Osprey crashes; crew rescued

| December 13, 2016


From Fox News a Marine Corps Osprey did what Orpreys do best- it crashed off the coast of Japan. There were 5 crewmembers aboard and they’ve all been rescued;

Two were injured, but crews recovered all of them, a U.S. defense official said.

The extent of the injuries was unclear. The Marines were recovering at the United States Naval Hospital at Camp Foster.

Marine officials launched an investigation into what may have caused the crash. The service members were with Marine Aircraft Group 36, 1st Marine Aircraft Wing.

Category: Marine Corps

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Prayers for a rapid recovery for all involved with no long-term issues.

2/17 Air Cav

I swear I read, “Oprah crashes.”


If she had hit the floor we would have felt it on this side of the continental divide.


That’s Merica shifting to the right.


And they would need a Chinook to lift that massive load.


Hoping for a fast recovery for the injured.

Another Oh-Pray crashes? What are the odds?

A Proud Infidel®™

Thank God that all on board survived.

The V-22 Osprey, sometimes a plane, sometimes a copter and other times a smoking pile of scrap metal that used to be what the U.S. Military once considered a perfectly good aircraft.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I’m with you on this assessment, it’s a spotty record at best these days..but glad to hear are all are rescued, and hope they recover quickly.


The V-22 is one scary looking whirlygig.

The Other Whitey

It seems like they’re crashing a bit less often these days, though. Which is something I appreciate, since Ospreys out of Miramar overfly my house several times a day.

Even Hueys fall out of the sky sometimes.

2/17 Air Cav

Yes, but Hueys can autorotate. The Ospreys can’t.

The Other Whitey

Glad to hear they all made it. Prayers for a swift recovery.

USMCMSgt (Ret)

I’m glad the crew is okay and hope they recover quickly.

Sadly, it looks like a Duffel Blog article is starting to become reality (if it hasn’t already elsewhere):


USMC Steve

They should make the things out of rubber.


SECDEF Cheney tried his darndest to kill the V-22 back around ’89. The generals & Congress steamrolled over him. Anyway, Marine generals have decided the Osprey needs an armed drone to escort it.



While it certainly had it’s growing pains, V-22 accidents have been pretty scarce lately. Glad the crew was rescued, and hope for a speedy recovery.

MSG Eric

It is definitely refreshing to hear that the crew made it out alive, though injured.

Seems like we were mostly getting reports of no one making it out for a while.

Frankie Cee "In the Clear"

Living on the North side of Eglin AFB, I see the VR-22 on a daily basis. Yesterday there were three doing flight training ops over my place with two of them doing low level, (under 250 ft), contour flying, while another was shooting approaches to the local civilian airport. At least one Ranger class, Florida phase, has used Ospreys in their FTX. They are getting the bugs worked out of the aircraft, and working on getting the pilots trained to better handle situations that arise.


Did they recover the pilot that ejected south of Japan? Havn’t heard a word about it.




“The commander of Marines in Japan has temporarily suspended flight operations for MV-22B Ospreys after an Osprey crashed Tuesday off Okinawa.”