Colonel Daniel H. Wilson; field grade tickle monster
Devtun and SJ send us a link to the story of Colonel Daniel H. Wilson of the II Marine Expeditionary Force who has been charged with three counts of sexual assault and sexual abuse of a child; four counts of assault and battery on a child under age 16; one count of failure to obey an order or regulation; and nine counts of conduct unbecoming an officer. also reports a source with knowledge of the investigation said the alleged victim was 6 years old.
Wilson, who has been in the Marine Corps since June 1981, was removed from his post and reassigned to administrative duties after the investigation began.
Holy smokes.
Category: Marine Corps
Crapweasel. Pound him!
Only if guilty. Ever had an ex-wife?
Good point.
It’s a set up. He didn’t do it. Maybe you’re the one that should get pounded for jumping to conclusions. Douchebag.
Here’s the link for more on the story:
UFB… 35 years down the crapper and possibly looking at time in a poundhimintheassprison.
Unfortunately, if this is an unfounded accusation, his career is over because of it.
My initial comment wasn’t made to say that he was guilty – I saw too many times while I was in that an accusation that was not substantiated by an investigation ended a persons career.
The only reason that I pasted the link from is the original link to the local news was sketchy and I was hoping to find more info. I’m not a big visitor and have found that their stories seem to have a “slant” to them.
plenty of room in Leavenworth with Bradley/Breanna. Though he/she/it may be too old for the Colonel.
6 years old? HANG HIM!!
He looks like a real hard ass. If I were him I follow the lead of the former 50th Space Wing vice. He is not going to like prison. I would take hit the easy button if you know what I mean.
One less pedophilic oxygen thief.
If he is guilty, which we don’t know right now.
There are rumors of a nasty divorce being involved.
I saw a case where an AD 1SG was accused of sexually abusing his daughters by his spiteful spouse and was cleared of all charges after a CID Investigation and he later got promoted to CSM. They usually do a thorough investigation before any press releases, if he IS being falsely accused, the guilty party needs to be keelhauled and thrown out with the previous day’s garbage.
P.S. I’ve also seen a Major with 26 years of service get thrown out for kiddie pron and he plead guilty, not a fake charge.
I once knew of a Major who went to Thailand (Cobra Gold). About a 1 1/2 months after he got back his wife sued him for divorce because he passed a STD to her.
In A-stan we had an E7 Relieved for Cause who was busted to E6 and went home early, but before that he did some extracurricular horizontal PT with a female in camp that gave him Chlamydia that he took home and gave his wife who after kicking him out and filing for divorce called his unit with questions about some things in his part of the house, smoke grenades with the spoons taped, 9mm tracer rounds used for AT4 practice and qualification,… Suffice to say he kinda did himself in.
“UFB… 35 years down the crapper and possibly looking at time in a poundhimintheassprison.”
He should get at least that. WTF, a Field Grade Officer doing that?
Semper FUCK YOU, Colonel.
After reading others’ posts regarding that he could be innocent and this is possibly a smear job, I concur and I reacted a little too quick.
OK, let’s be careful here.
He has been accused, not found guilty.
I was accused (by a lying non-family-member POS) of abusing my own children. After a very trying time, the CPS determined that this was a false accusation. In the interim, I discovered just how attractive suicide can be.
Let us not destroy someone based on an accusation.
If he is found guilty, by all means he deserves our approbation. But if he is found innocent, let us not be responsible for tarnishing his reputation.
(BTW, my accuser died of a medical condition just a few years later. I cannot say that I was sorry.)
When an accusation is proven false, are there any consequences for the accuser?
No, unless the accuser perjured himself and the prosecutor can prove it. One can have a reasonable belief that something which did not actually occur, but that’s not a falsehood.
Arrrgggh. “One can have a reasonable belief that something which did not occur actually occurred….”
2/17 Air Cav, Did you receive the keyboard I bought you yet?
Gaaaaaaaadamit. Was that you? What the hell am I to do with a keyboard in Greek?
Look up what happened to the accuser of the Duke lacrosse team.
The slut had DNA from, if I remember correctly, 7 men in her vagina – none of it matched any of the members of the lacrosse team.
Look to see if she was punished.
There’s your answer.
For what it’s worth:
Article 107—False official statements
a. Text of statute.
Any person subject to this chapter who, with intent to deceive, signs any false record, return, regulation , order, or other official document , knowing it to be false, or makes any other false official statement knowing it to be false, shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.
I believe the key words are, “knowing it to be false”.
The question then is – how does one prove in the relevant court of law that the accuser knew the accusation to be false?
There are many ways to prove perjured testimony. Someone says they were physically present when event X occurred but it is later learned that they were not. Someone says they did X but it is later learned that someone else did X and was the only one to do X. Someone says that a person was with them or not with them at a particular time and it is later learned, contrarily, that the person was or was not. It’s all about knowingly false giving false testimony under oath. A parent who fears that their child was molested, jumps to a conclusion about the culprit and swears out a complaint about the molestation is not a perjurer.
Well said Graybeard, well said.
BTW, where were you when said accuser died, hmmmm? 😉
I have an air-tight alibi.
Seriously, I turned it over to God and let Him handle it. IMHO, He did.
Kinda hard to prove accessory to a death when God is the One doing the killing.
My family had a neighbor that was harassing us for years, he died of stomach cancer just 4 weeks after diagnosis. We had prayed that the person had a change of heart, looks like that wasn’t possible and God took care of it.
It sure would have been nice if he had repented.
I’m glad the harassing is over, though.
“Col. Wilson is presumed innocent of any alleged offenses and will be afforded the opportunity to defend himself against all charges,” [Lt. Col. Michael] Armistead said.
How do we know whether or not this was not a malicious unfounded accusation?
Again – please be careful.
Roger on being careful. I had a relative spend 5 months in jail awaiting trial on trumped up charges of sexual abuse of a young child. Charges were dismissed when the adult accuser admitted he made up the charge to prove his wife was not capable of caring for their children which resulted in my relative supposedly having access to the young child. The accuser and his wife were going through a nasty custody battle. Be careful. I sincerely hope he didn’t do what he is accused of doing. Revolting if true.
Yep. After I reported to a new command I filed for divorce from Satan’s Mistress, err, my now ex-wife.
After she was out of state called the command one day to tell them how bad of I person I was at my last command and how I always used her as a punching bag back then.
The problem was, the person that answered the phone that day just happened to be the Master Chief that I worked for at the previous command. He had transferred about a year before me and I wound up with orders to the same place.
All I have to say is Thank God I never screwed up bad enough to get the ass chewing he gave her.
*after she was out of state, she called…”
fat fingers/reading comprehension I blame the Chemtrails for the error.
These charges are so egregious and sickening that I will await a look-see at the evidence. I do not need a conviction to conclude what I will regarding the charges, but I damn well need to consider what evidence exists. So, I’ll wait. As Greybeard points out from personal experience and I have seen over the years in other cases, if the charges are w/o merit, due to twisted vengeance or pure hate, it wouldn’t be the first time.
I have to agree with regards to let us wait and see. Having said that, I don’t believe the USMC would relieve an O-6 unless there appeared to be strong probably cause. However, I did note he was not confined or under house arrest. Please stay on this and report the details for those of us who don’t waste time on Military.Com or other sources.
I believe they “have to” (even if not “required to”) in order to display to the public and their superiors that they are taking the accusations seriously.
IMHO, it is the correct course of action.
“Please stay on this and report the details for those of us who don’t waste time on Military.Com or other sources.”
Sure. I’ll be happy to waste my time doing that for you. Your time is way too important. Talk about balls. You got ’em.
ping-pong balls?
lemon balls?
Have some baseball, one basket ball, a couple of tennis balls, think the wife still has her bowling ball, and oh yeah, the cat’s play balls.
There are those who monitor certain sites and I guess Air Cav is not understanding some of us have meaningful things to do on occasion rather than sit in front of a computer all day long. Me for example, I have to cut my toe nails.
Balls of fire? Damn, that would hurt.
I knew it all along! Finally someone points out 217 never cuts his toe nails! No wonder the size 17 clod hopper Birkenstocks. I’d still hate to have his up my ass when he gets pissed!
CM. Well, I don’t know whether you were serious about wanting others to do what your precious time doesn’t allow. If so, you are a pompous fellow. If not, then you really ought to tag your cmts appropriately so cmts like that beauty are not misunderstood.
If it’s true, publicly strip all rank and decoration, put him on an LHD that hasn’t seen a drydock in a while, and keel-haul his ass for a few hours. If by some miracle he’s still breathing afterwards, shoot him.
And if false, how does he get his good name back?
That’s the million-dollar question, ain’t it? If there was a malicious false accusation, then make that trial as high-profile as possible (and then keel-haul THAT cocksucker). If not, I honestly don’t know. That’s why I hope the investigation was airtight before the brought charges.
It is the million-dollar question.
While I am not familiar with the law in this circumstance, what I am familiar with tends to protect the accuser rather thoroughly. I only know who my accuser was because of circumstances occurring in other arenas simultaneously. While I knew it was a malicious accusation, proving it was impossible. I understand why the law wants to protect someone who reports suspected child abuse in good faith. But the standards to prove malicious intent are impossibly high.
Fortunately I learned that complete honesty with all those who could be impacted coupled with time maintained/restored my reputation. But I was not in such a high-profile position – and I had support from my family, my church, and the parents of my Scouts. A lot of support.
But when one is accused and found innocent in a high-profile case the damage is tremendous, and proving malicious intent is frequently impossible even though everyone involved in the investigation may know it was there.
I am not sure what the solution is, but the current state of affairs destroys some good people.
One solution is to extend the same courtesy to those charged with sex crimes as is accorded to those who level rape charges. That doesn’t cover the publishing of mugshots or word of mouth, of course, but it does narrow the scope of awareness considerably. And if a conviction results, put it on a billboard!
That will never happen with our current journalistic standards.
The phrase “J’accuse!” comes to mind.
true story – I know a guy who was come onto by a girl who was barely underage. She told her parents she was seeing him, they filed charges, within hours figured out that this was serious and marriage was in the offing, and dropped charges. (The couple is till happily married a decade later, have kids together) – the fact that charges were filed, even though thy were dropped, he was never arrested or tried – means he shows up as a sexual predator and cannot get a decent job.
Poor guy.
He doesn’t get his good name back that’s the reality of it…he will forever be tarnished in the circle of people who actually know him and know of these charges and there will always be the whispers that he’s guilty even if the charges aren’t proven or are dropped….
Since leaving the military I’ve been volunteering as a youth sports coach/referee/mentor/administrator and I’ve seen countless people have their ability to coach their child ruined forever by a vindictive ex or soon to be ex and those people have never recovered from it.
In today’s land of litigation what youth organization wants to deal with the liability issue of allowing someone who was arrested or charged but not convicted of any sort of child endangerment or abuse charge? Not a single one that I know of and I know of hundreds of them right here in the PRoM….of all the cases where a CORI pops the arrest I know of only one man who was allowed an exemption to coach and one man only….the dozens of others whose charges turned out to be false or not prosecutable have never been allowed to coach or volunteer with any organization that I know about.
Their reputations and lives are tainted forever with this kind of accusation, it’s the one sure way to ruin someone without actually having to prove a goddamn thing…as crazy as my ex is I’m forever grateful she was as honest as the day is long and never once made any false accusations like this about me….I can’t thank her enough for that single act of responsible human behavior.
VOV: The Mrs. and I teach pre-k kids to read. I am careful to the extreme, if it is even possible to be too careful; I don’t think it is. I will never be alone with a child under any circumstances and when we each have our individual child, I make sure I’m within sight of several other adults. We look out for each other. It’s an unspoken understanding we all have. It is a real concern we each have, even among the women teachers.
Roger that HMC.
I’ve been a Scout leader for near 25 years (not currently active), taught in Sunday School for all levels of school at one time or another, been a full-time and substitute school teacher – and in every case at all times one has to be aware of ensuring that one is protected from false accusations and the children are protected from molesters.
FWIW, our church’s screening process did find a child molester wanting to “help” in the pre-k area. He was later caught and convicted of molesting the children of a women he met in another church.
We have to take steps to protect both the caregivers / teachers, and the children. Not an easy task.
I’m a Scout leader and we go by the 2 adult rule. No adult is allowed to be with a child not their own by themselves. My wife and I also teach Sunday school to 4 year olds. The classroom door is always left wide open, especially if only one of us is there.
I hear you on this, my first instruction to every one wanting to coach is a simple one. Never hold practice alone…make a parent stay if your assistant is unavailable and don’t let parents drop kids off and leave. Let parents know they must wait until you have enough kids for a practice and another adult is present.
One person’s innocent arm on the shoulder is another person’s pre-abuse grooming….it gets ugly quick and you don’t want to be on the wrong side of the ugly in this case.
As some above may have noticed, accusations of “tickle monster” are now the slam-dunk way to get someone’s reputation lynched, without anything more than one say-so.
Beware. You may find yourself on the pointy-end of such accusations, say in a divorce, or just because your latest annoyed girlfriend has a bad-seed kid with ugly readIng habits and a vindictive attitude.
Monstrous crime. The public goes ape-shit over it. Divorce lawyers and offended subordinates/exes/whatever know it.
Some evidence please. The lynching can always follow the trial.
And if proven, the delay gives one time to be… creative.
Duke lacrosse team, anyone?
Not to mention the many exonerations thanks to DNA that came post conviction!
google says 347 people have been exonerated in 37 states.
And some people will always believe those lacrosse players to be degenerate shitbags….some of them might get lucky and be able to retake some of their name’s integrity and others will forever be tainted with the stink of it….
The most recent gaggle of false accusations was centered on a fraternity at the University of Virginia, so heinous, in fact, that the fraternity had to shut down, while the ‘victim’ had fabricated every word of her accusations out of whole cloth.
Meanwhile, Rolling Stone magazine, that bastion of journalistic integrity and accuracy, was sued and lost to the tune of $7 million in damages.
On the other hand, sex assault charges against Catholic priests over decades were investigated by the Church but nothing was done to protect the people (adults and children alike) who were on the receiving end of it. Instead, the malignant priests were moved around to other dioceses, which did not solve the problem at all.
Most recently, Dennis Hastert, who was the Speaker of the House in WDC, was busted by the Feds for paying hush money to some of his victims who had threatened to go public about what he had done to them when he was their coach in high school.
Maybe what we need to do is stop looking at the criminal side of it, which gets far too much attention, and look at the mental malignancy that fosters the problem, and why nothing is done to stop it and separate the victims from the predator.
And the Big 0 was talking with Rolling Stoned about the problem with “fake news” (read: “they don’t agree with me”) just the other day.
20 JAN 2017 cannot come fast enough.
Ex-PH2- the catholic church “hierarchy” ain’t gonna clear things up.
Marine Corps has an issue with pedos. There we two in my unit that I know of that were caught. One of them was my last plt commander and he was one of the good officers in the unit. I also know of a former Marine that raped his daughter after he got out, but good news he killed himself in jail.
I want to give this guy the benefit of the doubt, but I know better. This is a serious problem in the Corps.
Former plt cmdr:
I was Army but had to deal with a few of those scumbags.
Ain’t nothing like dealing with pedophiles.
The more I read here, the more I lean toward giving him the benefit of the doubt for time being. However, it comes at the risk of knowing what an accuser of such a rotten and notorious act would face (and I hope publicly) if this is found out to be fabricated for whatever reason. Absolutely untrue accusations like this (currently subjective) merit shaming and disgrace to the accuser. We all know there’s been a LOT of this garbage going on through the years, but seldom do we learn of a follow-up when the accuser is uncovered as a liar and made to pay for it.
Either way, this means a whole lot more Power Point presentations for E-4 and below.
Bag of rancid ass leavings!
Here’s hoping for continuous ass poundings in prison. Asshole.
Please check out the earlier postings.
and as a side comment – if in the divorce her lawyer decide to file a restraining order on you, a very common form of lawyer harassment – you just lost your rights to buy or own a gun
The system is FUBAR.
Lindenwood University is punishing a young “lady” who falsely claimed she’d been assaulted (no specific individual was accused):
Sometimes justice is done.
On the odd side if he had been a enlisted solider has ass would be locked up
Lucky to see mr field-grade here is above all that
From my military experience which spans 20 plus years, this officer is fucking toast…the military does not publish information of this sort unless there is a smoking gun…you can theorize all ya want, but, I have seen some stuff committed by all ranks of personnel that would make you puke by the mention of it…the military is very sensitive and protective especially of its officers corps…that said, the colonel may have pissed in someone’s canteen cup and this is payback you mutha…call me crazy, but, I believe this..I would just love to Paul Harvey used to say, the rest of the story.
Ahhh. Smoking gun=pre trial confinement there salt dog.
I talked to a friend who knew him for years. Innocent until proven guilty, but he was not shocked by the story.
Again, innocent until proven guilty, but like USMC 8151 says, this probably would not have hit the news without a smoking gun.
I also know Colonel Wilson. I find these charges completely unbelievable. I will not believe them until the disposition of his case is decided against him. Even then I will have a hard time accepting these charges as true. Colonel Wilson is one of the finest men I have ever known.
As most of you know, I will go to the ends of the earth to expose such offenders, but without knowing the evidence, these are only charges. Clearly the charged offenses occurred on base, leaks to the press are driven by motivations of tipsters … so I will wait and see on this one.
Now, other cases … not so much.
I’m wondering if these cases will diminish once the new SecDef rides into town? 🙂
Welp. I actually knew this man on a personal and professional basis. I investigated and testified against one of his shining star marines for the same shut and got a guilty conviction. This man defended that marine to the death. I see why now.
Th I am the Agent working this investigation. I would be interested in speaking with you can you shoot me an email to confirm identities. Hope your willing to help. Please excuse me for not wanting to publish my name.
I knew this dude a couple years back in Japan. The story doesn’t surprise me… He was a weirdo and an asshole. If it is true, execute him.
Why doesn’t it surprise you?