Sanctuary City; Chicago Range

| November 29, 2016

Last week, Rahm Emanuel declared a commitment that Chicago, Illinois will remain a sanctuary city for illegal aliens. It’s laughable because as of yesterday, 3992 Chicagoans were victims of gun violence – there’s no sanctuary anywhere for the people who already call Chicago their home. Just this last weekend, 68 were shot and eight were killed.

So far this year, Chicago police report 4,000-plus shootings and over 700 homicides, the vast majority in poor, predominantly black neighborhoods.

“The poverty that exists throughout the city of Chicago, throughout the county of Cook and the state of Illinois is deplorable,” said Cook co. Cmsr. Richard Boykin.

“There’s an inextricable link between poverty and violence,” said State Sen. Kwame Raoul, (D) Chicago.

So, if poverty is the reason for the gun violence, I’m guessing that all of the victims were rich? The government’s social nets make sure that everyone in government-subsidized housing has a big flat screen TV and a microwave, but there’s no money for food and clothing? Poverty doesn’t explain away gun violence.

A large unarmed law-abiding population trapped under conditions in which they are unable to defend themselves does explain part of the problem. Also, a corrupt city government that supports a moronic culture of violence and lawlessness helps explain it, too.

A Chicago congressman’s grandson was shot dead over stylish sneakers, for God’s sake.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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If a city leaders declare it a “sanctuary city”, the Feds should wall it up and cut off all federal funding… let it go the same way that Detroit and other Democrat-ran cities have gone over the last 50+ years.


The powers that be in Chiraq are working on it. BLM and assorted other fringe protesters are blocking access to stores on the Magnificent Mile and other shopping areas. To bring “attention” to their “plight”.
Eventually, they’ll ruin shopping, and downtown stores will empty out, to be replaced by broken windows and burned-out buildings.
Then, it will bear more than a passing resemblance to Detroit.


BUILD A WALL, around Chicago…they will eliminate themselves before too long! Oh, and drop obozo in on a very thin, light weight parachute on Jan 20th! and michael too!

Combat Historian

If they want it to be a “sanctuary”, then it should be hermetically sealed and turned into a rat-lab, “Divergent”-style…

2/17 Air Cav

The typical inner city yute is w/o a father in the home, is in a rental property, and has multiple siblings fathered by different males. The typical yute attends school where he is barely literate yet receiving passing, if not good or excellent, grades. He does not attend church and has zero future prospects. He will be an absentee father himself and, although he cannot support his offspring, will brag to others how many children he has fathered. He is likely to be arrested and, if convicted, will consider that a badge of honor as well. His motto will be to live fast and die young and exactly that will happen to many. Guns are not the problem. Poverty is not the problem. The problem is a culture that has rejected those things that make a stable home and community.


But …

But …



That’s a lot of hunting accidents.


The problem is not the gangbangers. It is not guns. It is not the police.

The problem is that pantywaist asswipe mayor. He thinks bike lanes are more important in the city than bus lanes, deplores gun violence but does nothing to stop the slow creep of plain old violence into the Loop and Mag Mile (major business districts) and is slowly sending the city of Chicago into bankruptcy, which is now also extending to Cook County proper.

Glad I moved away from there.


Not to mention that in the list of top 90 cities in the US, Chicago’s ranking in gun crime prosecutions is – yep, you guessed it – #90.


Good grief! Can you possibly imagine how many more shootings and deaths there would be if the liberal Dems hadn’t enacted all those strict gun control laws?

And surely providing sanctuary for all those felonious illegal aliens will help to curb all this violence which as we all know is nothing more than a justifiable and understandable reaction to white racism.

Ex-Garbage Gun Shooter

I personally think the “sanctuary city” thing is the result of a well veiled effort to keep us in the dark as to what the actually goal is.

I could be wrong and I usually am wrong nevertheless it seems to me that this kind of thing produces more and more snowflakes as well as sympathy towards snowflakes in general.

Why would anyone want to do that?

Generate enough snowflakes and enough sympathizers to the “plight” of the snowflakes and the influence and power of the far left-wing (ie, wacko wonderland) increases proportionately.

A Proud Infidel®™

Is it any wonder that TEN out of every ten cities wracked by crime and poverty have been lorded over by dhimmirats for decades?



Chi-Town Native now in the 'Burbs

Written by cops for cops with lots of inside info on the whys of the “Chicago Problem” which seems to be a problem in many areas.


If a university fails to follow government diversity guidelines it immediately looses both it’s own, and its students’, funding in the the way of research grants and student loans.
But an entire municipality can select which federal laws to follow and that’s just dandy! Consequences???? Maybe some incoming president can make a stark example of Chi-town.


In the words of Quasimodo “Sanctuary!”


Chi-raq, a nice place to visit but, err, no. It’s NOT a nice place to visit!


Used to be a nice place to visit… in 1958.

Dash Riprock

For years, cities identified as such issued denials. I must paraphrase here but you might recognize the refrain. “We are not, nor can we be, a so-called ‘Sanctuary City’ as no such entity can be defined. Usually followed with an acknowledgment that the given city applies resources as it see fit.

Now, stepping up to the microphone, these same cities are announcing the continuation of previous policies. Isn’t a policy a deliberate directive or, at least, a deliberate position on an issue?

For me? It’s a legit WTF?