Yer Monday Funny: Where’s the Beef?
That’s precisely what one Chick-Fil-A restaurant wants to know. Seems theirs is missing.
Arizona Chick-Fil-A searching for stolen 24-foot inflatable cow
The Hamburgler, Burger King, and Wendy could not be reached for comment. (smile)
Category: Pointless blather, Who knows
It won’t let me open the link it says it’s invalid
Try it again – there was a problem with the original link (some extra characters that shouldn’t have been there), but it’s fixed now.
I’d start with the local frat houses…
Somewhere….someplace, IDC SARC is enjoying a boozy post coital snuggling session. 😀 😀 😀 😀
Inflatable – check.
Female – check.
Yeah, IDC-SARC has to be involved somehow.
Exactly ??
I have a feeling when the cow shows up again it’s going to look different
In more ways in one Lol
I think that the Democrat National Party stole it to use as a substitute for Hillary Clinton at her next public appearance.
Vote moar offen…
Nah, people might notice when the giant cow balloon starts making more sense than Hildabeast ever has…
Isn’t cattle rustling still a capital offence in Arizona? I know it is if the Regulators beat the cops to the rustlers. Lots of cases in southern Arizona where an empty cattle truck is found in the brush with signs of a violent struggle there abouts..
“Where’s the Beef?”
In Phildo’s ass.
This week’s episode of Hardcore Pawn ought to be interesting. Can’t you just imagine a dude named Reister showing up with, of all things, an inflatable cow oozing with fresh juices running out the rectum?
“Hey, Dave and a few others sent me here!”
Hey, MAYBE it was being “rescued” by some PETA types?
In real life, I’d suspect it was some fraternity prank.
Hey! Don’t count the dorm rats out entirely. That’s where the Animal Science Club’s 3 ft., plaster Holstein wound up until repatriated.
The question is will they hang onto until it’s no longer hot (seven years?), put it up prematurely and get busted like the punks who steal tents from funeral homes and take them to the beach, or give it back for a free year of chicken?
I guess the chickens at Chick-Fil-A were sick of the cows telling us humans to Eat Mor Chikin and decided to enact revenge.
As for me, the only meat I prepare at home is pork. Screw chicken.
That reminds me of a great dirty joke about a guy in a whorehouse with a chicken, but since this site is Rated PG, I will refrain from posting it.
“This is the only 24-foot inflatable cow in the state of Arizona, so we’re definitely down,” Thomas says.
No shit?
No chance someone tried to make it into Carne Asada burritos?
Maybe since the FAA won’t let Daniel Bernath behind the controls of an airplane, he is seeking alternate transportation.
Anyone know where Hillary is right now?
Don’t know where. But I know what. Some crock about pneumonia prior to her fall. How convenient. Seems legit. Or not …
I could not help but think of Hillary when reading about a “big ole cow”.
I’m thinking that the creepy new Colonel Sanders may have had something to do with this.
The most recent actor to wear the white suit of Colonel Sanders is retired Marine LtCol Rob Riggle.
Someone is going to inflate it with helium and cause a NOTAM.
Believe it or not, almost 40 years ago something like that actually happened.
Except it was a 40-foot flying pig, not a cow.
I’m dead serious.
I couldn’t make sh!t like this up if I tried. No one would believe it. (smile)
That. Was. Great.
And it involved Pink Floyd…
Wow. Just wow.
Frat Boy on Phone: We got your cow.
CFA Corporate Headquarters: What’s your price?
Frat Boy: 1000 candy bars and an ounce of the finest.
CFA: Finest what?
Frat Boy: You know.
CFA: OK, I know.
Frat: You notify the cops and the cow gets it.
CFA: Understood.
Michelin Man apprehended in nearby parking lot covered in bits of inflatable cow. When questioned by investigators he said, “that cow had some nice lobster and I could not control myself”. Investigator asked what he meant by “lobster” and the Michelin Man replied, “all the meat was in the rear”.
The cow jumped over the moon