The battle for vets’ votes in NC
Yesterday the Washington Post ran a piece hopefully entitled “Military families could tip North Carolina to Clinton” and they quote the president as he repeats the same tired platitudes we’ve heard in the Clinton ads. Then they offer hope to Clintonistas;
North Carolina has a massive military presence. More than 50,000 active duty personnel are assigned to Fort Bragg. Camp Lejeune in Jacksonville houses several Marine Corps combat units and support commands. The Air Force’s 4th Striker Wing is based in Goldsboro. With every poll showing that this state remains a true toss-up, strategists on both sides see these communities as top targets.
Unfortunately, there is not recent, reliable polling on this specific demographic. Some earlier surveys showed Trump faring well among members of the Armed Forces but underperforming past Republican presidential candidates.
Because veterans and active duty soldiers want more of the Obama treatment and that’s what Clinton promises. In fact, what Obama did to the military is what her husband started in the 90s. That’s the only idea they have – take the defense structure down and use the money to buy votes in social constructs and perpetuate their own power by pandering to the lowest information voters.
To do their part for Clinton, the Post only interviews military voters at the Clinton rally while claiming that there is no reliable polling information for members of the military. could disagree with that point.
Career-oriented troops favor Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump over his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton by a 3:1 margin, a new reader survey has found.
Of the more than 1,300 active-duty, National Guard and Reserve members who responded to the questionnaire and plan to vote in the Nov. 8 presidential election, about two-thirds, or 67 percent, said they plan to vote for Trump, while about a fifth, or 21 percent, said they intend to cast a ballot for Clinton.
Across almost every demographic group, from branch of military service to paygrade to gender, Trump was the clear winner in the survey. (The Republican presidential candidate was also heavily favored by thousands more veterans and military spouses who filled out the questionnaire.)
So would SOFREP;
Out of 1968 military veterans and those currently serving, 1537 indicated they would be voting for Trump.
Category: Dumbass Bullshit
How anyone could take the oath and want Clinton as CIC is beyond me.
Revenge. That’s the only way I can figure it.
There are a number of activist types that join with the idea that they will be able to do their part to destroy the institution. I’ve met more than a few during a 30 year career. Just the same as they have done in education, journalism, legal, and other professions
Larsy Poo comes to mind.
I retire next spring and I’ve already gotten my retirement letter fron Bush. It will be the one read at my ceremony.
Good for you that’s awesome! I can’t imagine having to have a fake ass letter from that lying scum hillary.
Hillary has 100% of the WW1 vets voting for her.
Some more than once!
Don’t forget about all the civil war vets voting for her this year ?
Confederates for Hildabeast.
how could any vet ,in their right mind even consider voting for the bitch of benghazi
In any human population, a substantial fraction of the population will be of considerably less than average intellect. Some of these individuals will be stupid enough legitimately to be considered “dumbasses”.
Although the military does screen out many dumbasses prior to enlistment or commissioning, it doesn’t catch them all. Sadly, some dumbasses in fact manage to enlist – or receive a commission.
Thus the expression: “There’s always that 10%.”
Hondo, while you are right about the dumb-asses, I would wager a significant number of the Hillary voters in the military are females and minorities.
My wife’s cousin’s wife, a pretty smart woman, and for years a conservative Republican and evangelical Christian, early voted in Texas and came out tearfully confessing on video her overwhelming emotion over being able to vote for a woman for president. My wife tells me the damned video has gone viral with libs as proof they’re going to win.
So my thinking is that much of the Hillary vote in the military is this sort of vaginal vote, based purely on gender and emotion.
PT: possibly true, but even if true that’s going to have only a modest effect on the military vote.
As I recall, the military is around 15% female today. 100% of 15% is still only 15%.
Hondo, while you are right about the dumb-asses, I would wager a significant number of the Hillary voters in the military are females and minorities. Wow!!! You are a ass!!
Just wondering if a vaginal vote will leave a snail trail on the ballot?
Blue falcons that’s how.
I see any of them as SJW “Quota Riders”, the type that bawl to the IG anytime they think they don’t see things like awards and promotions being equally applied to all races and colors, i.e. too many White Troops getting awards while slackers don’t get their fair share handed to them due to ethnicity.
Hillary has the best chance of taking NC by focusing on the infestation of damn yankee transplants in the triangle, the triad and metrolina. Military votes are not going to be what pushes her over the top here (FWIW, I think she loses NC).
You did see that one of the current Occupant, 1600 Penn Ave, Wash DC’s “wonderful” Federal judicial appointees is now blatantly pulling out all the stops to support “the cause” – right?
FWIW: the judge pulling out all the stops here actually appears to be correct with respect to current Federal law.
She should not be. It should be possible to challenge a voter’s registration for good cause at any time – and to remove them from the local voting rolls if they have moved to a different state, died, or have otherwise become ineligible to vote. Anyone arguing otherwise is arguing in support of enabling voter fraud.
Thank Cigarman, his political party (who controlled both houses of Congress during the first two years of his Administration), and that abomination of a law called the “Motor Voter Act” for that fact.
Meh-call it a hunch, but there doesn’t seem to be much enthusiasm for her cankleness here. The left has not transformed this state just yet-it might still be saved.
I hope you’re correct. However, for multiple reasons that may well not be the case in the Research Triangle and Charlotte areas. And those areas have large populations.
My guess is that it will be very close, either way. It might be close enough that a few thousand fraudulent votes could change the outcome.
The urban arc along I-85 from Charlotte (Gastonia actually) through Greensboro/Winston-Salem to Raleigh has been the part of this state that has been most transformed by migration over the last 20-25 years, but even there the suburbs are still mostly red. Obama just barely took the state in 2008 due mostly to the enthusiasm of he black vote-Hillary can’t rely on that (that’s why he has been campaigning here for her over the last week). Obama lost here in 2012 BTW, enthusiasm can only carry you so far-and Hillary doesn’t even have that going for her.
Panem et circenses. Pandering to the ravening hordes always works until it stops working.
My daughter is at Bragg right now. She says very strong Trump and few Clinton supporters.
The military votes are not going to push the election one way or the other I think and agree with 68w58. I am one of the “damn yankee transplants” but not a clinton supporter by a long shot. There is little support for her that I’ve seen and early voting is very strong for Trump.
I was apolitical until 2000, when the Gore campaign used every BS excuse they could to disqualify as many military absentee ballots as they could.
It was at that point I became convinced that the Democrats did not have the best interests of either veterans or our country at heart. It was and still remains purely about the power to them.
“I became convinced that politicians of either party did not have the best interests” – there, fixed for you. Neither party has any more true allegiance to the military than whatever they think will buy them votes.
Cankles’ “spin doctors” at work again for the owner of the Barbed Cock of Satan.
Survey: Trump Leads Race Among Military Spouses
“The message from military spouses who took a recent election survey is clear: Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is the leading choice on Nov. 8.
Almost 2,300 individuals who identified themselves as military spouses or family members took the survey, which ran from Oct. 24 through Oct. 31. The survey was shared on social media, on and through newsletters.”
Can’t speak to NC. Das Hildabeast will of course take California, no matter how many people vote against her. The LA and SF democrat machines will see to that. It’s why so many Californians don’t like the “win the state, get all 54” method, and why those same machines make sure it remains in place. Given the sheer size and diversity (they keep using that word…) of the population, it never seemed particularly representative to me.
I believe it is 37 states who have the winner-take-all system – funny thing, the Dems never scream about that particular disenfranchisement. Republican in California? Democrat in Texas? Your vote essentially counts for zero. Want your vote to actually count, and for elections to make some sense? Get electoral vote st be split appropriately to the popular vote. If there are 39 votes at play, and one candidate gets 51% and the other 49% – split the EC votes 20/19… and THEN all the votes count.
Something strange is why there hasn’t been more media comment on the extent to which the President is campaigning for Hillary. It’s been estimated that a Presidential road trip can cost roughly $1 million per day. He is also supposed to be getting paid to watch over the public’s business. There’s probably nothing wrong with him wanting to support his party’s candidate, but he should be doing it on his own time, and on his own dime.
There’s also something discordant about Obama telling a Fayetteville crowd that he worries about how Trump is going to handle defense. This is the President, after all, who had the Marine holding his umbrella in the pouring rain.
He’s leaving an unconscionable mess behind for whoever gets elected to the office. As much contempt as he has for Clinton, how can you miss that?
Are you saying I missed it, ma’am? Obamacare, economic recovery, foreign policy, and defense were supposed to be cornerstones of the house Barry built, and all have failed by any reasonable measure. The fact that the President might not like Hilary personally is almost irrelevant. For her own part, Hilary was up to her ears in mid-east policy, and it blew up in her face.
And yet, we’re all supposed to pretend that Trump’s lack of public office experience is more important than a bad track record by the current administration. Or failing that, it’s more important that The Donald is a poopie head because he might have mooned a group of nuns back in 1968.
FWIW, my own view is that one of the reasons the current election has been as vicious as it has been is because to elect anybody but Hillary might mean turning over a rock, and seeing how bad the mess actually is.
No, not the mess he’s leaving behind.
I was referring to the contempt he has for Clinton, ditto Trump, but mostly for her. Why else would he be sending more people to Iraq, instead of pulling them out? And who is really left holding the bag over Benghazi and other stupid things? No matter who gets elected, she’s going to have that on her plate, period.
Remember, her snubbed her from Day One. It’s not the mess. Sorry I wasn’t more clear. It’s the utter contempt. The mess sticks it in further and twists it.
So, you mean he’s treating Clintoon like he treats everyone else in the US who’s not a part of his inner circle? And exactly like Ms. Clintoon treats everyone who’s not a personal friend?
Say it isn’t so!
Pretty much, yes. I wouldn’t have that job on a platter after he leaves.
All Marines hold the umbrella for all the other Presidents, do a fact check before talking.
The video clip of the Marine holding the umbrella, discussed here on TAH before, is the one outside the White House where Obama was holding a press conference in the rain. It could easily have been held indoors. Having a Marine hold an umbrella over the President as he exits an aircraft is an extended courtesy; using a Marine as an awning while giving a speech is a matter of contempt. Sometimes things are a matter of context.
If the WAPOops research on the voting trends is as good as their research of what military communities are in NC, I’m not too worried.
Having flown out of Seymour-Johnson (Goldsboro) for 5 years, I’ve heard of the 4th Fighter Wing and the 916th Air Refueling Wing, but not the 4th Striker Wing. I didn’t even know the striker could fly.
Cobra, it’s my understanding that they are in fact capable of flight but usually in the cargo hold of something much larger and with better designed aerial dynamics.
If you strap a big enough rocket motor to it – or set off a big enough bang next to it – anything can fly.
Temporarily. (smile)
Haven’t you ever seen those flying trucks from the early days of aviation, Cobrakai99?
The post has become another crack-pot rag on meth Lol…
I wonder how many of the military votes will be counted in the NC and how many will be in the absentee ballot totals of their home of record state? That thought may create enough of a difference to give it some serious consideration.
And while on active duty I voted absentee back in my home of record state(Ohio).
Sadly many active military are removed from politics because they are busy doing important things. I wish they’d be more in the loop than they are, but in reality they make up such a insignificant minority of the population that politicians don’t care about their vote anyway.
Now, it turns out that Hillzy was letting her main, a Filipino immigrant, print classified material for her. The NY Post reports that “Clinton entrusted far more than the care of her DC residence, known as Whitehaven, to Santos. She expected the Filipino immigrant to handle state secrets, further opening the Democratic presidential nominee to criticism that she played fast and loose with national security”.
Marina “Santos also had access to a highly secure room called an SCIF (sensitive compartmented information facility) that diplomatic security agents set up at Whitehaven, according to FBI notes from an interview with Abedin.
From within the SCIF, Santos — who had no clearance — “collected documents from the secure facsimile machine for Clinton,” the FBI notes revealed”.
Maid, not main. Fat Finger Syndrome strikes again.
Check here tomorrow AM. (smile)
Her maid? That’s a paid slave, a servant. White haven indeed.
SINCE WHEN has the gist of any campaign speech from Hitlery Rotten Cankles been anything other than “I AM Queen Clinton, vote for me and grovel in my presence, PEASANTS!!!”
Kind of makes you wonder…those military peeps who love hillie………who ties their shoe laces in the morning?