Good Advice for the Gander, Too
There’s an old bit of advice that most ladies hear in one form or another when they’re young: “no nudie pix”. IMO, that’s good advice; once they’re taken, there’s no telling where they’ll end up.
Well, guys – it’s not just good advice for the ladies. Ever heard of the term “sextortion”?
Yeah, it means pretty much what it sounds like it means: someone gets their hands on explicit photos or videos of a person, then shakes them down for money. It’s a real thing.
Further: it seems that some of the practitioners of that particular scam are apparently now frequenting certain “dating” sites. And it also seems that some of them are now targeting people in uniform and/or those who work for the government as civilians.
Word has gotten out that many government agencies – and the military in particular – take more of an interest in such conduct than most non-governmental employers. That’s particularly true of anyone in working in a government position who has access to sensitive or classified info. The reason should be pretty obvious: people in government jobs who have access to sensitive or classified info just might be susceptible to blackmail by those looking to get their hands on said info.
Remember, guys and gals: once you’ve taken a picture it exists. Once you’ve sent it to someone, you no longer control what happens to it. Hell, even if you have it “safely stored” somewhere . . . well, things sometimes get lost or stolen.
In other words: if you wouldn’t want your mother/wife/kids to see it on the front page of the local newspaper or on the Internet, maybe think twice about taking the picture or video. Because it just might end up there one day.
As the fictional police Sergeant Phil Esterhaus put it years ago: “Hey – be careful out there.” The Internet ain’t Disneyland.
Category: Who knows
Me posting a nude picture of myself would probably be classified as a crime against humanity, so in the interest of world peace, I have held off on posting those pics from that night in Olongapo.
I could probably make money by threatening to release some nude photos unless I was paid off.
I could always see who had seen mine by following the trail of semi-hysterical laughter.
The Midnight Rambler? The Buzzard by the Bay? Never heard of those places and any photos of me there are obviously photoshopped. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it
Are those names of bars in Olongapo? I vaguely remember a bar named the Midnight Rambler. It’s all a haze. Mostly, I just knew “San Miguel” or “Mojo.”
And I was a Subic City/Barrio Barreto man. Upscale debauchery it was.
In an effort to get out in front of any story that may surface i catagoricaly deny that it is me in the picture at the Tijuana Donkey Show. It is clearly photo shopped
I hear the Donkey is vehemently denying any interaction with you as well.
You’d think common sense would prevail, wouldn’t you?
Well Ex…for a small fee, I won’t post those pix that I have of you…I kid, I kid!
Yes, you would. But (spew alert) there are people out there who think Preparation H is most effective when taken orally.
Hence the mandatory warning label on each tube.
I can hear them now:
“My butt still hurts, but I’ve suddenly developed the ability to whistle real good.”
Oops, almost forgot.
Preparation H joke courtesy of Bill “Here’s Yer Sign” Engvall.
If common sense was common, we wouldn’t have to talk about it…
Honestly, I am of the opinion that common sense is a Super Power!
As a wise man once told me, Ex-PH2: “Common sense . . . ain’t so common these days.”
Young, hormonal girls with low self esteem, willing to do anything for a guy’s affection and validation. Young, horny boys, with nothing on their minds but to get into some girls panties. Modern technology that makes recording and sharing intimate moments fast, easy, and virtually free. Three simple ingredients for a lifetime of regret. What a time to be alive!
Not looking forward to having that conversation with my daughter. In my mind, it’ll go something like this: “Do NOT take naked pictures of yourself! Just don’t. But if you absolutely must, at least make sure your head isn’t in them.” Thankfully I still have over a decade to fine tune that message.
Thank you. I was almost having a bad day but you guys scared it away.
Who the hell is dumb enough to eat Prep H? Oh, never mind – don’t answer that!
It occurs to me that anyone dumb enough to eat Preparation H is probably also too dumb to be able to read the warning label. Perhaps a “Mr. Yucky” label would be more appropriate, but some of the special snowflakes would probably think it was a clown and be scared…I’ll crawl back under my rock now.
I seem to remember a story in the Bible where the commander of a Hittite army took up with a very beautiful lady only to have her drive a tent stake into his head. The Honey trap is as old as history itself.
Now more than ever the old adage, “Never write if you can speak, never speak if you can nod, never nod if you can wink” seems to be a very appropriate piece of advice for the 24/7 news and entertainment cycles of our current social media streams…
Just like what you write on the internet is forever, pictures of your junk are forever. And if you can be harmed in some way by what you post you should trust that you will be harmed because most people suck and if they can find a way to fuck you, they will especially these scammers/blackmailers.
I like that VOV.
That is a fact, VOV.
Even w/o the nudies, I have friends who are being blackmailed (by some jerk in the Philippines) because of some stupid act sometime.
Point: we all do, or have done, something stupid at some time or another. Fortunately for me, all my young-and-stupid was committed before the internet and digital cameras.
OPSEC applies to more than military ops. If someone can take a photo or situation out of context, minimize the chance. (Think about how National Enquirer made money all those years…)
Had the idiots at Abu Ghraib and the Marines who p!ssed on Taliban corpses not photographed their misdeeds, we’d likely not have heard of them by now – and they’d likely have gotten away with them.
If you’re gonna do stupid sh!t, for God’s sake don’t photograph yourself doing it.
I’m with you on the young and stupid statement.
Can you imagine hearing this at the Christmas family reunion?
Eeeewwwww, Grandpa, is that really you, eeeewwwww…
To which I would say…”Yep…that was me!”
Actually, no but we all believe that we would.
By the way, I just got this emoji thingie in my last phone update. This is for you Psul!
I’ve always been convinced that the “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas” ad campaign was written by a Sailor who deployed to the Philippines.
It just felt so GOOD to be BAD!
I usually go by the old proverb:
“Never step into somethin’ ya can’t wipe off”.
Or, if that doesn’t work, I have the mental picture of my Dad looking at me after I did some stupid shit, with his index finger motioning towards his forehead and saying the words:
Works every time, even to this day.
If you’re over the age of 18, you ought to know by now that there are only two places appropriate for you to strip down to your birthday suits.
1 – Home with a) shower; b) honey; c) getting ready for back yard pool party, and let’s hope you’re wearing trunks instead of a banana hammock.
2) Doctor’s office when you’re a grown-up.
That’s it. That’s what you tell your kids. That’s what we were told when we were kids.
There’s too much crap on the internet now that hits kids and makes them feel inadequate in some way, and it never used to be available. That carries over into early adulthood. And yes, those predators know exactly which buttons to push.
Watch your kids like a hawk.
I am SO glad the net did not exist when I was a kid. We had books to read, kids games to play, chores to do – busy all the time.
I was with you through most of that, but why you gotta hate on the banana hammock?
WEll, MSG Eric, if you haven’t seen tubby guys wearing them on the beaches at Nice and other such places, it’s not the banana hammock itself. It’s the loss of dignity for the wearer.
I’ll bet a lot of us did things, or said things, in our youth that if the technology existed to record them, would make us want to crawl into a deep, deep hole.
But the whole point is that such technology did NOT exist back then. It does now, and it’s one of the things that makes me feel a little pity for the youngn’s of today. They don’t have nearly the freedom to do and say stupid shit that I did, and that saddens me.
The scary thing is that the part of the brain that understands long term consequences and has the ability to consider future ramifications often doesn’t seem to develop until well into the 20’s for most people. Which means that most of them will have 10 – 15 years of having (a) the inability to really foresee the potential consequences of their current behavior while at the same time (b) having in their pockets the very means to permanently record said behavior for all to see.
BTW I would hope that every high school (or perhaps at this point, Junior high) has a class on internet safety and survival. If not, they should.
Well, Martin, if it helps the Youth Serving Organizations of which I am aware all have these as part of their curriculum now: Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, American Heritage Girls and Trail Life.
And I’m sure the “don’t do this” lectures will do as much good for them as it did for me in the 1960’s.
The fact that kids will talk each other into doing stupid and dangerous things has not changed.
I remember an older girl talked me into “playing doctor” before I was in Kindergarten. We almost got caught. I’m very glad she did not have a cell phone and camera in the 1950’s.
So, there we were, me about 8 and Mary Jo about 9 or 10–naked in a little shed of sorts. It was quite fun–until her Mom came out back and starting shouting her name, looking for her. Talk about a medical emergency. Talk about trauma. But, no, we didn’t get caught.
And nowaways you’d both end up on a list and with a criminal record.
Ahhhh-fond memories of those “older wimmins”.
If you haven’t heard this one before, where have you been?
“Hey, got any pics of your wife naked?”
“Hell no!”
“Well, wanna buy some?”
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