Art Medina; Phony Fallujah Marine

| December 13, 2016


The folks at Guardian of Valor send us their work on this Art Medina fellow who claims that he was in 1/3 Marines in Fallujah. In this video he talks about his “survivor’s guilt” and you get big, fat crocodile tears at the end of the video;

Art did what everyone does who doesn’t have a service dog or a motorcycle gang these days – he started a charity.


He gets face time with some of the stars of the Marine Corps;

Medina and Mattis



If they knew the truth about him, I don’t think anyone from the Corps would pose with him;

Medina FOIA

Medina Assignments1

Medina Assinments2

He was a deserter for ten years from March 1986 – September 1995.

There’s much more at GoV link, so you should click over and read the whole story.

Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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Art Medina is not even 1/3rd of a Marine.
Art Medina is a lowlife deserter and ought to be shot.
Art Medina is a conman and a thief.
Art Medina is a liar.


I think I’m going to gag. And I haven’t even had breakfast yet.

Combat Historian

I’m not even a Marine, but even I can tell from quickly perusing his assignment chit that this so-called “hero” is a criminal shitbag…


Well, just goes to show ya how much the NDSM/Gedunk medal means.

This turd was awarded one for the Desert Storm period while in Deserter status.

NDSM – I spent my time in Hell.

Airdale (AW) USN ret.

They should have never awarded it since he was a deserter if that’s the case give him the Good Conduct medal too!!!


He should have been promoted on-time, just like Berghdahl. It’s only fair.


I am not a body-language expert – unless you count having watched all episodes of “Lie to Me” – but even I can see how hard he is working to keep his lies straight in that video. He looks up and to the right before each and every recitation of his “career” – which tells me he has to be sure he is saying the same thing he did last time. Someone who actually lived and did the things they are talking about will rarely have to do that.

I would like to see more on the angle that perhaps he is trying to take on the persona of the real LCPL Medina who died at Falluja – see if some of his fake war stories are lifted from the real experiences of a real hero. Not sure where to start digging on that though…


I say he’s legit and most likely a war hero as well. I mean look at all of those dog tags he is wearing! I was only able to score a total of 4 during my 22 years of USN/USAF service.


Yea. They are supposed to be the dog tags of his ‘buddies who gave all over there’, and that’s why he has PTSD and survivors guilt. And cares so much he’d gladly take a check from you…

Those pics of him with Neller AND The Mattis just… grr I can’t think straight. And he copped a coin from the Gen Neller. The scam is strong in this one. Well, was anyway. Maj props to Guardians of Valor. Nice freaking bust.


What I would like to know is if this shitstain is collecting VA benefits for his claimed PTSD.






We had a DI in basic named Medina.
Did two tours with the 101st in I Corps.
Used to do one handed pushups while yelling at us.

This guy ain’t him.


He must have been a cousin of one of my NACCS PT instructors, PO Smith.

He brought the entire class into the gym for “a little PT.”

After about 2 minutes, it sounded like the audio from a porn film.

And I’m pretty sure we broke the Guinness Book of World Records for most sweat in one place. TORRENTS were running off of us.

Except for PO Smith…who matched us push up for push up, flutter kick for flutter kick. You name the tortuous exercise, PO Smith matched us exercise for exercise. He didn’t even glow.

Kind of scary actually.

We were pretty much convinced he did flutter kicks while watching TV….for hours.


And he is not the US Marine named Medina who died in the Second battle of Fallijah either ….

He brings dishonor and discredit to the name Medina.

2/17 Air Cav

Just because he lied about his service and just because he deserted after taking an oath to serve faithfully and just because he ensures that he has pics taken with recognizable actual Marines to bolster his lies and just because he collects money as an unregistered nonprofit and does so ostensibly to “honor” the families of those who Fell, all of that convinces me that he and his charity are 100% genuine. Phuker.

Silentium Est Aureum

How the fuck did he even rate an NDSM? 1985-6 wasn’t an award period and he was a deserter when 1990 rolled around.

Hell, yank that shit right off his chest, too.

jason nasrallah

that is the first thing I said. how did he get a ndsm on deserter status??

2/17 Air Cav

I’m starting a GoFundMe page to support fatass deserters who are inveterate liars. Hey, they need money, too. When the first one asks for some dough, I’ll just tell him I lied too.


Karma is a real Bitch, and hop she steam rolls his fat ass soon.
Lies about his service, betting his “charity” is lining his pockets as well.


“If they knew the truth about him, I don’t think anyone from the Corps would pose with him…”

SECDEF Mattis probably would have throat punched him

2/17 Air Cav

Jonn notes that he was a deserter for 10 years. Once a deserter, always a deserter. Some deserters are caught, some are not, and some turn themselves in. Whatever the disposition, they will always and forever be deserters. There is no undoing it and it doesn’t have an expiration date.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Or as I prefer to put it, once a lying rat bastard piece of shit, always a lying rat bastard piece of shit….

But yeah desertion, like so many crimes, is not something that is erased by time.


It looks like his principal qual as a Marine, from his records above, is as an “appellant.” I guess he appealed his status as a deserter for 10 years before he was discharged in 1996.

Just An Old Dog

Actually Appellant is another way of simply sending someone home or simply mailing them their discharge after a CM or Admin board.
Finding of a CM or board have to be approved. Instead of having them take up space ( and having to pay them) they send them home until the administrative process is done. technically they are still “In” the Corps.. they even have medical coverage. Thats what happened To Jarett Gimbl. He was Ad-sepped and sent home to await final disposition. During that time he got his face rearranged. It was therefore a service connected injury. He has been trying to milk that into full medical coverage and a 100% rating.


Yeah, well. All right. Honor, and all that.

Not so much with this clown.


A Proud Infidel®™

Art Medina, a snotnosed pisspants candyassed shit-for-brains pus-nuts no-load asswipe booger-eating dildo-headed DINGLEBERRY on an inbred buck-toothed Swamp Donkey. HEY ART MEDINA, guess what? THE INTERNET IS FOREVER, and the higher echelon of TAH doesn’t delete a damned thing. You will now be forever known as a DESERTER WUSS from the USMC. OH, guess what’s gonna pop up now when someone does a Google search on you and your “charity”?



Green Thumb

A truly “Phildoesque” dude.

A Proud Infidel®™

“Bernathian” as well.

Just An Old Dog

The fuck-face has the same last name as a Marine from 1/3 who was KIA in Fallujah. Bet he got his “inspiration” from that.
Hes got his dickskinners all in the charity pie.
the Son of a bitch needs to be locked up for fraud.
Hes a top contender for the tourney.


A real, deal BALLSACK WARRIOR! 9+ years as a deserter! Has the balls to lie about fighting in Fallujah, “honoring” real Marines that died in a battle he was nowhere near? Oh, Hell No!

ART MEDINA is an EX-MARINE! He doesn’t have the integrity to carry the pack of any MARINE, especially those that fought and died in Fallujah. Sounds like this buttfucking assclown been using his “story” to rip people off for a long time.

Warning to ART MEDINA – there are a few Marines and Corpsmen (active and retired) that would love to get a hold of you and “set your ass straight”… and that’s before the POPO gets a hold of you for your scamming ways.



Oh. Hell. No.

Bill M

Art Medina is a POS deserter.

USMCMSgt (Ret)

Arturo J. Medina is an ITS washout.
Arturo J. Medina was a deserter.
Arturo J. Medina is a NAMALA alumni.
Arturo J. Medina is a liar.
Arturo J. Medina is a fraud.

USMCMSgt (Ret)

I’ll also add: In the video he says he was discharged in 2004.

The second battle of Fallijah took place from November to December that year, so there’s a problem with his timeline.


Come on MSgt, he identifies with the Second Battle of Fallijah. Dates don’t matter.



Deplorable B Woodman

Stolen Valor. The Rancid Cherry topping the Shit Sundae.

One has to wonder what police and criminal records are in his civilian life?


I would love to go knee deep into this man pig. I was in Fallujah and have a set of blood stained boots in my basement from one of the dead. AQ piece of shit deserter profiting off of them makes me sick to my stomach. At least I can add my post to the others and help make this truly despicable piece of shit internet famous.


I don’t know where his “charity” is located, but I hope the GoV will do a search of the IRS nonprofits list to see if they have registered with them.

I doubt this is a properly registered 501c(x) with either the IRS or the Sec of State’s office in which he resides.

Should be an easy paper trail for the prosecutor’s office.