charge…


Now you know Governor ‘Secret Sauce’ Inslee would never bring him on. St. Mattis would knife hand him into submission the first day.

A Proud Infidel®™

“Wouldn’t sticks of dynamite be a more appropriate way to invoke the spirit of St. Mattis?”

THAT or a flaming ball of C4, just DON’T try to stomp it out once it’s lit!


They burn really fast.

2/17 Air Cav

It would take little effort to strike the term midshipman from the US Code and replace it with something else. Whether, with the new president and reconstituted Congress this would fly is another matter. This illustrates perfectly what one can do with “a pen and a phone.” That’s not the way it’s supposed to work but has for the past nearly eight years under The Emperor.





My bad.


Sonny's Mom

Jan 20, 2017 will be here soon. Help is on the way!


35 days and a wake-up. (just in case you’re counting)

Holden Magroin

Midshipman is a rank. Midshipmen were the most junior officers placed in the rigging with the snipers.

“If the mast goes, we go with it. Our post is here!” – Midshipman Jarvis, killed during the engagement between frigates Constellation and La Vengeance, 2 February 1800.

This was one of the most dangerous positions on the ship. In the days of sailing ships, rigging was always the first target as the enemy would be immobilized without their sails. Tactical advantage in a sailing ship scenario was had by being downwind of one’s opponent while broadside. The upwind ship would fire downward while the the downwind ship would fire upwards….into the sails and rigging. Once the enemy immobilized, it was easier to get into position to fire your broadside from stem to stern down the length of the enemy ship.