Kristian Saucier thinks he’s Hillary Clinton
My inbox is filling up with this story. Personally, I think this guy’s lawyer is a moron for politicizing this case. Saucier used to be a Machinist Mate 1st Class on the sub USS Alexandria. He took pictures of some classified stuff and kept the pictures even though he knew he shouldn’t have them. He was busted last year and we talked about him then.
Well, now his lawyer thinks that claiming the Hillary Clinton defense should work for his client, according to Politico;
The defense and prosecutors agree that sentencing guidelines in the case call for a prison term of 63 to 78 months, but defense attorney Derrick Hogan cited the treatment of Clinton as he argued in a filing last week that Saucier should get probation instead.
“Democratic Presidential Candidate and former Secretary of State Hilary [sic] Clinton…has come under scrutiny for engaging in acts similar to Mr. Saucier,” Hogan wrote. He noted that FBI Director James Comey said 110 emails in 52 email chains in Clinton’s account contained information deemed classified at the time, including eight chains with “top secret” information and 36 with “secret” information.
Anyone who thinks that the rest of us will be treated like a Clinton haven’t paying attention for the last twenty years. I’m not saying it’s right, I’m just saying that’s the way it is. Anyone who is caught doing something wrong should be punished. Period. Anyone. The schoolyard excuse “He did it, too” doesn’t work in the real world. Just because a prosecutor can’t summon the testicular fortitude to prosecute a Clinton, that doesn’t mean that everyone else gets a pass, too. That would require someone to change the law.
Category: Dumbass Bullshit
What an idiot. A sub sailor, E-6 which would indicate he had, probably 6-12 years service (maybe more if stuck at E-6), taking pictures of classified items on a submarine? He doesn’t get a pass, regardless of how wideload’s case was handled. His career is over and he will probably go to prison. I have difficulty believing there are those this stupid, but he’s living proof. What an absolute idiot. He deserves prison. Jeez …
What IS the fascination with unceasing, unthinking photography? Particularly incriminating and/or compromising photos? Geez, doesn’t anybody realize that stuff is FOREVER now?
I agree. The idiot deserves prison.
So does that piece of shit, Clinton.
We’re right on the edge of having to face up to the Rule of Law being dead and gone.
Rules for Thee, but not for Me, ain’t gonna cut it.
So, in an effort to put off the necessary mass slaughter that’s coming at us, one way or another, I’m all for defense attorneys hammering this issue to the ground.
If that lying, thieving, probably murdering, treasonous cunt and play it, so can anyone else.
I’m with you…
The #Benghazibitch deserves a rope necklace…
I agree, what this idiot did was wrong, and he should be punished like anyone else who did something similar.
But I’m glad his lawyer is using this defense. The double standard needs to be pointed out to the general public. Every person who is accused of anything related to misuse of classified information should be employing the Clinton Defense. Maybe eventually someone with the authority will realize that even Hillary should not have been able to use the Clinton defense (Sheer stupidity and incompetence).
Whatever happened to the Fat Leonard folks??
“The wheels of justice turn slowly, but grind exceedingly fine.”
Last word was that the investigation continues. A number of Flag Officers are reportedly under investigation.
I can truly vouch and state that the whole Glenn Defense Marine situation was touched off by one of the benefactors:
You had the Goat Locker on the Denver funnelling money for various nefarious purposes. GMA was discovered on top of it.
Oh, and they were going to let the email thin go – it took someone leaking those emails to prevent the full honors they wanted to give this SOB
The big issue wasn’t so much the pics themselves but the lying and trying to destroy the evidence afterwards.
Submarine engineering spaces are Confidential–NOFORN. And frankly, that classification is back from when Rickover slapped that classification on all NNPI material back in the 60s.
I can see pics of Maneuvering being classified, but the ER itself? Meh.
Even that being said, yes, he should have gotten a mast, lost his fish and nuke, but 5-10 years in prison? Sorry, bit excessive.
Twinkie Defense.
The Chewbacca Defense might work better.
A lawyer is paid to try anything to get his client a lighter sentence. He should have to take his BAR again for throwing up this Hail Mary, however.
I love the irony and watching the progressives squirm…
Next Saucier should come out as gay or muslims and demand special treatment.
Or….wanting a sex change operation while in prison. I.e. Chelsea Manning.
I don’t defend what Saucier did, but I don’t blame him one bit for raising the “Clinton defense” to try to mitigate his sentence. The same DOJ that is trying to nail Saucier to a wall gave Clinton a free pass for much more egregious security violations, IMHO. If I was Saucier’s lawyer, I’d be doing the same thing, and I expect to see the same in the future in security-related cases. (Especially if Clinton gets elected POTUS…)
Yep. The only thing that surprises me about this is the fact that it happened prior to the election. I’d have guessed it wouldn’t happen until afterwards.
“He did it too” is actually how the law works – Legal Precedent is what it is called. THere has to be consequences to actions – and this should be the consequence for Obama letting the Shrill walk.
Yeah he forgot to grease the wheels. He needed to give large donations to Obama and Clinton years ago. That way they could give him a pass.
I’m more and more convinced that effing common sense left the building the day the music died.
No, this doesn’t pass the smell test, even if he throws his hands in the air over it. He’s a moron. Nail him.
(Of course, he’ll start that whole conspiracy business afresh now. Deja vu all over again.)
TDTMD – 3 Feb 59.
Who could ever forget that?
Probably won’t work.
But I will be the first on cheering my ass off if it does.
I think this lawyer is doing whatever he can to get his client the best sentence possible. The lawyer knows he can’t defend him, so is looking for anything to help his case.
Was the guy wrong for taking the pictures? Yep, he was. Is it similar to what Hillary did with her email debacle, yep.
Both should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
His crime is “a single felony charge of retaining national defense information without permission.” The better case to have used, but it’s dated, was that of Sandy Berger, no less than BJ Clinton’s National Security poo-bah. He took some classified docs, stuffed them down his pants and then lied to investigators. That earned him a 50K fine, probation, and 100 hrs of community service. (I like to think the community service was to clean a public-access shithouse in a very busy gov’t building. if you know, don’t ruin my fantasy.)
But at least Berger left us with one of the great parody songs of all time.
“Five little years for a lying Saucier“…sorry, it just can’t compare.
2/17, yea, that’s a better defense, but if you are a lawyer, what would help your client more? An obscure case the public probably does not remember, or one that’s been front page news the last 6 months.
I’m not a betting man, nor a lawyer, but option 2 sounds like the better one to use as an example.
Regardless, the sailor was a dumbass I’m the first place. I used to be a 13N Lance Missle Crewmember, but that MOS had a TS Clearance level and even I never took any pictures of anything but the track. Hell, there really isn’t a lot of Lance Pictures on the net because of the Clearence. The ones that are out there were de-classified test shots and stuff even now almost 20 years after they were put out to pasture.
He’s not Hillary Clinton.
He volunteered to serve his country.
Hillary told a self-serving story about how she tried to serve her country but one USMC recruiter single-handedly killed that sincere determination to serve.
Saucier is a hundred times more of an American than Hillary Clinton.
Oddly enough, had Hillary been given the chance to serve the Corps probably would have drummed her out or forced resignation for the dumb shit she would’ve tried. Had that happened, she may not have gotten into politics.
We can dream, can’t we?
It won’t work. First, he talked to NCIS, command, FBI, etal, without benefit of a phalanx of high priced DC Lawyers. Second, he should have claimed that he had hit his heat on a hatch coaming and that he does not recall any of the actions that may or may not have occurred during the time that he does not remember being in the Navy. And third, he allowed the authorities to record his statements to be used against him. See first issue, ref. Phalanx of lawyers. He is Fucked, and that is as it should be.
“None of them were marked ‘classified'”
Plain and simple.
Of course he should be punished — as should anyone and everyone for breaking those rules.
But I want every idiot that breaks classification rules to use the Clinton defense.
Clinton, Obama, the Dems, the FBI, and Justice need to have their corruption rubbed in their faces all the time. And every conviction for someone else will simply emphasize their corruption and cronyism.