Moving On to Other Things
It’s been almost six weeks now – count ‘em! – since Donald Trump was declared the winner of the November 8, 2016 presidential election. In the aftermath of a cantankerous campaign season filled with slaps, smacks and broad insults, things went forward as they should. No one was, to my knowledge, threatened with retribution at the polling places for not voting a certain way, and unless there is some odd bit of uncounted this and that, the full poll vote count is completed. I haven’t even heard any more about electoral voters asking for the ‘faithless’ label.
During this past campaign season, Jill Stein, the Greenies candidate, offered what I consider to be impractical solutions and nonsensical ideas to potential voters, with no thought to the long-term effects of her plans, and not even a short nod to the real concerns of those she was addressing. I didn’t follow her campaign very much, mostly because I think she’s a birdbrain, and anyway, it was all about her. Yes, I can dig into the short-term production costs of some of her proposals, but the long-term costs are much higher than she can possibly imagine, and I won’t go into that right now. Let me just summarize the Greenies as merely another bunch of shortsighted petty tyrants who know nothing practical about much of anything. Frankly, I’m not sure they even understand that the Earth can take care of herself and destroy our entire species in the blink of an eye. It’s happened before, repeatedly.
While it was a contentious campaign, frequently full of animosity and reactionary rhetoric and twitterpating, in the end, one side won and the other lost and that is when The Howlings started. That is when heinous behavior erupted from irresponsible and quarrelsome brats whose idea of maturity was to say ‘someone has to die’ because their side lost the election. Threats, misbehavior, foiled attempts to destroy private property – well, it all failed. There is a protest march planned for January 21, 2017, but the online squabbling over what to call it shows that there are cracks opening in the base of that side of the political fence. Maybe that fence is made out of plastic, which does not hold up well under real use. It appears to be slowly disintegrating. There was, in fact, a press conference held on Pearl Harbor Day, but I only found out about it by trying to track down info regarding the January protest march. It appears that most of us are moving on and no one is paying any attention to the claims by The Howlings of imagined wrongs. Even those noisy Oregon protesters gave up and went home when it got cold and snowy, didn’t they?
Jill Stein’s feeble attempts to meddle with a legitimate function of our government, the national election for the office of President, have met with defeat. The recount lawsuit in Pennsylvania was dropped by Stein’s group because of the cost of the lawsuit.
While you’re taking that in, this article in Fortune Magazine says, in plain English, that the judge who canceled the Michigan recount demanded by Jill Stein did so because Stein has no legal basis for making that demand.
Finally, in Wisconsin, a state in which ballots are counted by an optical reader and the voting booths and ballots are not connected to the internet at all, the state started its own recount before Stein even shot off her big mouth. The WI recount has now found an extra 49 votes for Clinton, which is nice but doesn’t change the results.
While Stein whined, she completely ignored Wisconsin’s voting procedures, insisting that the state’s computers may have been hacked when there is no internet connection to the voting process. That’s a good indication of her attention to detail, isn’t it? Remember that in 2020. So much for trying to interfere with a legal process in a free country, you skank! Blow it out your shorts!
This next story is what I really like about the lamestream media: all sorts of allegations but no real verification of sources. We get the news from some anonymous CIA tipster that Russian hackers did naughty things with hacking e-mails and balloting systems, and stuff. But never fear, Obama is on it! And yet — well, I think it simply did not make a whole lot of difference, because the people who cook up this kind of media release forget that the rest of us are capable of thinking for ourselves. And we have important things to consider.
The Middle Eastern war has already scaled up to full warfare instead of just sniping and IEDs. Mosul may fall shortly. People are starting to bail out, despite the ISers attempts to stop them. There are lots of oil well fires to put out elsewhere in Iraq, all started by Daesh, like the scumbags they are. Aleppo has been completely trashed. Mosul isn’t much better, but the inner city has not yet been breached. Personally, I’d blow the Mosul Dam and let Nature take its course. But that’s just me.
I’ve said this before and will keep saying it: if you are paying attention, then you know that political changes are in the air everywhere, especially in the UK, Europe and here, because people are fed up with being nice and generous, and then being run over roughshod by uncivilized thugs of all sorts. It is everywhere. They all want their cities, states and countries back.
It is not about exclusiveness. It is about NOT taking a dump in your host’s living room or trashing his house. When you do that, you become an unwelcome, unwanted guest, and you may be shoved right out the door into the street. And the cops don’t like vagrants, either.
Over the next 85 to 90 years, things will be changing slowly and changing a lot. I think it will be for the better. There is no reason that industries we’ve lost can’t come back home, you know. We’re at the start of a new cycle that will play itself out, no matter what. We are The Inventors. Others just copy what we do.
All the noisy protests in the world cannot stop it. And those protesters would be far better off spending time helping the Society of St. Andrew with gleaning unwanted or donated produce from farms where it will otherwise be thrown out or sent to landfills. With people gleaning the farm fields, the produce is sent to food banks and soup kitchens. The total to date is 793 million pounds of usable produce that would otherwise have been tossed out.
Is it Trump’s job to clean up Obama’s mess? Yes, unfortunately, it is his job. I don’t particularly like him, but I think he’s smart enough to do it and make it last.
All I’m saying is give him a chance.
Category: Politics
Thanks Ex. Nice summary of the aftershocks.
A hat tip to gleaning. I live in a rural area surrounded by potato, broccoli, corn and other crops. The local farmers allow the general public to glean after the harvest and there are local charities that get the lions share.
There is something godlike about it and to witness it in action is indeed humbling.
Yes, it is.
Ex-PH2….nicely done. It causes one to look beyond the daily “news” stories meant to further the chaos we find ourselves in. The mention of Russian hackers causing obammy to look into the election worries me the most. Is this the first shot over the bow warning of potential efforts to invalidate the election? If so, it’s a sure bet the price of ammo is headed up shortly. For I don’t believe the American public is in any mood to have election results stolen or delayed. There IS a limit to what we will allow and still keep our mouths shut. If we tolerate elections being undone or reversed, we have reached a new low in self respect and limits on big bro. controlling our “Not For Castro” efforts at the ballot box. ABSOLUTELY the WRONG century to attempt any such shenanigans.
One other thought, actually a response to 26Limabeans. Some time back I helped in a construction project for a local Food Bank. It amazed me to see people pull up in such fine cars (Cadillacs included), dressed to the nines, with hands out for ANYTHING free. In particular those folks took the greatest amount of food they could get their hands on. Yes of course I asked what was going on and who these people represented and was pretty much told to keep my mouth shut and not worry about it. Follow that with my wife being told by a Dr.’s wife about their twin boys helping at the local Salvation Army Christmas give-a-way. Some woman pulled up in a new Cadillac, which had large expensive stand-alone speakers in the rear….FAR more expensive than those the twins had in their own cars……and the twins were disgusted having to load two new bicycles in the Caddy. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for helping ANYONE in NEED, but there ARE limits to my generosity. And YES, in case you are wondering, YES, you CAN figure it out and fill in the blanks here.
I can be cynical about it, too, Jarhead, but I’ve always felt that those people get what’s coming to them at some point. I have heard the same stories about people making the rounds at the food banks at holiday time and then selling the extra stuff that they are given.
It’s not that I shut my eyes to it, but there are people who really do need the help. The others are just parasites.
The same exact thing happens around here and it disgusts me to no end. Expensive vehicles lined up down the road for a mile waiting for free food. The food bank gets its produce from many sources but I hold those sources to be disconnected from the greed aspect of it.
The only greed is in heart of the taker.
Kinda like SV thieves.
Thanks for pointing that out.
From what I see, this noise about it was the last gasp of an attempt to invalidate it. I found in researching the election results in each state mentioned that they have their own recount rules and Wisconsin does its own recount, anyway.
I think Stein was a last-ditch try at disruption and it simply didn’t work, but we won’t allow it to happen. Still, no harm in stocking up on necessities like ammo, right? Hunting season is underway.
Amen…Jill Stein is a lying, conniving bitch, she only had something like 3 per cent of the vote, why is that ignorant con job even allowed to demand a vote count? She can count her votes on one, this is a bullshyt con job for that slut to get MILLIONS of dollars out of a bunch of mentally retarded clinton supporters!
Do not trust the horse, Trojans! Whatever it is, I fear the Greeks, even bringing gifts.
Correct me if I’m wrong, didn’t a certain party ‘convince’ a Central European country that their election of representatives was faulty therefore this certain party should take over the leadership in the Richstag (after a little ‘convenient’ fire)?
Oh, I think so, Roh-Dog. It started with an ‘N’ or something, didn’t it?
Taters. Red taters. Yum.
Diced, and mixed with ham or beef, onions and celery, and some smoked sausage. Saute until done. Pour a couple of beaten eggs over them, drop some shredded cheese on top, make sure it’s cooking well, then put the lid on the skillet and turn off the heat to let it finish.
Damn, I’m cooking a pot roast today.
Nice petite three pound moose chuck roast. Cellulary, carrots, onions, russet taters (I like the skins) and a shot of Yukon Jack.
Yukon Jack: one for the pot; two for the cook.
Pan seared and oven finished inch thick pork chops with pan sauce, baked sweet potatoes with butter and brown sugar, buttered veg, and a crusty loaf washed down with a crisp white vino, is on tap for dinner tonight.
Ham, new potatos and green bean….weeee doggies!
Nice, EX-PH2… very nice!
Thank you.
Should you run into any of the protesters I referred to, bring up the idea of adding their strength to the gleaning process and watch how fast they run away.
Better yet, throw a bucket of warm soapy water on them and watch them melt! ?
The subject of charity is such a sweet story after a bitter election season.
Good looking taters.
I grew a ton this year.
Wisconsin’s best!
Well written piece Ex-PH2, as usual. Thank you.
From an ex-lawer standpoint, the ruling stopping the Michigan recount makes perfect sense to everyone who is not a progtard. Michigan election law states the candidate has to be “aggrieved” to have standing to bring the recount. Stein, with about 1% of the vote, could never be aggrieved by the election’s outcome. State appellate courts are the interpreters of the meaning and application of state statutes. The federal judge was bound to follow the interpretation of the Michigan Court of Appeals with regard to the subject recount statute. For Stein, she could not have won Michigan even if Trump won by only 500 votes.
I guess the proggies will be screaming for the next four years that Trump was “selected” by the Michigan Court of Appeals and Vlad Putin.
OH, the sweet, SWEET taste of schadenfreude… ???
Oh the delicious taste of little red taters laden liberally with sweet, savory schadenfreude…
I have a hard time believing that the Russians interfered with our election. In the first place, if they had Hillary would have won going away. She is their girl. They own her ,lock, stock, and barrel. He deals with the russian uranium outfit and the money directly paid to slick Willy by the oligarchs banks were not because he gives a rousing speech. Hillary is a known quantity to Vlad and he does not fear her in the least, in fact, he holds her by the short hairs.
No, the russians are not so sure about Trump. He has a cowboy, hipshooter quality that can’t quite figure out. He is a tough business man who is not afraid to fight when challeged. If the could of influenced the election they would have done so for Hillary.
My bet is that the hacking of the DNC and the Hillary campaign was an insider with an axe to grind. Perhaps a clandestine Bernie supporter or other peripheral player. God knows that all of the principals have made any number of enemies along the way. We may never know who sneaked into the email accounts of Podesta and the campaign workers at DNC but I will bet money that we might recognize the name if we do.
Dadburnit, Roger, you came to the same conclusion I did. An anonymous CIA source? Oh, puhleeezzzze! Sure. WhatEVER!
If anything, Trump will have a head butting contest with Vlad and win, whereas shrillary would simply have rolled over belly-up. Oh, well.
I don’t believe the Russians interfered, any more than you do. It’s baloney. But this makes the story more interesting, so I agree with you that it’s someone she pissed off a while back who let out that bit of news.
I have a hard time believing that the Russians interfered with our election. In the first place, if they had Hillary would have won going away. If you’re a foreign intelligence service, you don’t bank on high-level people like Clinton or Trump – they’re too volatile and have too much power to reliably control. You go after strategic goals. The idea behind the alleged meddling is that Trump has suggested friendlier relations to Russia, admired Putin, and voiced less-than-full-support of NATO. You aren’t controlling Trump -that’s impossible- but a candidate with a softer stance on Russia gives you greater strategic maneuverability. (Clinton, regardless of potential personal connections to Russia, has taken a more hard-line voice in public.) As for influencing the election, I’m pretty sure they did. But I’m not at all sure it mattered. Foreign actors who are playing a strategic game are certainly going to seek a favorable outcome in our elections – we’re the biggest kid on the block. Wouldn’t you if you were in their shoes? We do it around the world, too. The first question isn’t whether they influenced the election, it’s how they influenced the election. We’re all influenced by what we see and read – watch Fox you’ll get a certain spin, watch MSNBC a different one, read Breitbart you get one, read DU and you’ll get another. Some level of ‘agenda-pushing’ (influence/meddling) is omnipresent, so it’s just a question of whether they took more direct action -eg, hacking the DNC, or attacking voting machines, or bribing officials for leaks, etc.- or it was all passive information ops. Then the second question is whether it mattered. How you gauge that is … a difficult question. On the one hand, the margin of victory was pretty small (talking of personal votes leading to EC points) so, yes, arguably even a minor influence could have changed the result. On the other, hell, Clinton apparently spent $600M more than Trump, so that had influence as well – and then you get into the question of whether that’s fine, given the money was from Americans, as opposed… Read more »
I’ll take what you’ve suggested a tad down the road, LC.
Given that I grew up in the Cold War and there was a certain degree of stability in the world, however tense it may have been, you at least knew who was on which side of the Cold War Big Three. There was no Middle East problem, per se, not like it is now. The Soviets and the Red Chinese were THEM, and we were USA. And that was it. The possibility of nuclear war was somewhat real, but who would fire the first shot, and why?
Vlad Putin also grew up in the Cold War, before the USSR went belly up and the Politburo was dissolved. He has the same memories I do, the same viewpoint. Unless I’m mistaken, he saw Clinton as a fool in over her head, but willing to do anything as long as she can profit from it. She’s never been in it for anything but herself.
Not so with Trump. And not so with me. I don’t particularly like Trump, but I understand him, and I think Vlad does, too, and if there was any meddling in the election, it came from the vainglorious attempts by the Soros clan to disrupt the process during the campaigns, before the elections, and afterwards with demonstrations and riots, none of which worked. And none of that came from Putin.
I really think it is a waste of time to think that the interference went any deeper than that.
Frankly, Vlad is smart enough to know that Clinton would never do anything to stop the crap in the Middle East unless she could get something tangible out of it. He’s more threatened by it than we are. And if you’re paying attention, he’s been trying slowly but surely to restore the boundaries of the USSR as he knew them when he was growing up.
I doubt seriously that he/Russia had any kind of influence on our elections at all.
All countries spy on each other.
What they do with what they learn is pure conjecture.
See, now I know just as much as you do.
LC. The weeks leading up to the election my phone was ringing (yes, it rings) off the hook (no, there is no hook) with political calls. I answered most and hung up on the caller. Anyway, one evening I see this on my phone’s display: +7(495) 564-22-88. Intrigued, I answered it and was greeted by a voice that said, “Hello comrade. This is Vlad Putin. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll vote for Hillary.” That Russian bastard indeed influenced me! I was going to vote for her until that call. Instead, I voted for Trump. True story.
Yeah, and we all believe in the Tooth Fairy and Scientology is a real religion.
Same thing happened to me but it was on a DSN line. /
You guys got phone calls? Man, all I got was those stoopidd flyers.
I’m still trying to figure out just how the Rooskies influenced the election – by exposing internal Democratic emails that detailed how slimy and backstabbing the organization was? We knew that already. Bernie voters were already put off by the way he was shunned, and then his miraculous born again speech hugging the party leadership after his loss in the primary certainly did sooo much to sweep all of his followers into the arms of the Party – sheesh. I guess that the Party true believers’ thinking goes something like “If the Russians didn’t reveal how badly we treated your guy, then you would have voted for us and been none the wiser, fools”. If the Russians had anything to do with this, then I think I’ll give them a Snowden mulligan – I’ll use the whistleblower defense 🙂 . Speaking of Snowden, Putin being the old KGB colonel he is, might just have a use for young Edward in helping to thaw relations with Trump – a nice housewarming extradition would be a fine gift for the incoming President.
Maybe Putin put Snowden to work using his super-duper secret hacking skills and Snowden hacked into all those optical scanner machines through their connections to the electrical outlets. I guess that is how that sealed box with 51 ballots generated 306 president votes. He obviously found a way to connect to the internets through a 110 volt wall socket. I once heard Stalin said, “it doesn’t matter who votes, what is important is who counts the votes.”
And in the final count (recount), in Wisconsin, Trump is still the winner, picking up an additional 162 votes. So can we just move on now and get back to work?