Ya gotta love this…

| July 30, 2016

The New York Post has absolutely nailed the Hillary coronation with this very funny cover:

New Yorl Post headline

Whatta gracious gesture, waiving her usual speaking fee. Trust me, if we let her get into the White House, she’ll be raking that much in for her “charitable foundation” on a daily basis.

Category: Politics

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Depending on what pollsters you look at, either shrillary is ahead or Trump is ahead. I think this is going to be right down to the wire this time. I do expect to see a lot of bad mouthing going on, worse than before, but that’s our politics, ain’t it?


I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t believe any of the polls. They all seem politicized to me.

Remember the exit polls back in 2004? They were all saying that Kerry was ahead. I think they were bold faced lies meant to turn voters away etc.

Then how many times have pollsters been “surprised” when their polls turned out to be total bullshit.

Yeah, polls. *spit*

The only poll that counts is the one on Election Day in November.


We had a similar experience here in MN back in the 90’s when Jesse Ventura ran for Gov. The polls of course said that Ventura didn’t have a shot compared to the establishment candidates.

Come election day there was a huge turnout, more people that don’t normally vote came out. I think the pollsters don’t talk to traditional non-voters. So in a poll of registered voters, sure he didn’t stand a chance. But among a group of people that don’t normally vote (teens, bikers, etc.).

As the polls have shown for Trump so far, they are wildly disconnected with the truth. I mean, if you read the polls/news media , he would have been out of the running year, never would have won a primary, then would have been ousted at the RNC, blah, blah, blah.

A Proud Infidel®™

Hell, just look at the polls they released prior to the Brexit that “said” Great Britain was gonna vote to stay in by about a ten point margin, FUCK the polls, I see the vast majority of them as pro-Hitlery propaganda.


I have a sneaking suspicion there’s a lot of people out there who are, -or who are thinking about- voting for Trump, but are afraid to admit it.

Some may be embarrassed by all the bad press or just by their friends who love #NeverTrump.


That’s been studied before and proven, especially when exit polls don’t match the actual poll numbers. There’s a belief that people want to appear a certain way to the poll taker. With Trump labeled a racist and anti-immigrant, do you think a Hispanic poll taker is going to get accurate results?

Infidel is totally right. Polls are pointless. There’s only one poll that matters and it’s on Tuesday in November!

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Well, she has another “hacking problem”… her campaign info was hacked!


Guess Hill and the donks don’t know shit about cybersecurity… and Boris probably is holding all of the “cards” on Cankles!


I think that it’s the hackers responding to her contention that her account when she was at State wasn’t hacked.

A nice little “fuck you very much, Hillary” gift from the black hats.


Hillzy and the dems are too cheap to even buy the latest version of Norton. Hacking them is so easy, even a 12 year old can do it.


And, there are probably a thousand 12-year-old Anonymous wannabes who have tried, much less all the people who actually have skills.

A Proud Infidel®™

It’s been said that the FBI tried to warn the Klintoon Campaign about it and they were ignored. I’m sure they’re working on rigging the Electoral Vote even harder than they did rigging the primaries!

2/17 Air Cav

Wide Load to Trump: “You’re a dick!”

Trump to Wide load: “You have a dick!”

Wide load: “Oh yeah?”

Trump: “Yeah.”

And that about sums up the level of exchange between the two candidates about now.

A Proud Infidel®™

RUMORED to have been overheard off camera:

Huma: Hillary, let me be frank with you…

Hitlery: HELL NO!! It’s MY TURN to be Frank tonight!!!



Leave it to the NYPOST


WJC’s speaking fees was reportedly around 150K before Hills became Secy Of State, once HRC became top diplomat…boom Bill was commanding 3 to 5 times his usual amount. If the Clintons reoccupy the WH, 200K will only get you into the WH bathrooms.

2/17 Air Cav

Right. I forgot about the rent-a-room project the Clintons ran and all the stuff that came up missing when they exited.

2/17 Air Cav

“And this, Madam President, is where your husband put that famous cigar in an intern’s twat. And over hear is the very chair in which he liked to sit for his blowjobs. Brings back memories, doesn’t it?”

Green Thumb

She should have taken it and donated it to a charity.

Common sense.

sgt. vaarkman 27-48th TFW

neither of these 2 candidates are worthy of being POTUS as is the current POTUS and the 2 before him….face it we the people are screwed again/still
The late great USA thanks to politicians, political correctness & lawyers, they are scourge of the people


If the Chairman of the DNC had any cojones (figuratively speaking; yeah, I know she literally doesn’t), she’d have told Clintoon: “Speaking fee? Oh, we’ll just deduct your ‘speaking fee’ from the amount you owe us for rigging the nomination to ensure you got nominated. Talk to ya later, Hill.”

A Proud Infidel®™


I give it a rating of FIVE out of a possible FIVE COCONUTS!


What does everybody think of this Khizr Khan thing?

Short version: Muslim CPT dies a hero in Iraq, dad (Khizr) criticizes Trump at DNC, Trump shoots back in Trumpist fashion later, Democrats scold him for insulting Gold Star families.

My thoughts? Democrats are scum. Trump’s comments were stupid, as usual, but the Dems used this guy as a political prop and they never give a fuck about any other Gold Star fams. It’s fucking funny that they’re trying to start now.

Just like it was funny when they started standing up for John McCain. Trump’s comments were totally idiotic, but now you give a fuck about vets and POWs? Don’t think Hanoi Jane gave a rats ass about them when she posed on their weaponry that sent a lot of good men to their deaths.

It ought to be a law that if you use dead American heroes and their families to make a political point, you should be fed to feral dogs. Fuck these people.


Poetrooper speaks for me, again.

USMCMSgt (Ret)

Well, the Republican nominee oftentimes has Trumpertantrums – which explains why he says stupid sh*t quite often.

He could recover by saying that he never discredited the service of Muslims who were legally in the country or who became U.S. citizens (presuming the Khan family were American citizens).

Naturally, the DNC had to use someone that was willing to make comments that were emotionally charged and the crowd lit up because of it… but did so without having all the facts.

I think most folks know the left doesn’t give a rats ass about the military. Shrillary has made that pretty evident in the past.


No doubt in my mind that if the bitch of Benghazi is elected we can expect many of the freedoms and rights we take for granted are history.
The Second Amendment is toast and on top of all the bullshit that oblowme has attached to it we can expect to completely lose that God Given Right to personal self defense.
If that does happen one can expect to see a huge increase in the amount of turmoil and chaos in the streets of America. I pray that it doesn’t happen, but I can see it happening…
This is the biggest election of my lifetime and never before have the stakes been so high.

James N Q8

I was at the “WOODPILE” a couple days ago and saw this,

Liberty’s Torch – The Deep State, the militarization of state and local police forces and large parts of the federal bureaucracy, and the rise of a political class that believes itself entitled to power has rigged the game such that it cannot be defeated by any nonviolent means; have put an end to that aspect of the American creed. Freedom as our grandfathers spoke of it is dead. For practical purposes, every assertion of a right can be nullified by an assertion of “compelling government interest.” For any “right to vote” fans in the audience, that’s been reduced to a farce by vote fraud, voter intimidation, and the casting of ballots by millions of illegal aliens. But do go ahead if it makes you happy. Just remember that I’ve said it: We’re not voting our way out of this.
I’m Afraid Ol Remus is right on target !


and think of how many times she spoken….