Saturday morning feel good stories

| December 3, 2016

Hack Stone sends us our first story this morning from Culpepper County, Virginia where a homeowner encountered an intruder in his home. The criminal was DRT (dead right there).

James Howard, a Fayetteville, North Carolina homeowner heard noises at his backdoor and went to investigate. He found Harold Lehman in his home. Lehman approached Howard and Howard fired one shot center mass. That didn’t deter the criminal, so Howard fired again at the ‘x’ ring. Lehman showed up later at the hospital and police are waiting for him to heal enough so they can serve a warrant.

In Round Rock, Texas, a homeowner saw a man outside his home trying to get inside the home. He fired his gun and the intruder was DRT (dead right there) when police arrived. At another link, they report that the dead fellow is an ex-boyfriend of the homeowner’s girlfriend and that the homeowner fired twice.

A 66-year-old in Seminole, Florida really needs some range time – he heard someone in his house, so he got his gun, got in a tussle with the criminal and shot himself in the arm which scared the criminal off. His injuries are not life threatening.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Frankie Cee "In the Clear"

When a thief enters or attempts to enter an occupied home, it is safe to say that he has considered that he is putting his life in danger. Just shoot them, center mass, multiple time, because if you do not, it is YOUR life that is in danger.

Thomas Huxton



Two in the x-ring w/o a DRT?
We have some problem with caliber and/or choice of projectile there.


OK, not what I’d call the “x-ring”:

“The homeowner was in fear for his life and fired a single gunshot, which struck the intruder in the stomach,” Strepay said in the release. “The intruder continued advancing towards the homeowner and the homeowner fired a second gunshot, which also struck the intruder.”

That is more understandable


What the heck ever happened to “two to the chest & one to the head?”

Or: “Why did you shoot the guy 7 times with 230 grain hollow points with your 45?” the officer asks. “Well the magazine only holds 7.” the homeowner replies.

A burglar breaks into my home while I’m there he may get quite a bit more than he wanted. But it’ll all be in the form of lead & copper. Multiple “injections” hopefully in a small area.


gully Vern, ifn he had one of them there new ‘uns that holds 17 rounds, theys would have to get a tow truck to haul the carcas out! 😉